Dart Master

Chapter 814 The Cunning Enemy

Chapter 814 The Cunning Enemy

If my guess is correct, the True Monarch Xiandao and the Evil King may not escape death either.

I continued to walk in, and the smell of blood inside became stronger. A man in a black dress sat on the altar.

He was already lifeless, his eyebrows were bloody and bloody, someone took away his godhead, and the fatal injury he suffered was his head, which was shattered by the huge palm force.

This man has shown his way. He used to be the spiritual pillar and patron saint of Lingnan, but now, he also died at the hands of thieves.

The measuring ruler that shows Tao is still in his hand. It seems that the murderer has no interest in this treasure coveted by countless people in the Yin Division, because his cultivation base is the same as mine, reaching the pinnacle and not needing the help of ordinary artifacts.

The last one sitting on the lotus platform is Bodhisattva.

That's right, from the outside, he is no different from Jizo, the only difference is that instead of Buddhist scriptures on his chest, it is a strange symbol.

I took a closer look, and it wasn't a god, but a demon, a fairy demon with an inner alchemy and an astonishing cultivation base.

It's been three days since the last day, but since I don't know much about demons, it's hard to tell his specific origin. There is no doubt that this demon probably sneaked into the underworld with the opening of the nine reincarnations.

This guy doesn't know how he can deceive the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and reshape the soul of the evil king.

But at this moment, he was still unable to escape the enemy's poisonous hands, his chest was covered with blood, but Dan was no longer there.

Obviously, someone killed them all before me, not only sucking their vitality, but also taking their things that are most helpful to improve their cultivation.

This is a very scary thing. If a person obtains the cultivation base of these people at the same time, how will his strength change.

Judging from the blood stains on the ground, this person had already figured out that I was likely to cause trouble for these people, so he came to Nether Mountain first, and killed all the top experts in the next three days here.

Who will this man be?

I searched carefully in the temple, but in the end it was fruitless.

But one thing I can be sure of is that this person's methods are extremely cruel, and his cultivation is already terrifying to the extreme. Apart from me, there is no other person in the world who is his opponent.

I realized that the Blood Buddha had found his new host, and completely released his ferocity, and had the supreme Buddhist supernatural powers.

Therefore, he has few opponents in the world, and all the masters in the world have died in his hands.

It didn't take long for the bloodstains on the ground to dry up. I searched around in the Nether Mountain, but to my disappointment, I didn't find any figure. The devilish energy spread across hundreds of miles, and I couldn't find a trace of his breath.

This means that he is either extremely clever in hiding, or his body is like a ghost, and he can escape in one go.

I searched around the temple, but couldn't find any trace of this person.

I didn't leave in a hurry, but looked for another treasure in the mountains, Nether Flower.

The Nether Flower has the effect of recasting the soul, and it is a rare and rare treasure in the world. The Nether Mountain is definitely considered a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters in the Yin Division. The flowers around it are dazzling, and it is also the only place with green vegetation.

Nether Flowers are not easy to find. I searched for them in the mountains for a few days, but I couldn't find them, so I had to give up.

I lighted a cigarette with some hesitation, and sat quietly at the intersection of Youming Mountain, smoking a cigarette silently. This trip to Youming Mountain was completely in vain.

The murderer's cunning obviously exceeded my expectations. This guy rushed ahead of me and killed all the most powerful people in the underworld, because he knew very well that I would also absorb divine essence, but his method was far inferior A hundred times crueler than me.

Interesting, it seems that the final duel will be very exciting, I can vaguely guess a little trace of the murderer, he wants to play tricks, so I will continue to play with him.

After smoking the cigarette, I got up and left Nether Mountain. Fake Jizo and others had already been beheaded. If I guessed correctly, the murderer would choose Blood Sea or Nie Yuan next.

These are the last two places. He knows that I will definitely retaliate against the two places, and he will definitely be ahead of me just like dealing with Nether Mountain. Only in this way can he further strengthen his own strength.

