Dart Master

Chapter 690 The Water Spirit Method

Chapter 690 The Water Spirit Method
If I can get this water-avoiding bead, it will definitely be even more powerful. At least if there are monsters from the East China Sea making trouble again, I won't suffer much under the water.

"I will pass on this bead to you today. I hope that you will always keep your heart straight in the future. This bead has the spirit of water, and it can also keep your mind peaceful and calm your evil thoughts." Feeling a burst of coolness in the second dantian, the water droplets and the moonlight in the dantian melt into the Yuandan, and the whole body is light, extremely peaceful and light.

"Thank you, ancestor, for giving me the treasure." I hurriedly prostrated myself on the ground and bowed respectfully.

"Go, with this water-preventing bead, in the Yangtze River, the white ghost will give way, you can go back to the river." The water god smiled and waved his hands.

I was a little hesitant because I still wanted to see Xiao Qi again. Seeing my hesitation, the Water God sighed and said: "The relationship between you is not over, but the catastrophe is coming, Xiao Qi is with me, so you can be safe." , you can go at ease."

I know that Xiaoqi probably doesn't want to see me anymore, she is a very persevering and intelligent woman, since she decided to pursue the way of longevity, I don't know when the next time we will meet.

I looked in the direction of the Taoist temple, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, turned my head, and bowed respectfully to the ancestor of the water god: "Ancestor cherishes it!"

"Go!" The ancestor of the water god laughed, watched me break through the waves, and nodded approvingly.

As soon as I left, Xiao Qi came out from the side, looking at the waves on the water, "He's gone."

"Yes, Xiaoqi, you have been proud and arrogant since you were young, but you have a lot of affection for this kid, not just as simple as a friend." The ancestor asked with his hands on his hips and smiled.

Xiao Qi said: "Everything is fleeting, Xiao Qi should uphold the Tao with a pure heart from now on, the ancestors don't have to worry about my determination."

The old ancestor raised his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Wushang has already told me about the Cai family. You probably got tired this time and you don't want to drag him down. That's why you want to devote yourself to cultivating the Tao."

Xiao Qi didn't say a word, how could she hide her thoughts under the wise eyes of the ancestor?
She deeply felt that her cultivation was no longer enough to support me. In the future, I would have to face the demons, gods, and monsters of the underworld and evil abyss, and she would not be able to help me at all.

So it's better to follow the ancestor of the water god and practice the law of the water god.

"If you follow me to study the Fa, if you can become the god in the river and learn all the supernatural powers of my life, then it must be the time when Qin Wushang enters the underworld. If you are still willing to come out to help him at that time, I will never stop You, if you can forget the mundane world and reach the state of selflessness through practice, then don’t mention this matter again.” The ancestor thought for a while.

I came out of the water, and the river ghosts and strange fish around me gave way one after another. Because the water-proof beads were embedded in my Yintang, as soon as I entered the water, my whole body was surrounded by a green circular cyclone. Light and agile, without the slightest sense of stagnation underwater.

I tried to use the supernatural powers of the water spirit taught by the water god. What the water god taught me was a set of body and palm techniques in the water. The water spirit body technique is as light as a fish swimming. With the breath of vitality, it can travel several meters in an instant , the palm method is full of strength, the vitality can pass through the water, and it can be struck out without loss.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the water-avoiding bead and water spirit warfare, I am the king of the bottom of the water. Even someone with a higher cultivation base than me may not be my opponent in the water.

You must know that ordinary people are wet and heavy when they enter the bottom of the water, and they cannot use their strength, or they are hindered by the water. Few people can use [-]% of their strength underwater.

Just imagine that when the fight defeated the Buddha, it was still powerless underwater. It was precisely because the water gave birth to all creatures, but it also had a certain restraint effect on all creatures. It is difficult for people to escape this natural law.

I rolled in the river for a while before returning to Water God City.

When I went to Xiuchun Tower, Li Hu and Deng Long saw me coming back, they were delighted but also worried.When I went to see off Cai Xiaoqi, no outsiders knew that I stayed in the Taoist Temple of the Water God for two or three days, but Cai Wenlong and others were not rushed to death.

Originally, the Water God City had not yet been completely calmed down, but I suddenly disappeared, and they thought something had happened to me.

"Deng Long, hurry up and inform Patriarch Cai that King Qin is back, so don't worry." Li Hu ordered.

Deng Long took the order to go, and I asked Li Hu how the matter with Cai Wu was handled.In three days, if Cai Wenlong had some means, he should have taken down Longying as well.

