Water Margin

Chapter 29

Chapter 29


The iron stone Zen machine has been turned on, and the Qiantang River has long been disheartened.

On a moonlit night in Liuhe Temple, I returned from Sanzhu Mountain.

Nazi's heart is empty and he passed away, and the general's merits are returned in brocade clothes.

Both of them are men, and they are not inferior to heroes to help the world.

It is said that the person who announced his wish to lead the troops out of the cave to fight in front of the Fangla Palace was none other than Ke Yin, the son-in-law of the east bed.When Fang La saw the play, he was overjoyed: "It's my luck today. I got a son-in-law to fight the grass bandits with the power of arrows and stones. I hope to be a genius and revive the country."Fang La gave her golden armor and brocade robe to her son-in-law, and chose a good horse to ride, and asked him to fight.How did the son-in-law end?

He wears a golden helmet with phoenix wings on his head, a chain of iron armor on his body, a tuanlong brocade robe on top, and a lion girdle around his waist.Wearing green soap-smeared boots, straddling a carved bow and iron arrows.Make a piercing steel spear, and ride a green horse that is used to fighting.

Prince Consort Nake and his nephew Fang Jie led 1 guard troops in the cave, and more than [-] generals in front of them, went out to the entrance of Bangyuan Cave and formed a formation.

But it is said that Song Jiang's army and horses have trapped the entrance of the cave, and he has taught General Zuofen to guard it.Song Jiang was in the battle, because he saw his brothers stopped three times and folded twice, Fang La never got it, and the southern soldiers didn't fight, their brows were unfurled, and their faces were worried.I only heard the former military newspaper say: "There are soldiers and horses coming out of the cave to fight." Song Jiang and Lu Junyi saw the newspaper and hurriedly ordered the generals to mount their horses and lead the army to fight.No one in Song Jiang's army recognized Chai Jin.Song Jiang ordered Huarong to go out to meet the enemy.Huarong got the order, so he threw his gun and jumped his horse, went out to the front of the battle, and asked loudly: "Who are you, dare to help the rebels and fight against our heavenly soldiers? If I catch you, you will be smashed into pieces, flesh and blood Get off your horse and accept the surrender, so you won’t die.” Ke’s son-in-law replied, “I’m Ke Yin from Shandong, who doesn’t know my name? Considering that you guys are gangsters from Liangshanpo, what a shame! It is not as good as your means! I will kill you all and restore the city, which is my wish." Song Jiang and Lu Junyi listened to it immediately, thinking: "There must be no betrayal in what Chai Jin said. He said 'Chai Jin' The word '' was changed to 'Ke', and 'Chai' means 'Ke'; the word 'Jin' was changed to 'Yin', and 'Yin' means 'Jin'." Wu Yongdao: "I don't think Chai officials have ever fallen into grass At that time, people who specialize in hiding criminals and doing private business will forget their roots today?" Lu Junyi said: "Let's see Hua Rong and him meet the enemy."

At that moment, Hua Rong held out his spear and jumped on his horse to fight Ke Yin.The two horses meet, and the two weapons are used simultaneously.The two will fight into the depth of the room, twist them into a ball, and make a piece with a button.Chai Jin said in a low voice: "Brother, you can pretend to be defeated, and we will discuss the matter in the future." After hearing this, Hua Rong fought for three times, pulled back his horse and left.Ke Yin shouted: "The defeated general, I won't chase you away. Don't have any gains, let him come out and fight with me." Hua Rong galloped back to the battle and told Song Jiang and Lu Junyi that he knew what to do.Wu Yongdao: "Call Guan Sheng to fight again." At that time, Guan Sheng danced the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and the flying horse went out to fight. He shouted, "Shandong young general, dare to fight my enemy?"The two confront each other without any fear.The two generals could not fight for five rounds, Guan Sheng also pretended to be defeated, and walked back to the main formation.Prince Ke didn't rush, but shouted in front of the battle: "Song soldiers dare to have a strong general come out to fight against me?" Song Jiang then asked Zhu Dian to come out and confront Chai Jin.Fighting back and forth, only concealing from the army.The two could not fight together, so Zhu Dian feigned defeat and left.Chai Jin rushed over, shot in vain, and Zhu Dian abandoned his horse and ran back to the main formation.The Southern Army snatched this good horse first.Ke's son-in-law mobilized the southern army to cover up and kill them.Song Jiang hurriedly ordered the generals to lead the army back ten miles to Xiazhai.Prince Consort Ke led the army to chase him for a while, then withdrew his troops and retreated into the cave.Someone went to report to Fang La first, saying: "Ke's son-in-law is such a hero. He defeated the Song soldiers and won three generals in a row. Song Jiang and others fought for a while and retreated ten miles." Putting on the military attire, please enter the harem to give you a seat, hold the gold cup in person, and persuade the son-in-law, "I don't want my son-in-law to have both civil and military skills. I only think that a son-in-law is a talented scholar. If I knew that there were such heroes, many states would not be destroyed." County. Anxious to hope that the son-in-law will show off his talents, set up a general to kill thieves, revive the foundation, share the infinite wealth of peace and wealth with the widow, enjoy a long time together, and restore the country." Ke Yin said: "Lord, don't worry, as a minister, you should treat yourself Serve wholeheartedly and rejuvenate the country together. Tomorrow, I would like to invite the Holy Master to climb the mountain to watch Ke Yin fight, and immediately kill Song Jiang and others." Fang La was overjoyed when he saw the play.When the night banquet got deeper, everyone went back to the palace.The next morning, Fang La set up a dynasty and asked the cave to knock cattle and kill horses, so that the three armies were full and put on their horses.Go out to the entrance of Bangyuan Cave, wave flags and shout, beat drums to fight.However, Fang La led the servants to the top of Bangyuandong Mountain to watch Ke's son-in-law fight.There are poems to prove it:
The son-in-law raises troops to fight against the Sixth Division, pretending to lose and cheat.

