Dart Master

Chapter 688 Turtle Ancestor

Chapter 688 Turtle Ancestor
Cai Xiaoqi and I refer to each other as confidants, we are close friends, although we are not lovers, we still meet each other's hearts.From the first time I saw her at the bottom of the River Styx, the picturesque scene of her underwater has been deeply engraved in my mind.

She is a fairy, I have never dared to have any distracting thoughts about her between men and women, and I know that there will never be any other possibility between me and her, because I know she is destined not to belong to this filthy land.

"Wuxiu, tonight I will set off to meet the ancestor of the water god. From now on, I will follow my ancestor to the bottom of the Yangtze River to understand the laws of heaven and earth. If you want, you can send me off tonight." She thought for a while.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left the gazebo naturally, leaving me stunned.

I knew she would leave a long time ago, but when this moment came, I was still a little caught off guard.

When I returned to Jingzhou Mansion, Cai Wenlong was busy checking the purge list, "Generals, according to the intention of the Patriarch, try not to use force if you don't want to kill and try not to use force. The main purpose is to expel. The money and food of each family have enough. A bloody storm has been set off, and we cannot repeat the same mistakes."

"Yes, general!" The generals took orders.

Cai Wenlong is very influential in the army. He was the most powerful general beside Cai Xiaoqi in the early years. He is shrewd and capable. The reason for passing the position of Patriarch to him.

"King Qin!" Seeing me walking in, Cai Wenlong hurriedly stepped down from the case and saluted me.

I raised my hand to signal him to excuse me, and after sitting down, Cai Wenlong poured me tea, "King Qin, if you hadn't had your help this time, I don't know what would have happened in Jingzhou Mansion."

"Even if Jingzhou Mansion does not have me, as long as there are people of insight, it will be taken back sooner or later. I am just following God's will." I lit a cigarette, and Cai Wenlong quickly lit it for me. I leaned over to light it and took a puff. He smiled and asked: "Wenlong, if you are the head of the family, how will you face the general situation in today's world?"

Cai Wenlong thought for a while and said: "Cai doesn't have much talent, he only knows people and is good at assignments. The general trend in today's world is naturally respected by the King of Qin. I will definitely follow the policy of the head of the Xiaoqi family, unite with Jiangdong, reject the Lu family in the west, and reject the Lu family in the north. Lianjiangdong, defending Xichuan in the east, and barbarians in the south, of course the biggest enemy right now is the Lu family, if the Lu family is put down, half of the world will be at peace."

I nodded, "If you think so, it is natural that Jiangnan can be strengthened, but in terms of details, the Cai family is in a disadvantaged position. Everything is based on communication and supplemented by attack. Jiangnan is the world's granary. As long as there is food and grass, there will be no fear." In the future, we will compete in the world."

"Thank you King Qin for your guidance. Wenlong will be a good friend with Jiangdong for generations and respect King Qin." Cai Wenlong said gratefully.

In fact, up to now, the Cai family is undoubtedly a vassal state of Jiangdong. Cai Wenlong is very aware of this. In terms of strength, the Cai family is undoubtedly relatively weak among the major forces. It is obviously not enough to plan the world. , at least survival is not a problem.

I saw that he was very sincere, and I thought that Xiaoqi must have thought carefully about choosing him to succeed the Patriarch.

"Go and announce Cai Neng." I said.

Not long after, Cai Neng walked in quickly with his helmet in his hand, "Cai Neng has a meeting with the King of Qin."

I walked to the top, took out the Patriarch's jade pendant, and shouted loudly: "Cai Wenlong, Cai Neng listen to Xuan."

The two hurriedly knelt down on one knee to listen to the announcement, "The Patriarch Xiao Qichuan of the Cai family is now located in Cai Wenlong, and at the same time, Cai Neng is appointed as the general and commander of the Cai family's army. I hope you two will cooperate sincerely and shine on the Cai family!"

Cai Wenlong had already noticed that since he came back from the Youyun Bieyuan, Cai Xiaoqi only confessed a few words, and he didn't seem to be paying much attention to the affairs of the Patriarch. Cai Wenlong probably guessed that Xiao Qi was about to resign.

"Wenlong accepts the order!" Cai Wenlong stepped forward to respectfully accept the patriarch's jade pendant, which seemed to weigh a thousand catties in his hand.

For this patriarch jade pendant, too many people in the Cai family have died. Once Cai Xiaoqi left, Cai Wenlong felt as if he had lost a pillar of the sky. He and many passionate people, under the brutal suppression of Cai Dongsheng and his son, always had a glimmer of hope , suffering in Water God City until now, it is precisely because Cai Xiaoqi is still there that their spirits will not completely collapse.

