Dart Master

Chapter 70: Father and Son Meet

Chapter 70: Father and Son Meet

Ziyi looked at me worriedly, and wanted me to avoid the dark room. One more thing is worse than one less thing. The plague god is dead, and it is safer for hungry ghosts to stay here than to wander outside.

I thought so too at first, but just after two steps, the hungry ghost inside uttered a shocking curse.When he called out, my heart felt as uncomfortable as being pricked by a needle, and I couldn't even move forward.

"Zi Yi, you may not believe me if you tell me. I think this hungry ghost has something to do with me." I couldn't ignore this strange feeling in my heart, although it was like a force was calling me across the stone gate, making it hard for me to Have the heart to leave.

Ziyi opened her mouth, but finally swallowed the words, but held my hand tightly.

I smiled knowingly, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed open the heavy stone door.Opening the stone gate, I saw the most tragic and heart-wrenching scene in my life.

The stone room is a huge pool of blood. A bloody monster is tied to the stone sculpture in the center of the pool. I say it is a monster because his whole body is covered in hazy blood. It is difficult for me to tell whether he is a human or a ghost.

The dense green branches penetrated his chest, shoulder blades, and limbs, and the blood water continuously overflowed into the blood pool along the black pedals under his feet. However, after being soaked in the blood pool, the blood water re-injected into his body along the branches, so The cycle goes round and round.Suddenly, I thought he was a terrible tree demon, practicing some kind of sorcery.

Ziyi's face was solemn, and he reminded me in a low voice: "No injury, this person is not dead yet, he is not a hungry ghost, there may be fraud in this, let's leave as soon as possible."

With her reminder, I just remembered that according to Fang Youde's last words, the person sealed in the bridge eye of the White Bridge should be a homeless man, a starving ghost.Therefore, when Baiqiao God of Plague was born, I always regarded it as a curse from a starving ghost.

Now it seems that everything is nothing more than lies, Fang Youde is either lying to me, or he himself does not know who Li Zhongyuan is looking for him, but the bridge building is only a matter of the past few years, and according to what the ghost said, This man was caught inside the altar 15 years ago.

For a while, I was also a little confused, could it be that my seventh uncle and I were played by Fang Youde?When this guy is dying, he will put us together.No matter what, since I'm here, I don't feel reconciled if I don't investigate.


The man in the blood pool raised his head like a tiger. Perhaps because he had been soaking in the blood pool for a long time, his hair also turned blood red. His long hair hung down on the front door, and he could vaguely see the blood red eyes full of blood. murderous.Seeing this pair of blood eyes, I have mixed emotions, as if they are very familiar with each other.

I let Ziyi stand aside for me, and slowly walked towards the blood pool. The blood in the blood pool was extremely hot, like boiling water.As soon as I stepped in, gusts of crazily boiling blood and murderous aura poured into the Yongquan and other big acupoints, and suddenly I felt like I was in a gossip furnace, and the pain was unbearable.

I silently recited the Blood Clothes Heart Method, condensed the blood energy in the dantian, and then slowly channeled it into the meridians, which made me feel much better.It's also thanks to my bloodline body and the blood-clothed method. If it were someone else, I would be instantly shattered by this bloody murderous aura.

I resisted the pain and walked towards the blood man step by step. As the distance of the play got closer and closer, I could clearly feel an unspeakable emotion in my heart.This feeling has always existed since I was in the altar, and it has flourished to the extreme at this moment, so that my tears flowed, and I couldn't move an inch.

The blood man also seemed to feel the wordless relationship between my heart and blood, he stopped howling, and his bloody eyes gradually became strange and complicated, as if he had changed from a beast to a person with emotional person.

I slowly approached him, he was tied to the body of an evil god, back to back with the evil god.When I looked at the evil god, it wasn't the God of Plague who had exactly the same face as Uncle Qi.