Goulian Fang La came to the battle in person, and it was even more amazing to succeed in one go.

Let's say that Song Jiang sent an order that day and told the generals: "The fight today is not as important as it was when he was fighting. You and other generals have all worked hard to capture Fang La, the leader of the thief, and don't kill him. All you soldiers, just look at the firewood on the Southern Army's line. Go back to the horse to lead, then rush into the cave, and pursue Fang La with all your strength, and you must not violate it." The generals of the three armies were ordered to fight their fists, draw their swords and draw their guns, and all wanted to plunder the gold and silk in the cave. Please reward Fang La for his meritorious service.At that time, all the generals of Song Jiang came to the cave, spread out their army horses, and formed a formation.On the southern army formation, Prince Ke was standing under the gate flag, and was about to go out to battle. The emperor's nephew Fang Jie immediately said with a halberd: "Captain, hold your hand and stop riding. Fang will kill a Song soldier first. Then the captain will go out and fight the enemy with his troops." Song Bing saw Yan Qing following Chai Jin, and all the generals were happy and said, "Today's plan will definitely come true." Everyone prepares by himself.Let's say that Fang Jie, the emperor's nephew, was fighting for the first place on his horse, and Song Jiang won the battle in the pass, and he danced the green dragon knife to confront Fang Jie.Two generals hand in horses, one back and one back, one turn and one back.After more than a dozen battles, Song Jiang sent Hua Rong out to fight Fang Jie together.Fang Jie saw that the two generals were attacking, so he had no fear and was able to defeat the two generals.There are several battles, although it is difficult to see who wins or loses, it can only be avoided.In Song Jiang's team, Li Ying and Zhu Dian were sent to the battle suddenly, and they chased and killed them.Fang Jie saw that the four futures were attacking, so he turned his horse's head back, looked in the formation and left.However, Concubine Ke stopped him under the banner of the gate, and with a move, four Song generals Guan Sheng, Hua Rong, Zhu Dian, and Li Ying rushed over. Concubine Ke raised his iron spear and rushed to grab Fang Jie.Seeing that Fang Jie was not in good shape, he got off his horse and ran for his life by surprise. Chai Jin shot him in the back. Yun Fengwei Yanqing caught up and killed Fang Jie with a knife.The generals of the southern army were stunned and fled separately.Ke's son-in-law shouted: "I am not Ke Yin, I am Chai Jin. It is Song Xianfeng's men who are taking Xiao Xuanfeng. Accompanying Yun Fengwei is the prodigal Yanqing. Now I know that the inside and outside of the cave are carefully prepared. If If someone captures Fang La alive, the high-ranking officials will do it, and the fine horses will be selected to ride. Those who surrender from the three armies will be free from blood; those who resist will be beheaded.Fang La led his servants on the top of Bangyuan Mountain. He saw that Fang Jie had been killed and the three armies were in disarray.Song Jiang led a large army of horses, separated five ways, rushed into the cave, and tried to catch Fang La.Don't want to be escaped by Fang La, only to get the attendants.Yanqing rushed into the cave, called a few confidantes, went to the storehouse to snatch two loads of gold beads and softened them out, and set fire to the forbidden garden of the inner palace.When Chai Jin entered the East Palace, Princess Jinzhi hanged herself to death.When Chai Jin saw him, he even burned the palace, and ordered the servants to let them escape.All the generals entered the main palace, killed all the concubines, women, royal servants, relatives of the emperor, and robbed Fang La's inner palace of gold and silk.Song Jiang's large vertical army will enter the palace to search for Fang La.

