Cosmic Transcendence Guide

Chapter 3 Black Hole Farewell

Chapter 3 Black Hole Farewell
For the dead, it is we who die. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

However, the ship-borne robot Cao De was ordered by Kong Zhou to study a kind of tea.

Kong Zhou said that he drank too much once, and was taken somewhere by a π star woman. That woman was quite beautiful—by the standard of π star, all parts of her body were round.Kong Zhou doesn't think he is a racist person, but he really doesn't want to have too much relationship with her.Just as Kong Zhou was thinking about what excuses to leave, π Star Girl told him that it was the time of local worship, and people from all over the planet would gather in the circular square to recite pi to the stars as round as their faces in the sky.

Although Kongzhou is not good at mathematics, he can also hear that the pi is wrong, 3.2415928... I am afraid that because of the nonsense, he cannot recognize alien languages, and Kongzhou even ate everything he was carrying.After listening again, it was indeed wrong.

In order to live happily in the universe, Kong Zhou has long been used to giving up thinking about such problems.What really bothered him was the cup of tea that the woman left him when she left.

"My mother brewed it herself. Only my family has it in the whole universe. Try it." After finishing speaking, he kissed Kongzhou's face with his round upper lip and round lower lip, "Don't break the cup, it's my cup." Dad's relic, wait for me to come back."

"Obviously I can't wait for her to come back, and I have never drank that kind of tea again." Kong Zhou took out a cup that was round from all angles but could hold water, and said to Cao De, "But I I stole the teacup back, study it, and make me a cup this afternoon."

Che Dan thought the master's request was as absurd as his experience, and what was even more absurd was that Cao De said: "Okay master, I understand."

Che Dan: "Well, what do you know?"

"Master is racially discriminatory. He broke the heart of a man of the opposite sex. He stole his father's relics, but he never forgets a cup of tea." Tears welled up in Cao De's eyes. "Zen Master Kong Zhou is indeed an affectionate person."

Che Dan: "Affectionate ass, who installed your value system, it hasn't been updated for several years?"

The bell at the gate of the temple rang, and Kong Zhou stood up from his chair. Every time someone made an appointment for a super-duplication through the contact information Kong Zhou left on the advertisement, the bell at the gate would ring.Of course, it will also make noise when the wind blows.

Kong Zhou: "I'll go see if there's any business, Hunhu."

A tyrannosaurus rex ran out from under the Bodhi tree, and Kongzhou rode on it.This is the reward that Kongzhou asked his friend the clown for a return. He insisted that the dinosaur stays with the clown, and the clown will definitely stick his head into the dragon's mouth to seek death, regardless of how much the dinosaur and the clown were when they parted. Not willing to part with each other.

The origin of this dragon is unknown, and it is still unknown whether it is a real product resold by time dealers or made with genetic technology.Taking back the Naihe boat, Kongzhou modified Hunhu.On many planets, bio-transformation is against the law and ethics, and Kongzhou’s choice in the face of this dilemma is not to go to those planets.The body of Tyrannosaurus rex was shrunk, its intelligence improved, and it could adapt to life on the spaceship. It also began to love sweets and fish, liked to sleep, and would jump to high places when disturbed.Che Dan really couldn't figure out why Kong Zhou disagreed when he wanted to raise a cat before. Kong Zhou's explanation was: "The cat loses hair."

For the sake of meat, the simulation cabin has also been modified and can be transformed into a Jurassic style.Airboat's favorite entertainment is to let the simulation cabin turn into a volcano and erupt when Hunhu is asleep.

"It's extinct, it's going to be extinct." Whenever this happens, Kong Zhou will order Cao De to shout like this.

Therefore, Hunhu's sleep is abnormally poor, and his neurasthenia is also very serious. He was given such a name, and he didn't have much energy to refute.

Chedan hoped in his heart that there would be business coming, so that he would not have to stay on the boat to watch the master's evil behavior.Cao De was still where he was standing just now, holding the cup, watching the back of Kong Zhou riding Hun Hun away.

"What a fart you are watching!" Che Dan really needed to go to the universe to breathe.

This time the employer is not one person, but a planet.

The planet is called Black Edge Star. After listening to the address, Chedan understood what was going on. The planet was on the edge of the black hole.

The history of the existence of the planet cannot be traced back, and it is only known that it will come to an end soon - it will finally be sucked in by a black hole, and people all over the planet have long been ready to evacuate.

Che Dan: "Is that to save this planet?"

