Dart Master

Chapter 686

Chapter 686
Xiaoqi's complexion was watery, and she moved her lotus steps calmly. She was dressed in a white floor-length dress, which was as light as water, and her unearthly temperament was just right.

As she walked like that, I suddenly felt a sense of loss across thousands of mountains and rivers. Cai Xiaoqi should be the purest fairy in the sky, and I am a mortal who looks up to her. It's looking up in my heart, not clinging to her hand, or hugging her in my arms.

When Xiaoqi walked to the spiritual field, everyone knelt down and shouted in unison: "See Patriarch!"

Xiao Qi calmly bowed his head slightly to everyone, motioning everyone to flatten their heads. The enchantingly dressed Xiao Wu who was originally sitting in the Patriarch's position saw Xiao Qi, comparing the two, it was like stars compared to a bright moon, and immediately paled.

This is not to say that Xiao Wu is not as good as Xiao Qi in appearance, on the contrary, because Xiao Qi has not recovered from her long illness and her face is pale, in terms of appearance, she is naturally not as plump and charming as Xiao Wu who collects men's essence every day.

But there is a world of difference between the mood and temperament between the two, Xiao Qi is like a mysterious girl who came down from nine heavens, while Xiao Wu is a philistine little demon, how can they match?

Xiao Wu now hates me to the core, she is very smart, but she never thought that I would be Qin Wushang.Thousands of calculations have been made, and all the tricks have been exhausted, but in the end, such a bamboo basket is left to fetch water.

Xiao Qi just looked at her indifferently, Xiao Wu stood up unconsciously and gave up her seat.

Although she has been coveting this position for a long time, she even dreamed last night that she became the head of the family, being enshrined by incense from the whole south of the Yangtze River, cultivating herself to become a god, and completely getting rid of Mr. Mei's terrifying shadow.

But now all of this is over, when Cai Xiaoqi appeared, all the sunshine and colors seemed to be attracted by her, Xiao Wu felt so small in front of her.

"Pang Xu, you have a foreign surname. It is extremely difficult to achieve today's status, but why did you fall so low?" Cai Xiaoqi asked Pang Xu.

Pang Xu bowed his head and bowed, his whole body was already drenched with sweat, he said in fear: "The general was confused for a while, please forgive me by the Patriarch."

Cai Xiaoqi looked up at the sky, sighed slightly and said: "God has the virtue of loving life, most of you are Xiaoqi's uncles and brothers, if you kill them all, it will hurt the peace of heaven, I am afraid that the ancestors Liezondo is to blame."

"General Cai will demote them all as citizens, give them some money, and drive them out of the south of the Yangtze River together with their families." Cai Xiaoqi sighed quietly.

Everyone originally thought that their life would be lost, but they never thought that they could save one life. The coup d'état was very cruel. Thinking back to when Cai Dongsheng and his son put Xiao Qi under house arrest, many generals and righteous men who originally belonged to Xiao Qi's faction were brutally tortured. of killing.

"Thank you Patriarch for your generosity, we are really ashamed of the ancestors of the Cai family." Everyone wept and worshiped, and left the spiritual field under the escort of the soldiers.

Only Xiao Wu was left in the arena. She has a very high level of cultivation and is also a ghost. I was afraid that she would hurt Xiao Qi, so I deliberately let Deng Long let go in the east. Facing the scolding of everyone, Xiao Wu knew that her life was in danger. Shan, like a spring breeze, absconded towards the eastern gap.

"Wenlong, Xiaoqi will leave it to you." I told Cai Wenlong, and chased after Xiaowu.

Xiao Wu is a very strange existence in Taoism. She is not a fairy family from Changbai Mountain, nor is she a ghost from the underworld or the underworld, she is a spirit!
There is a huge difference between spirits and demons and ghosts. Spirits have more resentment, especially when they are transformed by Mr. Mei with evil thoughts and sorcery. They are evil objects of desire and are difficult to resolve.

It can be said that her existence is for sex, which is the means of her survival and the means of cultivation.

If I don't get rid of her, no matter where she flees, she will cause waves again. Such a beautiful monster, the Cai family and his son are planted in her hands.

If she fled to Xuanmen, how many aristocratic families and ordinary Taoist people would be killed by her.

The reason why I didn't do anything in the spiritual field was because I wasn't [-]% sure to deal with her. Xiao Qi was still recovering from a serious illness, and I was afraid that she would hold Xiao Qi hostage.

Xiao Wu's movement was extremely fast, like a gust of wind, she was swept into the forest.

