Chapter 44

A great man once said: "Management is 'making ideas' and 'using cadres'", which clearly stated the true meaning of management - without good "ideas", there can be no good "results"; however, if there is no Good "cadres" to ensure the implementation, no matter how good the "idea" is.Chairman Mao highly summarized the true meaning of war and management into two words: giving ideas and using cadres.It is brilliant!In fact, think about it, as a manager, no matter what you want to do, there are two things: one is to have a "good idea", and the other is to "implement" these "good ideas", or turn these ideas into The "person" of "reality".These two things complement each other and are indispensable-the "idea" itself is not good, and the "implementation" is useless; conversely, the "idea" is too good, but the "implementation" is a mess, and the best idea is useless.

But in real life, the latter often occurs in a higher proportion.That is to say, often a good idea is not well implemented, and in the end it ends up "died without a problem" and "anticlimactic".What's more sad is that because of the unsatisfactory "results", these originally "good" ideas often end up with a bad reputation as a "bad idea". How sad it is!To sum up, if a "good idea" cannot be "implemented" or "executed", there are generally the following situations (the reason for the "executor"): First, the "idea" is good, but the "executor" "I don't think it is good, so I don't want to implement it.The specific manifestations are either "open resistance" or "obedience and violation".

This point is very ironic. Often people think of "excellent" things, but they can't do them at all, or they can't stick to them for a while.The "inertia" of people is really sad and deplorable! ), but the "executor" is very "lazy", resulting in "a good idea" or "miscarriage", or "anticlimactic" end (specifically manifested as "3-minute enthusiasm", lack of "sustainability" and "perseverance" and "resilience"); the third type, although the "idea" is good, the "executor" also agrees with it, and can take "actions" to implement it, but they have to give up due to frequent resistance in the "halfway", and it is difficult to persist Finally; the fourth type, the "idea" is good, and the "executor" also agrees with it, and can take action to implement it, or insist on it, but "changes" in the middle and deviates from the original intention of the "idea", resulting in "good" "idea" is difficult to achieve good results in the end; the fifth is also a very important one, "idea is good", "executor" also agrees that it is good, but it is difficult to find a good "execution method", so the good idea Difficult to implement.

But in any case, the direct "sinner" who fails to "implement" the "good idea" is undoubtedly the "executor". If the "executor" loses, no matter how good the game is, he will "lose the whole game".wait!Think about it again, is that really the case?Is it a bit hasty to draw this conclusion?One said "it really is".So "employing people" is very important.Finding the "right person" is important. The "person" is not suitable, no matter how good the ability to "advise ideas" is, it is useless.That's why there is a saying in the world that "know people and make good use of them".For those who are "inappropriate", just replace them in time.One said "not all of this".

First of all, it is impossible to "know people and make good use of them", that is, "putting the right people in the right place" is the responsibility of the leader, and the responsibility cannot be pushed to the subordinates (executors); secondly, the "executors" do not think that The "idea" is good, and there is a direct reason for the leader's failure to understand the ideological work. If you fail to persuade the other party, but shift all the responsibility to the other party, it is also a dereliction of duty in itself.Remember, great leaders have deep and quick "thinking" and amazing "eloquence", with strong "persuasion" and "seduction" (generally speaking, great leaders are often a Excellent speaker and confounder)!If you don’t have these qualities, you can’t prove anything except your own incompetence and your “unsuitability” for the position of “leader”; finally, even if the “executor” agrees with the “idea”, they must not Its law (not knowing how to "execute") is largely the responsibility of the "leader".For many "leaders", they tend to wishful thinking that "finding the way to 'do' is the 'executor''s business, which has nothing to do with me.

All I need to do is give the order, and all you need to do is execute it.Otherwise, why use you?Want to have a casual meal? "That is to say, two very classic sentences in the field of enterprise management nowadays - one is "everything speaks with numbers!"Or, only the numbers have the most say! "; One said, "Only ask about the result, not about the process!" "And neglected a more important responsibility for "leaders": cultivating talents. Many managers only regard "employing people" as their responsibility, and subconsciously "throwing" "educating people" out of their responsibilities It is a big mistake. It must be remembered that in addition to being a master of "employing people", most of the great leaders are also masters of "educating people". Our Chairman Mao is one of the best. He not only "Know people and make good use of them", and used his thinking, that is, "Mao Zedong Thought" to educate a large number of cadres. Among them are our founding fathers. Both Marshal Ye Jianying and Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said affectionately, "We are all educated by Mao Zedong Thought , We are all students of Chairman Mao! "Even the high-ranking officials under Chiang Kai-shek called him "principal" three times (Jiang was once the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy), and admitted that they were Chiang's "students". It can be seen that "educating people" is very important for a leader. How important! We often hear a boss say something like "my subordinates are all pig brains, they can't do things at all, and I have to do everything myself".

Sorry, if your subordinates are all pigs, it can only prove that you are also a "pig king".Because your subordinates have not changed from "pigs" to "humans", it is "you" problem first, not your subordinates' problem.Pushing the responsibility to subordinates can only prove "you" own incompetence.Of course, "educating people" also has many levels, but the most important ones are nothing more than three points: one is "developing wisdom".It is to educate the subordinates to have correct values ​​and ways of thinking; the second is "teaching methods".In fact, "methodology" is also a kind of value, and it is a value that can be "reproducible" to a large extent.Those who think that "values" can only be "enlightened" and not "taught" are actually just making excuses for their "laziness" and "incompetence"; the third is "diligent training".No matter how good "wisdom" and "values" you "teach" the other party, it is impossible or difficult to transform them into "practical actions" without "training".Therefore, Chairman Mao and his old man finally added a "emphasis on cultivation" after "making ideas" and "using cadres", which is probably for this reason.In short, as a leader, you must understand one truth-it is the fault of the "officials" if the "soldiers" are not good at fighting.How can there be any reason to blame the "soldiers" when they lose a battle?Alas!The world knows that it is difficult to be a soldier, but it is even more difficult to be an official!It is really difficult for an official to be an official!
(End of this chapter)

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