Dart Master

Chapter 792

Chapter 792
It is indeed a pity to burn so much food and grass, but in order to completely surrender Nangou City and reduce the losses of the soldiers, I must do so.

Because I am not short of money or food, everything is worth it for the safety of the soldiers.

"Housekeeper, come over and have a look, why is this incense moldy?" I shouted deliberately.

The housekeeper quickly walked in, puzzled and said: "No, the incense sticks here have always been stored in good condition, there is no possibility of mold."

The butler leaned his head towards the incense sticks, and while he was looking at the incense sticks, I slashed his celestial spirit cover with a palm knife, and the butler didn't even hum, his soul was scattered and he died.

I hugged Xiao Huihui out of the Qiankun bag, this guy was stuffed in the Qiankun bag by me for many days, he was already mad, he was displeased with me, puffed out fire, it was very angry.

It may be because he was born not long ago and can't speak yet, but this guy is a holy beast on the same level as Qilin after all, and he is quite human, so he can understand human speech.

I took out a monster inner alchemy that Wuyanglong bought from the ghost market from my pocket, and stuffed it for him to eat. After eating the inner alchemy, the little guy became happy and rolled happily on the ground.

"Xiao Huihui, it's time for you to show your talents. Burn this place down for me, and I'll give you more delicious food later." I patted his little head and greeted him.

Chi Hui let out a low whistling sound, suddenly flicked his limbs, leaped high, and crawled happily in the big library, continuously swallowing red flames from his mouth.

His fire is not just an ordinary fire, it is extremely powerful, and soon the big library is burning, and Xiao Huihui is more and more happy to see the fire, rolling in the fire, constantly absorbing the burning incense aroma.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, this guy's fire is very domineering, I don't dare to stay for too long, so I can only withdraw and leave the cave entrance.

After a while, the entire basement island was on fire, and the soldiers rushed over upon hearing the wind.

Guo Biao was looking at the map in the big tent, looking for a chance to fight back, but at this moment he suddenly heard a panic coming from outside the big tent, and hurried out as fast as he could, shouting: " what happened?"

"General, the city lord's mansion is on fire." The soldiers were all looking at the island in the inner mansion of the city lord's mansion.

Guo Biao took a look, isn't that the big warehouse for storing incense?Immediately, his eyes went dark, and he almost fainted. That was the food and grass for the soldiers and civilians in the city.

"No, hurry up, go put out the fire." Guo Biao yelled, and all the soldiers in the city ran to the city lord's mansion to put out the fire. They didn't know that it was the place where their rations lived. After all, the place where the food was stored was a secret. Not every soldier knows about it.

"Master Feng! It's on fire, it's on fire." The soldiers rushed into the city lord's mansion, and Guo Biao slapped Feng Lai who was dozing off on the grand master's chair to wake him up.

Feng Lai quickly woke up, and asked puzzledly: "It's on fire, where is it on fire?"

"Daku!" Guo Biao looked at him helplessly, sighed, and led the soldiers out of the gate.

Only then did Feng Lai come back to his senses a little bit, "On fire? Daku, no, my money." Feng Lai realized that Daku was on fire, and the incense there was his life.

Immediately, he took a few personal guards and walked towards the Daku. When he arrived, the whole island had become a fire island. The blazing fire and the black smoke from burning incense sticks were so dazzling .

"My money." Feng Lai screamed, and quickly asked, "Where are the housekeeper and Boss Qin?"

"I'm thinking, have you burned Dakuli to death?" someone asked in a low voice.

Guo Biao's face was pale, his blood-red ghost eyes were shining with anger, his whole body was trembling, and he knew very well that this fire could not be saved.

The capital he relied on to persevere is gone. Without food and grass, why should he go to war with the powerful Jiangdong Army, and the Jiangdong Army must also know that the city is on fire by now.

As a general who has led troops for many years, he knew very well that this must have been done by the spies in the city, who burned the food and grass and drove him to a dead end.

