Dart Master

Chapter 675

Chapter 675
1000 million taels is definitely a big deal. Even if the Lu family wants to take 1000 million taels casually, it is extremely difficult. The two richest families in the world, the Yan family and I, can take it out, but it is still a pain in the ass For a long time, think twice.

The reason why I throw money around the Cai family is not that I am generous, but that no matter how much I throw, I can get it back later.The Cai family gave tens of millions of taels at every turn, so they were really rich. No wonder these guys were endlessly searching and greedy.

"Did they give it?" I asked.

Xie Hongzhi said: "Of course, in the current situation, who would not want to go to the Yin Division to find a way out, the Yin Division will soon be unified, and when the ghost gate reopens, I don't know how many people will squeeze into the Yin Division."

"Where's the money?" I asked, holding out my hand.

Xie Hongzhi saw that my gaze was like a torch, staring straight at him, and opened his eyes, "No way?"

I nodded, and he reluctantly took out the money ticket and the signed land deed contract. I looked at it and found that most of the land deeds belonged to the Xiang family or the old department of Zhang Wang, so I asked him what was going on.

Xie Hongzhi shrugged his shoulders: "Is there even a need to ask? Zhang Wang's family has already finished playing, and their real estate will naturally be divided up. These are rewards from the evil king to my father. Anyway, you will hit the Yin Division sooner or later. I let him sell it all, so as not to cause misunderstandings when the time comes."

I sighed secretly, "You keep the land deed, and I take half of the money."

Xie Hongzhi shouted: "Is there any mistake? If you take 500 million taels, I can still play around in the underworld."

I said angrily, "If this money falls into your hands, you will lose it all. 500 million taels is not enough for you to squander? There is going to be a war right now, and the 500 million taels will be confiscated."

I know he is a playboy, not to mention 1000 million taels, even gold and silver can make him lose everything, so if I cut half of it, he can only stare blankly.

"By the way, you have to take me to see Miss Xiaoqi, I don't think this will trouble you." I laughed.

Xie Hongzhi sighed, and said with a gloomy face: "Knowing you, my young master is also in bad luck for eight lifetimes, let's go."

"In the future, you won't think so when you become a vassal in the royal city, and everyone admires Young Master Xie." I patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

Naturally, Xie Hongzhi didn't really care about me. On the contrary, it was a way for him to deal with me, and he also had the same attitude. It didn't hurt his son's face, and he could help me with things in a different direction.

Back at Cai Churen's house, I overheard that Cai Hua called Cai Churen his godfather in private, and I got goosebumps all over my body in disgust.This person is really capable of doing anything for profit. As the head of the family, Cai Hua's father is the great elder who holds the power alone. He even recognized a subordinate as his godfather, which shows that this person is full of dog spirit and is not worthy of being the head of the family.

Xie Hongzhi was a playboy, so it was reasonable for him to ask to see Cai Xiaoqi.

"Mr. Xie, if you come a few days in the morning, Cai Xiaoqi may as well, but now..." Cai Hua was a little embarrassed.

Before he could refuse, the Cai Chu people on the side quickly stopped Cai Hua with their eyes, and said, "Since Mr. Xie wants to see you, please do as you please. Come, take Mr. Xie and Boss Liu to Youyun Bieyuan."

Immediately, a guard stepped forward to lead the way and lead us to Youyun Bieyuan.

Youyun Bieyuan, you can tell from the name that it is unusual. Sure enough, this Bieyuan was built in a valley in the Shenfu, surrounded by black locust trees, it is difficult for others to find it.

The cloud is in the mountain depression, and the sun is not visible. It is extremely cold inside, with gloomy qi, and ghost fires can be seen flickering at any time. It is obvious that there are many wandering spirits of unjustly dead people in this other courtyard that have not yet dispersed.

To put it bluntly, Youyun Bieyuan is the cold palace of the successive patriarchs of the Cai family. Any wives and concubines who have made mistakes will enter this place to face the wall and think about their mistakes, and suffer from the misery.

There are capable guards outside the courtyard, and the leader greeted me and let the two of us in.

There are only phoenix candles lit inside, with happy characters pasted on them, perhaps because it is hidden in a mountain depression, the yin energy here is extremely gloomy, and the light of the candles looks dim and drowsy.

