Dart Master

Chapter 839 I am a courier

Chapter 839 I am a courier
But on Kunlun Mountain, there is no saint who dare not obey her.

"Dragon Po, it's been a long time for you to spend your life here, and it's bothering you to do tricks, so just leave it to me." The old Bagong was respectful in front of her.

"You couldn't save Qin Jian at the beginning, but now this apprentice great-grandson is probably destroyed by your hands. Has Ayinavar built a spiritual body, let him hurry up!" Luang Po urged in a trembling voice.

Soon, Ayinavar carried the carved spiritual wood of the ten temples and the lotus of the Yaochi, and the fully built body to the Dharma platform under the escort of Qing Meng and Bai Chaoyang.

Looking at the familiar face in the physical body, Bai Chaoyang had mixed feelings in his heart, "Brother Wang, you must come back."

Luang Po began to recite the moving mantra, and Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha planted Nether Flowers between my eyebrows, and the black dragon blood slowly watered every inch of my body.


I don't know how long I slept, I have never been so comfortable.

As the smell of wine spread, I opened my eyes suddenly, and Uncle Qi was holding a wine bowl, spraying wine on my face, "Stinky boy, I know you're awake, don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly, and give me a gift!" Express to go."

I wiped the drink from my face, looked around, and after my mind was spinning for a while, Uncle Qi raised his hand and slapped me on the forehead, "Grass, why are you in a daze, are you sleepy?"

I gradually realized that this is my seventh uncle and my boss.Strange, why suddenly broken.

"Your brain is rusted from drinking with Zhao Heizi last night, isn't it? Let's see what time it is." Seventh Uncle urged impatiently.

"It's so annoying, it's like an early morning reminder." I got up resentful, and I was about to touch the cigarette case by the bed, but before I could touch it, Uncle Qi snatched it away : "Good boy, I have learned to smoke now, confiscated it, and it belongs to Lao Tzu."

I got dressed and walked to the courier shop. There were two girls in skirts in the courier shop who were busy separating the sides and packing. I scratched my head, "Uncle Qi, when did you recruit someone new?"

"Bai Ling, Zi Yi, raise your head and let my eldest nephew take a look. If he likes one of you, he will be my niece and daughter-in-law. If you fall in love with both of you, one of you will be the first wife and the other will be the second wife. "

Seventh Uncle bit his cigarette, and said with a nonchalant smile.

The two raised their heads. The moment I saw them, I felt like I had seen them somewhere before, but I couldn't remember them.

"Eldest nephew, your uncle and I have good eyesight, which one you like, tell your uncle, hehe." Seventh uncle leaned into my ear and said with a wretched smile.

My face was flushed. To be honest, I have never seen such a beautiful girl. The one on the left is wearing a white dress, lively and charming, with a flushed face full of vitality.The girl on the right is gentle and charming, with an extremely hot body, which made my heart beat wildly.

Damn it, where did Uncle Qi get such a beautiful woman? This is too bad. I can't speak when I see a beautiful woman. After this two, how will I live in the future.

I scratched my head, beads of sweat emerged from my nose, and said nervously, "I, my name is Qin Wushang, I am 24 years old."

"Pfft! Look at you, we don't eat people, why are you so scared?"

Bai Ling came over, stood on tiptoe, almost touching my face, and said with a smile, "My name is Bai Ling, and I'm a student of Jiangdong University. I heard from Uncle Qi that you also graduated from Jiangdong University. Hello, senior."

"Hello." I smiled dryly, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, I felt like I was going to faint, this girl's chest was almost pressed against me, is she trying to fascinate me.

She smiled, and pushed the girl in the purple skirt who was holding a pen to sign over: "Sister, we will be colleagues from now on, why don't you say hello to him!"

The girl in the purple skirt gently stroked the hair around her ears, and stretched out her fair hand to shake it with me, "Hello, my name is Ziyi, please take care of me in the future."

After finishing speaking, she was about to let go of her hand, but found that I was pulling her tightly.

She frowned slightly: "Qin Wushang, are you alright?"

