Dart Master

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The murderous voices of the soldiers were powerful, and Bai Chaoyang and I looked at each other, feeling extremely satisfied.

With this spirit, even if Boss Xu enters the king's city, he can still fight him with a knife and a gun.

Bai Chaoyang then conveyed the news that Rao Feng and others intended to rebel to everyone, and all the centurions expressed that they would never accept any orders from the generals.

"Brothers, this secret meeting is highly confidential, and there must be no news about it. I will be an alliance blood oath, keep the secret, and destroy the enemy!"

"Keep secrets and defend King Qin!" the soldiers said in unison.

I raised the wine bowl, bit my middle finger and dripped a drop of blood, and said loudly: "Soldiers, if the royal city can be saved this time, you will be my Qin Wushang's life-and-death brothers. I will treat you badly."

"I will swear allegiance to the King of Qin to the death, but if I break my oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth."

"Okay, done!"

Zhang Shixi and I drank it dry with the others, while Bai Chaoyang wrote down the centurion of this secret meeting with a pen, so that we can discuss military achievements in the future.

After the centurions retreated, Bai Chaoyang and I also breathed a sigh of relief. Rao Feng's [-] imperial troops have at least calmed down.

There are only a few days left until the eighth day of the lunar new year. The elite children of Black Panther and Liehu, in the name of supporting Jiangnan, went south from the city, but in fact they secretly went to Jiangdong. Once the war started, they entered the underground palace from the garbage dump.Boss Xu can stab me with a knife, and we can also stab him behind his back.

Rao Feng was going in and out of the underground passage frequently for the purpose of inspecting the military situation every day. In order not to attract Rao Feng's attention, Bai Chaoyang only deployed his defenses secretly when he was not around.

The eighth day of April still came, and the assassins in the city began to move around. Under Rao Feng's instructions, they all gathered in the Xishan area, preparing to assassinate me.

Cao San spent his life this time, and almost sent all the most elite assassins from the Assassin's Guild, and vowed not to stop unless he killed me.

I can also understand him, Cao San was always upset when I took the Xuanyuan Armor from me in Changbai Mountain last time, and now it is inevitable to take my foundation.

Animals, incense sticks, etc. for worship have been prepared in the city, and the atmosphere in the city lord's mansion is extremely tense at the moment.

"Old Xiao, this is a wolf talisman. It's up to you if you can wipe out all the thieves." I gave Xiao Yizui the token of the Raksha Ghost Cavalry, and at the same time told Xiaofeng's black army to protect the Military Advisor's Mansion.

At this time, the palace was almost empty, and Bai Ling, Xiao Zi, etc. were all secretly arranged in the military adviser's mansion to facilitate Xiaofeng's defense.

"King Qin, don't worry, there are only a dozen killers in the area, and they will definitely come and go." Xiao Yizui took the wolf talisman and said coldly.

"Is the Black Panther and Tiger already in place?" I asked.

"Back to King Qin, the two generals have already arrived near the garbage dump, and they can go straight to the thief's lair when the order is given," Hua Die said.

"Brother, let me go with you. If I can't fight then, I can carry you and run away." Shaotian put on a battle armor and patted his chest heroically.

He is now one of the best masters in Wangcheng, but I can't take him there. Once he goes, the enemy will probably cancel the plan. The fewer people there are, the more the enemy will attack me.

"Shaotian, you are here to wait for the military division's orders, remember to protect the safety of the military division's mansion." I patted his chest, very relieved.

After instructing all of this, my face turned serious, and I said in a deep voice: "Brothers, whether Wangcheng lives or dies, it all depends on this battle."

"We all wish to live and die together with King Qin." Everyone said in unison.

When I arrived at the west gate, Rao Feng was already waiting there with his one hundred sergeants, because he had already planned to assassinate me, so he didn't bring many sergeants with him.

"Rao Feng, are you ready?" I mounted the white horse and asked proudly.

Rao Feng cupped his hands and said, "Everything is ready."

I nodded and looked at him with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

Surrounding the royal city, there are mountains on the northeast and west sides, which are natural protective barriers. In the past, King Zhang chose this place because he considered the safety of the royal city.

I built the ancestral halls of Qi Shu, Zhang Wang, and Penglai Immortal in Xishan, and shaped golden bodies for people to offer incense day and night. They are called "Three Kings of the King's City".

