Dart Master

Chapter 811

Chapter 811
I approached his big tent, opened the jug myself, poured wine for him, and said calmly: "Brother Tuoba, it's been a long time."

Tuoba Chong was stunned for a moment, as if he had had a nightmare, and the dream suddenly woke up at this moment.

He wondered if he was dreaming. The king from 20 years ago was standing in front of him, still looking so mighty, "King Qin, yes, is that you?"

Tuoba Chong fixed his eyes and struggled to stand up, but because of the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he suddenly fell down the moment he got up.

I raised my hand to support him, lifted his body vigorously, and helped him stand up, "Brother Tuoba, it's me."

Tuoba Chong looked at me and laughed bitterly, yes, King Qin is back, and this battle is almost over, but it's a pity that all the heroes of Mobei perished in this battle.

"No, they didn't perish. Every drop of blood of the Mobei brothers was not in vain. Even after a thousand years, everyone in Xuanmen will remember that they once threw their heads and shed blood for this land. They are A monument that will stand forever. It lives in the hearts of all the people, and it lives in my heart."

I supported Tuoba Chong and helped him out of Misty City.

He hadn't stepped out of this military tent for a long time, because he was afraid that people would see his crippled appearance.

I helped him to the city wall, pointed to the distant sky and said: "Brother Tuoba, look at how peaceful it is now, this is what you and the brothers bought in exchange for, and the air of the heroes of Mobei is floating in the air." Heroic. They've always been there and never left."

Tuoba Chong supported the base of the wall vigorously, trying to make himself stand upright: "King Qin, is everything you said true?"

"Every word is true, no one can obliterate the achievements of the Mobei brothers." Speaking of this, I smiled and said: "Brother Tuoba, believe me, you will all be remembered."

There was a hint of relief in Tuoba Chong's eyes. The reason why he is here is not only because he wants to see me, but also because he wants to get a definite answer from me.

When he heard my answer, all the worries in his heart were dispelled. He is not afraid of death, what he is afraid of is that he will be unknown in his life. He used to be a king, and he was once powerful, so he needs an explanation, and I need to give him The last glimmer of glory.

"Brother Tuoba, I will remember you, you will always be the king of Mobei, and I will send you back to Mobei." I picked up the wine glass and slowly brought it to his mouth.

Tuoba Chong burst into tears, "King Qin, Tuoba Chong was once unwilling, but you are not only my enemy in this life, but also the master of this life, and the person I admire the most in this life."

"Thank you, Qin Wushang!" After speaking, he opened his mouth and swallowed the drink.

The poisonous wine quickly spread in his body, and Tuoba fell into my arms.

A generation of Mobei Tianjiao, Mobei Eagle, the glorious life has come to an end.

"Brother Tuoba, in fact, it's not like this in my heart. You are also my lifelong enemy, my lifelong brother. Farewell, my King of Mobei."

"General Gu, transport Tuoba Chong's body back to Mobei, and perform the funeral with the royal ceremony of Mobei." I told Misty City Lord.

Gu Tianxiong let out a long sigh, "Actually, Master Tuoba has been waiting for this day for a long time, and to get this ending, it is considered complete."

I smiled and said, "Whether it's Qin Huang Han Wu in the past, or Tang Zong Song Zu, fame is just a pile of loess in the end, and we are nothing more than that. The only difference is that Tuoba Chong is one step ahead of you and me."

Gu Tianxiong nodded: "Yeah, I'm getting old now, so I just took the opportunity to transport the body of King Mobei back this time, so I also went to Mobei to have a look, King Qin, I won't go on with you anymore .”

I patted him on the shoulder: "Go, go and see the place where you once threw your head and blood, and you will have no regrets for the rest of your life."

Gu Tianxiong respectfully bowed to me, then decisively carried Tuoba Chong's body and walked down the city.

My eyes felt sore, I knew that with his departure, I would lose another good brother and good general.

I didn't keep him. I know their hearts are tired. They have followed me for 20 years in military campaigns, and they have already seen through everything. As Bai Qi became the commander-in-chief, young generals emerged one by one. They It is clearer that I can no longer exert my light and heat on the new battlefield.