I thought of a cruel evil secret method, blood sacrifice, to sacrifice the blood of living people to please the evil god.This pool must be filled with the brutal blood of countless people who died unjustly, and the person tied to Xie's body is a blood guide, using his own body to draw blood to continuously pour Xie's body, increasing the evil soul's hostility and resentment, Such endless life, in order to awaken the evil spirit, increase its evil veins.

What a cruel method, although Dao Yan is evil, naturally he can't do such a thing, and this person was imprisoned here 15 years ago for blood induction, and it was not until 15 years later that Dao Yan's seal was broken and awakened. The God of Plague who had been shaped by blood energy.

No wonder the God of Plague was filled with grief when he was dying. He could have lived underground forever after being sealed, but he never wanted to be treated like a pet and played tricks. In the end, he was doomed.

Thinking of the words of God of Plague: "The funny thing is, neither you nor I are theatergoers." I was heartbroken, maybe all of this is under the control of the man behind the scenes, and all my actions now and even in the future are just a boring show. It's just a play, and it will end in tragedy.

I could feel that the man's gloomy eyes no longer had any murderous intent. When he met my eyes, he was crying. Drops of blood and tears flowed out of his dry eye sockets, piercing into me like a knife. heart.

Seeing his tears, I couldn't help but burst into tears. I thought of my mother's desperate eyes and last words before she died, and felt very sad.

I already knew who he was, but I never dreamed that he would be tortured in this ghost place for 15 years, and he became like this person who was neither human nor ghost.This is a man I once hated and loved so much.

His face was twitching, and there was a deep wailing sound from his mouth. The hero in my heart had fallen into such a tragic situation. I wished to die with him, and I hated all kinds of things in this world.

With trembling hands, I gently lifted his hair. He did not resist. After suffering in the pool of blood for a long time, his hair had already grown into the flesh of his face. I pulled it out for him little by little, letting his face reappeared.While getting my hair cut, I burst into tears like a child.

Since I heard his wailing in the altar, my heart ached. I should have thought that it was him. Only the closest blood relationship can have such a deep mutual induction.

Zi Yi also seems to have guessed who the person in the pool of blood is. She and I share the same heart and mind, so I can naturally feel the grievance, anger, and heartache in my heart at this moment. .

When his ferocious and distorted face appeared in front of me, I let out a scream, knelt down in the pool of blood, and called out the honorific title I hadn't called again for 15 years.


Although he has been tortured to the point of ferociousness, his stalwart figure, heroic spirit, and hearty laughter flooded into my mind like a tide in my childhood memory.

I would rather he be locked up in a corner of the underworld and be enslaved by ghost messengers than to be seduced by people as blood and suffer for 15 years in this dark place where there are no people and no ghosts.

I thought of Qin Aotian, the famous and mighty leader in the Huangquan Escort Bureau. He was so arrogant and vigorous.I thought of the beautiful picture of my father taking me and my mother to see the lantern family reunion and happiness, and I thought of his farewell and helplessness when he left for the last time.

The scenes appeared one after another. I hugged his leg and cried like a child.

After 15 years, I finally found my father.

My father also recognized me. When he left, I was still a child. Now I have changed a lot. He can no longer recognize my appearance. However, the blood relationship between father and son will never be lost with time. , Let go.


He couldn't speak anymore, he just shed tears of excitement and let out a painful wail from his mouth.

"Father, I'll take you home right now!"

I wiped away my tears, held his frightened face, turned around and quickly returned to the altar, took back the Tianzi Sword that suppressed evil, and slashed at the branches entwined around him like crazy.

I don't know what those branches are made of, but they are extremely tough. Even though the Tianzi Sword is extremely sharp, there is nothing I can do.

My father shook his head desperately and yelled anxiously, beckoning me to let go.

At this moment, I was filled with grief and anger, and I only wanted to save him from this damned place.He hacked dozens of swords in succession, but it was useless, and suddenly he was burning with anxiety, angry, his blood was surging, his body staggered, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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