Dart Master

Chapter 84

Chapter 84
In the secret room, a statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is enshrined, and a huge map of the Nine Netherworlds is hung against the wall. A tall and burly man wearing a golden cloak is staring at the map.

"Husband, bring Qin Wushang here." Mrs. Jin gently reminded the man.

The man turned around, and there was a faint golden light in his eyes, which turned out to be spiritual eyes, and his cultivation had already become holy, as long as he could get the conferred godship of King Zhang or Yan Jun, he would be among the next three gods.

In fact, most people with cultivation bases are unwilling to become gods. The gods in the next three days are not immortal.Among the people I have met so far, apart from the black-robed green monster in Fengren Village that day, this Jinbao major has the highest level.

At the same time, he is also the most murderous person I have ever met, and the most special person I have ever seen.

He looks very mighty, his silhouette is as cold as a knife cut, and his hands and feet are murderous and majestic, as if he was born in nature. Coupled with that mountain-like burly body, he is majestic and majestic, making people feel timid and timid.

Maybe it's because I am the body with the most domineering murderous aura. Although his cultivation base is a hundred times higher than mine, the murderous aura on his body didn't make me feel afraid. As soon as the murderous aura approached me, it was weakened by the blood lotus and subtly relieved. solved.

"As expected of Mo Luo's blood-killing body, there are no more than ten people in the yin and yang worlds who can look at me, Jin Taibao." The man laughed, maybe because he seldom laughed, he seemed a little unnatural.

"Bao'er, set up some wine. I want to have a few drinks with Wushang's nephew." Jin Taibao was very generous, waved his hand, and sat down cross-legged on one side of the mat.

Seeing that I was in a daze, he laughed to himself and said, "You call Qin Jian Qishu and his nephew, that's my family, you don't have to be restrained when you come to Jinjiabao."

Mrs. Jin sneered and said: "Husband, why do you still miss that ruthless and ungrateful person? When Qin Jian laid such a poisonous hand on you, how could he treat you as his own family? It is in vain that you treat him so righteously, but he never thought of such a bad result." .”

Although Jin Taibao is invincible in the battlefield, but he seems to be more afraid of this lady, and said with a slight smile: "Madam, don't be upset, there must be something hidden in this, Brother Qin may have some unavoidable difficulties."

"As a last resort, there are many things he has to do. Back then, so many people respected him, and even King Zhang respected him. For him, King Zhang did not hesitate to open the Nine Reincarnations. If there was no such thing, how could he be ruined? , to be humiliated by thieves." The more Mrs. Jin spoke, the angrier she became, her eyes turned red and she burst into tears.

I was a little confused, although I didn't understand what Mrs. Jin was referring to, but I also knew that Zhang Wangluo was probably related to Uncle Qi, and there was indeed a sincere past between them.

Jin Taibao laughed loudly, "Don't be angry, Ma'am, Shaotian still needs someone to take care of him, Wushang and I have some wine, you go get busy first."

Mrs. Jin snorted angrily, and walked away. We were the only ones left in the secret room. Jin Taibao raised his wine glass and asked me something inexplicable, "Wu Shang, do you trust your seventh uncle?"

I've never been good at lying, and in the face of such a legendary hero, I don't know how to speak.

Before what happened to my father, I regarded my seventh uncle as my father and had absolute trust in him.But since the last words left by Baiqiao's father, I have inevitably doubted him.

He can't even explain his own background clearly, both good and evil respect him, but he has no close relatives except me.

I even suspect that he has been staying at my house, premeditated.

Of course, my father's last words did not insist that Uncle Seven was the real murderer, "Be careful with Uncle Seven..." This sentence should not be finished, maybe it refers to Uncle Seven, or maybe it means something else.

Thinking of my father, my heart felt like a knife again, and I didn't know where he was arrested and whether he was all right now.I only hate that my cultivation base is too low. If I have the ability of King Zhang, who would dare to offend my clan.

Jin Taibao already knew the answer from my expression, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Do you know why I am willing to see you?"

I shook my head, expressing my ignorance.

Jin Taibao sneered and said: "Because of your good luck, when I left the underworld a few years ago, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva once had a decree that the underworld had two kalpas and three kings. In the first kalpa, King Jiang was killed for his superior and passed on the golden body of immortality." For King Zhang, he was in the body of a tiger. The second catastrophe was the nine reincarnations, and King Zhang insisted on going his own way, which led to his own misfortune and loss of his throne. The third king was the king of red lotus, and he should wash hell with blood."