"Yeah," Kong Zhou stroked Hunhun's head, "There's one more person."

That person refused to leave, and his age is as untestable as the history of this planet. It is said that he knows the history of the planet, but unfortunately he has gone crazy and lost all his memories.Before he went crazy, he was the greatest scientist on the Black Edge planet, and the spaceships used by residents to evacuate now all rely on the formulas he deduced.All knew him, all revered him, all called him: Captain.

When Che Dan saw the captain, he felt that the old man was indeed crazy.

He rode a bicycle, with a helmet on the handlebar, and in a tattered robe, walking through the empty streets with black borders and stars. His white hair was thick and messy, and he was singing songs whose words he couldn't understand. The locals don't understand either.

The black-bordered star is very small, and most of the landforms are canyons, which are unfathomable. All the residents live together in one city, and the combined population does not exceed one million.

At this moment, the vast majority of people have already boarded the spaceship that left. In fact, people can live on that spaceship. The spaceship built using the captain's formula is considered advanced in the entire universe.

Receiving the empty boat is the supreme leader and first lady of the black border star this week.The political system of Black Edge Star is that all residents, regardless of age, rule the planet in turn, except the captain.This system was also implemented after the captain ceased to be the leader.

Che Dan: "Have you guys never had a coup d'état?"

Leader: "We black border stars have a higher pursuit."

The leader didn't give any further explanation, and Che Dan didn't ask any further questions.

Leader: "We hope to have a formal farewell to the black border star. We have checked many companies that do funerals and farewell ceremonies, and they all say that they will not do funerals for the planet, so we invite you."

Chedan recalled that the advertisement for Kongzhou said: "We are responsible for transcending everything."

Leader: "According to calculations, the black hole will devour the black edge star tomorrow, please save it at that time."

Kongzhou and Chedan sat in the leader's office.The things are almost moved, and the basic situation is finished here, and the master and the apprentice will also go with him to the evacuated spaceship to complete the chanting there.When Chedan was chatting with the leader, Spaceship kept silent, just looking at the street outside the window, where the captain appeared from time to time.

Che Dan: "Where's the captain?"

"Let him go," the first lady's tone was as unemotional as a leader's. "We can't help him if he wants to die."

Che Dan: "I heard that he used to be the most respected person here?"

Leader: "He was never from our place, so don't ask about it."

Che Dan: "But we can't do nothing like this, we are Buddhists after all..."

"Did he save us?" The first lady became emotional. "Did he control our lives? If he goes with us, we may all die!"

Leader: "Don't get excited, you are the first lady today, not the real estate agent yesterday."

The first lady calmed down, and returned to her cold tone: "In short, we Heibianxing have done our utmost to be kind to him, and to save him is our last kindness."

"I'll go see him." Kong Zhou stood up, still looking outside.

Leader: "I advise you not to do this, he is crazy and will beat people."

"I didn't expect you to be afraid of beating people after living beside the black hole for so many years." Kong Zhou said as he walked, without looking back at the couple.

The black hole looks magnificent from a distance, and the light from the accretion disk makes the center of the black hole appear darker than the darkness that pervades the universe.Standing on the black edge star at this moment, one can see the black hole. Only then did Che Dan realize that this planet has no atmosphere, and obviously there are no stars. The entire planet is covered in an artificial film to maintain its ecology.This level of technology is not special in the universe, Che Dan is just curious about how people here lived and how they were born before there was no membrane.

Sure enough, the captain rode his bike and approached the empty boat master and apprentice.

"Voyage! All, Voyage!"

In the song sung by the captain, only these few words were intelligible.

The bicycle almost hit Chedan, and the captain took off the helmet on the handlebar and put it on Chedan's bald head.

Captain: "Why are you still here! Let's go!"

Kong Zhou: "Where are you going?"

Captain: "It doesn't matter where you go, as long as you leave."

Kongzhou: "Why did you leave?"

Captain: "Because that's our only purpose."

Kong Zhou: "Who are you?"

Captain: "We are us, and we will still be us in 1000 years."

Chedan took off the helmet and saw a line of words engraved on the edge: "The meaning of our existence is to leave."

Che Dan whispered: "Master, this man is crazy, he shouldn't die."

Kong Zhou: "There are too many people who shouldn't die."

Kong Zhou took the helmet and saw that line of writing.

Kong Zhou: "Then why don't you leave?"

