Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 60 "Existence is Reasonable"?

Chapter 60 "Existence is Reasonable"?

Have you ever said that "existence is reasonable"?If the answer is yes, you should be careful.Because this sentence is nothing more than a "warning signal"-telling you that the time for "change" has come.I often hear some managers who manage their companies so that they are "immortality" comfort themselves: "We are not dead now, which means we have a reason to survive. 'Existence' is reasonable!" This sentence sounds at first glance It also seems to make some sense.Because in the real world, there are indeed a large number of companies that can "stand firm" for a long time despite their "mess" in operations.Therefore, it seems understandable that the managers of these enterprises use the phrase "existence is reasonable" to shirk responsibility for their "poor management".However, is it enough to just "not die"?What is the practical significance of this kind of "reasonable" for an enterprise?I am really puzzled by the "self-comfort" psychology of some business managers who moan without illness.

In fact, this kind of enterprise is just "slightly better than death".The reason why they are "not dead" is because the "Terminator" has not yet arrived, or because of some other accidental factors (such as the market itself is developing well, or the brand of the company's products is strong, etc.).That is to say, they "live" only because "the time has not come", as long as "the time and conditions come", they "will undoubtedly die".One day earlier and one day later.This kind of "living method" of "life hanging by a thread" is really not worth using for "self-comfort", let alone "self-boasting".To put it simply, although these enterprises are "not dead", they are already in a "dying state" - just like a critically ill patient, who can often struggle on the "death line" for several years, but in the end they cannot escape the fate of death Same.In fact, the manager who can say "existence is reasonable" is already full of helplessness in his heart, which proves that he has fallen into a depressed mentality of "immortality and life", so he has no choice but to pass the sentence "I exist, I am me". Reasonable"—that is, the "psychological suggestion" of "I'm not dead" to defend my self-deceiving, last bit of poor self-esteem.In fact, "not dead" is only the minimum requirement, how can a promising entrepreneur be satisfied with the state of "not dead"!Why can't I face my own problems frankly, regain my passion through "drastic" "management innovation", and let myself and my company "live" better and more excitingly?As long as you want to do, there is nothing you can't do, it's better to save yourself the "self-comfort" of moaning.Have you ever said that "existence is reasonable"?If the answer is yes, you should be careful.Because this sentence is nothing more than a "warning signal"-telling you that it's time for "change".

(End of this chapter)

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