But Ruan Xiaoqi went into the deep palace in the inner garden and found a box, but it was Fang La's forged Pingtian crown, Dagon dragon robe, jasper belt, white jade pendant, and worry-free shoes.Ruan Xiaoqi saw that it was full of pearls and rare treasures, dragon and phoenix brocade inscriptions, and thought to himself: "This is what Fang La wears, so I will wear it, and it doesn't matter." Putting on the worry-free shoes and the flat sky crown, he put the white jade in his arms, jumped on the horse, and ran out of the palace with a whip in his hand.All the generals of the three armies only said that it was Fang La, they made a commotion together, and when they rushed to see, it was Ruan Xiaoqi, and they all laughed.This Ruan Xiaoqi was just playing around with his horse, watching the generals plundering them.There was a commotion there, and the generals Wang Piao and Zhao Tan brought by Privy Tong had already entered the cave to help.Hearing the clamor of the three armies, they only said that if they got Fangla, they would come to fight for merit.But Ruan Xiaoqi was wearing imperial clothes and a Tianping crown, laughing there.Wang Tin and Zhao Tan scolded: "You must learn from Fang La and act like this!" Ruan Xiaoqi was furious, pointing at Wang Tin and Zhao Tan: "You two are so straight! If not During my elder brother Song Gongming's time, Fang La had already cut off your two donkey heads. Today, I and others have made contributions to my brothers, and you bully them upside down! The assistance was successful." Wang Ti and Zhao Tan were furious, and wanted to fight with Ruan Xiaoqi.At that time Ruan Xiaoqi grabbed Xiaoxiao's gun and rushed up to poke Wang Chen.When Hu Yanzhuo saw it, he galloped to separate him.Song Jiang has been informed by the military academy that the flying horse has arrived, and Ruan Xiaoqi is wearing imperial clothes.Song Jiang and Wu Yong drank the horse, stripped off the prohibited clothes, and threw them aside.Song Jiang accompanied and persuaded.Although Wang Ti and Zhao Tan were persuaded by Song Jiang and other generals, they just kept their grudges in their hearts.

The corpses killed in Bangyuan Cave that day were scattered all over the field, bleeding into canals.According to "Song Jian", more than [-] barbarians were beheaded in Fangla.At present, Song Jiang sent an order to teach people to set fires everywhere, and burn down the palaces, Dragon Tower and Phoenix Pavilion, Neiyuan Deep Palace, Zhuxuancui House, all incinerated.But see:
Black smoke covers the ground, red flames cover the sky.Gold nails and vermilion households fly to ashes, and green tiles and carved eaves fall down. The 36th palace simmers ashes, and the 72nd garden makes fly ash.The golden palace is empty, without any steepness, the jade steps are cracked, and there are no splendid patterns.The Jinshui River does not see the imperial road of Danchi, and there are no ministers and bureaucrats in front of the Meridian Gate.The Dragon Tower moved to Jiuchongtian, and the Fengge Pavilion belonged to the Antarctic Institute.

At that time, Song Jiang and other generals watched and burned down the palace utensils, houses and pavilions in Bangyuan Cave, and led troops to garrison at the entrance of the cave and went down to the gate.Counting the number of people captured alive, only Fang La, the leader of the thief, has not been captured.Pass down the general order, and the teaching army will search along the mountain.Inform the villagers, but those who get Fangla will be reported to the court, and high-ranking officials will do it; those who know the first will be rewarded immediately.

But Fang La walked away from the top of Bangyuandong Mountain, hurried like a stray dog, hurried like a fish slipping through the net, looked at the deep mountains and wilderness, pierced through the mountains and forests, took off the ocher yellow robe, threw away the golden flower head, took off Put on the boots, put on straw sandals, climb the mountain and run, trying to escape your life.I retreated across five hills in the same night, and walked to the edge of a valley, and saw a thatched hut embedded in the valley.Fang La was hungry, but was about to go to the hermitage to find something to eat, when he saw a fat monk coming out from behind the pine tree, knocked over his Zen staff, and tied him with a rope.That monk was none other than Hua Monk Lu Zhishen.I took Fangla, took it to the hermitage, got some food to eat, and was just coming out of the mountain.But in the face of Soushan's Junjian, they tied Fang La together and came to see Song Xianfeng.Song Jiang was overjoyed when he saw Fangla was taken, so he asked, "My teacher, why are you waiting for this thief to be the leader?" Go, was killed by the Sa family. Greedy war bandits, drove straight into the depths of the chaotic mountains, lost their way, followed the road to find. Just in the wilderness Linlang Mountain, suddenly met an old monk who led the Sa family to the Mao'an here In the middle, he instructed: "There are firewood, rice and vegetables, just wait here. But when you see a big man coming from the depths of the pine forest, you catch it." Ye Lai saw the fire in front of the mountain, and the little monk watched it all night, but he didn't know where it was. Where is the number of the mountain trails? I saw this thief climbing over the mountain this morning, so I knocked down my Zen stick and caught him and tied him up. I don’t think it is Fang La.” Song Jiang asked again: “That old monk, who is here today? Where?" Lu Zhishen said: "That old monk led the young monk to the thatched cottage and ordered firewood and rice to come out, but he didn't know where to throw it." Song Jiang said: "The monk saw that he was a holy monk, and he was so manifest. Today After my master accomplished this great achievement, he returned to Beijing to report to the imperial court, so he can return to the common life as an official, and make a wife in the capital to honor his ancestors and repay the kindness of his parents for their hard work." Lu Zhishen replied: "The heart of the family has been ashamed, and I don't want to do it for you. Officer. I just want to find a clean place to live, and it is enough to settle down." Song Jiangdao: "Since my master refused to return to the vulgar, he went to the capital to abbot a famous mountain and a big temple. He was the head of a monk. He also showed his patriarchal style and repaid him well. Parents." Zhishen heard this, shook his head and shouted, "I don't want any of it, and it's useless to have too much. It's better to just have a whole body." After Song Jiang listened, he became silent, and each of them didn't like it.Click on the subordinates and generals, all of them are enough.The instructor, Fang La, got stuck in a car and went to Tokyo to meet the emperor.Mobilized the three armies, led the generals, left Qingxi County, Bangyuandong, and returned to Muzhou.

