Dart Master

Chapter 642

Chapter 642
When we came back, the soldiers on both sides were sitting together and talking about family affairs. After all, the Bai family and the Yan family are adjacent. Many soldiers were relatives or neighbors before they joined the army. There is a trace of hostility.

When Ye Jianchao saw the scene where the soldiers of the two sides were drinking and chatting happily, his heart felt warm.

"King Qin!"


When the soldiers saw us, they all looked over expectantly.After all, the result of our competition is related to their life and death.

"Brothers, your general has won, let's go." I smiled lightly, without any embarrassment because of the loss, and my expression was calm as usual.

None of the generals was happy, everyone had a look of fear on their faces, they knew very well that if they stayed with me, even if they were captives, they might still have a chance to survive, everyone knew that I, Qin Wushang, was a benevolent lord, and looking at From Bai Chong's attitude towards them, he knew that if he surrendered, there would probably be a way out.

But if they go back, even if Yan Lei doesn't kill them, sooner or later they will be harmed by trash like Yan Lei. These days they have suffered all the anger from that incompetent guy.

Ye Jianchao looked at the pair of eyes below, and he was a little confused. Is it his own loyalty that is important, or the lives of his brothers?

As long as he gives an order, what awaits them may be death, or a bright future. Loyalty seems so selfish and pale.

"Brothers, your fate is in your own hands. Right now we have two paths. One is to return to the army, and the other is to return to the Ming Lord, King Qin. You can choose for yourself." Ye Jianchao gritted his teeth, and finally put his selfish "Loyalty" was shattered.

Several confidantes glanced at each other, saw that I was peaceful and upright, and immediately shouted: "We are all willing to surrender to the King of Qin."

Ye Jianchao nodded, turned around slowly, and suddenly knelt down on one knee: "The last general, Ye Jianchao, is willing to surrender to the King of Qin. He will lead the horse and pedal, and go through fire and water. He will do whatever he wants."

I was overjoyed in my heart, and laughed out loud, but my injuries were affected again, my eyes went dark, and I passed out.

Ye Jianchao's mace was too ruthless, he had no vitality, and with pure brute force, he couldn't resist it at all.

When I woke up, the generals were still in the grove. Without my instructions, they didn't know what to do next, so they could only wait for me to wake up.

I opened my eyes, and there was no abnormality in my whole body, without the slightest pain or trauma to my meridians, presumably this body has a strong self-healing ability.

The reason why I lost to Ye Jianchao was not that my body was weak, but that I lacked vitality and my cultivation level was far behind.

"King Qin, it's all my fault for taking too much action, please Qin Wushang forgive me." Ye Jianchao knelt down on one knee with shame on his face when he saw that I was injured and fainted.

I quickly helped him up, "General Ye, don't blame yourself. I'm fine. Whether General Ye can win the Yan army and the Yan base now depends entirely on you."

I inquired carefully, and most of the generals of the Yan army outside are subordinates of Ye Jianchao, and he still has some status in the Yan family as the vanguard general of the East Conquest, which is why he didn't want to surrender me at the beginning.If it wasn't because of a villain like Yan Lei, how could I have won the commanding general.

I discussed the countermeasures with Ye Jianchao, and someone kidnapped me and Shaotian, making Bai Chong return to the camp in Hu Town an hour later.

Ye Jianchao and all the generals escorted Shaotian and me to the Chinese army tent in Yanlei. I was actually taking a risk and betting on Ye Jianchao's character.

If he is a villain who reneges on his promises, I will fall into his hands, not to mention that I am not capable of fighting among thousands of armies before, let alone now.

Of course, I still believed in him in my heart. When I arrived at the big tent, Yan Lei had already ordered the swordsmen to guard the outside of the big tent, as if he wanted to deal with someone.

"See Yan Shuai, the enemy generals Qin Wushang and Jin Shaotian have been captured by us." Ye Jianchao stepped forward and shouted awe-inspiringly.

Yan Lei was overjoyed when he heard that, and said repeatedly: "Great contribution, great contribution, I never dreamed that this commander would catch Qin Wushang, someone is here, bring Qin Wushang and the two thieves here."

I walked into the big tent with the generals, and saw this incompetent young master Lei.

Yan Lei is fair and clean, wearing a brocade robe and cloak, his hair is combed extremely neatly, and exudes an aura of wealth and nobility, but his face is tinged with blue, and he looks like a drunken prodigal son.

