Dart Master

Chapter 737

Chapter 737
Yan Donglou is undoubtedly the most proud, he took advantage of all the benefits, and immediately said with great joy: "Don't worry, my lord, I have three thousand elite soldiers, no one here can touch you, I will take you back to Penglai City immediately, where you will be like a fairy!" to the wonderful world."

Mr. Chang'an has been completely attracted by Yan Donglou's words, at this moment, he only wished to put on a pair of wings and fly to Yan's house immediately.

"Young Master Yan, you are thinking too brightly, this is not Penglai City, don't let your majesty fail, you will lose your head too." Murong Yu stood up and looked at Yan Donglou coldly, and walked away with a cold snort.

"Your Majesty, it's not time to leave yet. It's safer for you to follow me first. Brother Yan, if you want to leave with peace of mind, it's better to settle the matter here first." Seeing that the effect has been achieved, I walked up Before him, he pulled Chang'an Jun over, and smiled lightly.

"You!" Yan Donglou frowned in displeasure, but there was nothing he could do about it, because I promised to give Lord Chang'an to him on condition.And I poured this basin of cold water on him, which made him wake up immediately, Murong Yu and Tuoba Chong will not sit idly by.

Especially Murong Yu, even if he and Tuoba Chong had a verbal quarrel, but people in the Taoist sect are most concerned about one benefit.There are no eternal friends, nor eternal enemies, and they may join forces again at any time.

If Murong Yu didn't get any benefits, he traveled all the way to Changping, would he be willing?You are not an idiot, if this matter drags on, they will soon see through my intention of being in the middle, and it will be me who will be the most disadvantaged at that time.

"Okay, Your Majesty will leave it to you for the time being, but I hope that the matter here can be resolved as soon as possible. Qin Wushang, you are the one who insisted that Murong Yu will be resolved. I will wait for you!" Yan Donglou grabbed my hand Clothes, cursed angrily, gritted his teeth and left.

Mr. Changan was pulled back by me, and he was also full of anger. When he returned to my military tent, he immediately complained: "Qin Wushang, what kind of tricks are you playing? You made me choose Yandonglou, now You pulled me back again, are you making fun of me?"

I smiled and said: "Yes, there are still seven or eight dancers serving him in the big tent of Yandong Tower. That is a life like a fairy, and you will enjoy it sooner or later, but it is not now. Today You have also seen the situation. Both Tuoba Chong and Murong Yu were extremely dissatisfied with you for not choosing them. Do you think that the three thousand soldiers in Yandong Tower can really keep you? Use your brain to think about it, only I can save you. When you come out of the sea of ​​suffering, everything will follow my plan, and I guarantee that you can leave here alive and go to the Yan family to be your emperor."

The corners of my eyes were bent into a thin slit, and although I was smiling, in fact, there was murderous intent everywhere, which frightened Mr. Chang'an for a while, and he didn't dare to make any more nonsense, and obediently closed his mouth.

I asked Shaotian to keep an eye on Mr. Chang'an 24 hours a day. Anyway, this kid is very energetic. At the same time, Mr. Chang'an is also a little afraid of him. With him around, he is not afraid of Tuoba Chong playing tricks on Murong Yu.

"King Qin!" Huwei walked into the big tent, carefully looked around, and quietly approached.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You guessed right, Tuoba Chong has secretly dispatched scouts to towns near Changping to mobilize troops." Hu Wei whispered.

"It's interesting, how did you handle it?" I asked Tiger Guard.

Huwei laughed and said: "King Qin, do you think it's funny, Tuoba Chong's scouts went to transfer troops, but they were rejected. It turned out that our General Zhang was marching to the north, and that boy Bai Qi went to the desert to talk to Gu Tianxiong to persuade Lao Tu. The tribe, together with the surrounding tribes oppressed by Tuoba Chong, assembled an army of [-], and began to attack Kuangsha City, the capital of Tuoba Chong, in the south. Get rid of Tuoba Chong and beg Jiangdong for mercy."

I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. This kid Bai Qi is really talented. Although I don't know how he persuaded the tribe to attack Tuoba Chong, but if this situation continues, I'm afraid that Tuoba Chong won't need me to attack again. Sooner or later he will have to break down himself.

