Dart Master

Chapter 765 The Acrobatic Assassin

Chapter 765 The Acrobatic Assassin

Mrs. Mei smiled lightly and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have already asked the military adviser for instructions, and he checked it himself, so naturally there will be no problem."

"Well, let's go." I nodded, lit a cigarette, leaned back on the chair, and waved.

Mrs. Mei smiled and walked out, twisting her waist, looking at her back, my eyes became more and more cold, "It's interesting, I want to see who is the killer sent this time."

I knew they wouldn't let it go, since they wanted to assassinate me, I just took this opportunity to kill them completely, lest these guys make trouble again.

In fact, Bai Chaoyang and I made ourselves very tired by offering sacrifices to the sky. In this way, even if Bai Chaoyang was a little lax in the inspection, it was normal, and the killers just let the flow in. their assassination plan.

And what I want to do is to take this opportunity to completely uproot them.

"Shaotian, go and inform Xiaofeng..." I whispered a few words in Shaotian's ear quickly.Shaotian took the order and immediately walked into the inner room of the Emperor's Mansion.

Mrs. Mei can freely come and go in the imperial mansion, so Cao San probably has already checked everything inside and out through her, so he will start to do it at this time. It is no exaggeration to say that if I Madam Mei's proposal was rejected tonight, she will still try every means to let these killers in.

Because I deliberately dispersed Xiao Feng, Bai Chaoyang and others, and usually I was surrounded by guards, all of whom were well-cultivated attendants, so she couldn't find a chance to attack.

So this can be said to be their only chance. Cao San has no reason to lose it. No matter what, he will choose to give it a try.

For me, this is a very sad thing. Cao San is proficient in my disguise technique, and he used the identity of Mrs. Mei to break in, which means that Mrs. Mei has probably been murdered by him and rubbed her face. gone.

This poor miserable woman originally thought that she would live to old age without any disasters under my protection, but she never wanted to be killed by such a cruel hand.

After about half a cup of tea, Mrs. Mei led eight guys in strange clothes into the hall, one of them was wearing a mask, and looked extremely gloomy. These people may have deliberately suppressed their aura, so It looks very weird.

But there is no doubt that these people are very powerful guys, especially the one with the mask. There are also very few doors, and they should not be under Mr. Mei.

I was shocked, Cao San is paying for my life, luckily I was fully prepared tonight, otherwise I really fell for this guy.

"Your Majesty, the acrobats from the Western Regions have arrived." Mrs. Mei reminded me cautiously.

I opened my eyes, snuffed out the cigarette that was almost burning to my fingertips, and said with a peaceful smile, "Everyone has worked hard, let's get started."

I put my hands behind my head and nodded, and the acrobats began to perform in the hall, naturally some juggling such as stacking flower bowls, and using tricks to change things, and other small tricks.

If I had just entered the Taoist sect, I might be very interested, but now that I have reached my level of cultivation, everything becomes transparent to my eyes, meaningless and interesting, and I yawned immediately. .

"Ginseng soup, it's getting cold, Your Majesty should drink some." Mrs. Mei walked to the big case and reminded me.

"Okay!" I am not polite, I picked up the ginseng soup and drank it without leaking. Of course, I know that it is highly poisonous, so I can't drink it. Yifeng has already prepared a layer of crystal film for me, which can resist any ginseng in the world. highly toxic.

The poison I swallowed was immediately isolated by the crystal film and suppressed in my throat, even so, I still only felt a burning pain in my throat, this poison is definitely not under the Sirius poison water.

Seeing that I swallowed the highly poisonous water, Madam Mei was overjoyed immediately, her eyes glowed with hatred.

At this time, it was the turn of the guy in the mask to juggle. He sprayed green flames from his mouth. Seeing me drink the poisoned wine, he swooped down and flew towards me.

I suddenly let out a painful scream, and shouted with a painful face: "Yes, it is poisonous! Someone is here, help, help."

When I was pretending to be in pain, blood overflowed from my mouth. In order to pretend to be a bit more realistic, I forced a mouthful of blood and sprayed it out.

Madam Mei let out a cold smile, and said arrogantly, "Qin Wushang, you also have today, so don't shout, today is the day you become emperor, and all the subjects are reveling in the square, even if you shout out your throat Someone heard it."

I pointed at him and shouted coldly: "You, who are you? Xiaofeng's black army is in this imperial mansion, as long as I shout, I will surely tear your corpses to pieces."

"Qin Wushang, what you think is so naive. Xiaofeng has already taken the black army to investigate the spies in the city. How did he know that you would die at the hands of my son. Didn't expect it, you just did it The emperor in less than a day will end up like this, this is how the heavens have eyes." Cao San laughed loudly.

I coughed up another mouthful of blood, and said with a wry smile: "Cao San, you are really haunted. If I hadn't preserved your body, you would have become a ghost in the Yin Mountain. Why are you so obsessed? "

"It's really interesting to be obsessed with obsession. Qin Wushang thank you for laying down this great river and mountain for me. To be honest, I admire you a lot. What even Zhang Wang and Qin Jian failed to accomplish, is so in your hands. It's easy to solve it completely, even if Xuanyuan is reborn, he won't have such a good life." Cao San went mad with jealousy, pointed at me and laughed ferociously.

"So?" I asked him coldly.

"So? Simple, I kill you, wear your mask, sit on your country, and then all your money, women, and courtiers will be mine?" Cao San looked almost idiot stared at me.

I shook my head, "You still don't understand, God doesn't favor people who get something for nothing, do you know how Mr. Mei died?"

"Isn't it just in Changping that I fell into your trap and was killed by you? Qin Wushang, let me remind you, I am not Mr. Mei, and your tricks are useless to me." Cao San said triumphantly.

When I saw his quick success and arrogant look, I knew that this guy didn't think about it at all after suffering setbacks. On the contrary, he got worse. How could God favor him for a person like him?
"You're right, Mr. Mei just wanted to get something for nothing, and he died tragically in Changping. And you, do you know how you will die?" I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and asked with a smile.

"How did you die? I am very interested. Today you have no hope of escaping. I want to see if your clever mouth like a lotus flower can keep you alive." Cao San has already decided that I must die. Don't be in a hurry to do it, just taunt me.

For a person like him whose heart has been completely distorted, killing people can no longer satisfy the desire in his heart, especially me, whom he hates the most. He must want me to feel ashamed and remorseful, and then he will tear me into pieces so that vent hatred.

"You're stupid!" I laughed with the corners of my mouth raised.

While speaking, I snapped my ten fingers and flicked towards the acrobats in the lobby at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Cao San is a killer after all, his natural quality made him take a step to the side almost instinctively, even so, my shadowless sword still pierced his arm, but the killer behind him is not so simple up.

Immediately there were four acrobats wearing patterned leather jumpsuits, and before they even had time to react, they were pierced by my Shadowless Sword.

The Shadowless Sword is not an ordinary sword technique, it has strong penetrating power, and its lethality is also extremely domineering. The most important thing is that this sword technique is very "thiefy", and ordinary people can't even notice it. I think Mr. Mei told me in the crowd Sending a sword, I had a blood Buddha to protect my body at that time, but I was almost beheaded by this old thief.

I have been pretending to be deeply poisoned just now, so the killers thought that I was in danger and had no strength to fight anymore. They were just thinking about how to kill me, not how to defend.

(End of this chapter)

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