Dart Master

Chapter 790

Chapter 790

Although brave generals like them can't compare with the masters in Taoism, they all have the blood of soldiers, and it is impossible for them to shrink back because of assassins.

Looks like I'll have to go there myself.

I disguised myself a bit, put on a military uniform, and sneaked into the barracks. Barracks fortification is very useful for others, but for killers like me and Lan Songchuan, ordinary soldiers can surround us to death, but they want to defend us alone. difficult.

When we arrived at the barracks, it was almost midnight, the city was getting more and more cloudy, and the gray sky was gradually turning dark. Most of the ghost soldiers in the army were resting. Siege, after all, the lives of soldiers are very important, and Xue Muze is reluctant to let the soldiers attack and die for no reason.

Of course, a few cannonballs would be fired at the city from time to time every day to put huge pressure on the city and make Guo Biao restless.

It was not difficult to find Cao Meng's military tent, after a few questions, he found it.

When I arrived at the big tent, Cao Meng was not in the tent, probably to attend Guo Biao's military council.

I sat down, poured myself a drink, and drank it on my own.

About half an hour later, I heard heavy footsteps outside the door, and knew that Cao Meng had returned, so I immediately chose a corner and hid.

When Cao Meng returned to the army tent, he didn't find anything unusual. He waved to the soldiers beside him and said, "You all go back and rest. In the next few days, the Jiangdong army will come to attack the city again."

The soldiers said: "General, the city lord asked us to protect you here, and you can't leave an inch."

Cao Meng waved his hand and said: "I accept the commander's wishes, you all go down. If I really die at the hands of a villain like Feng Lai, it should be considered that the power of the evil king should be destroyed."

He knew very well that if there were real killers, it would be impossible for these few soldiers to live in a low-grade manner.

But what resented him was that this villain Feng Lai was so rampant, not to mention meddling in military affairs, but at this time he still wanted to make a fortune for the country. When he thought that if he really died at the hands of Feng Lai's assassins, instead of After dying on the battlefield, Cao Meng felt extremely upset.

The soldiers all knew that he always said what he said, so they could only retreat one after another. Cao Meng immediately picked up the wine bowl and drank heavily.

The killers arrived soon, and when the pungent smell of seawater came from the monster, I knew Lan Songchuan was coming.

Sure enough, the candles in the big tent flickered violently, before anyone arrived, the strong murderous aura had already passed, and Lan Songchuan's tall and fierce figure appeared at the door of the big tent.

The five killers all sneaked in wearing military uniforms. After all, Cao Meng wasn't me, but he didn't notice any difference in the soldiers.

"Didn't I tell you to rest? Why is it here again?" Cao Meng frowned, raised his head and said in displeasure.

The five killers of Lan Songchuan stood in five corners respectively, with their hands on the samurai sword, "General Cao, I'm afraid you have misidentified the person." Lan Songchuan raised his head suddenly with a cold voice.

Cao Meng didn't understand when he saw the monster's toad-skin-like toad-like face.

Because of his outstanding talent, the evil people in the past dynasties will take the evil people under their command to strengthen their momentum. It has to be said that the evil people are not only fierce, but also all the killers are extremely elite.

"Come here, there are assassins, there are assassins." Cao Meng slapped the table and stood up, yelling, he is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die at the hands of these shameful guys.

Lan Songchuan sneered: "Don't shout, the whole big tent is sealed by my water ghost barrier, have you seen this gate?"

Cao Meng looked at the door, and saw that there was a layer of faint green water vapor on the door. He understood that the demon was completely isolating him and was going to kill him in the big tent.

"There are thieves in a country, how can a soldier survive. Today I, Cao Meng, will die, and I will sit a dead soldier vigorously." Cao Meng pulled out his saber and went to Lansongchuan to kill.

His cultivation was not bad, but when the blade came out, he saw the light of the blade flickering, and the black air rushed straight up, the momentum was extremely terrifying, and the strong sound of piercing the air showed that this general still had some skills.