Leaving is not only a relief for them, but also a new beginning.

Watching them leave, I knew it was time to go to Nangou City to meet my boy who protected the real dragon.

Because Nangou City is the throat of the Yin Division, it is an important military town, so the person guarding it here is Bai Qi, the most powerful general under my command.

It was only when Bai Qi went to Mobei, and now he is nearly forty years old, and he is in his prime.

I took Xiaohei, and originally wanted to fall into Nangou City quietly, but before I landed, I saw the crystal light on the city wall, and more than a dozen spar cannons aimed at me. I was so shocked that I broke out in a cold sweat.

It seems that after I left, Nangou City has undergone major changes. Not only has the area expanded several times, but it has also become a truly indestructible city. The dam has also been rectified. Originally, only two ships could enter and exit at the same time. The opening has now been rectified into a dam that can accommodate more than a dozen large ships entering and leaving in parallel.

The reinforcement of the dam also makes it easier for the water to enter and exit, and at the same time, the defense is more complete. Various weapons and equipment are displayed on the dam. Soldiers are patrolling along the dam, and the ferry has also expanded several times. It is lively And flourish.

At the beginning of any dynasty, it is always very prosperous, and now I can see the prosperity.

In fact, the current Yin Division has actually completed the unification, and most of the remnants of the evil king have hid in the three forbidden areas, and I just need to wipe them out completely.

"Someone breaks in, first-level warning." The soldiers passed messages to each other on the city wall. After all, firing artillery was not their authority.

I turned around on the city wall, but I couldn't find a place to stay. Wherever I flew these guys, the cannons were right there. There was no other choice except to evacuate.

Although I am a demon now, I am not absolutely sure that I can survive the bombardment of dozens of cannons without any damage.

"General, someone broke into the city." The sentinel rushed into the big tent and said to Bai Bai.

Bai Qi frowned, "Huh, there are still people who dare to break into Nangou City, against the heavens? Qin Tian will go out with me to have a look."

The young man in commoner clothes smiled slightly, followed Bai Qi with his arms folded and walked out quickly.

Qin Tian, ​​an adviser in the army, has a calm and optimistic personality. He doesn't like to talk, but he is extremely reliable.Bai Qi knew his background, but he absolutely didn't take care of him. He knew very well that this not-so-talkative prince was really capable, and he definitely didn't come to the army to gain his qualifications.

Bai got up to the city wall and saw the big eagle flying in the air. He immediately judged that it was the spirit sculpture tamed by animal trainer Yingmu, but the black-clothed figure on the spirit sculpture's back seemed familiar. Who would it be?

Qin Tian narrowed his eyes and glanced at it, straightened the corners of his robe immediately, knelt on the ground, and said: "Welcome King Qin to Nangou City."

Bai Qi was shocked, and when he took a closer look, the man on the big eagle stood proudly, menacingly, like a black sword hanging high in the sky, making people fearful, but he never thought that he was the Lord of the Underworld.

Immediately, Bai Qi was shocked and hurriedly knelt down, and all the soldiers knelt down when they saw the commander. Although they didn't know who I was, they kind of understood that the only one in Yin Division who could make the commander kneel down is King Qin.

Because in terms of rank, Bai Qi is already on the same level as Bai Chaoyang. One is in charge of the army, the other is in charge of political affairs, and can make the head of the military officer kneel down. Who else but me.

"Welcome King Qin to Nangou City." All the soldiers said in unison.

Those spar cannons were all shaken down, and I landed on the city wall steadily, accepting the worship of thousands of people in the city.

"All generals, soldiers and civilians please rise up, this king is able to return this time, and now the Yin Division is calm and peaceful, it is all thanks to you, there is no need to be polite." I raised my hand and said.

After a brief meeting with everyone in the city, I asked Bai Qi and Qin Tian to talk in the big tent.

When I arrived at the big tent, I glanced at Bai Qi, his cultivation had really improved a lot, his eyes were as calm as an ancient well, very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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