But he said that Liu Guangshi, the governor of Zhang Zhaoshuo, Tong Shumi, Cong and Geng's two staff officers all gathered in Muzhou to station troops and horses together.Seeing that Song Jiang had made great achievements, he captured Fang La and sent him to Muzhou. All the officials came to congratulate him.Song Jiang and other generals had already paid homage, and Zhang Zhao said: "I know that the general has worked hard in the frontier fortress and lost his brothers. It is a blessing that he has made all his achievements." , broke the Daliao and returned to the capital, and never lost a single one. Who wants to go to Gongsun Sheng first, the capital has already left several people. After conquering Yangzhou and crossing the great river, how do you know that ten stops will go to seven. Although Songjiang exists today, what is it like? See Shandong again Elders, relatives in hometown!" Zhang Zhaojue said: "Xiu Pioneer said that! Since ancient times, it has been said: "The rich and the poor, the noble and the humble, are recorded in the past; life is long, and life is determined." As the saying goes: "The blessed send the unlucky." "Why should you be ashamed to lose a general? Today's achievements are remarkable, and the court knows that they must be reused. They will be appointed officials and nobles, and they will be envied by the family. They will return to their hometown in fine clothes. No one will be envious. Don't worry about other things, just pack up and go back to the army for a pilgrimage." .” Song Jiang thanked the commander-in-chief and other officials, and came to order the generals.Zhang Zhaozhuo has issued a military order to teach the thieves and puppet officials to be captured alive. Except for Fangla who stayed, they will be dispatched to Tokyo, and the rest of the thieves will be beheaded by Muzhou Cao.All the places that have not been collected, the thieves and corrupt officials in Qu, Wu and other counties, learned that Fang La had been captured, half of them fled, and half of them came to Muzhou to surrender on their own, and worshiped Shenzhang to recruit and recruit all the officials.Everything is accurate and the people will be good again.Just make a list and go everywhere to appease the people.The rest of the thieves who did not hurt others were also allowed to surrender and return to the villagers, and returned their property and fields.Kefuzhou County is over, and it's no problem for the guards and soldiers to protect the border and keep the people safe.There are poems to prove it:
Chai Jin hooked up and used deep calculations to help Yuan's army and horses run wild.

The miraculous work is even more monk Hua, who captured the blatant alive with one stick.

All the towns and cities of Muzhou, Shezhou, Qingxi and Bangyuan in Xinkefu, Min'an Wufu, villages, Xidao, mountain forests, all of them are safe and restored.Besides, Zhang recruited all the officials to hold a Taiping banquet in Muzhou to celebrate the generals and bureaucrats, and to reward the generals and schools of the three armed forces.The leader of the vanguard was ordered to clean up Chaojing.The military order was passed down, and everyone prepared to pack and set off one after another.

