Dart Master

Chapter 723

Chapter 723

"Everyone, be on the alert. General Huang said that as long as you catch people from the Tianshi Mansion, the brothers will count as great achievements. King Zhao will reward you with a thousand pieces of gold, and the Yin Division will reward you with a piece of land." A deputy general shouted loudly.

The ghost soldiers below responded wearily. They have been searching the Yuchang Mountain for many days, and they haven't even seen a ghost until now, so they feel a little tired in their hearts.

Zhao Wang, is undoubtedly Zhao Heizi, he is a member of the Black King, and is currently a puppet of the Xie Wang. It seems that after the Xie Wang pacified the world, he, the Zhao Wang, will sit safely.

In fact, sometimes I admire people like the Black King. They are planning a huge conspiracy, but they have both sides. I don't know if they can really sit on the throne of the Yin Division.

I made a gesture and sneaked down in a forest. When an unlucky Yin soldier came into the forest, I rushed out of Tianling who was holding him, and dragged him into the forest.

"Tell me about the current situation in Tianshi Mansion. If you dare to lie, you will be knocked out of your wits immediately." Lightning flashed in my palm, and thunder and lightning have an innate restraint effect on ghosts.
The ghost soldier knelt down in fright, "Don't kill me, me, I'll tell you right now."

He can also see that I am a human, not a ghost. In the underworld, especially after the ghost gate is closed, most of them are ghosts, but there are very few people. Therefore, when he sees me, he will have an instinctive fear.

"Less than 500 people were left in Tianshi's mansion. Zhong Tianshi was captured by the evil king himself. Now only Yao Wuxin and his five hundred beast soldiers are left to protect the puppet Yan Luo Chang'an and hide in this mountain. "The ghost soldier answered me honestly.

As soon as I heard it, I felt worried. Zhong Tianshi is the spiritual pillar of the Tianshi Mansion, and he is also an orthodox celestial master with profound Taoism. What Tianshi taught, even he was captured, presumably all the soldiers of Tianshi's mansion were killed in battle.

But with Zhong Tianshi's status, I guess Xie Wang would not dare to do anything to him without permission, and Yao Wuxin only has [-] beast soldiers left, if I don't come here, he might be captured alive sooner or later.

The situation is far more serious than I imagined. I originally thought that Tianshi Mansion and Yao Wuxin would not be defeated so quickly, but it is obvious that the evil king is so powerful that they simply cannot stand up to it.

"Who is your general?" I asked.

"The general's name is Huang Xiao, and he is a yin god general under Xie Wang's command. He has the ability to reach the sky. General Huang has three thousand men and horses, and they are carrying out the search mission." The way of fifty is coming.

With 3000 troops, it's not like they're powerless, but this Huang Xiao should be an extremely powerful figure. After Xie Wang came to power, he represented the interests of the old lineage, and got a group of Yin gods headed by Xiandao Zhenjun support.

Huang Xiao should be a relatively humble Yin God, with a very high level of cultivation, but not very famous, but since he is a Yin God, he is not comparable to ordinary people or ghosts. Being able to send a Yin God to command an army shows that The evil king is determined to win this hunt.

"It's kind of interesting. I've been in Xuanmen for so long, and I've killed countless enemies, but this Yin God has never fought a decisive battle, so I took this Huang Xiao as the knife." Yang smashed the Yin soldier into ashes.

I took another set of armor and put it on with Shaotian. Of course, it is rare to pretend to be a Yin soldier. I went to a secluded place to look for Yao Wuxin's trace.

The entire Yuchang Mountain was marching in a curve, Huang Xiao's soldiers and horses snaked in from the entrance to search, and now only the second half of the mountain has not been searched.

Huang Xiao's search method is of that kind of carpet type. They have already checked the first half, and it is expected that there will be no traces of Yao Wuxin, Chang'an Jun and others, so I simply started searching directly from the second half.

The second half is close to the gate of ghosts, and it is convenient to evacuate if something happens.

I broke into a dense forest, where shade trees grow and the air is cold, it looks like a dense forest suitable for hiding.

