Dart Master

Chapter 99

Chapter 99
I walked over and saw that it was actually a small well with a small mouth and the well cover was almost level with the ground, covered with weeds and moss, it was extremely difficult to find.What makes me feel even more strange is that there is actually a brass mirror hanging on the courtyard wall.

It's just that the mirror has long been covered with moss, which is the same color as the wall, so it's hard to find.I tried to wipe off the moss on it, but the result was very disappointing. It was just a very ordinary bronze mirror, and there was no useful information on it.

Shaotian, how do you know this is a well, I asked.

Judging from the manhole cover, it is very ordinary and there is no difference. It is very strange that Shaotian can recognize it.

Shaotian shook his fingers and said with a smirk: "What's so strange about this, isn't it just a well? Shaotian also has it at home!"

I understand, it must be that Jin Taibao also has such a well in his home, maybe it is hurt by the scene, or Jin Taibao deliberately let his stupid son form this place in his consciousness.No matter what, when Shaotian came here, it was like revisiting the old place, so he discovered the well before us.

I opened the well cover, and a strong smell of water mixed with cold air came to my nostrils. The bitter yellow spring water exudes a white cold air, but the strange thing is that the walls of the well are very clean, without any moss.

The water surface was about half a meter away from the well. I bent down and touched the well wall, but there was no mechanism.

Do you want to go into the water?I suddenly felt a little dizzy. Although I grew up by the river since I was a child, the water quality is not bad, but the Huangquan water is by no means comparable to the river water. It is extremely cold, but I am fine, I am afraid that Niu Niu and Shaotian can't hold it.

Just as he was worrying, he heard the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

I peeked out and saw a group of soldiers came in, the leader was the drunk ghost who just had an argument with me.

I slapped him on the forehead, and secretly called it a miscalculation. Now that King Zhang is alive or dead, and the Second Sage covers the sky with one hand, how could he take King Zhang's rules seriously.

I looked around and saw that there was no other place to hide except this well, so I immediately ordered Niuniu and Shaotian to jump into the well.Holding the well cover, I dived into the well.

The water was really extremely cold, I was shivering from the cold, I was worried about Shaotian and Niuniu, but I saw that they didn't seem to be trying too hard, thinking that Tu Laopa had taught Niuniu some secrets, Shaotian was very happy. He may have been specially trained by Jin Taibao a long time ago, so whenever the time of life and death comes, he will instinctively display some survival skills in his mind.

I thought about the sound of footsteps in the yard, and my heart almost jumped into my throat. The monsters are proficient in water, if they find this well, once they enter the well, it may be troublesome.

Hearing that they searched the yard randomly, soon, some animal soldiers found the small well and slammed the well cover off.

The cold air in the well suddenly overflowed, a pig soldier stretched out his nose and sniffed in, the cold air seeped into his nose, the pig soldier sneezed, and quickly retracted his head.

Most of the animal soldiers are not good at water, and the yellow spring water has a certain purifying effect on their bad and animal qi, which will consume their cultivation base.

"Do you really see that they are going this way?" Chief Zhu Bing asked the demon.

The demon said drunkenly: "That's not true, I saw them walk to the edge of the pool with my own eyes."

"You, go down and have a look." The pig soldier ordered the other two ghost soldiers to go into the water.

These ghost soldiers are not very high-level, knowing that Huangquanshui may frostbite their souls and bodies, so they shrink back and dare not move forward.

The leader of the pig was also loyal, seeing that his subordinates were afraid, he let the monster into the water again.

The monster is very good at water, and is born with a strong adaptability to water, but this grandson is so determined to ask for credit, he immediately spit out thick phlegm and was about to enter the water.

I saw that it was over, I was afraid that I would fall here today, and I was worrying when a white shadow rose from the bottom of the well.

I saw that she was as elegant as a mermaid, and her white skirt spread out like a white lotus flower. She exuded a clear and elegant aura, like a water fairy, and her beauty was suffocating.

When I saw it, it was actually Cai Xiaoqi. When Cai Xiaoqi saw me, she looked happy, and gestured to me to let me rest assured.

I saw her spelling formulas and chanting mantras silently, a group of colorful fish swam up from the bottom of the well, densely forming a wall of fish, blocking our heads.

As soon as the monster entered the water, he was blocked by a school of fish, and those fish were not good at attacking him. They opened their sharp mouths and bit the monster violently.

The monster has the ability to repel fish by nature, but compared with the descendants of the water god, it is far behind. After being bitten by the swimming fish, he screamed a few times and quickly jumped out of the well.