"I've already left, I can't leave anymore." The captain sat on the ground, his expression changed from madness to loneliness, "It might be wrong to leave, we might have been wrong all along."

As he spoke, the captain grabbed Che Dan and leaned against his lap and began to cry.

Che Dan: "Master, let's save him and leave?"

Kong Zhou didn't speak, he saw the leader, the first lady, and several officials who hadn't left coming over.

"Zen Master Kongzhou, I have heard about your behavior style, and I didn't intend to hide it from you. It's just not easy for us to say these things, and even telling them will cause death," the leader looked at the crying captain, " Same for him."

Kong Zhou: "Nothing is easy. With his mental state, I can't judge whether he wants to die or you want to kill him. It is possible to save him. I am a monk and cannot break the precept of killing."

Che Dan murmured in his heart, "Are you still broken?", but hurriedly took a step forward, protecting the captain behind him: "That's right, why did you kill him?"

Leader: "Oh, he's the one who wants to kill us."

No one knows how many years the captain hibernates.

His hibernation cabin has always been in the depths of a canyon. In the history of the Black Edge Star, it belonged to mythology for the first time. After the last war between the gods who created the Black Edge Star and the devil, the only surviving god stayed there forever. Seal the devil and bless the black-bordered stars.Later, it belonged to religion, and the name of the sect was "Canyon God Sect". People had to pray in the direction of the canyon. Every year, warriors died because of pilgrimages to the canyon, and people who disobeyed the Holy See were thrown into the canyon to worship the gods.Religion was quickly accepted by politicians, and every emperor of the Black Border Star claimed to be the reincarnation of the canyon god, no matter how many family members of the previous emperor were killed.The era of advocating rationality is coming soon. Revolutionaries who promote freedom and science spit on the canyon, set fire to it, and throw all those who insist on faith and refuse to give up theism into the canyon. Of course, this time it is not to worship God, but to pay homage to science. .How many times this has happened in the history of the Black Edge Star, no one can remember.

It wasn't until science really developed and the black-bordered stars realized that the sky was more important than the canyon that people's fights with each other gradually decreased.When technology developed to the point where the black-bordered aliens found themselves living on the edge of the black hole and would perish at any time, they began to develop spaceships and prepared to escape.In the process, they discovered that there is indeed something buried in the canyon for thousands of years, bringing countless legends, beliefs and deaths.

That's not a god, that's a hibernation pod of unknown age.

There is a sentence written on the hibernation cabin: "The meaning of our existence is to leave."

In order to wake up the captain, the black-bordered stars voted, and then fought a war. The winning side did not support the awakening, but they realized that only by waking up the captain can the war be permanently ended.

The first thing the captain said after waking up was: "Voyage! All, Voyage!"

Afterwards, the captain ate the talkative grass kept in the cabin, so he could understand the language of the descendants before him, and realized how far away he was from that glorious and heroic era.In the days that followed, the captain deciphered the technological information in the hibernation cabin to the Black Edge Stars, while learning about the history of the Black Edge Stars.

The deciphering process is long, and it took 23 years. After 23 years, the Black Edge Star truly understood the meaning of his existence for the first time, not for the canyon god, not to learn scientific knowledge, not to build the motherland, not to create artworks Or eat delicious food all over the world, not to realize your own value.The existence of the black-bordered star has only one meaning, and that is to leave.

They didn't belong here in the first place. Where is the parent planet? The captain's memory has been blurred due to the long hibernation. He only knows that it is also a cursed planet.People fled before the destruction of the parent star. Because the energy was almost exhausted, they encountered space pirates, encountered star storms and other desperate situations, they could only choose to stay in the black edge star.The black-edge star is completely uninhabitable, and the transformation process is long and dangerous. These ancestors built membranes to maintain the ecology, and dug canyons through precise calculations. Only in such a shape can the black-edge star reduce the influence of black hole gravity.But people soon realized that it was only a matter of time before the planet was swallowed by a black hole.Those who felt desperate left with their spaceships, and those who were even more desperate stayed and began to reproduce.But advanced technology requires advanced energy and equipment, which are exhausted during construction.Life returns to the original, and the human spirit returns to numbness.All those who remained decided to hibernate a person in order to preserve the seeds of miracles. At the same time, they also hibernated technologies that they mastered but could not achieve. These are all preparing for the departure of this civilization again.

The captain's learning process of the history of the black edge star after his hibernation is also long.After 23 years, he finally understood what happened to his descendants, what happened to the civilization that was desperately preserved back then.The captain is crazy.