Shaotian and I had just sneaked into the forest when we tripped over something. I looked down and saw that a thin silk thread had been broken by me. The moment I lowered my head, more than a dozen poisonous The spear whizzed towards his face.

Seeing that there was danger, Shaotian flipped high into the air, grabbed both hands, and held all the spears in his hands, and at the same time, the golden light flashed all over his body, breaking all the spears.

The whole process was done in one go, Shaotian landed on the ground and winked at me, "Brother, I'm good."

This idiot's cultivation is already above mine, but what surprises me is that he is so proficient in dealing with the enemy.

In the past, he would simply run away, or fight all at once, but I didn't expect this shot to be a master, which really surprised me.

"Shaotian, yes, who taught you?" I asked.

Shaotian tilted his head and thought for a while: "I don't know, it just happened suddenly."

I was overjoyed, knowing that this fool's wisdom is about to open, and once he fully recovers, he won't be able to sweep the world.

However, before I had time to think about it, a giant net swept across the sky.

My face darkened, and I stood up long, holding the sword in my hand, and the Huang Zi Jian Jue divine sword suddenly appeared, and flew towards the killer's hiding place in the woods.

The killer hiding in the woods didn't expect that Shaotian and I had such high cultivation bases. Although the giant net was tough, it was smashed under my sharp sword energy.

Dangdang two crisp sounds, the killer hiding in the depths of the forest is not weak, my magic sword was blown away as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer.My body was also subjected to a certain amount of backlash from the shock, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"What a powerful master!"

I borrowed a little strength from the tree, volleyed my palm, and flew towards that person.

Several killers rushed towards me from all directions at the same time. First of all, one of them had a ferocious face, as if he had descended from the earth, and his eyes revealed a cold murderous look. He looked like a veteran who had experienced many battles.

But seeing his two short halberds swirling towards him, the murderous power was astonishing, I shook my wrist, and the moonlight gathered in my palm, boom dong, and at the same time I split the palms to force the short halberds away, the man had already jumped in front of me, with his elbows They hit my vital points in the chest, full of vicious killing moves that took people's lives.

I drew a little Tai Chi with both hands, pushed and hit him, and scattered his elbow strength, and at the same time shouted: "Uncle Yao is me!"

On the other side, Shaotian was in a hurry, and he made a move with the golden halberd, single-handedly picking off seven or eight killers in the forest without any effort.

Yao Wuxin was receiving a move or two from me, seeing that my cultivation was astonishing, and the moves I made were somewhat similar to Seventh Uncle's. My body was full of yang, and I was human, so I stopped my hands immediately.

"Who are you?" His two fierce lights fell on my face suspiciously.

When I went to the underworld, he rescued me and saw me once, but in the past two years, I have changed a lot, especially now that I have become the king, I deliberately grow a beard, which makes me look more powerful and completely I have lost my original childishness, so it is normal for him not to recognize me.

"Uncle Yao, I'm Qin Wushang!" I held his icy hand, my eyes were red, and I was so excited.

Yao Wuxin opened his giant eyes, and looked at me in disbelief. After taking a closer look, he said in surprise, "It's really not hurt!"

He grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously, "Only you will come to Yin Division at this time and save me from the defeated army."

Speaking of this, his blood-red ghost eyes were full of sadness: "Qin Jian and Zhang Wang's old faction are really dead in my hands."

He knelt on the ground in pain and bowed towards the gray sky: "His Majesty Zhang, Qin Yanjun, Yao Wuxin is incompetent, and failed to keep the foundation of the Yin Division. Now the country is taken by thieves, it is really..."

The failures and struggles of the past few days have made this once famous general of the Yin Division, the commander of the animal city, almost on the verge of collapse.

He was not sad because of the defeat, but felt lonely because his generation had long since passed away, and he even lost hope of fighting.

The reason why he persevered in the war of resistance in the deep mountains was just to fight for the final dignity of Zhang Wang's family, and he would rather die than surrender.

"General Yao, Uncle Qi is still here, King Zhang is still here, the culprits will be wiped out one day, you and I still need to work hard to take back the country." I knew the loneliness in their generation's heart, and immediately grabbed his shoulder armor, firmly said.

(End of this chapter)

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