And this conflagration was probably caused by that damn eunuch, because apart from him, Cao Meng rarely knew the location of Daku. How could the other party’s spies know? It doesn’t take much to know that Feng Lai is doing business secretly again. , exposing the location of the big library in the city.

"Feng Lai!" Guo Biao roared angrily and walked towards Feng Lai.

Feng Lai knew that if he didn't run at this time, he might be skinned by the angry Guo Biao, so he quickly called the guards to stand in front of him, and fled towards the city lord's mansion.

"General, calm down, killing this eunuch is useless, let's quickly think about a countermeasure." Cao Meng is a person with a strong psychological quality, and he knows that the overall situation must be the most important right now, otherwise the city may collapse immediately Lose.

Guo Biao looked up to the sky angrily and lamented: "There are such shameless people in the Yin Division, and these shameless people can be reused. How can the world not perish."

After speaking, he shook his head and returned to the military tent expressionlessly.

"Who are the people who have been in close contact with Feng Lai recently?" Guo Biao asked.

"It seems to be a businessman. I heard a secret report from the brothers in the city lord's mansion. Feng Lai is negotiating a big deal with him. It is said that there is a big deal of 1000 million bundles." Cao Meng said.

"Damn it, why did you report it now?" Guo Biao said angrily.

"This is just gossip, and no one has confirmed it. The businessman is very careful. My subordinates have followed him several times but have not followed anyone." Cao Meng said helplessly.

"It's in the hands of this eunuch. You bring him here immediately. Isn't he good at making small reports? Let him immediately ask the evil king for instructions to allocate food and grass, and ask for support." Guo Biao said.

"My lord, I heard you right. What you mean is that we ask the Xie Wang for help. You issued a military order with him back then. You know the character of the Xie Wang. This will lead to death." Cao Meng frowned.

"I don't care about so much. The news of the burning of the military grain depot must be tightly sealed for the time being. Don't let it out. The army's food and grass can't be delayed for a day, otherwise we don't need the enemy to send troops, and we will collapse." Guo Biao road.

Cao Meng realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately took orders to arrest Feng Lai.

When I returned to the hut, a group of beggars in Erliuzi and Nangou City were already waiting for me. All the beggars were extremely excited to see me. I was like a fairy to them, and they admired me.

"Brothers, the grain depot is already on fire. Go to the city immediately and spread the news, so that most of the city will know that the grain depot has been burned, and Guo Biao is planning to abscond." I told everyone.

Guo Biao wants to suppress the news, but I want to spread it. He will not give up unless he is completely burned out.

The beggars took orders one after another and spread the news in the city. In fact, the common people and soldiers were not stupid. Guo Biao and other generals had no explanation for such a big fire on such a small island.

Fear and suspicion permeated everyone's hearts. With the spread of Erliuzi and others, soon everyone in the city knew that the grain and grass had been burned.

The city suddenly exploded, and the people rushed to the military camp and the city lord's mansion one after another, wanting to ask for an explanation, which made Guo Biao very painful.

But this is just the beginning, he is falling into my trap step by step, I not only want to subdue Guo Biao and Nangoucheng, but also severely blackmail the evil king, otherwise this deal will be too bad worth it.

Feng Lai was completely unable to bark like a dead dog this time, and he collapsed powerlessly on his grand master's chair. At this moment, he didn't understand why he was being tricked by me.

The entire grain depot was gone, and Guo Biao was furious right now, and he might have to kill him alive.

His first reaction was to run away, but this father-in-law is obviously a person with a bad brain, and it was already too late to run away at this time. Cao Meng led the soldiers and charged into the city lord's mansion in a murderous manner, and detained him without explanation. Secretly escorted to the barracks.

Guo Biao was standing in front of the map with his back on his back, looking coldly at every area of ​​Nangou City on the map. If he could take one more look, he knew that there was basically no way to return to heaven.

"Commander, Feng Lai has arrived." Cao Meng said.

Guo Biao took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, raised his hand and said, "Please sit down!"

(End of this chapter)

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