However, compared with Lan Songchuan, they are obviously not at the same level. Lan Songchuan's cultivation base has made great progress, especially his brows are shining brightly. Obviously, his recent cultivation base has increased a lot.


"Drawing Knife Technique!"

Lan Songchuan shouted loudly, and the samurai sword in his hand made a piercing scream, and almost in the blink of an eye, Sen Han's sword flashed, and the samurai sword had broken through Cao Meng's whistling sound, and went straight to his brow Chop up.

When Cao Meng realized how powerful Lan Songchuan was, he had no way to avoid it, his pupils were rapidly dilated, and he was extremely unwilling, waiting for the arrival of the soul flying away.

Ding Dong!

I aimed at the gap, and the Shadowless Sword came out suddenly, and hit the tip of the blade precisely. Lan Songchuan was almost thrown out of his hand by my powerful sword, and even took two steps back.

At the same time, I kept sending out the Shadowless Sword, beheading the four monsters behind him one by one.

Since I was hiding in the corner of the big tent, and the Shadowless Sword was invisible and intangible, the candles in the big tent had already been extinguished, and it was extremely dim.

Lan Songchuan broke out in a cold sweat, staring at the darkness with a pair of dark green eyes, and said in shock: "Who, who! Come out if you have the ability."

Where had he seen such a weird sword technique, it was as if his subordinates were suddenly possessed by an evil spirit, and were killed by the sword energy flying across the sky.

If he hadn't been knocked back by my sword qi just now, he would never have believed that it would be sent by a human.

In fact, the Shadowless Sword is indeed unique. Back when I was in Wulei Terrace, I had the Blood Buddha supernatural power, so I was too hard to defend against. Brother Bai Chaoyang and I were almost beheaded, which shows the dominance of this sword technique.

Mr. Mei did not pass it on to his son Lu Shaoxun, but I accidentally learned about it. This swordsmanship wins because of its weirdness, which makes people hard to guard against.

Lan Songchuan was completely taken aback. He wanted to call someone at the first moment. Once the sergeant broke in, he would be caught at worst. Even if Feng came to protect him, Guo Biao didn't dare to do anything to him.

But obviously, when he slammed his head towards the door, he found that he was bounced back, making it impossible for him to escape.

"What's going on?" Lan Songchuan was surprised to find that the barrier on the door was still green, but it was no longer the one he set up.

"You don't need to struggle, this is the real enchantment. You monsters steal the skills of the Middle Earth, and you dare to enter the elegant hall." I sneered in the dark corner.

"Someone is coming, someone is coming." Lan Songchuan was so frightened by my sinister breath that his whole body stood up. He felt a cold death air spreading, and this force was beyond his ability to resist. .

"Don't shout, they can't hear you, and no one can save you here." I slowly walked out from the darkness, wearing a yaksha mask on my face, exuding moonlight coldness, ice-coldness all over my body. Qi.

"You, who are you?" Lan Songchuan pointed at me, took a step back, and asked in fear.

"Yasha!" I spat out two words coldly.

While speaking, his figure flicked forward, and the soul breaking hand in Tianming Dafa covered his head with white silver light flashing.

It stands to reason that the qi energy exerted by Tianming Dafa should be black and overpowering yin qi, but because my moonlight is also yin energy and white light at the same time, it has a different kind of weirdness instead.

A huge ghost claw grabbed Lan Songchuan's head. After all, he has some skills, "War Saber!" Lan Songchuan took a long breath, and the samurai sword in his hand slashed out with a fierce knife at the fastest speed. To prevent the coming of my ghost hand.

My ghost hand clasped directly on his samurai sword, and I breathed out: "Let go!"

As soon as he exhaled his vitality, the cold air immediately condensed into ice and directly froze his samurai sword. Lan Songchuan's strength couldn't stop me who had absorbed Mr. Mei's vitality. Arms were frozen.

I flicked my middle finger, and with a click, the samurai sword and most of his arm were shattered into ice cubes, and fell to the ground with a ding ding dong dong.

(End of this chapter)

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