Dart Master

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Xiao Er's words were like a blow to my head, and I felt dizzy. Cai Wenlong mentioned to me that Xiao Qi was going to marry Mobei Tuoba Chong last time in Nanxu Mountain, but I didn't expect it. Yes everything will come so fast.

Cai Dongsheng has long wanted to completely "destroy" Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi is protected by the God of Water, and Cai Dongsheng dare not publicly murder her. However, from seizing power, under house arrest, to marrying Mobei now, it shows Cai Dongsheng's wolf ambition I can't hold back anymore, I have to make up my mind to clean Xiao Qi.

"Hey, in fact, no one in the entire Water God City is dissatisfied with the adults marrying away from Mobei, but what can we do? The affairs between the big shots are not something we ordinary people can ask. Besides, I heard that Tuoba Chong is also the number one hero. It's not a disgrace to Mr. Cai." Xiao Er sighed.

Deng Long became angry when he heard it, and he slapped the table angrily: "You bird man, you can't speak, how can Tuoba Chong, a shameless person, be worthy of Miss Cai's family."

"You're so rude. I'm just arguing for Mr. Cai, but you're playing tricks on me." Xiaoer is a local, and our accent doesn't sound like the voice of Jiangnan, so we are not afraid, and we started arguing. .

I hurriedly held down Deng Long, took out the broken Ujin, threw it on the table, smiled slightly, and pulled Deng Long to the door.

"Damn it, this bird man can't talk, I really want to beat him up." Seeing my displeasure, Deng Long muttered and cursed.

I know he is complaining about me. Many people in Jiangdong know that I have a close relationship with Cai Xiaoqi. Cai Xiaoqi is my friend. I have no right to ask who she will be with in the future, but I know her He definitely didn't want to go to Mobei.

When I was worried, I only heard the sound of gongs and trumpets, and a group of people rode tall horses and walked along the street by the river.

In front, soldiers of the Cai family were flying flags, hanging red flowers to clear the way, and the flags were marked with Tuoba.It was really a coincidence, I didn't expect that Tuoba Chong would actually come to welcome his relatives.

The soldiers of the Cai family cleared the way. Most of the riders had thick beards, bald heads, and braids behind their heads. They were all burly, sturdy and ferocious, and everyone had fierce eyes. They were obviously experts in Beimo Xuanmen.

The leader of the group of horses was a young general, but seeing this man with sword eyebrows and tiger eyes, he was heroic, his thick hair was coiled into more than a dozen furrows and draped behind his head, his shoulders and winged armor were tightly bound to his majestic body. The middle scimitar is encrusted with precious stones, endowing it with majesty and nobility.

The people from Mobei rode on horses, looking at the people in Jiangnan with arrogance, as if the people from Jiangnan were slaves of his Mobei Tuoba family.

A group of people joked in Mobei dialect as they walked. Although few people could understand what he was talking about, it was not difficult to see from their expressions that they looked down on people from the Taoist sect in the south of the Yangtze River.

In fact, this is because Cai Dongsheng has no backbone. He knows that Cai Xiaoqi has a very good relationship with me, and he is also a person who hates evil. He took the position of Patriarch. Naturally, he was afraid that I would raise troops to take the lead for Cai Xiaoqi, so he did not hesitate to fight with the Lu family. , and even the Tuoba family who are far away in Mobei have made friends, just to restrain me from the north to the south.

In a big family, the princes of one side make such small calculations all day long, and there are only members of the Cai family. No wonder their ancestor Cai Mao was beheaded for Cao Cao.

"These bird people smell like sheep and are extremely picky. They dare to laugh at me from the Taoist sect of China. It's not an exaggeration to cut them alive." Deng Long spat and cursed.

He walks in Xuanmen all the year round, but he can hear some Mobei dialect. I asked him what the barbarians in Mobei said. Deng Long told me that these guys are laughing at the smallness of Jiangnan people, but the watery women , and then naturally some foul language...

The Mobei barbarians are so rude, this time they have to come and never come back, I frowned.

Because of the influence of my seventh uncle's benevolence, no matter if I treat people, ghosts, or demons, as long as I have kindness in my heart, I will almost treat them equally. Whether it is Mobei, Jiangnan, Xichuan, or Jiangdong, I have always regarded them as Taoist beings, regardless of region. discriminate.

Originally, Jiangdong was the homeland of Taoism, and Jiangnan was even more talented and heroic. He never thought that he would be insulted by the barbarians in Mobei today. If he didn't let out such a tone, how could he be happy.

Thinking of this, I flexed my fingers and flicked a stream of vitality towards the forehead of the most laughing bald lady among them.