Let's say that Song Jiang, the pioneer envoy, missed all the generals who died, and shed tears.Don't want to get sick, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong and other six people in Hangzhou, Zhu Fu and Mu Chun came to see, there were eight people there, and they all fell sick and died. Only Yang Lin and Mu Chun came and marched with the army .Thinking of the hard work of the generals, today is peace, and it is time to save, so I will go to the clean place of the state palace, raise the long gong, build the good deed of saving the nine secluded places, and do a 360-point Luotian Dajiao. The position is right, the general is already.The next day, Zhui Niu slaughtered horses and prepared sacrifices and wine. Together with fellow army commander Wu Yong and other generals, they all went to the Oolong Temple to burn silk and sacrifice to the Oolong King, thanking the Dragon King for his protection.Back in the stronghold, all the subordinates who were assisting those who died in battle, and those who collected the corpses, were ordered to bury them.Song Jiang and Lu Junyi packed up the staff of the army and horse general school, and followed Zhang to recruit them back to Hangzhou. After waiting for the imperial edict, the class teacher returned to Beijing.Many generals and assistants made their own books, put them in the books, and presented them to the imperial court.First write the form and apply for the emperor.The three armies are ready and set off one after another.Song Jiang saw that his subordinates were in charge of the generals, and only 36 of them returned to the army.The 36 people are: Hu Baoyi Song Jiang, Jade Qilin Lu Junyi, Zhi Duoxing Wu Yong, Da Dao Guan Sheng, Leopard Head Lin Chong, Double Whip Hu Yanzhuo, Xiao Li Guanghua Rong, Xiao Xuanfeng Chai Jin, Li Ying the Sky-beating Eagle, and Zhu Dian, the bearded man. , Flower Monk Lu Zhishen, Walker Wu Song, Shenxing Taibao Dai Zong, Black Whirlwind Li Kui, Bingguan Suo Yang Xiong, Hunjiang Dragon Li Jun, Huoyan Luo Ruan Xiaoqi, Prodigal Yanqing, Shenji Military Master Zhu Wu, Zhen Sanshan Huang Xin, Bing Yuchi Sun Li, Demon King Fan Rui, Thunderbolt Ling Zhen, Pei Xuan with an iron face, Jiang Jing the magician, Du Xing the ghost face, Song Qing the iron fan, Zou Run the unicorn dragon, Cai Qing a flower, Yang Lin the brocade leopard, Xiao Xiao Block Mu Chun, come out of the cave Jiao Tongwei, Fanjiang Mirage Tongmeng, Gushang Flea Shiqian, Xiaowei Chi Sunxin, mother worm Gu Dasao.

At present, Song Jiang has lost many generals since he crossed the river because of the conquest of Fang La, and only 36 of them were returned to Beijing.Urge people and horses to go to Hangzhou to get them all, make a date with Zhang Zhao, and obey orders for pilgrimage.Song Jiang and his fellow generals led their troops away from Muzhou and headed towards Hangzhou.The poem says:
Song Jiang is 36 and came back with eighteen pairs.There are four of them, talking and laughing and returning home.

Just when the gongs of the army were received, thousands of mountains trembled, and the victory flag opened ten miles red.Immediately, the golden leather will be knocked, and the three armies will sing triumphant songs together.Song Xianfeng's army and horses have nothing to say on the road and have returned to Hangzhou.Because Zhang recruited troops and horses in the city, Song Xianfeng also stationed troops in Liuhe Pagoda, and all the generals rested in Liuhe Temple.Pioneer envoys Song Jiang and Lu Junyi entered the city sooner or later to listen to orders.

Let's say that Lu Zhishen and Wu Song rested their horses in the temple and waited. When they saw the beautiful mountains and rivers outside the city, the scenery was very beautiful, and they were very happy.It's night, moon, white wind, clear water and sky.The two were sleeping in the monk's room until midnight, when they suddenly heard the sound of tide and thunder on the river.Lu Zhishen is a man from Kansai, he didn't save Zhejiang Chaoxin, he just said that the sound of war drums made the bandits break out, he jumped up, touched the Zen stick, and grabbed it out while drinking.The monks were taken aback, and they all came to ask, "Master, why is this so? Where did you drive him out?" Lu Zhishen said, "The Sa family heard the sound of war drums, and they are about to go out to fight." All the monks laughed and said, "" Master got it wrong, it wasn't the sound of war drums, but the sound of the Qiantang River tide." Lu Zhishen said, surprised, and asked, "Master, why is it called the sound of Chao Xin?" All the monks in the temple opened the window and pointed to the tide. I asked Lu Zhishen to look at it, and said, "This tidal wave comes twice a day and night, and it's not against the time. Today is August [-]th, which coincides with the third watch, so it's called the tide letter." Lu Zhishen looked at it. From then on, I suddenly realized in my heart.Clapping his hands and laughing, he said, "My master, Elder Zhizhen, once told me to say four lines of gatha to the Sajia family. The way is to 'capture every summer'. I fought in the forest of ten thousand pine trees and captured Xia Houcheng alive. I captured Fang La alive, and today is the right time. 'When you hear the tide, you will be round, and when you see the letter, you will be silent'. I think that if you hear the tide, you should pass away. Monks, my family asks you: How do you call death?" the monks in the temple replied. Said: "You are a monk, why don't you save yourself? In Buddhism, passing away is death." Lu Zhi said with a deep smile, "Since death is called passing away, Sajia must be passing away today. Please cook a bucket of soup with me, and Sajia take a bath." All the monks in the temple only said that he was just playing tricks, and seeing his character, they dared not disobey him, so they had to call the Taoist to boil soup and take a deep bath with Lu Zhi.After changing into a monk's robe given by the emperor, he called his subordinates to the military academy: "Go and report to Song Gongming's pioneer brother, and come to see the Sa family." Then he asked all the monks in the temple to ask for paper and pens to write an ode, and went to the Dharma hall to grab a Zen chair. Sitting in the middle, lit a good incense burner, put the piece of paper on the Zen bed, folded my feet, put my left foot on my right foot, and naturally flew into the air.When Song Gongming read the newspaper and hurriedly attracted all the leaders to read it, Lu Zhishen had already sat on the Zen chair and did not move.Look at his hymn:
He doesn't cultivate good fruits all his life, but loves murder and arson.Suddenly he opened the Jinsong, breaking the jade lock here.what!A letter from the Qiantang River came up, and today I know that I am me.