I don't know why, the moment I touched her hand, I always felt like something was flickering in my mind, but I still couldn't remember it.

"Me, where have we met before? Miss Ziyi." I was stunned and said.

As soon as my words came out, everyone burst into laughter, Ziyi gave me a white look with her big charming eyes, and said angrily: "Idiot, you are from time travel, you are still a girl, okay, hurry up and deliver the goods. "

"You send this package to Dongshan Villa No. 18. Remember that there are high-end residential areas there, so don't make a mistake." Ziyi explained patiently.

When I saw it, it was clearly written on the courier package, the addressee: Bai Chaoyang.

The name is not bad, hey, rich people, even the name is nice, I sighed in my heart.

Just as he was about to go out, there was a roar of a locomotive at the door, and a group of punks jumped off the locomotive. They all had yellow and green hair, and tattoos, looking very vicious.

"Damn it, it's this group of brats collecting protection money again, it's so fucking annoying."

The leading young man had blond hair and a tattoo of Monkey King on his body, followed by a little sister, who walked in waddlingly.

"Old drunkard, it's time to pay this month's protection fee, yo, these two chicks look good." The young man is 1.9 meters tall, but he is handsome, but his face is ruffian and fierce.

"Jin Shaotian, where are you looking? Believe it or not, my aunt incited you." The little girl next to him blinked and pinched the young man hard.

The young man's face was distorted in pain, but he didn't even dare to fart, he quickly didn't dare to stare at Bai Ling and Zi Yi, and just urged to pay the protection fee quickly, otherwise the store would be smashed.

"Master Jin, did I owe you in my previous life? You just received the protection fee two days ago, and now you are here again two days later, and you still let us live." Uncle Seven said helplessly.

Jin Shaotian saw that he was about to make a move, I hurried over, "Brother, if you have something to say, don't make a move."

"Which fucking green onion are you?" Jin Shaotian crossed my face with five fingers.

"I, my name is Qin Wushang." My legs were trembling with nervousness, and if this kid punched me down, I probably would have to lie down.

"Qin Wushang, if you don't pay the money today, I will beat you all over today." Jin Shaotian raised his hand and was about to beat me violently. The children's locomotive was crushed to pieces.

The bastards were dumbfounded, the car door opened, and there was a strong man with sunglasses and a beard, with big gold teeth in his mouth, a necklace thicker than my fingers, and a bag in his hand , walked in swaggeringly.

"Bitch Qin, I'm sorry for your uncle. Last time I introduced a student girl to me, and she said it was a fucking place. In the end, I was so fucking rotten. Why don't I beat you today?" If you can't take care of yourself, you probably don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has."

The sound of the big man came over before he arrived, and Jin Shaotian and his group, when they saw the bearded big man, they immediately died, and stood obediently on the side without daring to take a breath.

"Mr. Zhang, my Mr. Zhang, don't be angry. You can't blame me for what happened last time. I want to know that she is poisonous, so I dare not introduce her to you, Mr. Zhang."

"If you don't give me a good time today, I will kill you." The big man said.

This big man is well-known in our Jiangdong, rich, domineering, known as Huo Yanluo, ordinary people have to avoid him when they see him.I knew that Uncle Qi liked to introduce women to others and spend some money, but I didn't expect that he would even dare to mess with Zhang Yanwang.

"I can't be happy anymore, look at these bastards who are clamoring to smash my shop." Seventh Uncle was so slippery, rolled his eyes, and pointed at Jin Shaotian and his gang.

Zhang Yanwang rolled his eyes, and grabbed Jin Shaotian, "You're blind, this bitch Qin is my brother, so it's fine for me to beat him up, you guys join in the fun, and get out of here."

Jin Shaotian quickly chuckled twice: "Master Zhang, keep talking, just treat me as a fart."

After finishing speaking, he pulled the girl beside him and said, "Little Zizi, let's go."

Little Seed pointed at me and said angrily: "This is Qin Wushang, he keeps staring at me and eats my tofu."

(End of this chapter)

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