Dart Master

Chapter 808 The Return of the King

Chapter 808 The Return of the King

Up to now, my body is a huge dantian, and I don't need to practice alone, and I have almost reached the pinnacle.

I walked to the edge of the stream in the oasis and looked at my appearance carefully by the current. My appearance has not changed much, but my long hair has been draped over my shoulders, my beard hangs down on my chest, and my beard has covered most of my face. , leaving only a pair of eyes exuding the breath of death.

I tried to deal with my hair and beard with the palm of my hand, and took out my old clothes, the royal robe, from the Qiankun bag, and put it on. This is the dragon robe I wore when I became emperor. In response to this scene.


Two shocking howls sounded, and a black shadow flew over from the sky. The familiar majestic soaring figure made me know it was Xiao Hei at the first sight.

I also let out a few whistling sounds, and Xiao Hei flew towards me when he heard the sound, and the sand that was kicked up sprinkled me all over.


When it saw me, it jumped on me, made a rapid howling sound, its head was in my hair, and its clothes were arched randomly, to vent its longing for the 20 years of separation.

Logically speaking, I am a demon, it is so rude, it should be killed with a palm, but for some reason, my eye sockets are moist.I think it must have something to do with my second decade of practice, something must have happened during that time.

I hugged it and looked up to the sky and laughed.

I flew and landed on Xiao Hei's body, and let out a long cry: "Go back to the king's city!"

Xiao Hei carried me on his back, spread his wings and flew high, passing through like a sharp arrow, the wind was whistling, it seemed that this guy couldn't wait to take me home.

Do I still have a home?I asked secretly in my heart.

Soon, all the cities of Yin Division were in my eyes. I folded my arms, stood proudly on Xiao Hei's back, and looked at everything below from a high altitude. The city has been beaten down.

I can still see those excited soldiers waving to me, I tried my best to suppress my emotions, I am a demon, too much emotion will only drain my demon energy.

Slowly, as Xiaohei flew lower and lower, the royal city was already under my feet. The sound of horns and war drums in the city was so familiar. I hadn’t heard it for 20 years, and that familiar feeling came back again. heart.

On Yun Tian Que, Bai Chaoyang, Bai Ling and two young people I looked familiar with were looking at me with tears in their eyes. All the generals and soldiers followed Xiao Hei's low flight and knelt down one after another, crying out in pain. Call Qin Wang long live.

The blood in my heart ignited again, yes, this is the feeling I am familiar with, it is my home, and the people here have had inextricable relationships with me.

I'm not a lone ranger, and I'm not alone, because they're all still there.

Xiao Hei finally landed on Yun Tian Que, flapped his wings non-stop, and croaked loudly, as if proudly announcing that the king had returned.

I didn't come down immediately, but watched them silently, because I didn't know what to say at this moment.

"No injury!" Bai Ling was already in tears, she didn't throw herself into my arms like when she was young, but gently held my hand, looking at me gently with her clear eyes.

"Girl, I'm sorry." I said to her softly.

I can't be cold to her, 20 years of separation, this sentence is what I owe her, at this moment, I know that I am not a demon, or a real demon has feelings, but people are used to separating magic in meaning The antithesis of cold, merciless evil.

"As long as you are still here, this is more important than anything else." Bai Ling leaned gently on my shoulder, smiling with tears.

"Quickly, go over and meet your father." Bai Chaoyang took a deep breath, wiped away his tears, and gently pushed the two dazed children.

I said how they look so familiar, 20 years is just a blink of an eye for me, but the children have already grown up.

When they were born, I was not by their side. Seeing them now, I feel like going back to Fengquan when I first met Bai Ling when he was walking the darts. , the simple and honest look on his face is the same as mine at that time.

I remembered that Bai Ling is a demon, maybe she has a certain ability to control the child's appearance. Seeing these two guys, I feel like a world away.

"You are Qin Wushang?" The girl walked up to me, she was quite tall, she circled around me and looked at me curiously.

"It's not at all what I imagined, with a big beard, not at all like me and my brother." She blinked and glanced at me.

"You damn girl, why don't you kneel down and kowtow to your father." Bai Ling obviously had nothing to do with this girl.

Bai Chaoyang shrugged aside, indicating that he couldn't control it either.

"You are Qin Yiyi, tell me, what have you learned?" I smiled lovingly and asked.

"I learned from Uncle Bai Qi to be the enemy of ten thousand people, and I want to be the heroine Hua Mulan." She pouted with a proud expression.

"Haha, interesting, you still want to be Mulan, okay, okay, let me see what little Mulan is capable of." I was amused by her serious and arrogant expression.

"Okay, I'll perform a show for you." She blinked her eyes and flipped her palms. The left hand is the Aoki God Thunder, and the right hand is the Qinglong Hovering. .

It seems that her master is Bai Chaoyang, Bai Qi teaches the art of war, Bai Chaoyang teaches skills, no wonder the little girl is domineering, seeing how well she plays, it is obvious that her cultivation is far higher than that of Bai Ling back then, which shows her talent How amazing.

"How about it, I'm good." She clapped her hands and walked over bouncing.

"No matter how big or small, how did you talk to your father?" Bai Ling loved and loved this daughter, and when I left, I explained that it was a girl who wanted to spoil her. A character who is not afraid of anything.

"This is your reward." I smiled, took out the Moon Sword in my hand, and gave it to her.

Now that I have reached the ultimate level of cultivation, the Moon Sword is of little use to me, but the power of the Sun Sword has not been fully tapped, so it is worth a try.

"Thank you, father." Yuejian was originally delicate, and the little girl was overjoyed when she saw it, and she couldn't help calling out to me.

My heart warmed up, as if I had a dream. I suddenly had two such big children. The feeling was very complicated, because my memory was still Bai Ling 20 years ago. She was still a girl at that time. , now that my daughter has grown up so much, I can only say that the years are amazing.

"The child greets the father and king."

The young man walked up to me, kowtowed three times respectfully, offered two books with both hands and said: "These two books, one is the Diamond Sutra hand-copied by me as my father and king, with blood as ink, I hope father Long live Wang Ping'an. The other book is a collection of poems written by me, please read it."

I opened the Diamond Sutra, and every word was written with blood, and the pen was vigorous and powerful. Obviously, this kid's calligraphy is already a bit advanced, and this piece of filial piety is also rare.

As for the poems, I can only flip through them pretendingly. I am a rough person myself, so I don't know the flow of these pens and inks.

"What's your name?" I helped him up and asked with a friendly smile.

"My name is Qin Wenjie." He smiled elegantly and answered politely.

From his eyes, I can see that he really wants to get close to me, but because of various etiquettes, he is more like my courtier than my son.

Obviously, he has learned these Confucian etiquettes since he was a child. In fact, I also know the reason. I have three sons, one is an evil dragon, and the other is a real dragon who protects the master.And Nielong still doesn't know who it is. This child has learned etiquette since he was a child, and he doesn't practice martial arts, obviously because he is afraid of being tabooed by prophecy.

How can I not know the painstaking efforts of this.

"The name was given by his uncle. I hope he can devote himself to literature and not get involved in government affairs. It is also thanks to the child's aura that he has loved writing, ink, and literature since he was a child. It is not a disappointment to him." Bai Ling explained from the side.

Wen Jie nodded, obviously he liked it from the bottom of his heart, that's fine, I don't want any child to choose his own destiny because of force.

(End of this chapter)

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