Dart Master

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

With the support of Lie Hu, I stood up, took a deep breath and said with a sneer: "I, Qin Wushang, is the King of Destiny, if any curse can damage my fortune, it would be too small for me. Don't worry about the inadequacy of small skills, and the generals don't worry."

Seeing that I had regained my composure, everyone felt relieved, and I asked someone to bury Mr. Mei's head and body together, on the top of this hill.

After all, this person is also a great master of a generation. Of course, the black panther recorded Mr. Mei's death with a shadow talisman, and he was sent to the Lu family immediately.

Few people have actually seen Mr. Mei's real face, and the Lu family naturally knew whether he was really dead or faked when they saw him.

It is also meaningful for me to send the shadow talisman, implying that the Lu family should stop being ambitious, they can't beat me, even if they send a top pillar to fight against me, Qin Wushang, they will surely fail.

After burying Mr. Mei generously, I returned to the big tent and asked Shaotian to take off my armor. At this moment, my chest was in severe pain.

"Brother, you are injured, two terrible marks." Shaotian tried to touch the two black spots, and immediately I felt like five thunderbolts piercing my heart, and the pain was incomparable.

I couldn't help but think of the vicious curse that Mr. Mei said before his death, and I felt chills in my heart. Today, in the fierce land of Changping, I first beheaded a party of princes, and then killed the national pillar protected by Lingnan Xiandao Zhenjun My lord, I don't know if the killing is too heavy. At this moment, my heart is also uneasy.

"Shaotian, don't let the other generals know about this for the time being. After I go down the mountain to discuss with the military adviser and Mr. Nangong, I will treat you." I lit a cigarette and gritted my teeth. Get out.

"This Mr. Mei is really hateful. He dies when he dies, and he has to kill brother you when he dies. It's really bad." Shaotian complained, "If I knew it, I would kill him with a halberd."

"Mr. Mei is not an ordinary person. His swordsmanship, especially the invisible sword energy, has reached the peak. It is a pity that this magical swordsmanship will be lost after his death." I sighed quietly.

The invisible sword energy makes people hard to guard against. If Mr. Mei is in a complete victory period, he can kill me, but he chose the wrong order and attacked Murong Yu first.

"King Qin, this is Mr. Zaimei's belongings, take a look." Fu Qin walked in with a scroll and some oiled paper bags.

Inside the oiled paper bag are maps of Lingnan. These maps are marked with some mines and lands of spirit beasts, which are extraordinary places that ordinary people cannot see.

"That's great. All the precious things in Lingnan are on this map. It seems that Mr. Mei has searched all over Lingnan and visited all the precious places in Lingnan. This person is really amazing, not only repairing He is a master, and when it comes to astronomy and geography, he is also the best in the world. No wonder the father and son of the Lu family will obey him and regard him as a national treasure." I was overjoyed, and quickly and carefully put away the map in the oil-paper bag, because there are One of the things I am most interested in, the fire unicorn!

After the battle of Changping, I have almost acquired most of the Xuanmen's world. The two major forces of Tuoba Chong and Murong Yu have basically disappeared, and the Lu family's loss of Mr. Mei is like the collapse of the southern sky. It is no longer a threat to me, now it's time for me to go to Lingnan to regain my mount and drive directly to the Yin Division.

I opened the hand scroll again, and the ink on it was still dry. Seeing that I seemed a little surprised, Fu Qin hurriedly said, "King Qin, this is what my subordinates tried many times with a special method, and it was rubbed off from Mr. Mei's back." .”

"Shadowless Sword Art!" I took a closer look, and almost jumped up in surprise. I really came here for whatever I wanted. I was just regretting that Mr. Mei's Shadowless Sword Qi was lost. I never thought that it would be found by Fu Qin. .

Because I was too excited, I felt another sharp pain in my chest, and immediately coughed loudly.

"Fu Qin, tell me, where did you get it?" I calmed down and asked hastily.

Fu Qin said: "I forgot to tell you, Night Demon asked us to prepare some special potions, after infiltrating Mr. Mei's body, it will appear in shape."

