Dart Master

Chapter 785

Chapter 785
"This is my reward for you. As long as Nangou City is taken down, there will be more rewards later. You should accept it first."

Er Liuzi quickly caught it and bowed to me, "King Qin Renyi, then I will accept it?"

After finishing speaking, the kid put Wujin into his arms, and the joy on his face was beyond mention how beautiful it was.

I have always been very generous in my actions, and when you do things for me, naturally you will work hard only when you are in a good mood.Erliuzi led me to a small temple in the northwest corner of the city.

This temple enshrines the evil king, of course. Before the evil king became the master of the underworld, the mortal world already worshiped him a lot. Now that the underworld is unified, naturally all major cities have to worship him.

It's just that these people of his don't really support him, so even if there are offerings, except for some despicable and treacherous people, no one really worships him devoutly, but secretly curses and scolds him. Boosting doesn't do much good.

There is a dark statue of Uncle Qi in the temple. The difference is that he wears a crown and has a gloomy face, which is very different from Uncle Qi's bright and unrestrained image.

Passing through the temple, there is a courtyard at the back, in which there is a huge Yin-Yang gossip carved in bluestone.

"King Qin, this is where you see it." Er Liuzi pointed to the two yin and yang fish in the gossip and said, "The yin fish is for harvesting, and the yang fish is for opening. This gossip has a kind of evil power, which can control the water flow of the reservoir and achieve real effects. .”

I nodded, walked over to the two fishes, and tapped carefully. The two large round stones were tightly pressed together, as if they were connected to the ground, and it was extremely difficult to open them.

I know that there must be some kind of mechanism controlling it. If it is forced to open, it will trigger the trigger of the mechanism, which will arouse suspicion in the city, and even destroy the mechanism.

"Er Liuzi, how did you turn on the Overseer last time you saw it?" I asked.

Er Liuzi shook his head, "I saw that he threw something here, anyway, after opening it, it looks like two wells underneath, because I was following secretly and didn't dare to get too close."

I thought about it, and it seems that to open this yin-yang fish, the warlord will have a chance to deliver and receive the letter in person, but right now the city is in troubled times, I believe that as long as I stay here, he will show up sooner or later.

Sure enough, as I expected, that night, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a eunuch led several guards into the Xiewang Temple.

"You guys stay here and watch, I go in and rest for a while." The warlord is a ghost eunuch, with a bruised face, fierce eyes flashing, a ghostly aura all over his body, and his cultivation is not bad.

Thinking about it, it's okay for people staring at Guo Biao to have poor cultivation.

I saw the warlord walking into the patio in the backyard, stepping on the same blue brick with his feet apart at the same time, accompanied by a loud bang, followed by the creaking and rubbing sounds of the yin and yang fish in the courtyard, and the two exquisite strange stones The disc was slowly opened.

Two huge black holes appeared at the bottom, and a fishy smell from the Nether River immediately radiated out, and the rush of water could be faintly heard inside.

The warlord took a look around, took out a bamboo tube from his pocket, and cautiously threw it into the dark well. At the same time, he took out an emerald green bamboo tube from Yinyu, quickly pulled out the note inside, and glanced at it. , into the cuff.

After receiving the note, the warlord carefully closed the Yin-Yang fish, turned around and walked out of the temple, and went outside to greet his subordinates to leave.

"Let's go, let's go." Er Liuzi, who had been watching the wind outside, rushed in and called me in a hurry.

I have already stepped on two different blue bricks according to the governor's method, and the yin-yang fish mechanism underneath opened in response. This mechanism is actually not very clever, and it is probably for the convenience of a brainless product like the governor.

I opened it at the first time, because I needed to intercept the bamboo tube he put down, and find out the meaning you conveyed to the outside, so as to make the next plan.

There was indeed a dark trough underneath, and the water in it was turbulent, with bubbles constantly bubbling.

"It's over, I won't be washed into the dam this time, with such a big water." Er Liuzi said anxiously from the side.

I smiled, and suddenly shouted, my vitality suddenly plunged into the water like a long dragon. After absorbing Mr. Mei's vitality, my current cultivation base is already extremely high. It also has to be stronger.