Song Jiang and Lu Junyi read the verse and sighed endlessly.Many leaders came to see Lu Zhishen and burned incense to pay respects.In the city, Zhang recruited and Tong Shumi and other officials also came to offer incense and worship.Song Jiang taught Lu Zhishen's mantle and bowl as a reward from the court, and went out to disperse the monks. After three days and nights of meritorious deeds, he filled a vermilion niche, and went straight to invite Zen Master Dahui, the abbot of Jingshan, to come and fight with Lu Zhishen.Zen masters from five mountains and ten temples all came to chant sutras and repented, greeted them out of their niches, and went to burn Nalu Zhishen behind the Six Harmonies Pagoda.Zen Master Jingshan Dahui came straight to the alcove with a torch in his hand, pointed to Lu Zhishen and said a few French words:

Lu Zhishen, Lu Zhishen!Get up from the green forest.Two flaming eyes, one murderous heart.Suddenly going back with the tide, there is nowhere to follow.Duh!Jie makes the sky full of white jade, which can turn the earth into gold.

Zen master Dahui lit the fire, and all the monks recited scriptures and repented, burned the niche, collected the bones behind Liuhe Pagoda Mountain, and buried them in the pagoda courtyard.All of Lu Zhishen's excess mantle, gold and silver, as well as donations from various officials, were brought into the Liuhe Temple and used for permanent residence.

Now Song Jiang looked at Wu Song, although he was not dead, he was already useless.Wu Song said to Song Jiang: "My younger brother is disabled now. I don't want to go to Beijing for pilgrimage. I will give all the gold and silver around me as rewards for the public use in the accompanying hall of Liuhe Temple. I have become a leisurely Taoist. It's very good. Brother makes a book, don't write about my younger brother." Go to Beijing." Song Jiangjian said: "Follow your heart." Since then, Wu Song has only become a monk in Liuhe Temple, and he died a good death in his eighties. This is a later story.

Besides, Song Jiang, the pioneer, went to the city every day to listen to orders. When Zhang recruited the Chinese soldiers and horses to advance, the generals had already entered the city to garrison.Within half a month, an angel from the imperial court arrived and ordered the pioneer Song Jiang and other teachers to return to Beijing.Zhang Zhao, Tong Shumi, the governor Liu Guangshi, the second staff officers Cong and Geng, the generals Wang Zhi, Zhao Tan, and the army of the Chinese army all went back to the capital one after another.Song Jiang and others immediately packed up their troops and returned to Beijing.Waiting until the departure time, I don't want Lin Chongran to suffer from wind and become paralyzed, Yang Xiong dies of back sores, and Shi Qian dies from a stomachache.Song Jiang was very sad when he saw it.Dantu County also submitted documents to report, saying that Yang Zhi was dead and buried in the county's mountain garden.Lin Chongfeng was paralyzed and couldn't recover, so he stayed in Liuhe Temple and taught Wu Song to see, and died half a year later.

Besides, Song Jiang and his fellow generals left Hangzhou and set out for the Beijing division.I saw Yanqing, the prodigal son, came to persuade his master Lu Junyi privately, saying: "Xiaoyi has been with the master since childhood, and he has been grateful for his kindness. It is difficult to express it in one word. Now that the big event is over, I want to accept the official order with the master, and go to hide my name privately. Find a secluded place to spend the rest of your life. I don't know what the owner wants?" Lu Junyi said: "Since Liangshanbo surrendered to the Song Dynasty, the Liao soldiers were defeated in the north and Fangla was conquered in the south. Hard work is not easy. The frontier is suffering, my brother died, and my family survived. The lives of the two of you. You are about to return to your homeland in full glory, trying to seal your wife and son, but why do you find nothing like this?" Yan Qing laughed and said: "The master is on the mend! Xiaoyi is going here, and there is a result. I am afraid that the master will go here. There will be no result." Ruo Yanqing can be said to know the opportunity to advance or retreat for survival.There are poems to prove it:
The ambition to attack the city has been paid, and Chen Ci wants to travel with Chisong.

At that time, people loved fame and fame so much that they were afraid that their fame would not end.

