Dart Master

Chapter 672

Chapter 672
Judging from the appearance of this pair of father and son, they are both bitter and mean people. On the contrary, although Zhang Yaowu is lustful and greedy, at least on the surface, he is better than these two.

The Cai family is a big family in the south of the Yangtze River. In fact, there are many handsome men and women, especially the Cai Xiaoqi family. Because they are orthodox water gods, they are pure and handsome.This is exactly in response to the sentence, ugly people do more mischief, no wonder they are so greedy and amass money everywhere, presumably they also know that most of their lineage will not last long, if they don’t make more money, it can be regarded as preparation for future generations .

"Zhang Wang, Li Hu see the Great Elder, the Patriarch, and all your lords." Li Hu and I bowed our hands to everyone one by one.

Most of the people sitting here are money-gathering lackeys of Cai Dongsheng and his son, all of them are greedy and dishonest, and they have received Li Hu's kindness to some extent, and they immediately bowed their hands in return.

Cai Dongsheng waved his hand, and said with a smirk: "Boss Zhang has worked hard all the way, please sit down."

I felt like I was sitting among tigers, leopards and wolves. Deng Long was standing behind me, his eyes were always aiming randomly at the treasures inlaid in the hall.

"Everyone, this Boss Zhang from Jiangbei wants to cooperate with the Military Supplies Yamen to purchase grain and grass. What do you think?" Cai Dongsheng asked the people in a deep voice. These people are Zhang Cai, who is in charge of various important positions in the Cai family.

But the strange thing is that Cai Dongsheng did not consult the Patriarch Cai Hua who was sitting on it. Obviously, this Patriarch is just a decoration. .

"I am willing to listen to the instructions of the Great Elder." Everyone said one after another, but one elder sitting at the bottom seat was displeased and said: "This matter concerns the great cause of the Cai family. Food and grass have always been the throat of the army and the people. How can we allow outsiders at will?" As for entering, this elder wants to listen to the Patriarch's wishes."

"This is Cai Chu, one of the elders of the Cai family. He is in charge of military supplies and logistics. His son Cai Wu is in charge of the Dragon Camp, one of the two dragon and tiger battalions outside the city. He has a certain say in the Cai family." Li Hu He leaned into my ear and said softly.

When Cai Churen opened his mouth, it was like slapping Cai Dongsheng in the face. His face darkened immediately, his eyes gleamed fiercely, and others dared not make a sound when they saw that he was angry.For a while, the atmosphere was very dull.

"How can such a major matter be decided hastily? I see that the identities of Jiangbei merchants have yet to be determined. If they are spies from Jiangdong, wouldn't they be suspected of Zheng Guo? The head of the family decided to put this matter on hold for the time being. We will discuss it after we find out, and the meeting will be adjourned." Cai Seeing that Cai Churen supported him, Hua immediately slapped the table and stood up, leaving the table, making Cai Dongsheng and Zhang Yaowu extremely embarrassed.

"Everyone, let's leave. After all, the Patriarch is the talker. We will discuss this matter later." Cai Churen glanced at everyone, sneered and waved his sleeves away.

Cai Dongsheng didn't make a sound, he didn't leave, and the others didn't dare to leave either, his face was as cold as ice.

It can be seen that the conflict between the father and son is more intense than that of Murong Yu and his son back then. When Murong Bei was around, Murong Yu naturally didn't dare to confront his father openly. Even when I did it, he was heartbroken.

But from the Cai family's analysis, they are all profiteers, without any family affection at all.

Cai Dongsheng probably didn't expect that his son, with the support of Cai Chu people, would openly challenge him.

I watched from the sidelines, and saw that everyone seemed to be uncertain. Obviously, these money-seekers are also fools. Once the wind direction is not right, they may turn against each other at any time.

I sneered secretly in my heart, if the Cai family allowed this group of people to harm them, they would die sooner or later, it seems that I came at the right time this time.

"Let's go, Yaowu, you go and arrange accommodation for the guests, we'll discuss this matter later." Cai Dongsheng stood up and frowned, waving his sleeves and leaving.

As soon as he left, everyone greeted each other and dispersed.

What Zhang Yaowu arranged for me was a courtyard in Jingzhou Mansion. This courtyard is extremely elegant and simple. Although it is not as prosperous and rich as others, it has a touch of elegance.