More importantly, while I learned from the book of life and death to deal with those profound people, I also mastered a lot of powerful spells.

The reason why King Qin Guang is the number one God King of the Underworld, the Lord of the Underworld, and the ruler of the Nine Yamas of the Underworld is not because of the recommendation of the major Yama kings, but because of his own strength. In the book of life and death, almost all the merits of three days The method, to deal with all the immortal methods recorded in the book, should be available.

I don't know if this booklet was compiled by King Zhang, but it is understandable that perhaps when King Qin Guang asked for a list to sacrifice to heaven for three days, he handed over these lists when the three days were up and down. The three-day heavenly official or even the higher immortal gave instructions, and wrote down the people on the list and the way to deal with them, so as to assist King Qin Guang in controlling the underworld and the underworld.

Of course, this is my conjecture, because the upper three days and the next three days have been separated for a long time, and there is no way to verify it, so that many new and powerful people, Zhang Wang has been unable to stop, such as Xie Wang.

It is precisely because of this that the Yin Division will not casually make people into Yin gods, and for some people with advanced cultivation in the Taoist sect, they will definitely perform signs in person for the convenience of recording in the book.

But the evil king is a different kind. He was a newcomer in the later period, and he was backed by "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva". At the beginning, Zhang Wang didn't record the seventh uncle because of his brotherly love, so now he can't deal with the evil king, and finally fell into this end.

Looking at the entire book of life and death, in addition to the second part of Biaoju, for some extremely powerful Yin gods, such as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Xiandao, Guan Yu and other great gods, the second part of Biao and Zhu, the remaining three parts of pre-life, death and life There is a very common technique in the Ministry of Law, which is the Tianming Dafa.

Tianming Dafa is a technique specially practiced by King Qin Guang. Once others practice it, their souls will be wiped out. This method can almost deal with any god or person in the next three days except for the great gods in the Ministry of Execution.

Tianming Dafa is actually very similar to my Blood Buddha supernatural power, that is, a method to absorb people and divine vitality, as well as many methods to eliminate souls and golden bodies.

This Dafa is extremely cruel. No wonder King Zhang became more and more brutal later on. King Qin Guang of all dynasties would most likely become a tyrant in the later period.

And this is also a part of fate. No one can sit on the country forever. When a certain time comes, it will naturally cause disasters due to some of its own defects, and then the regime will change.

And this is an unavoidable problem. If you don't practice Tianming Dafa, you will not be able to sit firmly in the position of King Yama. But if you practice, you will be affected by Dafa's mentality, gradually become dark, and eventually become a tyrant.

I have thought about this question, whether to practice or not, but in the end I couldn't resist the temptation and practiced. There are almost intuitive and most direct spells to deal with various Yin gods.

I've thought about it, now I'm becoming more and more impatient with Xuanmen, and I have the heart to retreat, so I want to solve everything in the middle as quickly as possible, save Ziyi, find my biological father, King Zhang, and untie it. The mystery of the birth mother, complete the task of unifying the Yin Division, and then bring my Bai Ling, Zi Yi, and Xiao Zhi to hermit.

Therefore, even if I want to take risks, I still have to try Tianming Dafa. Fortunately, when I practiced quietly, I was not damaged. I just don't want to admit it.

"Suck!" I recited Tianming's heart method silently, and a silver whirlpool appeared in the palm of my hand. Under the urging of my strong vitality, the river swirled violently.

This is just a dark tank, so the water inside seems to be bubbling, like running water, but in fact, it is not, and the water flow inside is not strong.

It was less than 2 minutes before the warlord left and I am now, so as long as I have enough skill, I still have a chance to pull the bamboo tube back.

A jet of water is like a long dragon rushing and churning among the yin and yang fish. My eyes are constantly staring at the tumbling water jet. I use ingenuity to continuously absorb water and peel off the top spray, just like a fountain. The water is It's constantly changing.

After about half a stick of incense, a bamboo tube appeared above the spray. Sure enough, according to my assumption, the bamboo tube had not been completely washed into the Nether River water of the dam.

(End of this chapter)

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