Seeing me, Yan Lei didn't dare to get too close, as if looking at a rare treasure, he was very nervous and excited.

"You, you are Qin Wushang?" He couldn't help asking when he saw that I was imposing, exuding arrogance from my whole body, like a mountain.

I nodded: "Of course, this king is Qin Wushang."

"It is said in the Xuanmen that you have three heads and six arms, and the ability to overwhelm the rivers and seas. This young master sees you, and it seems that the rumors of the Xuanmen are all false."

Yan Lei made a big case, and said happily: "Here comes someone, let all the generals get in, let them all see the majesty of this commander."

Ye Jianchao and the others were all angry, and Yan Lei didn't mention any credit for them at this moment, which shows that their choice at the beginning was correct. This person is a greedy person. There is no peace.

More than a dozen generals in the army all went to the big tent of the Chinese army. When they saw me, they had no fear on their faces. They all praised me secretly.

"Generals, this young master came to the battlefield in person this time, and for the first time captured our Yan family army's number one enemy, Qin Wushang, this is the heaven that protects our Yan family and protects this young master, which shows that this young master really has an army in command. Talented people are blessed by heaven." Yan Lei held his head high and puffed up his chest, talking boastfully, his words were so arrogant that he didn't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth.

All the generals knew that he was just an idiot, and all their eyes fell on Ye Jianchao. They all knew that Ye Jianchao had arrested me, but Yan Lei didn't mention their chief general, and just blindly claimed credit, which made him extremely dissatisfied.

Yan Lei saw that after blowing for a long time, all the generals were dumb, they didn't even say a word of congratulations, they felt very boring, and they were still a little annoyed.

"General Ye, it looks like you are dissatisfied with this commander?" Yan Lei asked with his brows darkened.

If Ye Jianchao had been in the past, he might have had to take a beating, but today he didn't care, and smiled coldly: "Yes, the commander is wise and martial, invincible in the world, and his subordinates admire him very much."

Yan Lei saw Ye Jianchao's rare agreement with him, regardless of whether there was a hint of ridicule in it, he immediately burst into laughter: "General Ye understands people, understands me, understands me."

Speaking of this, he waved his hand, "Where is the swordsman!"

The knife and ax hands outside the big tent walked into the big tent, and the bright ghost knife shook people's eyes.

"Behead Qin Wushang, I want to take his head to Penglai Pavilion, so that the old man will have a long face." Yan Lei waved his hands and shouted.

All the generals below were dumbfounded, what kind of person is Qin Wushang, how can he just cut him off, Yan Lei must be crazy.

The swordsmen are all his men, and of course there are several generals who have already secretly surrendered to Yan Lei for the sake of fame and fortune, and immediately shouted: "Why are you still standing there, haven't you heard the order of the young master? Kill Qin No injuries."

The swordsman does the work for whoever feeds him, and he will come to pull me right away.

I have not made a sound or resisted, because I deliberately let Yan Lei go wild, and completely cut off Ye Jianchao's idea of ​​returning to Yan's house.Of course, I know better that Ye is the one who really works here.

If he pretends to be deaf and dumb, I will definitely take his life. If he really surrenders, then it is time to speak.

Ye Jianchao did not disappoint me, he uttered a thunderous shout: "I see who dares?"

Yan Lei's face darkened: "Ye Jianchao, you dare to disobey the commander's order, are you trying to rebel?"

Ye Jianchao said coldly: "The king of Qin is the proud son of heaven, the god of destiny, the benevolent king and the lord. Yan Lei, what kind of bastard are you? You are vain and incompetent. How dare you insult the king of Qin?"

Every time he said a word, he took a step forward. Yan Lei realized that something was wrong, and stepped back again and again, shouting: "Ye Jianchao, you want to rebel?"

"It's not that Ye Mou wants to rebel, it's because you are deceiving people too much. All the generals are the pillars of the country, heroes and heroes, how can they be enraged by a picky person like you."

"Generals, Qin Wang Renyi is the master of understanding. We will turn against this bird today."

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and take down these rebels." Yan Lei shouted loudly.

Immediately, several generals drew their sabers and were about to attack. Shaotian and I shook off the ropes on our bodies at the same time. With a flick of his wrist, Shaotian was covered in golden light, and the golden halberd appeared in the palm of his hand. According to one of the generals, he pierced his heart. cold.

Although these generals are somewhat cultivated, compared with Shaotian, even their master Yan Donglou may not be able to defeat them, so killing them is naturally a no-brainer.

(End of this chapter)

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