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Chapter 15 Does Management Have "Speed"?

Chapter 15 Does Management Have "Speed"?

The "speed" of "management" includes two meanings: one is "fast execution", that is, the "speed" of execution; the other is the speed of management "innovation", that is, as long as a certain system or management method There has been obvious "aging", and innovation must be done immediately without delay.We know that there is a problem of "speed" in "operation".Every enterprise will formulate plans and goals for its own "operation".Whether it is long-term, medium-term or short-term, they all emphasize a "speed" issue: how long does it take for funds to complete turnover, how long does it take for an enterprise to achieve its goals, etc., all by emphasizing the concept of "time", Through "speed" to stimulate employees' sense of urgency and sense of mission, thereby stimulating employees' "executive power" means.However, does "management" also have the concept of "speed"?
The answer is yes.Moreover, it can be further said that the "speed" problem of "management" is even greater than the "speed" problem of "operation".Because it can be said very clearly that the former is precisely the absolutely necessary prerequisite and strong guarantee for the realization of the latter.But unfortunately, many people ignore this point in actual work.In order to ensure that the "speed" of "management" is achieved, the "speed" of "management" is often "deliberately" avoided - now is the critical moment to achieve business goals, don't make trouble, stability overwhelms everything!It is undeniable that the achievement of business "goals" (speed) requires a relatively "stable" "management" environment.However, if the management environment itself is rigid, it may actually affect the achievement of business goals.This puts forward new requirements for the "speed" of "management", that is to say, in order to ensure the achievement of business objectives, it is precisely the "innovation" and "optimization" of management that is required, and it is "rapid" action (to ensure the realization of " High Speed ​​Management").For an enterprise, if there is only the "incentive" of business objectives without the support of management "innovation", it will lose its vitality.Employees live in an "unchangeable" "rigid environment" every day, and their "spirit" is gradually worn down. No matter how good the goal is, no matter how lofty the ideal is, it will become just an empty slogan.

The innovation of management will provide employees with a continuous "motivation" and "stimulation", so that employees can really devote a hundred times of energy to the "great cause" of completing business goals.Of course, every "management innovation" must be carefully considered, must start from reality and be able to solve practical problems.However, too much hesitation and too much evaluation in advance will often cause "management" to lose its "speed" advantage and "management innovation" to lose the most precious opportunity.This is the reason why people often say "wasting food because of choking". "Thinking" is worse than "doing". Never say "no" to something that hasn't happened. There are many "inevitable" factors in the world, and there will also be a lot of "accidental" factors, even if it is something you have done before. Things that fail may still have the possibility of success with changes in time, place, characters and other environmental factors.

Therefore, "doing and seeing" is always a hundred times more important than "thinking about it". "If you don't do it", you will never know whether it has the possibility of "success".Of course, the "speed" issue of management also has its relativity.A thing that has been proved to be good through "experiment" or "practice" must have a certain "shelf life".During this "shelf life", no "big moves" should be made, at most small "adjustments".But once the "shelf life" is about to pass, managers must be keenly aware of it at the first time, and must use decisive means to innovate at the first time.Only managers who can do this can keep the "youth" of management forever.Keep up with the news, keep pace with the times, and keep pace with the times.

(End of this chapter)

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