Dart Master

Chapter 787 Insatiable Greed

Chapter 787 Insatiable Greed
At this moment, Feng Lai was sulking in the city lord's mansion. It turned out that the petition group was locked up today, but they were served with delicious food and drink. This made Feng Lai, who had always advocated beheading the petition group, even more unhappy.

"My lord, someone is asking to see you outside!" The guard came in and reported in a low voice.

"Who is it?" Feng Lai asked angrily.

"A businessman, who claims to be in the incense business, wants to meet your lord, will you see me or not?" the guard asked.

"Business?" Feng Lai snorted, played with the Qiankun Pearl in his hand, then raised his eyebrows and hummed, "Is there nothing to say?"

"Yes!" The guard offered a small wooden box, Feng Lai opened it, and inside was a translucent luminous pearl, extremely pure in texture, illuminating the entire lobby, the light was soft and not glaring, it was definitely top grade.

"Well, I'm a sensible person, let Xuan come in." Feng Lai waved his hand.

I lowered the brim of my hat and walked quickly into the hall. It was easier to see Feng Laiyuan than Guo Biao. This guy is a greedy person. Er Liuzi told me very clearly that many merchants used to talk to him in Nangou City. There have been business contacts, either through Feng Lai's reduction of tariffs, or secretly asking Feng Lai to distribute some incense from the military grain depot for trading.

Feng Lai did have some privileges in Nangou City, that is, control of arms and supplies. In order to control Guo Biao, the evil king specially let the warlord be in charge of food and grass. Almost all cities are like this, the city is in charge of soldiers, and the warlord is in charge of food and grass.

So Feng Lai can actually pinch Guo Biao's weakness to death. Guo Biao has nothing to do with him because he is extremely loyal to the evil king.

"The villain Qin Wu sees Governor Feng." I walked into the hall and cupped my hands.

Feng Lai waved back the guards around him, looked me up and down, pointed at the wooden box on the table in a strange way, and said, "Qin Wu, you sent such a valuable thing to the Sa family, you must be just to see me."

"It's enough to meet the adults. I have heard about the righteousness of the adults in the circle for a long time. Today, the villain happens to have some spare money in his hand. I want to use this opportunity to do some business." I said.

Feng Lai laughed loudly and said, "You can speak with your mouth, tell me, who introduced you here."

Feng Lai is not stupid, not everyone can cooperate with him, I hurriedly lowered my voice and said: "It's Wu Yanglong from Jiangdong, Mr. Wu, he said that he had done business with him, so the villain took the risk to stay in the city, just to Do business with adults."

"Wu Yanglong, the boss of the ghost market, yes, he has indeed done some business with me secretly, and he is quite a good person." Feng Lai nodded, satisfied.

The reason why I am able to have countless supplies, sufficient reserves, and the soldiers in the army have wine and meat every day, besides money, is that I have many shrewd subordinates, such as Jin Yan, Feng Shun, Feng Qianchou, Wu Yanglong, etc. who can do business Under his command, they continue to purchase materials and resources from various places and transport them to the imperial capital continuously for consumption in this war.

The economic network I am building now is far more powerful than when Seventh Uncle and Zhang Wang only relied on the Xiang family, and there are countless talented people under them.

"My lord, I want to buy a batch of incense from you at five times the market price, what do you think?" I stretched out my five fingers and asked with a smile.

Feng Lai first let out a cold smile, then his face darkened, and he said coldly: "I think you are a spy from Jiangdong. Now the two armies are at war. You come to buy incense. What is it if you are not a spy?"

I happily said without fear: "To be honest, I really plan to resell these incense sticks to Jiangdong. For us business people, war is a good opportunity to make money in the country. How can I let it go? If my lord doesn't do this It’s the same for me to cooperate with adults in other cities.”

"Right now, the adults in all the big cities are using their power to go crazy for gold. I don't think the adults don't know it? These days, the two sides are fighting fiercely. Do you know who can win?" I asked with a smile.

Feng Lai's face darkened when I said it, he naturally knew better than me, not to mention my army is suppressing the situation, even if the righteous soldiers secretly resist, it is enough for the evil king to feel better.