"Here, there are five-color fish in this well, there should be no one, no one..." the demon stammered.

The five-color fish is a kind of domineering piranha in Huangquan water. It is not big, but it is very gregarious. Moreover, this kind of fish feeds on yin energy and has a strong vitality. Once bitten, it can hurt the soul.Therefore, regardless of humans and ghosts, if you encounter five-color fish in Huangquan water, you can only ask for blessings.

Five-color fish!
The remaining animal soldiers were frightened for a while, they dared not stay any longer, and hurriedly led the people away.

With a move of Cai Xiaoqi's fingers, the five-colored fish slowly lined up around her long white dress, setting off her proud face so beautifully and so captivatingly, that even Niuniu and Shaotian were dumbfounded.

After the beast soldiers and demons were far away, I quietly emerged from the well, and everyone got out.

Cai Xiaoqi was the last to come up, she didn't have any water stains on her body, she glanced at me coldly and arrogantly, and asked quietly, "Has Nan Zheng left?"

I was able to find it here, but Nan Zheng didn't accompany me, she probably already guessed it.

I nodded, "Why is Miss Cai here?"

It was Zhong Tianshi who asked me to hide here, but I didn't expect that the person who came would be you. It seems that you are the blood lotus king god predicted by the ancestors, Cai Xiaoqi said.

I didn't deny it, and asked her why Zhong Tianshi didn't use the power of Tianshi Mansion to rescue her.

Cai Xiaoqi shook his head and said, the Queen of Yin has also turned her back, and most of the cities of the Yin Division belong to the hands of the Second Sage and Wuchang, only a few city lords such as Tianshi Mansion and Animal City are still loyal to King Zhang.Most of the Yin gods who were loyal to King Zhang were also killed in the king's capital of the dead city.Bai Wuchang proclaimed himself Lord Bai, and with the support of the two sages Niutou and Mamian of the animal sect, he temporarily took charge of the Yin Division.Although Zhong Tianshi wanted to save me, but he had enough energy to spare. He was also busy with the overall situation and had no time to spare.

It seems that the situation in Yin Division is getting tighter and tighter, and I don't know how long Zhong Tianshi and those city lords who are loyal to King Zhang can last.

Just as he was speaking, the sky suddenly dimmed, and the surrounding clouds were densely covered, and the light of the dark sun became soft and gloomy.

"The night of Yixiantian is here, you haven't seen Mingyue yet." Cai Xiaoqi showed a rare and elegant smile on his face, looking sweetly at the sky.

"Xiaoqi, do you know where the Huangquan knife is?" I asked.

Cai Xiaoqi shook his head, Zhang Wang's hidden sword must be a secret event, and I can't guess it, but I have already seen it in the well, and there is no magic weapon.

The last glimmer of hope in my heart seems to be shattering. According to the Tibetan knife address that Nan Zheng left for me, it is undoubtedly here.But now the entire house has been searched, and the ancient well is nowhere to be found. It could be that the Huangquan knife has been taken away.

I was so distressed that I looked up at the dark moon in the sky blankly. The first line of sky is the only place in the Yin Division that divides yin, yang, sun and moon. The dark moon pours down the canyon like mercury, which is picturesque.

"Hey, the mirror, the mirror moved, it's the same as mine!"

Shaotian suddenly pointed at the bronze mirror, smirked, and was about to reach for the mirror.

I saw the moonlight shining in the ancient well, and the water in the well was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting a luster, which happened to shine on the copper mirror that I had wiped.

The bronze mirror made a buzzing sound, and I was overjoyed. Could this be a secret?

I can't wait to give Shaotian a kiss on the face, so I hold him and walk quickly to the mirror.

Inside the mirror, it was spinning rapidly like a vortex, and the mirror body was also buzzing with the huge rotation force.

"The dark moon falls on the plate, and the secret of the sky is revealed!"

Cai Xiaoqi and I said that prophecy at the same time.

Is this the inheritance secret left to me by King Zhang?Thinking of this, I bit my finger, smeared blood on my palm, and gently pressed it towards the vortex in the bronze mirror.

The vortex merged with my palm prints, as if I was recognizing the Lord, I only felt a shock in my blood, as if I had a pair of eyes peeping, and I was seen through.

hum!The bronze mirror suddenly soared up and rotated flat in mid-air. The light of the dark moon was gathered into the bronze mirror, casting a tiger-shaped pattern on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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