After a pause, Jin Taibao continued: "For these years, both good and evil have been looking for the incarnation of the red lotus, but they have never come out, and they have never thought about it on you. It shows that Brother Qin is still very powerful, so he has been staying with you all the time. Old Qin's family."

I was stunned, it turned out that Seventh Uncle already knew that I was Honglian Yanluo, and Jin Taibao was a saintly person, so naturally he couldn't lie to me.

"Today, you dispelled the animal curse for my idiot, and the red lotus awakened unintentionally. It must have been God's will, so I believe you were sent by him." Jin Taibao said.

I saw that he respected Qi Shu very much during his conversation, and couldn't bear to ask: "Master Jinbao, I don't know if I should ask something or not."

He raised his hand and said proudly: "Nephew, but it's all right."

"Who is my seventh uncle!" I calmed down and asked lightly.

Jin Taibao smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass, motioned for me to raise it, and knocked lightly with me, "Since he didn't say anything, then there's no need to say it, any status is not important, it's just a false name. After the opening of the Nine Reincarnations , He is no longer what he used to be, and the energy of our five veins has also been greatly depleted, even Zhang Wang's Wanghu energy has been consumed by more than half, which has led to today's disaster."

I wanted to ask what is the Nine Reincarnations, but I swallowed the words, even if he said it, I might not understand it.

"Wu Shang, you must remember that at any time, you should trust your Seventh Uncle, only he can guide you out of the lost path and find the real secret..." Jin Taibao's face suddenly changed when he spoke, and he sipped his drink He spat it out, and there were traces of green blood clots in it.

I finally understood why Mrs. Jin was in charge of the Jin Family Fort. This unparalleled God of War was seriously injured.

Jin Taibao wiped the green blood from the corner of his mouth, and while smiling, he lifted up his clothes, and saw that on his chest, like Fang Youde, in a pool of green mist, the hungry ghost's gangrene was showing a human face, emitting a sizzling terror cry.

"Hungry ghosts!" I exclaimed in surprise.

That's right, the world's unsolvable hungry ghost gangrene!Under the bright sun, the poison will not dissipate, Jin Taibao coughed.

Who would have thought that the mighty Lord of Jinjiabao would also suffer from hungry ghost gangrene. With his status, the gods must know a lot in the next three days, but no one can cure this poison, which shows that Uncle Qi is on the front line Heaven is not perfunctory Fang Youde.

Mingri, Hungry Ghost, I suddenly remembered, that day in Fengren Village, the black-robed monster snatched Hungry Ghost from Fang Youde, and left behind such a sentence.

At that time, Uncle Qi and I were baffled. It turned out that the gangrene of hungry ghosts exposed to the dark sun is a poison that has no cure in the world. Even Jin Taibao, who is a holy and almost god-like master, cannot decipher it.

It can be seen that the hungry ghost's gangrene on his body that has been exposed by the dark sun is a thousand times stronger than that on Fang Youde's body that day.Otherwise, with Jin Taibao's cultivation base, he wouldn't be able to hide in a secret room and suffer from poison.

"Golden Castle Master, with your supernatural powers, who in the world can plant this poison on you." I asked puzzled.

Jin Taibao smiled wryly, "I thought it was your Seventh Uncle who wanted to get rid of me because he was afraid that I would block your way. Now that I think about it, he is not that kind of person, let alone attacking my brother. I probably fell for a traitor." plan?"

Uncle Qi expects me to control Yin and Yang and rescue King Zhang, and Jin Taibao is a Taoist upright school. If I prove the way by killing him in the future, it is still unknown that he will become my strong enemy, so if Uncle Qi gets rid of him, it is also reasonable. middle.

After all, it is unknown how much brotherhood can carry in the face of grand plans.

I asked Jin Taibao what happened.

Jin Taibao didn't want to say more, he only said that Uncle Qi always regarded love and righteousness as the sky, and he only blamed him for not investigating for a while, so he accidentally got poisoned.

"The Lord of the Golden Castle can inherit the decree of the Dharma from the Bodhisattva, why don't you ask my Buddha to purify this poison." I asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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