As one of the evil king's confidantes, he knew that this gigantic state machine would collapse at any moment.

"You are so courageous, you don't want your life if you want money?" Feng Lai looked at me with straight eyes.

I sneered and said: "Master Feng, those who know the current affairs are the best. In the current situation, the rich are not as good as the officials. Only real money is in your hands, and that is the last word."

"Who in the world does not know that Qin Wushang is the Lord of Benevolence and Righteousness. Look at the generals in Misty City. Once they surrendered, they divided their industries and promoted them. They were more chic than before. I think your lord must be I have a plan. When Guo Biao sacrifices the city, my lord, you are a member of the evil king, and they will definitely attack you. Therefore, if your lord is a smart person, you shouldn't think about the righteousness of the nation and take the money in your hands No matter who is in power at that time, you can at least buy a few acres of land in Yinsi with peace of mind, become a rich man, and enjoy a good life, isn’t it a problem?” I continued to lobby him and give him Speak the truth.

Feng Lai actually understands this truth better than I do. These greedy people have no sense of loyalty in their hearts, they are all thieves with abacus.

"Hey!" Feng Lai pointed at me and laughed a few times, "Boss Qin is a bit interesting. I have made friends with you, but if you make a fortune for the country, I will also make a fortune for the country. Qin Wushang is now the richest man in the world, and we I think he should not be short of money."

I laughed and said, "That's true, as long as you can pour as much incense, people in Jiangdong can swallow it."

"You really came to the right place. Nangou City has nothing but a lot of incense. When Xie Wang built the city here, he left a lot of incense. I can give it to you evenly, but This price has to be raised even higher." Under my temptation, Feng Lai finally spoke.

"Five times, it can't be more. One million bundles of incense used to be 100 gold. I'll give you 50. If Mr. Feng can make a move, I'll take as much as I have." I patted my chest and said proudly.

"I can pour out 1000 million bundles of incense, but 500 million gold seems to be too little." Feng Lai thought for a while.

1000 million bundles of incense may seem like a lot, but in fact, it is not a big number when tens of thousands of troops consume it.If a soldier wants to be fully fed, he needs at least three bundles a day, and one bundle is only ten incense sticks, which is almost a month's grain and grass.

"My lord, 500 million gold is equivalent to half a year's tax revenue in Lingnan. It can't be more. Jiangdong people are not fools. You eat too much. They turned around and strangled this way of making money. It broke the rules of the road. , even if the Jiangdong people don’t kill me, even the adults on our road will have to kill me.” I pretended to be terrified, and hurriedly said.

Feng Lai said with a sinister smile, he doesn't care if I break the rules or not, he knows very well that if he doesn't hurry up to make a fortune right now, it will be difficult for him to make money in the future.

"700 million, if you want it, talk it out, if you don't want it, get out, I'll have someone to ship it myself." Feng Lai waved his fingers and said with a serious smile.

I pretended to be embarrassed, bit my teeth and said, "My lord is so cruel, well, 700 million, I'll swallow it."

After finishing speaking, I took out two 50 taels of Datong money notes from my pocket and handed them to him, "My lord, this is a deposit for you, 100 million taels, from Datong Bank, please read carefully."

The Yin Division's money has always been relatively uniform, and since Zhang Wang came to power, it has always been the money ticket of Datong Bank.Because it was guaranteed by the Xiang family. After the defeat of the Xiang family, it was merged into Jiangdong. With my strong financial resources, the Datong money ticket is still the mainstream.

To be precise, it is the absolute mainstream. After the destruction of the Yan family and Lingnan, the Taoist sect will use Datong money tickets for unity.

And Xie Wang and Zhao Heizi also tried to reform, changing the Yin Division's money ticket, but as the Yin Division war has been going on for too long, the Xie King has just unified, and I haven't had time to implement the new money ticket that has been printed. The Jiangdong Army broke in.

Although the new money bills have begun to circulate in Wangcheng, because the merchants traveling between Yin and Yang worlds all use Datong money bills, so Zhao Heizi and his new currency eventually died in their hands.

Even if Feng Lai and others don't use it themselves, how can they mobilize the people?
(End of this chapter)

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