Li Hu said: "This Cai Wu is not very ambitious. Since the Chinese and Dragons in the city were gradually unified, he wanted to rebel but did not dare to rebel. He used to drink all day long to relieve his worries. The soldiers who originally wanted to follow him to raise troops lost their spirits. , Longying was like a piece of loose sand. Xiaofeng fulfilled his mission and assassinated Cai Wu. Wenlong led his troops forward, almost without any resistance, and all the soldiers of Longying surrendered. Killing a few leaders, this Things settled down."

I sneered, but anyone who does great things, especially the generals who command troops, hesitates at critical moments, which is undoubtedly a big taboo. A mediocre person like Cai Wu is simply not worthy of living in this troubled world.

"It's just that the tiger camp has been dragging its feet. You said you would do it yourself, but Patriarch Cai has ordered Longying to be ready at any time. As long as you give an order, Xue Muze's army and Longying's army can attack Zhang Wenchang back and forth. " said Li Hu.

I shook my head, "The Dragon Camp must not merge with the Tiger Camp. This is the camp of the two major townsmen of the Cai family. If the fire merges, there will inevitably be suspicions of closeness among the soldiers in the future, which will not be conducive to the overall situation in the future."

"King Qin, what do you want to do?" Seeing that he couldn't fight, Li Hu had to find a way.

I picked up the wine glass and took a few sips, "Simple, I will meet Zhang Wenyuan tonight. Although he is stubborn, he is still a soldier, so there will be no internal strife."

"Okay, I'll ask Wenlong to order three thousand elite soldiers for you, just in case." After Li Hu finished speaking, he was about to get up.

I quickly raised my hand to stop him: "No, if Zhang Wenchang really wants to harm me, three thousand sergeants won't be able to stop him at all. I'm not going to fight him, I just go for a walk with the kitten."

The night was getting darker, and the soldiers of the Cai Family Tiger Camp on the Yangtze River were waiting step by step. The soldiers on patrol, everyone seemed to be facing a big enemy, and the whole barracks exuded the aggressive and sharp spirit of a tiger.

I have been in the Cai family for some time, and the Tiger Camp is definitely the most energetic army of the Cai family. Even in the Jiangdong army, only the fierce tiger, black panther, and Dang Tianshu's army can compare.

Standing on the hillside and looking at the camp at the foot of the mountain, I couldn't help admiring the length of this article. It is indeed about the bravery of the public and the fineness of Zhang Liao.No wonder when Cai Xiaoqi was here, he knew that Zhang Wenchang would not obey orders, but still appointed him as the commander of the tiger camp. This person is indeed a name.

From this, I can also conclude that Zhang Wenchang is a war idiot because he has the arrogance of a general. Isn't the general born to fight?On the contrary, Zhang Wenchang is a very smart person. Although he doesn't listen to orders, he is also a way to protect himself wisely. At least Cai Dongsheng has cleaned Xiaoqi's old department, but the tiger camp is intact.

In other words, Zhang Wenchang is guarding the Cai family in his own way. I believe that even if Cai Dongsheng defeats the Cai family, whether it is me or the Lu family who want to occupy Jiangnan, Zhang Wenchang will fight to the last breath to maintain the dignity of Jiangnan.

This point is incomparable to his elder brother Zhang Yaowu, and even the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

There are many righteous men in the south of the Yangtze River. I believe that Zhang Wenchang is a righteous man, not an ambitious man.

I decided, if Zhang Wenchang is a righteous man, I will use him again, if he is an ambitious man, I will kill him on the spot.

I strode towards the tiger camp by the river, and the kitten squatted on my shoulder, watching the surroundings vigilantly. I knew it was still a little worried. Zhang Wenchang has tens of thousands of troops, and these soldiers are all unscrupulous. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Lord who obeys orders is his personal soldier.

"Stop, who dares to break into the tiger camp." Soldiers outside the camp stopped the two of us.

"Please go and inform General Zhang, just say Jiang Dong Qin Wushang, please see me!" I proudly said.

When the soldiers heard that I was Qin Wushang, they immediately became respectful. The Cai family was restored from the hands of Cai Dongsheng and others, and the soldiers in the Tiger Camp knew that I played a vital role in it.

"King Qin later, I'll report to the general." The soldier clasped his hands and ran away.

Not long after, several deputy generals walked out of the camp and greeted them, "The last general Han Bin welcomes King Qin."

(End of this chapter)

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