Dart Master

Chapter 818 A Dirty History

Chapter 818 A Dirty History

Zhao Heizi grabbed my clothes and pushed me hard, his eyes were as red as blood, and tiger tears dripped down.

I grew up, and this was the first time I saw Zhao Heizi cry.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, yes, what is God's will, my success today is just stepping on the bones of thousands of people.

Zhao Heizi and his son, my father, they were originally the most loyal subordinates under King Zhang, and they are all proud and tough guys.For the sake of my country, I have to bury my own glory one by one, becoming the dregs and moths within the Xiewang Group, eroding the internal organs of the Xiewang regime, making it an empty shelf.

I didn't speak anymore, Zhao Heizi pushed me a few times, and after his anger subsided, he didn't say anything, just sat on the chair and kept drinking.

"Lord King Qin, they managed to escape from your army with great difficulty, and they kept everything that belongs to you such as the crown so intact. You are a high-ranking king. Now is the time to judge them. Do you want to kill them or not?" Do you want to cut it?" Xuehai Empress asked in a deep voice.

I knew she was talking ironically, so I took a deep breath immediately, turned my head to look at Tian Xie, "Why did you kill Mr. Feng and Tuoba Chong?"

"You can ask Bai Chaoyang about this? Tuoba Chong's Mobei [-]-strong army is overwhelming and unstoppable. Once he lets him hit the capital, and you are not here, what do you think is the king of Mobei, the leader of Bai Chaoyang Town? Live? Yes, at that time, he was a warrior, the commander of the siege of the city, a great hero in Jiangdong. But when his men were massacring the city in the animal city, you know? If you don’t teach him a lesson, Mo The northern army will rebel sooner or later, and at that time the army was short of supplies, Bai Chaoyang could no longer provide good wine and meat to the Mobei sergeants every day like you did when you were there, the Mobei army was already extremely dissatisfied. , Can Bai Chaoyang manage to take down the royal city? Therefore, my son must teach Tuoba Chong and the people of Mobei a lesson."

"As a result, you have also seen that your unparalleled brother Bai Chaoyang took advantage of this opportunity to greatly attenuate the Mobei Army. In the end, the Mobei Army's 6 troops were beaten by less than a thousand."

"Whenever there is a bitter battle, Bai Chaoyang will send the Mobei army, and also withhold rations, etc. Why, because he also saw the threat of Mobei, and he also knows that you will not come back for at least ten years, so you Although my good brother has no connection with the Black King, both sides know each other to fight fake battles. When they meet the Mobei Army, they will risk their lives. Energy consumption for more than ten years?"

Xuehai Niangniang's words were like sharp knives stuck in my chest. No wonder Chaoyang grew old so fast. For the past 20 years, he has racked his brains in order to maintain my regime and look forward to my return.

The Mobei army is very brave and ruthless, and its combat power is too strong. In order to delay the war and hand over the entire empire to my hands, so as not to be coveted by others, he had no choice but to be so cruel.

This is like Zhuge Wuhou in the past, who was close to a god, but when he burned the rattan armored soldiers, he heard the curses and painful cries of the soldiers in the valley before they were burned to death. If you don't, you will never live long, and you will die sooner or later.

As the commander-in-chief, Bai Chaoyang, Zhao Heizi, and my father Qin Aotian carried away all the sins that should belong to me. The cause and effect of all this, in the final analysis, is because of my absence for 20 years.

I overestimated the evil king's power too much. So many armies have poured into the underworld, and most of the generals are my confidantes. Some people Bai Chaoyang can't handle at all, especially like Tuoba Chong. I will be 20 For many years, he did not expect that what seemed to be an invincible army was left to Bai Chaoyang, but it was actually a powder keg that could explode at any time.

Bai Chaoyang, Zhao Heizi and the others completely destroyed the gunpowder barrel through stalemate before it exploded.

I am fully aware of their good intentions at this moment.And Tianxie is just because he is too ruthless, he may not have malicious intentions, but just a warning to those arrogant and arrogant generals, let them not covet my country in the slightest.

Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer.

I looked at Tian Xie and asked him the last question, "Why did you kill Mr. Feng?"

"I didn't kill him, he wanted to die." Tian Xie still had a sneer on his lips, "The extermination of the Beimo army is what Feng Er and Hei Wang meant, and Feng Er and Bai Chaoyang analyzed the pros and cons. Only then did the benevolent Bai Chaoyang make up his mind to polish off the Beimo soldiers."

"Nothing in this world is accidental? Mr. Feng has always felt guilty because of the 6 people in Beimo and the [-] people in Jiangdong. He lived in too much pain. He is the most upright person in the world, but for the same Your country, obliterate your own conscience, participate in and promote shocking plans one after another. I fulfilled him, and I completely destroyed his soul with the mourning awl. In this way, even if someone opens the Nine Reincarnations again, he will never Come back again."

I flicked the cigarette butt away, feeling sad, "What is righteousness and what is evil? In this war, some people are destined to become heroes recorded in Taoist history. For example, Tuoba Chong must be famous in history, while Qin Aotian, Zhao Heizi, Tianxie These people are destined to be left behind forever."

"This is the history known to everyone in the world. It looks glamorous on the surface, but it is actually made of filthy blood."

and I?In this war, I don't know how many soldiers and civilians from the two worlds of Yin and Yang were involved. I won and left my name in history, but in fact I was the biggest executioner.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, I suddenly felt an incomparable dislike for Taoism, this scene was too disgusting, too low-key, yet I insisted on seeing the most real scene.

"Qin Wushang, he's right here, you can kill him or cut him up as you please." Empress Xuehai stood up lightly, and pushed Tian Xie in front of me.

"I originally wanted to train him to deal with Qin Jian, but now it's useless, it doesn't matter, if you want to destroy him, please do it, because he is yours in the first place." The sad face said.

"What do you mean?" I looked at Tian Xie.

He slowly took out a small bamboo tube hanging from his chest, looked at me and smiled, and called me softly: "Brother!"

I immediately closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "You are Xiaoxie!"

"Yes!" He was still looking at me evilly, his two blood-red eyeballs glowed with a strange and cold light.

I can't imagine that the little blood baby who threw himself into Bai Ling and Ziyi's arms and cried loudly, will become the most powerful killer in the Yin Division after the Juggernaut.

Good luck, if I hadn't come to the Blood Sea Palace today, I'm afraid these truths will never be revealed.

I smiled slightly, but I couldn't hug him anymore, because he was no longer that little kid.

Everything is unraveled, I know it's time to leave, this place is so sad, I even want to completely forget everything that happened here today.

"I want to say a few words to you." I said to Qin Aotian.

He came over and walked slowly with me to the gate of Blood Sea Palace.

I walked around the Blood Sea Palace with him, neither of us spoke, and finally he spoke first: "I know what you want to ask, you are indeed the child of King Zhang, when the Nine Reincarnations opened, Zhang Wang met your mother. She is a very beautiful woman from Shangsan. Zhang Wang, who has never been emotional, had a deep relationship with her. When opening the Nine Reincarnations, a monster accompanied Shangsan Your mother has fallen into the world, and many demons have awakened. Zhang Wang knew that something bad happened, so after your mother gave birth to you, he had to send you to the world and entrusted me to take care of it. I don’t know Qin How did Jian know your identity, but he stayed in the Qin family until you grew up."

"Where did King Zhang and my mother go?" I asked.

"Your mother has been back for three days. She may be dead. Even King Zhang doesn't know where she is. As for King Zhang, he was hidden by the evil king. Where is it? After many years of investigation, it is difficult to know, maybe he is still alive, maybe, he is no longer in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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