Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 28 "Seven Points" Doctrine

Chapter 28 "Seventy" Doctrine

Instead of hovering between "one hundred points" and "zero points", it is better to pursue a more realistic "seventy points".In this book, I have repeatedly emphasized the principle of "one piece and one piece of relaxation is the way of civil and military affairs".I believe that only in this way can we effectively avoid the common phenomenon of "death when caught and chaos when released" that is common in management work.A world-renowned management guru once said: "Excessive management" is harmful to enterprises.Therefore, I advocate the pursuit of "seventy principles" in management work.In my opinion, this concept does not represent a negative "retreat", on the contrary, it just represents a positive "advancement".And, more importantly - it's more "pragmatic".Take the hygienic situation of our company as an example, the time of "before going to work" and "after get off work" can achieve [-]% every day, but the most critical time "within eight hours" is zero.

This makes sanitation maintenance work pointless.Compared with this, I would rather have the key "[-] points" of "within eight hours" than the meaningless "[-] points" of "beyond eight hours".Not only sanitation work, but all other management work is the same. Instead of giving "[-] points" when the leader "grasps" and "zero points" when he doesn't catch it, it is better to give employees some room for "drilling". Let them achieve a relatively "sustainable" "[-]%" through their acceptable level of effort to benefit.But unfortunately, in the real world, many managers, including some world-class management gurus, tend to agree that "pushing employees to the 'limit state'" and "thoroughly draining" is the "highest level of management". one point of view.Moreover, there are indeed a large number of "classic cases" in the world where "new officials take office" or companies that have undergone some "major changes" immediately appear in a "new look" situation.But without exception, these companies all have some common features—either the "management team" has been completely replaced, or the company has reached the edge of a "cliff" and has to carry out "drastic" reforms.

In short, these companies are often companies that have experienced some "extreme" situations.It is quite a "coincidence" that there are also some so-called "creative" "breakthrough" talents who are good at "shattering an old world and building a new one" in this world.But what is also "coincidentally" is how to "build" (or "maintain") this "new world" after these "breakers" have completely "broken" the "old world" and successfully built a "new world". The New World" will become a huge problem.But this point is the "super short board" of these "breakthrough generals".

Therefore, such enterprises often have the phenomenon of "anticlimactic" at the same time, and cannot be "sustainable" well.In fact, "fighting the country" and "sitting on the country" are completely different things.No matter how amazing your talents and abilities are, they often cannot be put to good use when you are "sitting in the mountains".Because, "sitting on the river and mountain" does not need the momentum of "destroying the dry and pulling the decayed", what it needs is "a long flow of water", "patience" and "time".Therefore, "breakthrough generals" can often be "founding fathers", but they may not be suitable to be "members of the town". Although "one hundred points" is "exciting", it is often "unsustainable", and "seventy points" may be a real "real" thing.

(End of this chapter)

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