"It's just that they were afraid that King Qin would be angry, so they didn't tell you."

Since Mr. Mei is dead, there is no need to make a fuss about his body. I am more concerned about this point. No wonder Yemo and the others dare not tell me in private.

"Don't be an example!" I said solemnly, I can't set this precedent, otherwise, wouldn't our Jiangdong army become tigers and wolves?
"You told Liehu to immediately organize his army and prepare to go down the mountain. Where has Tuoba rushed?" I asked.

I got the armor on the boat and asked as I walked.

Fu Qin said: "King Qin, our people have been monitoring Tuoba Chong. This kid entered the ancient wooden formation behind Changping Mountain. As a result, the generals refused to let him enter the formation. He ran out in a desperate manner. Now he is near the ancient wooden formation. Walking around. The soldiers did not receive your order, and no one attacked the ancient wood, as long as you give the order, they will definitely be able to take down these frightened birds within three hours."

"Well, without my order, don't attack Gumu for now, I want to talk to Tuoba Chong in private."

"King Qin, don't you want to kill Tuoba Chong?" Fu Qin asked a little puzzled.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him coldly: "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Fu Qin quickly shut his mouth, I quickly walked into the military tent, Bai Chaoyang had already woken up, Ye Mo was waiting for him to drink soup and medicine.

"Chaoyang, are you better?" I sat down beside him and asked with concern.

Bai Chaoyang's face turned pale, "Brother Wang really troubled you this time, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I might lose my life."

I hugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "You and I are brothers, if you say this, you will be alienated. Just treat it as a catastrophe in your life, and we brothers will save each other."

I think he must have known what happened. I am very happy that he can wake up. Bai Chaoyang's soul is stronger than ordinary people. After all, he is a man of secrets. Mr. Mei can trap him for a while, but not A generation.

After being raised on the mountain for two days, with the help of my luck, Bai Chaoyang has recovered his spirit.

It's time to end everything. Murong Yu's body has been treated briefly. Seeing the Xichuan hero lying quietly on the boulder, his stern face like a knife is now cold, and Bai Chaoyang also sighed secretly. .

The king of Xichuan killed Changping because he was greedy for Lord Chang'an. Presumably, it was God who made Jiangdong's progress too slowly, so he deliberately arranged such an event.

In fact, it was not easy for Murong Yu to come to Changping, he had to go through a secret road, and Bashu was very dangerous, he traveled thousands of miles to come here, but in the end he ended up dying as a guest in another country.

"Brother Murong, the world belongs to us. One day, I, Qin Wushang, will hand over this foundation to others or be taken away by others. You just left early. This is not a bad thing, I have already eliminated it for you. I have fulfilled your wish for Mr. Mei, believe me, after Xichuan merges into Jiangdong, I will treat the people of Xichuan kindly, so that they will be free from swords and become a real land of abundance."

When I think of Murong Yu's arrogance and extraordinary figure in the past, I also feel sad in my heart. Taoism is like this, there is no one who is always invincible, and no one knows when they will leave this familiar land.

"Brother Murong, although I have never met you, you are the hero of Xichuan generation. It is really sad that you died before your great career was completed. It is a good journey." Bai Zhaoyang sighed.

The two of us personally performed a simple rescue for Murong Yu. Of course, his soul has been shattered long ago. In fact, there is no need for a rescue. I did this only out of respect for him.

After completing the transcendence, the night demon slowly attached to Murong Yu's soul sea, and it didn't take long for him to wake up.

The moment Ye Mo opened his eyes, Bai Chaoyang and I smiled at each other, because this means that Xichuan has officially fallen into Jiangdong's hands since then, and there is no better result than this.

"King Qin!" Ye Mo jumped down from the rock, looked at himself carefully, and turned around, feeling extremely happy.

"I never thought that I could get the body of a hero today." Yemo said pleasantly.

"General Ye, Xichuan will be handed over to you from now on. If you can secure Xichuan, it will be my Jiangdong's blessing, and I think King Qin will be more pleased." Bai Chaoyang urged.

(End of this chapter)

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