Lu Junyi said: "Yanqing, I have never had the slightest dissent, how can the court bear me?" Yanqing said: "Master, don't you hear that Han Xin made ten great contributions, only to be beheaded in front of the Weiyang Palace, Peng Yue made meat sauce, Yingbu Bow string medicinal wine. My lord, you can think about it. It is hard to escape in the face of disaster." Lu Junyi said: "I heard that Han Xin and Sanqi claimed to be kings without authorization and taught Chen Xi to rebel. Peng Yue killed the leader of the dead family and did not go to Gaozu. Yingbu Jiujiang was appointed and asked to Conspire against Emperor Han. Emperor Gao of Han cheated Yunmeng and ordered Empress Lu to kill him. Although I have never received such a heavy title, I have never committed such a crime." Yan Qing said: "Since my lord does not listen to Xiaoyi's words I'm afraid it's too late for regret. Xiaoyi was going to resign Song Xianfeng, he is a man of righteousness, he will not let go, so I just bid farewell to the lord." Lu Junyi said: "You resign me, where are you going?" Yan Yan Qing said: "It's only in front of and behind the lord." Lu Junyi smiled and said: "So it's only here. See where you are?" Yan Qing bowed his head and bowed eight times. gone.In the morning of the next day, the soldier received a piece of writing paper to avenge Song Xianfeng.When Song Jiang looked at the piece of written paper, it read:

The humiliated brother Yanqing Baibai implored the vanguard generals: Since I was included, I am so grateful for my kindness, and I have worked hard to make up for it.Today, I think that my fate is thin and my body is small, and I can't bear the appointment of the state.I would rather retire to the mountains and be a idler.I was about to say goodbye, fearing that the Lord would have a deep sense of loyalty and would not let it go lightly, so he sneaked away overnight.Today, I leave four slogans as my farewell, and I beg the coach to forgive me:

I am willing to admit myself to an official, not seeking wealth or glory.

There is the king's forgiveness around me, and I will live this life with light food.

Song Jiang read Yan Qing's book and wrote four slogans, feeling depressed.At that time, all the damages and damages were collected, and the official edict of General Zuo was sent back to the capital, and paid back to the official.

Song soldiers and horses meander forward.When he traveled outside Suzhou City, he saw Hunjiang dragon Li Junzhou suffering from a stroke and lying on the bed.The soldiers under him came to report to Song Xianfeng.Song Jiang saw the newspaper and personally led a doctor to come and treat Li Jun.Li Jundao: "Brother Hugh missed the time limit for returning to the army. The court will take responsibility, and he is also afraid that Zhang Zhao will go back for a long time. When my brother takes pity on Li Jun, he can leave Tong Wei and Tong Meng to see his brothers. After the illness recovers, then Come here for the pilgrimage. Brother Junma, please go to Beijing yourself." Song Jiangjian said that although he didn't have any doubts, he had no choice but to lead the army forward.Being urged by Zhang Zhao's writing, Song Jiang had to leave behind Li Jun, Tong Wei and Tong Meng, and went to Beijing with the generals on horseback.

Let's say that Li Jun and his three came to find Fei Bao and four of them. They lived up to the previous agreement. The seven of them discussed and agreed at Yuliu Village that they would use all their furniture to build boats, sail from Taicang Port, and go to foreign countries. .Later, he became the lord of Siam.Tong Wei, Fei Bao, etc. all served as foreign officials, enjoying themselves and dominating the seaside.This is Li Jun's postscript.

Besides, Song Jiang and other generals and their troops had nothing to say on the road.Going back to the places where Changzhou and Runzhou fought, Song Jiang was all sad.Army horses cross the river, ten save two or three.After passing Yangzhou and entering Huai'an, Wangjing Division is not far away.Song Jiang sent an order to all the generals to prepare for the pilgrimage.The three armies will return to Tokyo after September 27.Zhang recruited Chinese soldiers and horses, and advanced to the city.Song Jiang and other soldiers and horses only lived outside the city, camped in the old Chenqiao post, and waited for the imperial edict.Song Jiang asked Pei Xuan to write a record showing the number of generals and assistants in Chaojing, a total of [-].Twelve generals: Song Jiang, Lu Junyi, Wu Yong, Guan Sheng, Hu Yanzhuo, Hua Rong, Chai Jin, Li Ying, Zhu Dian, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Ruan Xiaoqi; fifteen generals: Zhu Wu, Huang Xin, Sun Li, Fan Rui, Ling Zhen, Pei Xuan, Jiang Jing, Du Xing, Song Qing, Zou Run, Cai Qing, Yang Lin, Mu Chun, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao.On that day, Song Jiang recorded the names of all the generals, big and small, who were present and those who died in the king's affairs, and wrote them into a thank you letter.Still ordered the generals Zuo Ju to prepare Futou public uniforms to serve the emperor in court.Three days later, the emperor set up a court, and his ministers heard about it.The Son of Heaven taught Xuan Song Jiang and others to meet with the emperor.exactly:
The rooster crows, the dawn is cold in Zimo, and the warbler sings in the spring of Huangzhou.

Jin Que Xiaozhong opened thousands of households, and jade-rank immortals embraced thousands of officials.

The flowers greet the sword and the stars fall, and the flags of Liu Fujing are still exposed.