I didn't choose the leading general, because this person has a very high level of cultivation, and his kung fu practice has become a fire, if he doesn't fight hard, I'm afraid he won't be able to hurt him.

"Hey!" Bald Piao was laughing vigorously, and got a sudden hit on the forehead, as if struck by lightning, he fell off his horse, touched his brain, bleeding profusely, and immediately screamed.

The people who watched the excitement were also extremely displeased with this group of Mobei people, and they all applauded.

Mobei people are also thorns, used to being arrogant, they don't care who did it when they get off their horses, they beat anyone they catch.Even the waiter in the Taoist sect was more or less self-cultivated, and for a while there was a lot of noise and chatter on the street.

The fight quickly alarmed the city defense forbidden army. When the forbidden army came, it was naturally a distinguished guest heading towards Mobei, and immediately detained all the people involved in the dispute, and Deng Long and I were no exception.

I didn't leave. Firstly, I wanted to take the opportunity to see how the imperial guards in the city are controlled. Second, there are thousands of imperial guards in this city. I don't want to be wanted all over the city because of a trivial matter.

When they arrived at the Forbidden Army Yamen in Water God City, the people from Mobei were naturally fine, and they were immediately taken to the inner city by the people from Jingzhou Prefecture.

Cai Dongsheng's subordinates are also mostly greedy people. Anyone who fights is paid 50 taels of Ujin per person. Those who are rich can leave after finding someone to guarantee and pay the money. Those who have no money will be miserable. The beating was so severe that the flesh was torn apart, and only then was he released.

For a moment, the Imperial Army Yamen was full of curses.

Seeing all this, I was secretly happy. Cai Dongsheng's behavior was unpopular, and my chances of instigating a coup d'état this time were much greater.

Just imagine if he is a hero like Murong Yu and has means, who can take advantage of his Cai family?
The Forbidden Army is the lifeline of a city, and they can be so corrupt, and only Cai Dongsheng is such a "capable person".

"Wang Wang, come here." When it was my turn, two soldiers pushed me over.

"Is there someone protecting you?" the chief of the forbidden army on duty asked lazily without looking up, with a routine look.

Zhang Wang is my pseudonym. There really is a rice merchant named Zhang Wang in the Jiangbei area, but his property has already been bought by Bai Chaoyang, and he has become a quartermaster in Wangcheng logistics.

It is more appropriate for me to use his identity this time.

Deng Long and I looked at each other, took out the money ticket from our pocket and handed it over, "We are businessmen from other places, just passing by, Mr. Jun, please accommodate me."

The man collected the money, I thought I could leave, but I never thought that with a wave of his hand, several forbidden soldiers surrounded me. From the smirks on the faces of these people, I knew that these guys wanted to blackmail me. Foreign merchants, please cheat more.

I originally thought that corruption and looting were prevalent in the government offices of the Forbidden Army, but I didn't expect them to be so shameless.

"Hey, what do you mean, you won't let him go after taking the money?" Deng Long shouted dissatisfied.

The director smiled and said, "When you enter our Imperial Army's yamen, I have the final say. Haven't you seen the rules? Pay money, guarantor, do you have a guarantor?"

"Who says they don't have a guarantor?" With a loud shout, a fat man in a brocade robe walked in with his head held high.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Li? What kind of wind brought you here." The head of the yamen stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Zhang Si, these two are merchants from Jiangbei, and they are my friends. I don't know if I can guarantee it?" Li Hu asked with a friendly smile.

I know that he is probably a hidden pawn placed by Jin Yan in the Cai family. Bai Chaoyang and Jin Yan have created a huge business chain network, and they are scattered all over the place to do business. In fact, they are Wangcheng's spies, eyeliners, and Jiangdong envoy strongholds.

"Of course, of course, with Lord Li as the guarantee, even the commander of the imperial army has to release him." The director smiled happily.

"At another day, I will pay a private visit to the director again, and I will leave." Li Hu cupped his hands.

The two of us followed Li Hu to the most prosperous Xiuchun Street in Cai's outer city. There are restaurants, casinos, and taverns everywhere, crowded with people, and it is extremely lively.

Li Hu led us into the Xiuchun Building. Xiuchun Building is the most famous flower building in Water God City. Li Hu has been operating here for seven or eight years. He is regarded as Jin Yan's old subordinate. It's very long, and no one will suspect that he is actually Jiang Dong's dark thread.

In the Xiuchun Building, singing and dancing, laughter continued, Li Hu and we entered the other courtyard behind. There is a secret door in the courtyard, which leads directly to the underground secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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