I felt an inexplicable pain in my heart. Xiaoqi has been imprisoned in this harsh environment for at least half a year. There is no sun or sunshine here. I can't even imagine how she spent every day in this drowsiness. past.

Various seals were pasted on the doors and windows of Cai Xiaoqi's residence, and a large lock weighing hundreds of catties was hung on the door. There were several strong warriors standing at the door, ready to guard at all times.

"Open the door!" Xie Hongzhi said proudly.

Just as the guard was about to open the door, a cold and arrogant voice came from a nearby hut: "Who dares to open the door, don't you know that the fiancee of my King Tuoba lives here?"

While talking, Tuoba Kuang came out of the room angrily with a jug in his hand. I said that this group of people doesn't live in the administrative management, so they came here. It seems that they are really loyal enough. Actually stay here.

"Who are you, dare to offend me, do you know who I am?" Xie Hongzhi was used to being arrogant, but when he saw that the other party was dressed like a barbarian from the Northern Desert, he immediately sneered.

He is naturally not afraid of Tuoba Kuang, even if Tuoba Chong is here with me, he can still fight.

Cai Hua had some scruples just now, probably because he knew that Tuoba Kuang was "squatting" here, but Cai Churen let us in, it seems that the old guy also wants to see if we can keep these Northern Desert savages under control.

If he can calm down, he may even remarry Cai Xiaoqi, which is not good.If we can't control it, we are asking for trouble, and we can't blame him.

This old thing with a belly full of bad water is really vicious enough.

"I don't care who you are, this is my King Tuoba's fiancée, I don't even want to see him even if I am the king of heaven." Tuoba Kuang was tall and tall, and he pushed forward with a menacing aura, and Xie Hongzhi's aura immediately became shorter.

"Tuoba Kuang, I'm afraid your Bei Mo's wishful thinking will be in vain. Miss Cai, a daughter of a thousand gold, can't marry a barbarian." I said sarcastically, walked in front of Tuoba Kuang, coldly look at him.

Tuoba Kuang saw that I didn't seem to be a good stump, and pulled out the scimitar from his waist with a bang, "You southerners just don't know how to live or die, so just die."

Tuoba Kuang and Cai Ba should be about the same, they both have the kind of innate supernatural power, but without the guidance of a famous teacher, they charge into the battle, invincible, hard to beat, but they are far inferior to the real masters.

Today's top Taoist masters, in fact, there are only a few people, Tuoba Chong and Xiao Hua are undoubtedly in the north, Yandonglou and his son, Lu's father and son, Mr. Mei, Xiang Yumeng in the east and south, Murong Yu in the west, and Jiangdong and I With Bai Chaoyang.

As for Juggernaut, Mr. Xu, and Penglai Xian, they rarely walk in the Taoist sect, and they hardly make moves, so they cannot judge the level.

Compared with me, Tuoba Kuang is still a bit behind. Although I haven't reached the previous level of cultivation, but it is not far behind, and I have obtained the Sun Sword and Sword Art. stronger.

Tuoba Kuang's scimitar cut across the void, and the space trembled suddenly, as if it had been torn apart, and the ferocious aura of the wolf bared its teeth and grinned, coldly rushing towards it.

I shook my head, "The knife skills are not very good!"

I bent my fingers, Yintang's pure moonlight surged, my vitality went straight into my fingertips, and I flicked the back of the knife, buzzing!The icy vitality surged along Tuoba Kuang's scimitar in an instant, and in an instant, his blade was filled with a layer of white frost. The icy energy, mixed with the air of thunder, rolled in.

Tuoba Kuang only felt his arms go numb, and then the cold air froze his arms instantly like running water, and it was too late to go back, even the knife and his arms were frozen.

Naturally, my flick was not easy and casual, because I deliberately flicked Tuoba Kuang's face, so I flicked lightly on the surface, but in fact I used [-]% of my strength secretly, but the effect was really beyond my expectation.

When I snatched the danyi back then, I knew that the danyi was condensed from the essence of moonlight and the treasures of heaven and earth. The moonlight is as pure as water. Cold, cold produces yin, and yin and cold produce each other.

This kind of yin and cold is not the yin and cold formed by the resentment and evil of ghosts in the Yin Division, but the purest absolute yin and absolute cold in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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