"Perhaps, the universe wants us to perish, so we should perish." The captain said at the time.

Since then, the captain no longer helped the black-bordered star to develop the spaceship, and tried his best to convince everyone that they should join the black-bordered star into the black hole.Perish is the fate that this civilization should have accepted thousands of years ago.

The captain was crazy, and sang with a smile: "Why do you struggle, where can you go? The universe is so big, there is no home for you."

This is a song he often hums.

Kong Zhou: "The format is quite similar to Buddha's gatha."

After recalling all this, the leader and the first lady looked sad: "Master Zen, the captain's thinking is too deep. Many people have listened to his words before and jumped into the canyon to commit suicide. We can force him to board the spaceship, but we We don’t know when we will find the next planet, I’m afraid we will all be dead before then.”

The first lady: "Zen Master, it's not that we don't want to take him away. After all, we still want to continue civilization."

Leader: "Yes, otherwise the ancestors would have died in vain."

Kong Zhou: "The captain also thinks so, but he thinks that if you become like this, your ancestors have died in vain. Not only did they die in vain, but they should have died long ago. He himself died too late."

Che Dan thought the two of them would be angry, but they just lowered their heads and didn't argue any more.

Leader: "Zen Master, we black border stars are not worthy, and we cannot think about the meaning of life. The meaning of our life was written thousands of years ago, or even earlier."

"That's leaving!"

The captain suddenly woke up, yelled, jumped on the bicycle, sang and rode away.

"Tomorrow's salvation." Kong Zhou held the helmet and looked at the words on it, "But the price has to be a little higher. Seeing such a person die, you have to buy my conscience."

The transcendence ceremony started as scheduled, and the black-bordered stars left camera robots all over the city, saying that they were trying to see if they could take pictures of the black hole, which would help the development of science and technology.But dozens of remaining robots followed the captain at the moment, and no one raised any objections.

Only the voices of Kongzhou and Chedan chanting sutras could be heard in the spaceship.Seen from the porthole, the black hole is still so magnificent, and the film built with the wisdom of the ancestors and the will to survive still wraps the black edge star: in terms of space, it is approaching the black hole; in terms of time, it is about to go to the end of extinction.

All the screens of the spaceship are the picture on the black border star at the moment, the back of the captain riding a bicycle, heading towards the black hole.

The sound of chanting suddenly stopped, and the leader looked at Kongzhou: "Is the supersedation over?"

"No, I think he's going to sing." Kong Zhou opened his eyes and looked at the screen, "Let's just listen to him sing first."

The captain sang a song that no one could understand, but everyone sang along.

"Voyage! All, Voyage!"

This is the last line of that song.

"Voyage! All, Voyage!"

All the black-bordered stars sang the last line.

Amid the cries that filled the entire spaceship, Kongzhou and Chedan finished chanting, the screen turned black, and there was no new news from the black hole.

From then on, there will be no more black-edged stars in the universe, and no more crazy captains.

After returning to the Naihe boat, Kongzhou kept silent. Chedan had many questions that he wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask them.

"Master, I can't make this tea well." Cao De greeted him, he had no right to call Kongzhou Master, and he didn't care even after Che Dan corrected him several times, "No matter what tea spices I put in this cup, it will be changed. into a taste."

Cao De handed the round cup from all angles to Kong Zhou, which contained tea.

Kong Zhou took a sip, his expression unchanged: "That's the taste."

Chedan thought, it had nothing to do with the tea, but the teacup.

"Cao De, I have to entrust you with something," Kong Zhou took another sip, "Go to π star, find this woman, and apologize to her."

Che Dan looked at Kong Zhou and felt that Master still had a conscience after all.

Kong Zhou: "Then force her to sell you this teacup for any amount."

Cao De: "Okay!"

Cao De bowed respectfully, tears welled up in his eyes again.

Cao De: "Master is not only affectionate, but also a reasonable person!"

Che Dan wanted to scold Cao De, but he couldn't.Kong Zhou kept holding the helmet in his hand, didn't say anything else, just muttered to Che Dan on the way back: "For those who enter the black hole, it is us and the whole universe that die. Today, we are actually Transcend the universe once."

"Cao De," Che Dan looked at Hunhun who was sleeping under the huge Jurassic ginkgo tree, "make a volcano and make fun of Hunhun."

Extinct, going extinct.

Hope this makes Master happy.

(End of this chapter)

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