Dart Master

Chapter 739

Chapter 739
"King Qin, don't you really intend to leave a way for our Mobei royal family to survive? General Arab is desperate for you, but you are killing them all like this. Do you let us have any other choice besides fighting to the death? ’ Baal protested to me almost beggingly.

I walked to his side, helped him up, poured him a glass of wine, and smiled lightly: "Baal, General Arab is able to take the initiative to surrender, of course he has a lot of credit, I still say that, Mobei Xuanmen and Zhongtu belong to the same family, they are nothing but each other, if the general surrenders, he is one of us. Naturally, I, Qin Wushang, will not treat my brother badly."

"Please make it clear, King Qin." Baal was about to collapse from what I said.

"Kuangsha City has been changed to an ordinary strategic city. General Arab will continue to be the lord of Kuangsha City, and the officials in charge of the city will be appointed and dismissed by him personally, but Kuangsha City must fly our Jiangdong King's flag. At the same time, any appointment of Alab must be in the form of documents. Bai Qi's royal account was sent to Jiangdong to report. Since you want to surrender to me, everything must follow my Jiangdong's rules. Of course, the salaries of General Arab and the princes are doubled as they are now, and the taxes within the jurisdiction of Kuangsha City, etc. , you only need to hand over 60.00% to Jiangdong, and the remaining [-]% will be used as expenses for your old princes. Finally, and most importantly, in Kuangsha City, you can only leave one-third of your princely guards. Station two-thirds of the Jiangdong Army."

I patted Baal on the shoulder and explained the conditions clearly.

In fact, why don't I want to kill all these stupid old princes, but now is not the time, even if the Tuoba Chong regime collapses, they are deeply rooted in Mobei after all, and they cannot be cleaned overnight.

Only when they continue to accept Sinicization, as most Mobei people get used to the jurisdiction of Jiangdong's military and government, and become indifferent to the worship of Mobei princes and nobles, can these guys be slowly and completely cut off.

When Baal heard it, most of the conditions I mentioned were acceptable, especially the double salary, and 40.00% of the tax for expenses. Once Mobei and Jiangdong become one family, the business and trade will be more prosperous at that time, 40.00% , no less than now.

Only two-thirds of the Jiangdong army was stationed in the last line. There is no doubt that the military power of Arab, the city lord, is almost empty, and can only be controlled by Bai Qi, the real king of Mobei.

"King Qin, can our royal family have our own right to garrison troops? At least let us have two-thirds of the military power in Kuangsha City." Baal argued.

The corners of my eyes curled into a slit, and I looked at him coldly, "Do you think it's possible? If it weren't for your sincerity in coming here today, I would have ordered Bai Qi to destroy Kuangsha City. It is one thing to enjoy the favor I have given you, and whether you can live with your life is the same thing. A courtier must have the consciousness of being a courtier, and the appearance of being a courtier. Since you General Arab is proficient in Chinese culture, you must also understand it. Makes sense."

Baal thought for a while, then sighed and said, "King Qin, you are really amazing. The villain admires you. Let me go back to Kuangsha City and report this matter to the elders."

"There is one more important thing right now, which is the gift I brought to King Qin this time."

Speaking of this, Baal took out a secret letter from his pocket. The secret letter was a killing order. King God executed Tuoba Chong under the order of God.

At the bottom is the seal of the five elders, which is the highest order in Mobei. Once the five elders jointly approve the document, it will even have the power to abolish the Great Khan of Beimo.

These five elders are actually the five most powerful tribal chiefs in Mobei. Of course, they are mostly related to Tuoba Chong, but now that the disaster is imminent, everyone is based on their own interests, so no one cares about them. Tuoba Chong.

With this letter, I can kill Tuoba Chong openly. At the same time, as long as this letter reaches Tuoba Chong's army, his soldiers will no longer be able to fight.

Whether the war in the northern Taoist sect can be resolved in the shortest time, only two things are needed right now, one is the head of Tuoba Chong, and the other is this letter, the combination of the two will have unparalleled power, and the Beimo army will surely be defeated.

