Dart Master

Chapter 720 Ziyan's Conspiracy

Chapter 720 Ziyan's Conspiracy

"It seems that not only do you have no affection for me, but you also avoid the flowers in this room, the king's body is precious." She let out a lazy sarcasm, and then said: "I thought you would never be in love with me in this life. I will never step into this house again."

I sat cross-legged in front of her, sighed faintly, frowned and said, "Haven't you seen it through? You are the only one who is too attached to being hurt. I regard you as a friend and don't want you to be hurt. "

"Qin Wushang, you don't understand my days on the Tongtian Tower. I don't mind who you like, but I live for you. This is an unchangeable fact." She looked at me affectionately, with crystal eyes slipping from her eyes. teardrop.

"You knew I was coming right?"

"Since you came back to Wangcheng, I have often dressed up like this. I just hope that when you come back, I can give you comfort and joy, because I know that one day, you will walk into this room." She Tears dripped on the strings, and the sound quality seemed to become low and sad.

I didn't expect that being liked by others is also a very painful thing. I have forgiven many enemies. Those people have put me in the place of life and death, and I can forgive them.But facing Zi Yan, I could only cruelly reject her time and time again, and hurt her time and time again.

I originally had infinite yearning and guilt for Ziyi, if it wasn't for my poor cultivation, she wouldn't have been separated from me.But now I have to hurt a woman who is full of longing for her again. Sometimes when I think about it, I feel uneasy.

I shook my head and didn't speak.

"Tell me, why did you instigate Rao Feng to rebel, and how long have you been healed?" I asked her.

She sneered, and looked at me with cold eyes, "Qin Wushang, Bai Chaoyang regards me as a seductive vixen. I never dreamed that you would treat me like this. Do you think I'm contemptible? A vixen should be A natural slut?"

I was robbed by her, and I couldn't even say a word.With the words of Rao Feng and Mrs. Mei, I did think of certain aspects.

"Rao Feng is a gentleman, he will listen to me playing the piano quietly, comfort me, and drink and chat with me when I am lonely and in pain. He really likes me, but it is a pity that I have no room for others in my heart. I just Treat him as a confidant. He knows all the grievances and pains I have about you, so he decided to risk his life and property, wanting to defeat you, venting his anger for me, and tying you to my side, kneeling I admit my mistake."

"It's just that he is too incompetent. Not only did he fail to defeat you, he even lost his own life." Speaking of this, she laughed at herself, and tears fell like jade beads.

"He is a very simple person, you shouldn't use him like this." I lit a cigarette, bit it in my mouth and lit the fire.

"No, it was you who killed him, it was you!" She suddenly yelled frantically.

"Tell me, where did Cao San go?" I asked.

She sneered, "It doesn't matter where Cao San went, but he has become a desperado with nothing now, he will return to the Divine Sword Gate, Qin Wushang, he will come again sooner or later, maybe next time, you will Not so lucky."

I saw that her words were full of strong hatred, so I simply stopped talking and let her vent her hatred.

She got up and poured me a glass of wine, walked to the banquet, looked at me affectionately with her charming eyes, "Wu Shang, I don't want to make things difficult for you, I know you don't like me, after drinking this glass of wine, the relationship between us Once it's over, I don't want to suffer any more. After that, you and I will divide our things, how about we have nothing to do?"

I saw the affectionate expression in her eyes, as if she had made up her mind, if she could have such awareness, it would be great, "Okay, drink this cup, I hope you can find someone who really belongs to you, leave Xuanmen, live a good life."

She gracefully picked up the wine glass, raised the orchid finger, and drank it immediately. I Yuehua entered the wine glass and saw that there was no abnormal color in the wine. I knew it was non-toxic, so I raised my glass and drank it.

"Would you like to listen to me play a piece?" She looked at me pleadingly.

I nodded, the wine entered my lungs, it was quite hot, and it burned like a fire in my lungs. I know that Zi Yan is a master who is good at making fine wines. The wine was flat when I first drank it, but it was like a fire after I drank it. Not exactly her feelings for me.

I tried to suppress the alcohol that was soaring towards Tianling, but the strange thing is that even after several times of suppression, the alcohol could not be suppressed.

Maybe it's because the alcohol is too strong, the scent of flowers in my nose and mouth seems to be more intense, and as soon as the aroma blends like wine, my soul seems to float up, and I become confused.

At this moment, Zi Yan stood up and started to dance lightly. Along with her dancing posture, her beautiful singing voice came into my ears.

She turned around me, moved lightly with lotus steps, and smiled like a flower.Maybe it was because the wine was too strong, and I saw that she had a double image.

Suddenly, she took off the red tulle skirt outside, and there was no underwear inside, it was all white. The elegant, soft song and moving dance made me a little confused.

"Invite the bright moon in the sky and the world, and accompany you for a long time, drink alone in a cup and care about yourself, a couple for a lifetime..."

Yamei's voice reminded me of the first time I saw Ziyi, when she was so beautiful.

Thinking about it now, I can't help but feel sad in my heart, tears welling up in my eyes, "Zi Yi, yes, is that you?"

I shook my head vigorously, trying to wake myself up, but my thoughts seemed to be hooked by something, completely out of my control.

I seem to remember that Ziyi is indeed proficient in the art of dementia. This song is called Song of Death and Hate, and it has the effect of ecstasy.

I groaned inwardly, there must be some kind of strange soul-absorbing effect in this drink, I tried my luck to keep the Lingtai clear, the damn thing is, the night demon happened to return to the back mountain, and it was hard for me to wake up now.

After I persisted for a while, my eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally there was only one figure in my mind, and that was Ziyi.

The exact same face of Zi Yan in front of me made me miss it like crazy, my whole body burned like a flame, and I held her in my arms like crazy, at this moment, I just want to melt her into my arms...

When I hugged Ziyan and rolled among the petals on the ground, a strange smile flashed on the corner of Ziyan's mouth. There was no poison in the wine, but the poisonous flowers on the ground.

This kind of flower has a strong aphrodisiac effect. Every month when a woman can pass on the family, she will spread this kind of flower in the room, and then dress up beautifully, waiting for my arrival.

This is her last trump card, and it is also the best and cruelest way for her to take revenge on me. She wants to create an avenger that can destroy me.

It's also God's will, she waited for me for countless days and nights, but I never came, but today she finally got her wish.

She doesn't care who's name I'm calling out, who's thinking in my heart, this time, it's enough.

She responded to me with all her strength until I collapsed on her chest...

In the morning, I woke up, my whole body seemed to be drained dry, I felt weak and sore.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. My eyes hurt from the sun. I sat up slowly, only to realize that I was completely naked, and the ground was full of torn pieces of clothes, including the one on Zi Yan's body. A red gauze skirt as thin as onion wings.

I had a splitting headache and tried hard to recall what happened last night. The fragments of memory were slowly pieced together, and a dense layer of cold sweat broke out all over my body.

"How could this happen!" With a wave of my hand, the white curtain flew over and wrapped me around. I have completely recalled what happened last night, and I knew in my heart that I must have been tricked by Ziyan.

Suddenly, I found some bright red bloodstains on the ground, I suddenly had a splitting headache and yelled that it was terrible.

Not long after I married Bai Ling, something like this happened, and the partner was still Zi Yan, a woman I didn't love, so I'm in trouble.

No, I have to find out from her.

Although she said that she suffered a loss in this matter, but this is not a joke, which made me feel a little overwhelmed.What should I do, should I be responsible, or hate her more?

(End of this chapter)

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