When I chased after Linzi, she had disappeared. Now that I have no blood energy and dragon energy, I can't use the blood river movement method and Tianlong movement method of cutting the door. The blood Buddha has dealt a great blow to me.

It almost made me a pauper with nothing. What I am cultivating now is Yuehua Yin Qi and Penglai Immortal Technique. Because Penglai Immortal Art is obscure and difficult to understand, Penglai Immortal did not forcefully indoctrinate me, so I only practice Immortal Sword Art, Shenfa I use Shaotian somersaults.

Of course, my somersaulting is only superficial, and I haven't mastered the real trick. Shaotian can only make it, but can't teach it. It is no exaggeration to say that in Taoism, there are only a handful of people who can catch up with Shaotian This can be reflected in the fact that he was able to escape from Penglai City to Jiangdong alone with a small seed on his back.

This forest is the mausoleum where the ancestors of the Cai family were buried. It is extremely gloomy, surrounded by solemn graves.

"Xiao Wu, I know that you are a bone spirit. You were harmed by Mr. Mei, and you are a bitter thing. If you can repent and rehabilitate, I can give you a chance to be purified." I said loudly to Lin Zi shouted loudly.

She is Mr. Mei's evil thing. She was originally a dead body, but the dead bones were used by evil people to make troubles.The reason why she wants to win the position of head of the family is also to increase her cultivation by smoking incense and get rid of Mr. Mei's control.

And Cai Dongsheng and his son are evil ghosts in their lusts, and they should have such a calamity. Although she is full of evil fruits, she is her destiny.

People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves, which is why I want to give her a chance.

"Qin Wushang, you hypocritical person, don't try to lie to me. The world says you are unparalleled. Today I want to learn what you are capable of!"

Xiao Wu's eerie and sinister laughter floated in the woods. She was hiding in the woods. I didn't know much about spirits. For some reason, it was hard to find her figure with the naked eye.

"Naughty animal, since you don't know how to repent, don't blame me for being ruthless?" I shouted loudly, and touched the knots between my eyebrows with my hands. Immediately, the silver moonlight pierced my eyes, and the silver light pierced through the mist in the forest. , found Xiao Wu's trace.

Hmph, I sneered, and a sword formula struck towards her hiding place.

The silver dharma sword buzzed, passed through layers of trees, and pierced through. Xiao Wu didn't expect that she was so careful in hiding, but I still found her.

However, her cultivation level was not low, and when she turned to one side, the magic sword failed to kill her, it only pierced through her shoulder.

However, Yuehua's pure aura still made her unbearable, blood flowed from her shoulder, and the wound quickly corroded.

"Qin Wushang, I am a bone body. I can't avoid water and fire, and I can't avoid the aura of the magic eye. Why do you know how to wear it and hurt me?" Seeing that there was no point in hiding, she jumped down from the tree and floated to my bed. He said coldly.

She is now in a half-formed state, her hair stands upside down, her ten fingernails are more than a foot long, and they are curled. Her originally beautiful face is now a disastrous failure. Her pupils are bloodshot, her eyebrows are erect, and her lips are black and sharp. Teeth are also shown.

It seems that when she died, she was first refined into a ghost like Yan, and then cut her flesh into bones to form a body using secret methods. When the body was refined, it retained the characteristics of Yan, which was extremely hard and invulnerable.

Ordinary people and magic weapons can't hurt her at all, but if she meets me, it's bad luck for her.

"I possess the most pure moonlight essence in the world, and I can distinguish between demons and gods. How can you escape my eyes? If you turn around now, I can spare your life." I smiled lightly.

Xiao Wu laughed bitterly: "Forgive me? I was sold as a prostitute in my life and suffered all kinds of abuse. After my death, I was crowned with evil methods by Mr. Namei and retrained as an adult. I still can only fuck my flesh every day Survival, I have had enough of these endless days, Qin Wushang, you have ruined all my hopes, and now you come to save me as a saint, you are really hypocritical."

I shook my head, there must be a cause and effect in everything, she is naturally suffering, but she shouldn't do it against the sky.Why are there so many gods in the world, but so few can get incense. In fact, incense is only one aspect, and what is more important is the willpower of the people's hearts.

If the people don't believe in you and miss you from the bottom of their hearts, even the Buddha will be without brilliance. That's why King Qin Guang of all dynasties, as the supreme of Yin and Yang realms, never forced Taoism or even the secular world to enshrine him.

(End of this chapter)

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