When I got to the room, the room was very simple. I don't know why I always feel that the feeling here is very familiar, especially the faint fragrance.

Seeing me looking around, Zhang Yaowu thought I was unhappy, so he quickly explained: "Brother Zhang, there are very few guests in the Shenfu. This was originally the residence of the head of the Cai family. Although it is a bit simple, it is better than elegance. , it doesn’t count as humiliating Boss Zhang’s identity, don’t think it’s shabby.”

My heart skipped a beat, it turned out to be Xiaoqi's residence, no wonder I felt so familiar, in fact, this scent was already very faint, but I still remember it fresh in my heart, and if there was a slight remnant, it spread out like ripples , Familiar still.

"Your Majesty Zhang, you are welcome. I am lucky to be able to live in the other courtyard of the former owner." I hurriedly cupped my hands.

This is the difference between the two generations of the Cai family in power. Cai Xiaoqi pays attention to tranquility and simplicity, while Cai Dongsheng and his son think about luxury and wealth. Fighting for wealth is the norm.

It's really an emperor and a courtier. It's unfortunate for the Cai family. Once I take down the Cai family, all these mediocre people will be dismissed.

"Master Zhang, today's situation doesn't look good. Could it be that our business is about to fail this time? To be honest, I gave Master Zhang 80 taels of Ujin. After earning it back, I originally wanted to count on the steady flow of water to make money together with you, my lord, but now it seems that it is really unknown how many years this business can last." I looked up at the ceiling in displeasure, and sighed.

What I said just hit the fatal flaw of Zhang Yaowu and others. The reason why they are crazily greedy for money is to make a fortune before they collapse. They know very well in their hearts that the Cai family is a mess. The real money you get is the most important thing.

If I'm not wrong, Cai Dongsheng and his son want to take me for a short time and squeeze out all the money.

The reason why there are very few visitors to the Cai Family Divine Mansion is because the merchants who come here are afraid of being blackmailed, so my appearance is what they must strive for. Who knows what kind of scenery it will be after passing this mountain?
Zhang Yaowu was afraid that I, the God of Wealth, would run away, so he gave a dry laugh and poured the drink. He apologized without having the previous arrogant attitude: "Brother Zhang, calm down, just rest assured about this matter, it will definitely be taken down."

"Brother Zhang, why don't we sit down and talk? I see something is wrong between the elder and the head of the family?" I said.

Zhang Yaowu didn't expect that Cai Churen and Cai Hua would not give Cai Dongsheng face on the spot, and almost messed up the matter.However, after a little brainstorming, he realized that when he came here, Cai Hua also wanted to take the opportunity to slaughter me, a big fat sheep, and he didn't want Cai Dongsheng to swallow it all by himself.

Zhang Yaowu rolled his eyes, and immediately smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, don't worry, the Great Elder has the final say in this city. After all, the Great Elder and the Patriarch are also father and son. After a meal, any knots will be solved." .”

I saw that he didn't seem to be able to tell the truth, so naturally he wouldn't tell me about the scandal of the Cai family.

"Brother Zhang, I heard that Mrs. Cai is going to get married soon. I have heard for a long time that she is a world-renowned beauty, but I don't know if I will be lucky enough to meet her?" I touched the mustache on my lips and asked with a smile.

Zhang Yaowu pointed at me and waggled his finger, and said happily, "Brother Zhang is indeed a fellow, a fellow. To tell you the truth, this Cai Xiaoqi really has the face of a country, and there is no one in the Jingxiang area who does not admire, that is The rebirth of Luoshen is nothing more than that. It's just a pity that she is the previous head of the family and the disciple of the water god, and we can only dream of it, and this meat is destined to be unpalatable."

"Since this is the case, why would it be a pity to marry that Northern Desert barbarian?" I asked.

"This is also a helpless move. Cai Xiaoqi's influence is too great. Since he can't be killed, he can only be sent away." Zhang Yaowu shrugged and said helplessly.

"I have a natural admiration for peerless beauty. This time I come to Jiangnan, if I can't meet the first one, I'm afraid this life will be difficult, so I ask you to make it happen." past.

Zhang Yaowu shook his head and said: "I really can't be the master of this. Cai Xiaoqi is the owner of the house. You have seen Cai Ba, and he doesn't buy my face at all. Without the head of the house, Cai Hua, no one can see her. .”

(End of this chapter)

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