Dart Master

Chapter 656 Immortal Art is Difficult to Repair

Chapter 656 Immortal Art is Difficult to Repair
When Dou Yue heard that he was going to kill him, her face turned pale with fright, and she immediately said: "Yes, as long as your lord doesn't kill me, how much money do you want, I am willing to give you all his money."

Zhou Junchen was furious. He did hide all the money in the tofu workshop, because almost no one knew his relationship with Dou Yue, so it was undoubtedly safe for him to hide the money there.

"Bitch, if you dare to speak nonsense, I'll cut off your tongue." Zhou Junchen slapped the table and said angrily.

"Tell me, where is the money hidden?" Feng Shun continued to press.

Dou Yue quickly revealed the place where the money was hidden, and Fengshun immediately sent someone to the tofu workshop to pick it up. Not long after, a few workers brought in a few redwood boxes.

As soon as the box was opened, there were pearls, emeralds and other jade articles, jewelry, various rare treasures, money tickets and so on.

"Boss, I've checked it out, and when it's converted, it's a full 300 million taels of black gold." The accountant at the side said after counting.

Good guy, it's really powerful, 300 million taels of ujin is enough to support an army for half a year, and enough to purchase equipment for an army of [-] people.

When Zhou Junchen saw that his wife had confessed all the family fortune he had accumulated for most of his life, he immediately roared in rage.

"Feng Shun, what exactly do you want?"

Fengshun snapped his fingers, and the accountant immediately asked someone to take the money down, Zhou Junchen shouted angrily, he knew that he had fallen into a pit, since the other party dared to swallow his money, they did not intend to let him live gone back.

In fact, in Taoism, there are a lot of black and white, all kinds of calculations, but I have always been benevolent and righteous, and I rarely kill my opponents.But Fengshun was different, he followed Jin Yan in Xuanmen and he was considered an old Jianghu. Since Zhou Junchen was going to be cleaned up, he would naturally clean it up.

"Fengshun, you are so bold. I am the head of the prison in Penglai City. The dignitaries of all parties usually give way to me when they see me. You are so bold, aren't you afraid of death?" Zhou Junchen was still posing Prestige, trying to intimidate Fengshun with official prestige and prison.

"Master Zhou, if your method is useful to others, but we don't follow it." I flicked the cigarette ash and said calmly.

Zhou Junchen pointed at me, surprised and fearful: "Who are you, who are you?"

"Master Zhou, I need to introduce you, this is the world-renowned God of Mandate Jiangdong Qin King who is unparalleled in kindness and righteousness." Feng Shun proudly introduced.

"Qin Wushang!" Zhou Junchen called out my name in fear.

He fully understood, not to mention him, even Yan Xiaotian might not be able to scare me, this time he was really screwed.

"The villain is blind and doesn't know King Qin, please forgive me." Zhou Junchen knelt down with a thud, not having the madness just now, since he can't scare him anymore, he should hurry up and beg for mercy.

"It's late!" Feng Shun flicked his wrist, his figure was like a ghost, he dodged to Zhou Junchen's side, and grabbed his throat.

But seeing a flash of cold light, Feng Shun returned to the original place, a line of blood appeared on Zhou Junchen's throat, Zhou Junchen groaned, his pupils dilated extremely.

The blood line erupted instantly, and the blood spurted out like a column. Zhou Junchen fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and died tragically on the spot.

Fengshun is a person who hides deeply, he is usually just a kind casino owner, but no one knows, he is also Jin Yan's most caring bodyguard before, and his cultivation level is also very good.

Looking at the blood all over the ground, my eyes were calm, and my heart was also cold.

I have been in Xuanmen for a long time, and I have experienced many hardships. I am used to seeing life and death, and I will no longer feel uneasy like before.

Fengshun found the banknotes from Zhou Junchen, put them away, and said with a cold snort: "Death is imminent, and I still want money."

I stubbed out the cigarette butt, turned around and walked out, Fengshun understood...

After a while, Fengshun came out, wiped the blood on the dagger, and said coldly: "King Qin, it's all settled."

I originally wanted to keep the tofu beauties, but as long as I keep them, it will have a great impact on Fengshun's casino. Zhou Junchen is dead. If Yan Xiaotian finds out, it will be extremely bad for Fengshun. Only dead people Will keep it a secret forever.

I nodded: "The child is innocent, so you adopt him, treat him well, and educate him carefully."

Feng Shun respectfully said: "Obey."

