Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 82 Don't Believe in Evil!

Chapter 82 Don't Believe in Evil!
Believe me, "how bold people are and how productive the land" is no longer "satellite launch".If you ask me, what is the biggest difference between Chinese companies, especially private companies, and foreign companies (such as American and Japanese companies)?My answer may have some "professional inertia": the biggest difference between us and others is probably in "corporate culture", especially in "values".People's corporate culture can often be linked to "action", which is "real"; and some of our companies, although they usually call "corporate culture" and "values" loudly, but when they "act real" When the knife is real, it will unconsciously "show timidity".My company is different.

The managers of our company, especially the senior managers, are masters who are "deadly" with the corporate culture and values, and they are a group of people who "do not believe in evil" and "will not admit defeat".So in the eyes of our peers, we are a bunch of "weirds" running a "monster" company.Although it has only been two years since its establishment, our company has already spread its "strange name" far and wide, and has too many "weird" and "legendary" stories.One of the most classic stories is that at the beginning of the company's establishment, we resolutely rejected the manufacturer's call to "learn from the top ten stores in the country", and directly set the goal of catching up with the "top ten stores in the world".That is to say, from the very beginning, we took it as our "values" to align ourselves with "the world's number one" rather than "the number one in the country".Now it's a "hornet's nest" and everyone is laughing at us—the head of the store must be crazy.

But we were unmoved at all, and actually put everything into practice—there are a few masters in the company who have lived abroad and understand foreign characters, so we download them from the Internet, or order foreign car dealerships from overseas. The store's advanced management concepts and operating skills have been organized and learned over and over again, digested and applied to actual operations... Over time, it has really achieved quite good returns.Today, although we still have a big gap with the advanced level of foreign countries, we can proudly say that at least in the region where we are located, our comprehensive management capabilities will never lose to anyone.For a newly opened sales store, our achievements are quite outstanding.Those who used to wait impatiently to see our jokes gradually "stopped".Of course, the proposal and advancement of this "value" has not always been smooth sailing.We also once heard many discordant voices from within and saw many questioning eyes.

For example, when I was going to show Japanese video training materials to employees, some colleagues and friends around me raised objections: Save yourself, it’s useless!What are the qualities of the Japanese and what are our qualities?There is simply no comparison.But I am very disdainful of this view.Because I have experience working in high-end companies in Japan (such as the large logistics center of the world brand "Kao" in the Kanto region).In fact, there are many foreign students and migrant workers from China in those companies, and they do the same job well, even better than the Japanese.He didn't appear to be "inferior" everywhere, and there wasn't any situation where he didn't adapt to the environment.That is to say, in fact, what others can do, we can also do.The key depends on whether you are in that "environment" and "atmosphere".To use the simplest analogy, even a casual person, if he enters a five-star hotel, he may be able to control his spitting and other problems.This is the power of "environment" and "atmosphere", rather than (or not all) the issue of "ability" and "quality".The creation of this "environment" and "atmosphere" is exactly what our managers, especially senior managers, should do.

Therefore, our managers must first "dare to think" and not "underestimate themselves" and let themselves lose at the "starting line".To take a step back, if it is a truly high-end foreign company, such as McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Goldman Sachs and the like, because it does require high education and extraordinary experience and knowledge, we can admit that it may be possible for a period of time. We may not be able to do it; but, at least for an enterprise like Automobile S Store, why can't we catch up with the world's advanced level?Where are we Chinese worse than foreigners?Is it an arm missing, or a leg missing?Why should you look down on yourself?As the saying goes, "Soldiers who don't want to be marshals are not good soldiers." If you put your goal "first", you can get the first one at the worst, right?But if you only put your goal in the top ten, it will be difficult for you to get ahead.There are many people in this world. On the one hand, they despise the "details" and "ordinary things" that foreigners really cherish. When they have the courage to challenge foreigners, they always easily "deny" themselves, belittle themselves, always feel "inferior", and dare not take action.Even to the extreme, they don't even have the courage to "think" or "dream".

These people are the most worthless, they deserve to suffer and suffer in poverty in this life, and they will always follow behind others.Alibaba's Jack Ma declared from the very beginning that his business would become a "world-class" business.Although people call him the "Three Sons Enrolled" - Jack Ma was once "sealed" as "fool, lunatic, and liar", but he never changed his original intention and unswervingly pursued his ideal.After hard work, he finally made his company famous all over the world, winning glory for Chinese enterprises and Chinese people.A kind of manager has to show some crazy energy, and show some "ruthless" energy.Dare to toss, dare to be frightened!People who don't even dare to "think", what can they do in this life?Do not believe in evil!

(End of this chapter)

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