This is the result of war. Jiangdong has been the center of Taoism since ancient times. It is a blessed land. In addition to many heroes, the more important thing is that it can be consumed.

The best opportunity for Tuoba Chong to attack was when I went to Changbai Mountain, but at that time they did not dare to march due to the severe cold weather, and missed a good opportunity. It is impossible to waste it now.

With the failure of Youcheng, my morale was high, and the north and the south attacked him. Some tribal nobles who originally supported Tuoba Chong began to be exhausted, and they were extremely dissatisfied with Tuoba Chong. , but didn't know that the house was already in disarray.

Of course, it's not that Tuoba Chong is ignorant of the situation he is facing now, he has already begun to lose control of the situation and the army, so he did not hesitate to compete with me in Changping for Lord Chang'an, just to win people's hearts and fight again.

But this was almost impossible, the army was defeated like a mountain, and as the battle progressed, if he continued to work here, his death would only be worse.

"King Qin, General Arab, the regent of Kuangsha City in Mobei, specially sent an envoy to see you. Would you like to see him?" Tiger Guard asked.

"Where is the man?" I asked.

Huwei hurriedly said respectfully: "Go back to King Qin, I have already brought him to our military tent..."

I glanced at him and didn't speak, maybe because my expression was a little serious, he knelt down in fright.

Although the Tiger Clan people are good at hunting, they don't have a heart. He was afraid that I would blame him for bringing someone here privately, and he was afraid that I would be overwhelmed.

I smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

Huwei was a little stunned, and even more frightened: "This subordinate is a capital offender, so I shouldn't make any claims. I just thought that since the Mobei envoy came to surrender, I brought him to meet him."

"Get up, you are doing the right thing. As a minister, you must not only be loyal, but also have your own judgment. You have done a good job, tell me what is your name?" I asked.

Only then did Hu Wei heave a sigh of relief, and said respectfully: "Reporting to the King of Qin, the younger one is called Hu Qi. We Hu people don't have proper names, and we are ranked according to our strength."

I patted him on the shoulder, "Well, you have handled things quite well these days. Although you are surrounded by thousands of armies, you have no fear at all, and you are bold and careful in doing things. How about this? I will give you a name and wait After you go back, I will give you another official position to assist Liehu in commanding the special forces, what do you think?"

Hu Qi said happily: "It is a small blessing to be named by the King of Qin."

"I see how your name is Fu Qin? It is extremely rare for you to serve the Lord faithfully when my life is in danger. How about this name?" I asked with a smile.

"Fu Qin thank you King Qin for the name, I will be loyal to the Lord in this life, life and death will never change." Fu Qin knelt on the ground and said gratefully.

I helped him up, "Quickly go and invite the envoy of the Regent of Mobei to the military tent, and remember not to let outsiders find out."

Fu Qin took the order to leave, and after a while, he carefully led a man in the desert wearing ordinary sergeant armor into the room. I quickly made a look, and Fu Qin led other soldiers to stand guard outside the door.

"Baal, the envoy of Mobei, was ordered by the regent, General Arab, to meet His Majesty the King of Qin in Jiangdong, and may my king live forever without borders." The envoy of Mobei knelt on one knee and worshiped reverently.

He did not perform the rituals of Mobei, but the rituals of Xuanmen monarchs and ministers. Obviously, he has learned it deliberately, which shows his sincerity in coming here.

I raised my hand and smiled lightly: "The envoy has worked hard. He came from Mobei. He must be tired. Let's sit down and talk."

The envoy from Mobei was full of wind and sand, exhausted from the vicissitudes of life, obviously came here quietly from the secret road, not through the army and went down the right way, and he wanted to come here, since he came to find me to surrender, if he was intercepted by Tuoba Chong's army You must be very careful along the way, and you must have suffered a lot to find this place.

I poured the wine for him myself, Baal was terrified immediately, and quickly said he didn’t dare, I smiled and motioned him to drink first to quench his thirst, and when he was full, Baal wiped off the oil stains on his mouth, and said to me again gratitude.Although the Beimo people were fierce, most of them were bold and forthright. Baal was so respectful, obviously he was proficient in the etiquette of the Taoist sect of Middle Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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