Dart Master

Chapter 823

Chapter 823

"Are you Jiangdong Qin King?" A fat man closest to me stared at me for a few seconds, seeing that I look somewhat similar to King Zhang, but he didn't understand.

I nodded slightly, and the two quickly knelt down on one knee, bowed their hands to me and said, "Brother Baozi, Dumplings, see King Qin."

"Get up, where is this?" I asked.

Baozi said: "This is the capital of King Chujiang of the Underworld, named Chu City, and it is the largest city in the Underworld. Our brothers have stayed here for many years. This is the escape route for King Zhang in the Underworld. I just never dreamed of it. It turned out to be King Qin."

"How long has it been since Zhang Wang came to the underworld?" I lit a cigarette and asked with a smile.

These two are not outsiders. In the past, they were life and death brothers with Seventh Uncle and Zhang Wang. They thought they would go back to the mountains and forests long ago, but they didn't expect to sell buns in the underworld. No wonder there is no news of them.

"Since the completion of this tunnel, King Zhang came down once or twice in the early years, but it became rare after that. My brother and I can't remember when he came last time," Baozi said.

"You have been in the underworld for many years, tell me about the situation in the underworld, especially about King Chujiang." I said.

After washing the dumplings, I took a few steamed buns, put them on a plate and served them up.

"The King of Chu Jiang is a fatuous man, and his subordinates are full of people who eat, drink and have fun, but he has a powerful general under his command, the Corpse Demon. The Corpse Demon is brave and invincible, and he beat the mountains and rivers in the north Come down, take the Huangquan River as the boundary, and confront the King of the Wheel, but I think that the Motian is so powerful now that the north probably cannot beat the southern army." Jiaozi said.

"Do you know a man named Xie Hongzhi? This man was originally the son of Yin Si Bai Wuchang, I think you must have heard of it." I asked.

As soon as I mentioned it, Baozi said angrily: "Don't mention it, King Chujiang is stupid. Since this kid came to the underworld, he only instigates King Chujiang to eat, drink and play with women every day. If he wants to say that the country is dead, It must have died at the hands of this treacherous minister."

I smiled slightly, this is a bit interesting, after Xie Hongzhi came to the underworld, it seems that the son's nature has not changed, if this kid is allowed to continue to make trouble, I am afraid that the entire Chu army will be harmed by him.

"I heard that the two seniors were very good at spying. I want to ask you to help find Xie Hongzhi." I laughed.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. This person is now an important minister next to King Chu Jiang. He is very careful when he goes in and out. But since King Qin has told him, my brothers must do it." The two forgot each other. After taking a look, he threw away the work in hand, and walked out the door without any nonsense.

I took this opportunity to walk around Chu City.

The underworld is a barren place, not only sparsely populated, but also extremely remote. Because King Chujiang is the head of the nine Yama kings in the underworld, he is definitely rich and powerful, and he is also the most influenced by the underworld. For play.

But Chu City has undergone so many reforms, and now it is only the size of Misty City. There are almost no entertainment venues, restaurants, etc. in the city, and there are few pedestrians on the street.

It's no wonder that they were sent here in the Underworld, some vicious ghosts, wild ghosts, or ghosts of bitter cold that the underworld doesn't want. In other words, this place is a garbage concentration camp.

Therefore, it is not easy to build such a city. As for the army, they are all lazy, and most of them are on salary, just fighting to survive.

Only the tens of thousands of corpse demon troops have some real lethality, the rest are incompetent people, and even the forbidden army is dressed in tatters.

Originally, this place was bitterly cold, and most of the soldiers dressed casually, like savages, so it would be good to have military uniforms.

Walking on the street, I saw very few people, mostly hideous ghosts, and ferocious beast soldiers.

After turning around, I got a general understanding of the actual situation in the underworld. Judging from this situation, the sergeants under the King of the Wheel are probably about the same.

They are further south, and the colder it is, there may not be many soldiers and horses except for some fierce ghosts who were dispatched there, and a very small number of native wild ghosts.