My first choice is Nieyuan, because I don't want to bring disasters to the sea of ​​blood for the time being. After all, I have some feelings for the sea of ​​blood.

Nie Yuan is in the weirdest place in the Yin Division. This place is located at the intersection of the Underworld and the Yin Division. It is not in the Royal City, but in a mountain in the northwest of Heishui City.

The reason why Heishui City is named Heishui is because any water, as long as it is left in this area, the water will be as black as ink, which makes people daunting.

In fact, it is not, that is because this place has been soaked by evil abyss all year round, and the yin energy is extremely heavy, condensing on the surface, like a layer of black mist, covering the surface of the water, so it is named Black Water City.

In Heishui City, Cai Wenlong was pacing back and forth. Heishui City where he was stationed was above Nieyuan, and that kind of Yin Qi was invading this city all the time.

Now many people from the evil king's family have fled into Nieyuan, and Cai Wenlong sent heavy soldiers to guard the exit of Nieyuan day and night to prevent any monsters from coming out.

But just an hour ago, someone entered the abyss, a person he couldn't refuse.

When I arrived in Heishui City, the owner of the city was Cai Wenlong. It is reasonable to say that we are old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time, but this is not the case. When we met, Cai Wenlong was a little confused.

When he reacted, he immediately called the guards, "Come and take down this fake King Qin for me."

I frowned, "Wenlong, are you crazy?"

"The demon thief wants to pretend to be the King of Qin, and he doesn't care how much he is." Cai Wenlong shouted angrily.

I suddenly understood that the blood Buddha must have faked my appearance and mixed into the evil abyss.

No, I have to enter the abyss of evil and seize the last chance.

But when I think about it, no, since this guy pretended to be me and sneaked into Nie Yuan, with his cruel means, he probably succeeded by this time, if I go again, it will be too late.

Since he wants to play multiple choice questions with me, that's fine. Since he chose Nie Yuan, I will go to Blood Sea.

Thinking of this, I shook Cai Wenlong and the sergeant away, soared into the sky from the thousands of troops, and went straight to the sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, it is rumored that the water in the sea of ​​blood can erode the soul, but to me, this is not important, because I can walk freely in the water like on land because of the water-repelling beads.

I'm like a black phantom, with a slight step on the tip of the spray, I can fly ten feet across. Although I can't fly, it is actually no different from flying.

In less than a day, I have reached the periphery of Blood Sea Palace.

The Blood Sea Palace is facing a formidable enemy at this moment. Since Xie Wang was defeated, he and his men retreated to the Blood Sea under the escort of Tian Xie.

Blood Sea Palace is undoubtedly one of the safest places in the world.

First of all, there are very few people who can cross the sea of ​​blood gracefully, and there are only three or four people in the world today. Furthermore, there are powerful masters like Tianxie sitting in command, and the empress of the sea of ​​blood. There is no good fruit to eat.

But it’s different for the master who killed people in Youming Mountain. He has the ability to defeat anyone in the next three days. People who went to Blood Sea Palace.

The Blood Sea Palace was facing a formidable enemy at this moment. Obviously, they already knew about the Nether Mountain. In order not to repeat the tragedy, they had no choice but to close the palace gate.

I didn't enter the Blood Sea Palace in a hurry, but wandered around for a few days, I wanted to wait for that damn guy to appear, and fight him to the death outside the Blood Sea Palace.

But apparently, he seemed to know my every thought, every move, and that was giving me a headache.

I feel that I have lost to him in the invisible confrontation.Maybe his ability has been able to search for the next three days, so he can be so unimpeded. After I left the Tianmo Cave, he knew all my whereabouts.

This is a terrible thing, he seems to know what I think now, how can I play this?
I know that he probably won't come to Blood Sea Palace, because he still doesn't dare to confront me, or he decided to keep playing with me like this.

(End of this chapter)

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