At the same time, most of the people in the entire royal city spontaneously worshiped the three statues. Although I don't know what benefits the offering of incense can have, people like Penglaixian and Xiandao Zhenjun wished that all the people in the world would worship him. is extremely important to them.

King Zhang and Immortal Penglai are already gods, so they can naturally receive incense, but I don't know if Uncle Qi can accept it, I hope it will be good for him.

As for Immortal Penglai, he was kind to me after all, and even passed on his own Sun Sword to me. As for any grievances between him and Seventh Uncle in the past, that is their older generation's business, and I will have to rely on him in the future. Naturally, he had to be enshrined.

The temples of the three statues were built extremely grandly, and Bai Chaoyang's own mansion was extremely simple, but he spent a lot of money in building the temple. The temple is magnificent and majestic, with two entrances in total.

In the front is the main hall, where three golden bodies are enshrined, and a thick copper tripod surrounded by five people is engraved with Taoist prayer scriptures, and incense is constantly burning day and night. Come to worship, so outsiders are prohibited from entering Xishan during these days.

At the back is the hall for pilgrims, guarded by Taoist priests who voluntarily practice here.

When I arrived at the main hall, the Taoist guards inside rushed out to greet them. When I saw those people with stern faces and dark eyes, they were clearly killers.

I walked into the hall without fear, staring at the golden statues of Uncle Seven and King Zhang, praying respectfully and offering incense.

"May the three gods protect the people of Jiangdong, the heaven and the earth will be clear, and the yin and yang will be unified!" I said loudly.

As soon as I finished burning the incense, the original three golden statues suddenly burst, and three pale-haired old men appeared on the stone platform with long swords in their hands.

There were dense footsteps all around, and masked killers filed in and surrounded me.

"Qin Wushang, you are tyrannical and ruthless. You were ordered by the Third Master Cao to kill Qin Wushang!" Rao Feng violently tore off the skin from his face, but it turned out to be a face full of scars, not Cao San.

"Who are you? Where's Cao San?" I asked calmly with my hands behind my back.

"Young Master Cao is the Son of Heaven, why should he kill you? My name is Ba San. This hall is the most famous Yuan Kill Group in the assassin world. So far, seven Yin Gods have assassinated us. Qin Wushang, today It's your doomsday, just die." Scar San sneered.

Scar San, this name is very familiar. Legend has it that this person was originally a murderous devil of the Taoist underworld, but was later wanted by the Xuanmen and hid in the mountains. I never thought that he would join the Killer Guild and become the leader of the Yuan Kill Group. team leader.

"Cao San is not here, where would he be?" Could it be in Wangcheng?I screamed in my heart that it was not good, I originally thought that Cao San would do it himself, but I never thought that Rao Feng was just Scar San.

Up to now, I can almost confirm that Rao Feng was probably killed, and Cao San must be controlling the imperial army in the city as another Rao Feng.

However, it doesn't matter, no matter who leads the forbidden army, they can't change the outcome of their defeat today.

Scar San, the three elders on the stone platform, and the other assassins in the main hall shouted at the same time, and each of them flew to stand in their positions. In just a split second, they were able to set up the formation.

The moonlight flickered between my brows, and the vitality of my whole body flickered. At the same time, the Sun Sword appeared in my palm. The brilliant golden light was dazzling and dazzling, exuding an unparalleled divine light.

Ba San's brows sank, he didn't expect that I was using a sword, according to the intelligence, I should be using the Huangquan knife.

"Kill Qin Wushang!" Ba San shouted, and the thirteen killers moved their swords at the same time, coming from all sides, every angle was a sword, there was no way to avoid it, these killers could even kill the Yin God Killing, the coordination is perfect, impeccable.

A sneer flickered at the corner of my mouth, the energy of the moonlight was locked on the killer at the door, it was daytime, my moonlight was greatly reduced, and the sun sword couldn't borrow sunlight, which was extremely unfavorable to me.

I have to figure out a way to get out and lead them into my ambush circle.If I fight to the death with them here, I will definitely die.

All of these killers are veterans who are second to none in Taoism, especially the three people hiding in the god statues. They look exactly the same. If I guessed correctly, they are the three monsters of Hengshan, all of whom have been famous for many years The masters, just these three people are enough for me to eat a pot.

"Xuanzi Sword Art!" I quickly pinched the sword art, and once I made a move, it was my strongest trump card.

(End of this chapter)

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