Dart Master

Chapter 781

Chapter 781
"However, this time I am here, I really have to rely on your surprise soldiers." I smiled and took a sip from the wine bowl and said to the sky.

"Your Majesty, please make it clear that our soldiers will fight to the death." The generals under Tuoba Chong's command stood up one after another to plead for orders.

"I was once chased by eagle cavalry from Mobei at Tianguan Bridge in Xichuan. I heard that there are big eagles in Mobei that can walk against people. I wonder if there are eagle cavalry in your army?" I asked.

Since Guo Biao has spar cannons to defend the city, I have a flying army to land from the air and catch him by surprise. I don't believe that I can't take Nangou City.

"General Yingmu!" Tuoba Chong shouted at one of the generals.

But seeing a shirtless man with long black hair parted on both sides, revealing a pair of keen, sharp eyes stood up.

Although this person is not considered strong in Mobei, he is as sharp as a knife, like a bloodthirsty goshawk, a bit like the Luo Cheng I met for the first time, he is a tough man.

"The end is here!" Yingmu said loudly.

"King Qin is very interested in your eagle cavalry, how many eagle cavalry do you have?" Tuoba Chong asked.

Yingmu looked around, but didn't speak directly, Tuoba Chong laughed again: "Well, you can talk to King Qin alone about this matter."

The eagle cavalry can be said to be the elite troops of the desert, just like the black panthers and fierce tigers to me, so it is natural for Yingmu not to reveal more out of caution.

I made a gesture, and all the generals retreated, leaving only Yingmu and me.

I asked him to sit down and talk, "General Yingmu, I had the honor to fight against your eagle cavalry in Xichuan back then. They were the personal guards of the wolf god at that time. Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, being able to resist people is really an eye-opener for me.”

Yingmu clasped his hands and said: "To be honest, King Qin, I don't have many cavalry cavalry. There are quite a few eagle cavalry in Mobei, but there are very few who can train soldiers and participate in combat missions. And because of his The particularity, the big eagle can't survive here a lot of times."

I slapped my forehead and screamed badly, how could I forget this problem, this is the Yin Division, not the desert, it is still a question of whether the big eagle can survive, let alone manned combat.

Seeing that I was distressed, Yingmu thought for a while and said: "But don't worry, King Qin, the ones I have chosen this time are all large carvings that are used to worship the gods in the desert. The number is not very large and cannot support large-scale operations."

"How many?" I was overjoyed and asked immediately.

"There are only four. Eagles can only survive in pairs. Spiritual eagles are extremely rare. These two pairs were painstakingly cultivated by me over the years. They are like my own siblings, so I will take them with me wherever I go." Yingmu said .

four?I was slightly astonished in my heart, and it was a bit different from what I expected. I originally thought that if there were one or two hundred eagles, I might be able to win the city with two hundred elite soldiers and masters, but looking at it now, I only Can be a lone hero.

"King Qin, the fact is that, even in the desert, I can only bring out fifty eagles at most, and even the wolf god has only a dozen or so eagles, so I want to organize a large-scale eagle campaign. It's too late." Yingmu frowned.

"Okay, give me one, one is enough." I thought for a while and gritted my teeth.

As long as I can enter Nangou City, I can think of a way to deal with Guo Biao.

Seeing that I was determined, Yingmu immediately led me to the outside of the barracks and walked to the other side. After a while, I saw a big black tent appearing in front of me. Yingmu pointed to the tent and said: "King Qin, just go Here they are, these guys are very delicate, King Qin had better get acquainted with them first."

I opened the curtain and walked in, only to see that the big tent was pitch black, and a small oil lamp was shining brightly.

There was a strange smell in the big tent, which was very unpleasant. Yingmu pointed to the blackened leg of lamb that had been grilled on several grills. Full of oil stains.

Yingmu bit a bit into the copper bowl with a small spoon and handed it to me: "King Qin, you have to feed these guys yourself, it depends on their wishes, if they don't want to, I'm afraid I can't do anything about it." .”

