Dart Master

Chapter 832 What is the Way of Heaven

Chapter 832 What is the Way of Heaven
But thinking of Ziyi being lonely and helpless for the last three days, I couldn't help but make up my mind and continue walking up.

I didn't know how long I walked up. I suddenly felt my body became lighter. I looked down and saw that the other me had fallen in the corridor.

The old ghost said with a sinister smile: "Wu Shang, the mortal body cannot see the ancestor of Tiandao. Your current mortal body is left here. This is your soul. Open this door, and you will find the way to the world." On the road for three days."

I don't know if he's telling the truth or a lie, but at this point, there's no turning back for me.

When I opened the door, there was already a large and quiet world of flowers and birds in front of me, surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, leisurely white deer, flocks of cranes, and the white clouds above the head were as pure as cotton.

I have never seen such a wonderful big world, it is like a paradise, but I know this is definitely not in the world, because in this land, the sky is blue, not blue.

I looked around, there was no one, just a peaceful peach garden, and walking forward for a while, there was a cliff.

The golden light on the cliff is dazzling, and it attracts me like a mystery. It is like garbled codes in the computer, flashing non-stop.

I stepped forward and took a closer look.

It is full of complicated runes, many of which I can understand, and many of which I cannot understand.

The reason why I can understand it is because most of them are exactly the same as the book of life and death, while others are expressed in more advanced runes, but judging from those complicated runes, these are probably far beyond the book of life and death. The syntax of the character.

How could there be so many strange symbols on this wall?
When I was thinking, I saw the symbolic runes of Seventh Uncle and Zhang Wang. Seventh Uncle's totem is a five-clawed dragon symbolizing the five elements, and Zhang Wang's is a one-horned king tiger symbolizing the spirit of kingship.

But what baffles me is why their fates appear here.

I can already know through the book of life and death that all of them are runes that symbolize fate, but there are no Wang Zhang and Uncle Qi in the book of life and death, so I am so surprised.

"Without injury, it is the way of heaven."

When I was wondering, a soft voice came from behind me. At this time, I saw two women.

The woman who spoke had a calm and gentle face, which made people respect her. She was as beautiful as a fairy, and at the same time, she looked at me with a sense of affinity.

The other person is Zi Yi, who I have been thinking about day and night. She stands behind that woman and winks at me as if she just met me. Her eyes are full of passion and flame that I haven't seen for a long time.

"My lord." I could clearly feel the surge of family affection in my blood, without hesitation, I knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

She gently lifted me up, with a calm expression, and hugged me into her arms, "Wu Shang, you are a part of the way of heaven, and your father and I are also a necessary part of the way of heaven. Get up."

From her compassionate eyes, I saw a kind of sadness. She didn't love my father Zhang Wang, and giving birth to me with him was just everything that had been arranged on this stone.

No wonder my father only asked where Uncle Qi was, because he saw through the illusions in this world and knew the ruthlessness of God's will.And only the brotherhood between him and my seventh uncle is the most real and eternal.

I didn't ask her again why she abandoned me. Everyone in the whole world must act according to what was drilled on this stone.

"Do you see that rune that is already dim?" She asked me, pointing to a rune on it.

I couldn't understand it at all, because the rune was beyond the scope of what King Yama could understand. She pointed to the rune and said, "It belongs to the ancestor of Dao. He is a character evolved from the way of heaven. The sword, and the Penglai Immortal Technique, have disappeared from the world after completing their mission."

I understand that the so-called Taoist ancestors and Buddha ancestors are just characters rehearsed from this stone tablet. They may have appeared before, but in fact they have long since ceased to exist, becoming a black mark on the stone wall.

Even if the Buddha is like this, they are all symbols compiled by the heavens, and everything in the underworld and the world is also compiled from the symbols in the book of life and death, all of which are recorded on this stone wall.

It is said that the way of heaven is ruthless, and now I have to face this cruel reality, how can a person have a relationship with a stone?
After all, no one can change the way of heaven, just because the way of heaven itself has no emotion.

"This stele has already demonstrated that tens of millions of years later, the trajectories of all characters in the Yin and Yang worlds, from birth to death, cannot escape its formulation."

"If it is the way of heaven, then who made it, how can he know the love and hatred in the world, reincarnation is not equal, there are emperors and families, ordinary people, and some are reborn as animals." I frowned. asked.

"This is the meaning of the existence of the book of life and death. Everyone's merits and demerits are reported to me through the report of King Qin Guang. I will use this talisman paper to burn in front of the stone wall. The stone wall will be based on the merits and virtues of life. To maintain the rotation of reincarnation." Mother said.

I understood that Wang Zhang probably took the opportunity to report to his mother, and secretly tampered with the book of life and death, so as to disrupt the operation of the Shibi Heavenly Dao, and then triggered this rebellion.

And my mother, who is the female descendant of the previous generation, burned the talisman paper in front of the stone wall, which is the most precious white talisman in the world. In fact, the so-called white talisman is a piece of white paper here, but it can have a certain impact on the stone wall. something that affects how it works.

"Mother, you know the fate between King Zhang and me, so you gave birth to me, but you don't have the slightest affection for your father, right?" I asked directly.

The mother nodded: "The female snail's mission in life is to manage this stone wall and the reincarnation of the world. In fact, this is everything in the last three days. If you want to see the Jade Emperor, with 33 Chongtian, and everything you want to see Gods and Buddhas are also fine, because they are among these runes, and they are all one of the seals. Including me, it is just a seal, no harm, people must follow the will of heaven, that's the reason."

I understand that this stone wall is the thing that controls all people in the world, old age, sickness and death, vicissitudes, sunrise and sunset. It can create all things, whether those things have existed or not, whether they are known or not, but whether they are true or not, at most they are just It's just a seal.

This is the principle of heaven and earth, the way of heaven is boundless, and all things are dogs.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, maybe I would have thought that the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata Buddha were in charge of the world, but in the end it was just the reincarnation of some talismans.

"No wounds, the Dao of Heaven has its own laws of operation. Every thousand or ten thousand years, some new runes will appear to completely disrupt the current order. This seems normal to us, but in the next three days, what do you say? It is a catastrophe. When the catastrophe is difficult, the way of heaven will use one of the runes to reorganize the order. Such a rune is called the fate symbol in the first three days, corresponding to your father, you, and the next three days. Those big figures in history, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Laozi, Confucius, Qin Shihuang, etc.

"What I have to do is to maintain its normal operation, and you, as King Qin Guang, share most of the reincarnation of the symbols within your ability, that is, the book of life and death." She said slowly.

"Thank you, mother." I smiled and said respectfully.

She glanced at me, and it was no different from looking at other sentient beings. Maybe the word mother was just a title in her eyes.

For example, she and Zhang Wang gave birth to me, Zhang Wang may have been in love with her, because she is as unfathomable as the sea, and beautiful as the stars in the sky, so she attracted such a rebellious person like Zhang Wang, but Soon he discovers the truth, he is just a symbol in her eyes.

That's why Zhang Wang was so indifferent to me and didn't mention her at all.

She smiled, turned and left.

Only now did I have the opportunity to be alone with Ziyi, and when Ziyi approached me cautiously, I hugged her into my arms.

(End of this chapter)

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