Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 86 "Holographic" Management

Chapter 86 "Holographic" Management
With the concept of "doing nothing", the goal of "governing by doing nothing" is achieved.As the saying goes, "There are hundreds of people, and there are all kinds of people."The same goes for the world of management.Every enterprise, and even every manager, will have a set of management philosophies and "smooth" management methods.I am not talented, and here I venture to make a simple summary of these management techniques in terms of the number of "dimensionalities".Relying on the system—one-dimensional management method; relying on the system and relying on the quality of people—two-dimensional management method; relying on the system, relying on the quality of people, and relying on corporate culture—three-dimensional management method...In general, the general enterprise "dimension" There are few of them, and there are even a few companies that only have the "one dimension" of "system", because these companies are tantamount to secretly ignoring the element of "human quality"-assuming that the quality of people is up to the standard, not low.

This kind of management thinking is also very logical, and there is nothing wrong with it.However, in actual operation, if you want to get everything done with such a small number of "dimensions", there will be big problems.For example, many of our managers believe in such a management philosophy: the "simple" thing about "management" is actually the better.The more "simple" things are, the more "manageable" they are, don't make everything so "complicated".So in the actual management work, they are always used to the "one size fits all" management method - everything is done according to the "system", and no one should talk so much "nonsense".However, the result is often "backfired" - we are always improving and revising the "system".In the end, only the "system" itself has become more and more, until it "pile up like a mountain", but the actual effect is always "unsatisfactory", which annoys our managers.

For example, this kind of situation often happens in our company: it is obviously a "very simple" thing, and it can even be said to belong to the category of "common sense", but no matter how you educate and manage it, even if you put The words are broken, but there are some employees who "do not meet the standard", which makes you feel helpless!Faced with this situation, although some executives of the company have a lot of headaches, they have no countermeasures.They complained to me—"The quality of the personnel is still not good!" Eighty to ninety percent. Even if I admit that their quality is poor, at least fifty to sixty percent must be done! As it is now, I don’t even think it’s even [-] percent, it’s really speechless!" Wait, in short, they are " When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain it."

In fact, the reason for this phenomenon lies in our managers, because the occurrence of this situation is precisely the result of too few "dimensions" of management concepts.In contrast, my management philosophy is quite different. What I believe in is - reward, punish, praise, scold, teach, train (train), coax, scare, lie, and beg.This "Cross Mantra".These ten words are indispensable, for the "ten-dimensional" management method, or simply call it the "holographic" management method.That is to say, management in real life is actually far more "complicated" than people imagine, and you almost need to do your best. Any attempt to "simplify" can be regarded as "cutting corners". "Behavior, that is, a "lazy" behavior, will never achieve the desired effect.For example, even the four words "coax, scare, deceive, and beg" are of great use in actual management work-some things, if the other party finds it difficult to understand and accept for a while, and you must immediately When implementing ", the means of "coaxing, intimidating, and deceiving (of course 'white lies')" can often achieve miraculous results.When the other party is really unable or unwilling to "execute", "begging" means frankly admitting one's "weakness", and actively exposing one's "weakness" to the other party to win the other party's sympathy and "force" the other party to "submit" "It may also be a trick of "magic chess".

Generally speaking, this "Cross Mantra" has the following two meanings: First, the Chinese are the most difficult nation in the world to "manage", or to put it in an extreme sense, they are almost impossible to "manage".Therefore, any attempt to "simplify" the method of managing the Chinese is extremely naive and bound to be futile.Second, instead of habitually attributing the cause to "poor quality of personnel" when encountering management problems, it is better to include "poor quality of personnel" itself into the category of management, and then find a way to solve it.Otherwise, it can only be self-deception.Take the previous example, "Do I need to say this? They are not children!" "Everyone is an adult, so there is no need to say it!" "Even I feel ashamed to say this Panic." - Sorry, if your employees are "not as good as children", this has become an "indisputable fact", what can you do?Let things develop?Therefore, give up complaining, give up complaining, treat your employees as "children" from now on, and prepare to be a glorious "preschool teacher" is the only "constructive" approach.Otherwise, you are deceiving yourself and others, and cannot solve any real problems.

Also, "Such a simple thing should be done 20% to 30% by everyone. Even if I admit that their quality is poor, at least 30% to 40% must be done! Like now, I don't think there is even 100% of it. Really It's speechless!"—Sorry, even if this is indeed a "plus or equal" problem, your employees can only get "points", so what can you do?Give up trying?Obviously not.At this time, "bow to reality" is the only correct approach.Only by acknowledging the reality can you take concrete actions.As long as you start "action" from now on and work hard a little bit, your employees will always get better slowly.They will slowly improve from 20 points to [-] points, and then slowly "climb" from [-] points to [-] points... until they can also reach the level of [-] or [-] points.Although it is a bit slow, as long as you are willing to put in a bit of effort and don't underestimate the value of "small progress", you will always "reap a lot" in the end.If you just want to be a "complainer" now, and you are unwilling to face the reality, unwilling or disdain to take action, I am afraid that in another [-] years, your "soldiers" will still be around [-] "points". , there will be no improvement.

And in all these cases, in the face of such "difficult" subordinates, any word in the "Cross Mantra" is indispensable, which is not a joke.So, virtually every parent who has ever been a parent is a gifted manager, because these ten words are what they use every day when they deal with their children.However, one point needs to be emphasized here: "holographic" management is largely a "principle issue" rather than a "degree issue".That is to say, in the actual management work, we must master a "holographic" management principle, but we must be careful in grasping the degree, and avoid "too much".As I said before, we Chinese are the most difficult to "manage", and it is almost impossible to "manage".

Any "tricks" that try to "control" the Chinese will always be easily "cracked" by us.We Chinese are the most intelligent nation in the world, and no one can easily "capture" us. "Broken tricks" is our super strength, a natural advantage.Therefore, if you keep "chattering" like an old lady in actual management work, you can only annoy your employees, and it is impossible to achieve real results.Because your employees are far smarter than you, they can always think of a hundred ways to abolish your "martial arts".That is to say, you have to try to manage people with your "wisdom" instead of "mouth".A truly smart manager will never make the mistake of "too much to go too far" in management work.They are always good at reserving a part of "fuzzy space" and "room for maneuver" in actual operation, and using their "wisdom" to deal with employees. Therefore, they can always successfully let employees fall into their trap unconsciously. "Dao'er" sharpened his head and got into their "trap" by himself, and he was still convinced without complaint.This is the real "superior" in management.In short, this is a way of doing things that is "complex" in principle but "simplified" in practice.In fact, the relationship between "simple" and "complex" is an eternal "puzzle" in the field of management.Because it involves too many cultural aspects, there may never be a final "positive solution".

But one thing is certain, in management, both "simple" and "complex" are absolutely necessary, and neither can be dispensed with—we sometimes need to regard "complex" things as "simple" in order to "lift the weight as light as possible"; But sometimes it is necessary to consider seemingly "simple" things "complex", because it is "light weight".In my humble opinion, any thing that is inextricably linked to "culture" should be treated as "light and heavy", and must not be underestimated or taken lightly.Only when you fully "value" it in terms of "culture", that is, in terms of ideology, can you "lift the weight as if it is light" in actual operation-dissolve all troubles in an inadvertent "understatement".Therefore, only those who have figured out the mysteries can truly achieve the "transformation" of "do whatever you want and let nature take its course" and become a "happy" manager in the true sense.

(End of this chapter)

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