Spirit sculptures were originally the proudest and most powerful war eagles in the desert. After the death of eagle spirits, some strange witchcraft in the northern desert kept their remnants, so that they could be refined into spirit sculptures.

As we all know, the souls of animals are very fragile. Many souls dissipate immediately with the death of the body. Just like the ghost horse, the difference between the refining spirit carving and the ghost horse is actually the same. If you are not careful, these fragile guys Likely to die.

Yingmu opened several big iron cages. In the cages, I could probably only see some vague figures, vaguely resembling eagles, but their blood-red eyes and the black light from their minions reminded me that they were indeed spirit sculptures. It is very difficult for this kind of thing to survive, and it is extremely difficult to have four of them.

Among them, one of them was very big, and his eyes were red and piercing. Obviously, he must have been a Mobei eagle king before he was alive, otherwise, how could he have such a vigorous momentum?

I took the oil stain from Yingmu's hand and leaned closer. As soon as I got close to the cage, its sharp beak pecked at it, and at the same time, its sharp claws like diamonds grabbed my hand.

I didn't move, and let it scratch. From the strength on its beak and claws, I can clearly know that this guy is powerful and extraordinary.

Immediately, I fell in love with it more and more. Although it is just a carved spirit, it still has a strong lethality, especially its pair of wings made me see the hope of taking down Nangou City.

After it pecked at me for a while, he found that I didn't seem to be hostile to it, and gradually relaxed, and started to eat oil stains in the small copper bowl, making noises.

After it finished eating the oil stains, I put my hand into the cage again, and it stopped pecking me.Yingmu smiled and said: "King Qin, it seems that this guy has already recognized you."

"Well, it's good, I think that's it." I patted the oil stains on my hands and smiled.

Yingmu said: "King Qin, your eyesight is really good. This is the king of spirit carvings on our desert grassland. He has a thousand catties of grip, can tear tigers and wolves alive, and can retreat thousands of troops by flapping his wings."

"Haha, it all depends on this guy whether he can make it this time."

Yingmu quickly took off a set of iron armor from the wall and put it on the spirit sculpture. Although it is a spirit body, like a ghost, it also needs the protection of armor to prevent its soul from being severely injured.

Yingmu immediately taught me the method of royal carving, and I wrote it down as quickly as possible, and then Yingmu led the big carving outside the big tent. Even soldiers from Mobei are forbidden to enter around this big tent. The eagle is a rare object, and no one else is allowed to covet it.

Putting on the heavy armor, the big eagle looked like a small mountain bag, with its head raised high, flapping its wings from time to time, causing a gust of wind.

"King Qin, try it." Yingmu said with a smile.

While speaking, he patted the big eagle on the head, and the big eagle quickly bent down, flat as a black boulder.

"What's its name?" I asked with a smile.

"Xiaohei!" Yingmu said.

"Okay, Xiao Hei, if you can take down Nangou City with me and make great contributions in the battle of Yin Division, I will make you the Eagle God in the future." The collar on the armor around his neck let out a long whistle.

With a whistling sound, Xiao Hei soared into the sky, rising vertically at almost [-] degrees, but this did not bother me, because there were two stirrups on Xiao Hei's back, which were just enough for a person to stand upright. Don't worry about people falling down.

Xiao Hei has been climbing continuously, until the sky above Yinsi, the people and ghosts below are like ants, then it begins to divide equally, hovering and flying outside Misty City under my control.

I couldn't help but let out a loud shout, the feeling of being so proud of the sky was really refreshing.

In Taoism, no one can fly so high at present, because after the Ninth Reincarnation, many people's mana and vitality have been greatly reduced, and there are no real so-called gods anymore.

Even Penglai Xian can't fly up to a thousand meters high, at most he can only fly a short distance with Yujian, otherwise he would have left Penglai Island long ago, and how could he use my influence to develop incense for further cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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