"By the way, Zhou Junchen must be considerate in dealing with the aftermath. It is not easy for you to gain a firm foothold in Penglai City, so don't make any mistakes." I warned.

Feng Shun said: "King Qin, don't worry, Zhou Junchen has many enemies, and his coming to the casino is extremely secret, no one will know. Even if the Yan family knows that I killed him, they will not do anything to me. Because the casino has a large sum of money every year. All the income has gone into the private treasury of Yan Xiaotian and his son, they won't do anything to me as the God of Wealth."

I patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "I don't worry about your work. I'll go to rest. If there is any news, please let me know immediately."

I went back to the bedroom, took out Master Hu's inner alchemy from the Qiankun bag, and stuck it between the eyebrows. The inner alchemy must not be directly integrated into Yintang, it must be refined in the alchemy furnace of Chiyun Great Immortal to have a greater effect.

I don't know how Chiyun Daxian made the so-called "golden pill", but there should be no more than two methods. The first one is to integrate Master Hu's inner alchemy into the alchemy furnace, and match him with natural materials Fusion of treasure refinement.The second is that he refines some kind of strange thing that can wrap the inner alchemy from the alchemy furnace, so that the inner alchemy not only has power, but also can be integrated into the human body to the greatest extent.

There is still no news about Immortal Chiyun, so I simply recalled the Penglai immortal method taught by Master Hu to open up the second dantian.

Due to the short time, Mr. Hu did not tell me the name and background of the immortal method in detail, but since it was passed down by the immortals in Penglai Island, it is natural that the method is not inferior to the Tianlong Dafa.

The cultivation of immortal methods is biased towards the orthodox Taoist school. Most of the Taoist methods in the world come from the sect of Sanqing. It is not known which immortal this method came from, but it is very obscure.

The circulation of qi and exercises in the second dantian are very different from traditional cultivation. I have been groping for about an hour, but I have only touched a little bit of the doorway. I learned to absorb the two qi of heaven and earth with Yintang.

This is due to the fact that Uncle Qi accidentally mentioned to me a kind of exercise from Yuxu's sect in the past. I heard a little about it at the time, and combined with my enlightenment, I got a little bit of it.

However, Uncle Qi said that if you want to learn about higher Taoism, you can look for Grandma Long at the foot of Longhu Mountain or the old Bagong who has disappeared from the Taoist sect.

When I went to Longhu Mountain last time, I deliberately and secretly searched for Grandma Long. Grandma Long had made an agreement with Uncle Qi that if there is any trouble in the future, I can seek immortality with her.

It's just that Longhu Mountain has undergone tremendous changes over the years, and it's very different from what Uncle Qi was back then.I don't know if the dragon mother-in-law is still alive, so I can't find it.

But Seventh Uncle's benefactor, Lao Bagong, is a dragon who sees the head but does not see the end. If he has cultivated to his level, if he is still alive, he may have already become a saint.

When he was in Wucheng, Feng Er asked a beggar to get a few precious green talismans from him.When I first entered the Yin Division, in Fengren Village, he also let Xiao Mimi bring a prophecy.

But since then, he has never heard any news from him again, and it may be very difficult to seek advice from these two people.

Combining a little of the method of Yuxu taught by Uncle Qi, after just practicing it, I feel clear and refreshed. Since the starting point of practicing immortal method is relatively high, I can only use it to refresh my mind, without the vitality of Dantian , Even if the Taishang Laojun taught me the method himself, I couldn't practice much.

"King Qin, King Qin!"

Fengshun knocked on the door, I knew there was probably some news, so I quickly opened the door and let him in.

Feng Shun said with joy on his face: "King Qin, there is news."

While talking, Fengshun took out a notebook from his pocket, which densely recorded the news reported by the spies.

"I asked my spies to search in the city according to your instructions. According to the report of the guards in the palace, Director Xu in the palace went out to purchase at noon today, and brought many people with him." Feng Shun said.

I know that he has many spies and subordinates in the city and the palace, so the news cannot be faked.

"Is there a question?" I asked, as palace purchasing of books was common.

"Director Xu is one of Yan Xiaotian's most trusted courtiers. He is responsible for the meals in the palace. I have investigated it. It has been almost a year. Director Xu has never been out of the palace. There must be something strange about him suddenly leaving the palace at this time." Feng By the way.

"You mean, Manager Xu secretly took Mr. Hu out of the palace?" I asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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