According to a rough estimate, the total population of the underworld will not exceed 6. King Chujiang accounts for about [-] people, and King Zhuanlun has [-] to [-] people in the south.

The scale of the usual battle should not be very large. It seems that the rumors I heard in the Yin Division are mostly false, and only what I saw with my own eyes can be true.

I finally understand why King Zhang wants to restrict the ghosts in the underworld, and even Yama of the Nine Palaces can enter and exit the underworld at will.

With their little strength, with Zhang Wang's former king's division, I am afraid that they can wipe them out with [-] elite soldiers.

Therefore, they are simply allowed to fend for themselves inside, occasionally sending some unruly ghosts in, rewarding them with some money and food, and then they are dismissed.

According to this situation, it is already very fast to completely end the Yin-Yang war.

As long as King Chujiang is settled, I can move south to fight to the death with King Zhuanlun and Motian.

Back at the Baozi shop, the two Baozi brothers have already returned.

"How's the situation, two seniors." I arched my hands and asked.

"Hey, I really got some news. Mr. Xie is going to the Chu Palace to have a banquet tonight. I heard that this kid has recruited a group of stunning female ghosts from the south recently, and will dedicate them to King Chu Jiang. King Qin can be with him at that time." Let's do it on the way back." Baozi said.

"Very good, if you can find out his whereabouts, you won't be afraid that you won't have a chance to do it. The two seniors have worked hard." I said.

After I finished speaking, I gestured to Shaotian, the latter understood, his body had disappeared with a flash of golden light, and the two of Baozi were dumbfounded.

They never imagined that this foodie who can eat hundreds of buns a day would have such skills.

"King Qin, who is this kid? He's too powerful." Jiaozi shouted in surprise.

"He is the son of your old friend Jin Taibao." I smiled and told Shaotian's life experience.

"It turns out that he is the son of General Jin, no wonder he has such supernatural powers." The two sighed.

With Shaotian's cultivation level, he would never be lost, and around midnight, Shaotian came back and said that that kid Xie Hongzhi had already boarded the carriage and was about to go home.

The time has passed, Xie Hongzhi left the Chu Palace with the intention of being sent off by King Chujiang himself.

He is already so beautiful that he doesn't know the southeast and northwest. The group of beauties that were presented just now, the King of Chujiang and the important ministers all like them very much. The old man probably has fun again tonight.

As long as there is a woman holding him back, doesn't it mean that the country of this underworld is held in his own hands?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help snorting beautifully. Although this ghost place is far less prosperous than Yinsi and Xuanmen, it is worse than what he decides. No matter how powerful civil and military officials see him, they have to call out respectfully. Thank you.

This kind of honor cannot be found in the Yin Division and Xuanmen. He was suddenly very grateful that he had chosen a bright road. The life of a superior person.

This day was so beautiful, Xie Hongzhi stretched out his arms to embrace the beautiful female ghost beside him, and was just about to take advantage of the excitement to make a scene in the carriage when suddenly the carriage stopped.

"What's going on, why did the carriage stop?" Xie Hongzhi lifted the curtain angrily, and shouted at the driver.

But the driver had already changed. I slowly turned my head and smiled at Xie Hongzhi: "Brother Xie, I haven't seen you for many years. Do you still know me as an old friend?"

Xie Hongzhi yelled as if he had seen a ghost, and was frightened half to death. After a while, he came back to his senses, "You, you are King Qin?"

I popped out a devilish energy with my finger, killed the female ghost, turned around and jumped into the carriage, Shaotian's royal horse galloped, and went to a remote place in the city.

"King Qin, we are old friends, you won't attack me." Xie Hongzhi asked with some worry.

Of course he felt ashamed when he said this, because I gave him this opportunity back then, but since that time, he has never looked for me again, because he has gained the trust of King Chujiang and has gained a foothold in the underworld .

In his heart, he planned to get rid of me and live happily here. After all, after finally having the opportunity to be his own master, who would want to be used by others?

(End of this chapter)

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