It seems that Arab is indeed quite sincere, even bringing this to me, obviously he can't stand Tuoba Chong's stubbornness anymore.

"Fu Qin!" I yelled out the door, and Fu Qin walked in quickly. I asked him to prepare some dry food for the Mobei envoy, and at the same time urged him to get on the road as soon as it was dark.

The longer he stays with me, the worse it will be for me. Now I need him to return to Mobei immediately to stabilize those princes and convey my conditions.

Of course, I must quickly resolve the matter at Changping, return to Jiangdong as soon as possible, and carefully discuss the specific solution for Beimo.

The Beimo area was restored, and Bai Qi's [-] troops alone might not be able to suppress it, and other tribes would surely get a share of the pie. Of course, Bai Chaoyang personally appointed Bai Qi to be handsome, so he had some means.

After the envoy from Mobei left, I hid the killing orders of the five elders in my hand, and prepared to go to see Murong Yu. With this thing, persuading Murong Yu is no longer a problem, and the end of Tuoba Chong is coming.

I walked outside the door, and saw that there seemed to be frequent deployment of sergeants outside the big tent. I was shocked at the moment, and hurriedly found Yandonglou to understand the situation.

Sure enough, as Lord Chang'an chose Yandong Tower, Tuoba Chong and Murong Yu were secretly very unhappy, and they tried to jointly win Lord Chang'an again.

In fact, this was already in my expectation, Tuoba Chong and Murong Yu are somewhat related.And if Mr. Chang An arrives at Yan's house, and I'm separated, Murong Yu won't be able to reach him at all.

But if it is in the hands of Tuoba Chong, they are all Beimo people at heart, and the possibility of joining forces is still extremely high.

"Qin Wushang, what should we do now? Have you seen that once these six thousand soldiers and horses surround him, not to mention you, even this young master will surely die." Yan Donglou urged with a frown.

I calmed down and said calmly, "What are you in a hurry for? Tonight is Tuoba Chong's death day, Lord Chang'an must be yours, and no one will compete with you."

Seeing that I didn't panic at all, Yan Donglou seemed to have a plan in mind, and he relaxed a little in his heart, and said immediately: "Well, I'll see what methods you have, anyway, my son reminds you, Murong Yu and Tuoba Chong are not fools , you’d better not play with fire and set yourself on fire, and Mr. Chang’an must belong to me, if you use him as a bargaining chip again, don’t blame me for not warning you, you will be the first one to clean up.”

"Young master Yan, you can rest assured to sleep in your big sleep." I watched the mobilization of soldiers and horses around me, and smiled lightly.

I was worried at first that these two people would join forces, but I saw that the mobilization of soldiers and horses was huge, but they were transferred in a chaotic manner. Obviously, these two people have their own ghosts, and they are not sincerely cooperating. They put on this posture I just want to scare me and Yan Donglou.

In fact, they don't trust each other at all. Since this is the case, I naturally have ways to deal with them.

The moonlight was shining quietly on the river beach, Shaotian walked over quietly, "Brother, I went to see it, Tuoba Chong vomited blood, he was injured by me."

"Very good, you should go and inform Fu Qin immediately, let the news out, and say that Tuoba Chong has vomited blood, his health is not good, and his life will be in danger at any time."

Shaotian vomited blood when he played Tuoba Chong, and he was very excited, because I told him that Tuoba Chong was the number one expert in Mobei. When this silly boy heard it, he naturally knew that he was stronger than the number one expert in Mobei, yes He was very proud, and immediately took orders.

"King Qin, King Tuoba has an invitation." A Mobei soldier walked over quickly and asked me for instructions.

I smiled, raised my hand and said, "Lead the way ahead."

I soon arrived at Tuoba Chong's big tent, his face was really not good-looking, Shao Tian really started to move, it doesn't matter how serious it is, it must be that he used too much force that day and severely injured Tuoba Chong.

"King Qin is here, please sit down." Tuoba Chong was sitting at the top, surrounded by well-cultivated guards on the left and right, it seemed that this was about to throw a banquet for me.

I sat down and didn't speak, just quietly smoking a cigarette, waiting for him to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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