Dart Master

Chapter 774 Little Confusion

Chapter 774 Little Confusion

In addition to the main entrance, there is no other place to attack.

The soldiers also had plenty of siege equipment. They set up ladders, fire jars, and rain of arrows to bombard the city, but it was obvious that the bull's head was ruthless. This kid personally supervised the army at the top of the city. I went to the city three times and was stopped.

The gates of Misty City were extremely strong, and the soldiers' attack was blocked by crossbows, rolling stones, fallen logs, etc., so they fought for a whole day, and the two sides did not even pry off a brick except for some people who died.

"Damn it, Misty City has been fortified, and it will be very difficult for our people to take it down for a while. King Qin, I beg you, give me three more days, and I will definitely take it down." Yao Wuxin didn't expect to encounter such a setback when he just left the army. Immediately angry.

However, there is no way to do this. If the city was captured in one day, unless there was an internal problem, how could it be so easy?
"General Yao, after all, war is not a game of play. There are winners and losers. It's a normal thing. Don't take the defeat too seriously. Let the soldiers rest and attack tomorrow." I comforted him.

This is the truth. Yao Wuxin was attacked by the evil king in the Tianshi mansion since the Yin Division, and finally led to the defeat. So he really wanted to regain his feeling through the victory of the first battle, but he didn't know that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and everything would not be so. Satisfactory.

Niutou is definitely a capable person, not an ordinary drunk and rice bag. Although his brain is not good, but he has such a ruthless spirit, he will definitely carry me to the death.

While speaking, I put on the Misty City soldier armor I picked up from the battlefield, put it on, and walked outside the big tent.

"King Qin, where are you going?" Fu Qin and Yao Wuxin asked me at the same time.

When I was in the army, the soldiers and generals were used to addressing me as the king, and I also felt that the title of Emperor Wu of Qin was too domineering, so they still addressed me as the king of Qin.

The reason why I didn't take the name seriously was because I was worried that I would alienate the soldiers. If that was the case, it would be useless for me to call myself emperor. After all, my purpose is to gather people's hearts, not to destroy them.

"Going around Misty City, I haven't played in a long time, and it's time to meet my old friends over there." I smiled, turned around and walked out of the big tent, leaving the two stunned.

I went straight around Misty City and arrived at the outskirts of the east of the city. Outside Misty City, there are some old abandoned houses. Most of the people living here are beggars and vagabonds from the underworld.In fact, there is no difference between the Yin Division and the Yang Division, and they also have various social relationships.

It's just that the subjects are completely different, one is a ghost and the other is a human.

Due to the current war, the outside of the city has long been emptied, and there are not many people living here.

I walked into a dilapidated hut, which was covered with thick dust, obviously no one lived in it for a long time, I walked to the corner of Xiao Wu, moved the straw and other sundries to the side, and a dark hole appeared in front of me.

A chill came out of the hole, I lit a cigarette and plunged in.

This burrow is definitely not as simple as a simple hole. This is the way of survival for beggars such as Xiao Mihuo. They have been stealing and abducting in the misty city of the underworld, and they have been able to remain undefeated. They have gained a foothold in the underworld for so many years, relying on the entire city Underground passages extending in all directions.

I got in, and quickly found the secret passage leading to the city. After drilling underground for about an hour, I seemed to hear the sound of dozing off in my ears.

I knew it was almost time to arrive, and sure enough there was a black round stone platform above my head, blocking the exit.

With a slight effort, I pushed the stone platform out, and a light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and a cursing voice sounded in my earphones, "Which bastard, dare to push the young master, are you impatient?"

I crawled out from the hole, "It's me, old friend, long time no see."

Little Mifu also realized at this moment that I probably came from the secret passage outside the city. This is his private secret passage, few outsiders know about it, and I am probably not an outsider when I got out of here.

Little Dazed's appearance hasn't changed much, he still looks foolish, his messy hair is fluffy, his grimace is white, and his blood-red eyes are staring at me up and down.

"You are?" He stared at me twice, feeling familiar, but dare not recognize each other.

Because my current appearance has changed a lot from when I first entered the Yin Division. At that time, I was a clean and sunny boy, but now I am a majestic king with a big beard, so whether it is appearance or The temperament has changed a lot, and it is normal for him not to recognize it for a while.

"I'm Qin Wushang, brother, is it possible that you forgot about me?" I laughed out loud, and hurriedly stepped forward to give him a bear hug.

Little Mifu realized immediately, and opened his mouth wide, "Your second uncle, it really is you. I heard that your kid is now the emperor's old man in Yangjian. I didn't expect the emperor's old man to go through a mouse hole."

I patted him on the shoulder, "That's just a false name, the most important thing is that we are still old friends, brother."

At the beginning, Uncle Qi told me that making friends should not be judged by dignity, even a beggar like Xiao Mihuo can often come in handy at critical times.

"Hey, I'm satisfied if you still recognize me as a friend. Look at you, you almost scared me half to death. I thought it was Zhang Wang who arrived. Do you know that you are so bad now that you are like Zhang Wang?" It's just carved out of the same mold." Little Misty patted his chest and said.

"Oh, have you seen King Zhang?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course, I used to run errands for Ba Gong and his old man in Unjust Death City. Zhang Wang has seen me in person. Look, this is stupid. Zhang Wang rewarded him." Little Misty proudly took out a piece from his chest. The little gold coin was handed to me.

I figured that Zhang Wang was in a good mood at the time and gave it to him, but this kid is really amazing, Zhang Wang and Yan Jun have seen it, I don’t know how many people in Xuanmen want to see them but can’t.

"This is for you. When old friends meet, you must give me a gift." I took out a string of bracelets from my pocket. This pair of bracelets was prepared for me by Feng Qianshang. People have rewards, so I prepared a lot of small items for me to give away.

These things are definitely precious things, but I have never paid much attention to money, and I can't explain why.But Xiao Mihu received it in his hand, and seeing the round luster, he was overjoyed immediately, "My dear, you are indeed the king of Qin, even if you are rich, this thing is enough for me to buy a piece of land in Yinsi."

I lit a cigarette, told him not to be poor, and told me about the situation of the underworld.

Little confused said: "Actually, I have long been looking forward to you leading an army into the Yin Division. I can often hear that you are calling the wind and rain in the Taoist sect. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day."

"You don't know what kind of chaos is in the underworld right now. The king's order is not respected. The common people are forced to collect various taxes every day as military pay. Not to mention, who will suffer if they drag people into the army twice in three days?" Alright, now the people of Misty City hate this damn evil king to death. You came just in time, and it’s time to end all of this.”

"Is Zhao Wang so stupid?" I asked.

"King Zhao is just a puppet. He has implemented some plans, but none of them have been implemented. Everyone in the Yin Division knows that the real master is the Xie Wang. After Xie Wang defeated the Tianshi Mansion, he has been living in the Southern King's residence. , no one knows what kind of tricks he is up to, but what is certain is that the evil king must be brewing a huge conspiracy." Little Misty often goes around to inquire about information, and secretly sends news for the Tianshi Mansion, but now the Tianshi Mansion Even if he died, it would be difficult for him to be useful again, so he hid in the old house and dawdled around every day.

And my appearance just gave him a chance to resume his old job. This kid is also a hardworking person. It is more uncomfortable to let him idle than to kill him.If you don't do anything, you will suffocate to death.

"It seems that he really came here as a puppet, little confused, I will give you a chance now, we two brothers join forces, you take your brother to collect information for me, in the future, I will seal you an official, how about making a wish?" I took a puff of a cigarette and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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