But now that Cai Xiaoqi was leaving, he couldn't help but feel a little empty in his heart.

"As soon as Xiao Qi leaves, the burden of the Cai family will be on the two generals in the future. General Cai, what happened to the rebels in Longying outside the city?" I asked.

"Cai Wu is hesitating and hesitating. I have set up defenses in Water God City, and I am always on guard against Cai Wu's advance into Water God City." Cai Neng said.

It seems that I still have to go out. Cai Wu's dragon battalion is the largest force of the Cai family, and the tiger battalion that competes with him does not obey orders. Once he raises troops, it will still be a big trouble.

"Wenlong, General Cai, if I kill Cai Wu, can you restrain Longying?" I asked.

"If Cai Wu dies, I'll personally conquer Long Ying. But the war idiots in Hu Ying are somewhat troublesome." Cai Wenlong frowned.

I thought that Luo Cheng was still detained in the tiger camp, "Well, I'll let Xiaofeng act immediately, you go and subdue the dragon camp, and I will go to the tiger camp to meet that war idiot Zhang Wenchang."

"King Qin, be careful, Zhang Wenchang is reckless and rude." Cai Wenlong warned.

At night, the wind in the river was violent, stirring up layers of waves. Cai Xiaoqi, dressed in plain white attire, set up an altar by the river to worship the ancestor of the water god.

Cai Xiaoqi looked indifferently, looked at me quietly and said: "Wu Shang, I have already given a watch to the ancestor of the water god. If he is willing to see you, it will be very good. If he does not see you, it is God's will."

I nodded, still quite excited in my heart, the ancestor of the water god has been in the Yangtze River for thousands of years or even longer, I only know that when Liu Biao guarded Jingzhou in the past, he was already a god in this river.

I also want to meet this great god who can control the river. It would be great if I could get some pointers.

After she finished burning the upper watch, the river suddenly became turbulent, and a gigantic tortoise with a radius of three zhang came out of the water, and it was able to say, "Miss, the patriarch has invited Jiangdong Qin Wushang."

"There is Lao Gui Patriarch!" Xiao Qi bowed.

After finishing speaking, she pulled me onto the turtle's back, and sat on the turtle's back with me, but when she heard the sudden change of the wind in her ears, the big turtle dived into the river, and swiped its four big hands like giant pulp, causing the water to split into pieces. , in a space of ten meters around him, there is no dripping water, and the air is fresh, which is really miraculous.

This is the first time I have dived into the bottom of the Yangtze River, but I saw a lot of fish swimming in the bottom, and the water ghosts and river demons gave way to the ancestor of the turtle, inexplicably horrified and in awe.

Xiao Qi said: "The ancestor of the turtle has lived for ten thousand years. It is rumored that the ancestor existed when Dayu controlled the water, but he has not yet become a fairy or a Buddha. It is really a pity."

Hearing this, Old Ancestor Turtle let out an old laugh: "Yes, the vicissitudes of life, I have traveled all over China in my life, the Yellow River, the East China Sea, the North Sea, and Kyushu. I have seen Dayu and Xu Fu. I should be able to rank among them. Buddhism. It’s just that in the early years, I was too fussy when I was in the Tongtian River. Later, I made things difficult for Master Xuanzang and was punished by the Buddha. I came to the Yangtze River to protect the safety of one side with the water god.”

"Up to now, I don't have the heart to become a fairy or a Buddha. I just want to be with fish and shrimp until the end of my life."

Xiaoqi and I glanced at each other, both of them were horrified.

It turned out that this old tortoise was actually the tortoise on the Tongtian River that crossed the river with Xuanzang's master and apprentice. At first, he thought it was a Western saying, but he never thought it was the truth.Old Gui has lived to this age and has already seen through the falsehood of the world, so naturally he can't make up such jokes to deceive us.

"Guizu, is there really a Daleiyin Temple in the Western Lingshan Mountain in this world, and are there Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?" I asked.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Xuanmen is the world of legends, but in our eyes, the gods and Buddhas who lasted for three days are just legends. Who knows if there really is the Jade Emperor, the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing, and the Tathagata Buddha?
In Taoism, there are indeed some records about the appearance of gods in the last three days. The most famous one is the evil ghost gangrene, and the appearance of the lamp-burning Buddha.

There are very few others, but in the secular world, there are gods and Buddhas who have been depicted for three days in various novels such as Fengshen Bang and Journey to the West. This is because there is no awe in the secular world.In Taoism, gods and Buddhas cannot be discussed randomly, and there are strict restrictions on various potential rules.

Gui Zu grinned and said: "You all know the Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva, the Book of Life and Death, and King Qin Guang. I can't say anything more. Maybe one day, you have the opportunity to open the channel for three days, and you will know everything. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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