Call the front court to recruit soldiers, and see Tianyan in the depths of Jiuzhong.

At present, in the early dynasty, the Taoist emperor ascended his seat, and ordered his servants to introduce Song Jiang and others, each with official uniforms, to enter the court.On this day, the east is getting brighter, and 27 generals including Song Jiang and Lu Junyi are ordered to mount their horses and enter the city.When the people in Tokyo watched it, this was the third court meeting.I think that when Song Jiang and others were first recruited, they all wore red and green brocade jackets given by the imperial court, hung gold and silver plaques, and went to the city to meet in court.When returning to the capital after the defeat of the Daliao, the emperor announced that all of them would wear robes and armor, and the soldiers would enter the city to meet them.This time when Taiping returned to the court, the emperor specially ordered Wen to dress up, but it was Futou's official uniform, and he went to the city to make a pilgrimage.The people in Tokyo saw that only these few came back, and they all sighed.Song Jiang and other 27 people came to Zhengyang Gate, and they all got off their horses and entered the court.The servant censor led to the lower level of the jade steps of Danchi, led by Song Jiang and Lu Junyi, who went forward to bow eight times, retreated eight times, entered the middle eight times, three and eight 24 times, danced with dust, shouted long live from the mountains, and bowed to the emperor and ministers.When Emperor Huizong saw that Song Jiang and others were left with only these personnel, he felt sad.The emperor's order is announced to the palace.Song Jiang and Lu Junyi led the generals to the golden steps and knelt under the bead curtain.The emperor ordered all the generals to be flattened.The left and right ministers rolled up the bead curtain early.The emperor said: "I know that Qing and other generals have taken a lot of hard work in conquering the south of the Yangtze River. Most of Qing's brothers have lost more than half of them. I can't help but mourn." Song Jiang could not afford to cry. The officials are dull and untalented, and their brains are exhausted, so they can't repay the great favor of the country. In the past, the ministers gathered [-] volunteers and made a vow on Wutai. Who would have thought that ten of them would lose eight of them today. I would like to record the number of people, and I dare not make a performance without permission. I hope God is merciful, and I bow down to bestow holy lessons." The emperor said: "If Qing and other subordinates died in the king's affairs, I ordered the graves to be sealed. It is not in vain." Song Jiang paid his respects to the above table again.The table said:
Song Jiang, the general manager of the Pingnan Metropolis, and the pioneer envoys, Song Jiang and others would like to present the table: Fu Nianchenjiang and other foolish and mediocre, lonely and vulgar officials have committed endless crimes. Fortunately, they have received great kindness. Full report.The thighs and arms try their best to stay away from the water to ward off evil spirits; the brothers are united, and they climb the Wutai and make a vow.All loyal and righteous, protect the country and protect the people.The Liao soldiers fought fiercely in Youzhou City, and Fang La was captured in Qingxi Cave.Although the small work will rise, Nayuanliang will sink.Chen Jiang is worried day and night, and sad at night.Fu Wangtian graces to bestow holy lessons, so that all the dead will be blessed, and those who see the living will be sheltered and rested.Chen Jiang begged to return to the field, wishing to be a farmer.Realizing the gift of Your Majesty's benevolence and education, I have the heart to retire.With sincerity and fear, Jishou paused.Chen Jiang and others were overwhelmed and terrified.I would like to record the number of surviving dead, and follow the table to hear about it.

59 members of the generals who died in battle:

General [-] members: Qin Ming, Xu Ning, Dong Ping, Zhang Qing, Liu Tang, Shi Jin, Suo Chao, Zhang Shun, Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Lei Heng, Shi Xiu, Jie Zhen, Jie Bao .

45 partial generals: Song Wan, Jiao Ting, Tao Zongwang, Han Tao, Peng Duansi, Zheng Tianshou, Cao Zheng, Wang Dingliu, Xuan Zan, Kong Liang, Shi En, Hao Siwen, Deng Fei, Zhou Tong, Gong Wang , Bao Xu, Duan Jingzhu, Hou Jian, Meng Kang, Wang Ying, Hu Sanniang, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Yan Shun, Ma Lin, Shan Tingyu, Wei Dingguo, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Ou Peng, Chen Da, Yang Chun , Yu Baosi, Li Zhong, Xue Yong, Li Yun, Shi Yong, Du Qian, Ding Desun, Zou Yuan, Li Li, Tang Long, Cai Fu, Zhang Qing, Sun Erniang.

When Yu Lu died of illness, there were ten generals in charge:

There are five generals: Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, and Yang Xiong.

There are five generals: Kong Ming, Zhu Gui, Zhu Fu, Bai Sheng, and Shi Qian.

One of the generals of Liuhe Temple in Hangzhou is Lu Zhishen.

With folded arms and unwilling to give gifts, one of the monks in Liuhe Temple is Wu Song.

He used to be in Beijing, and returned to Jizhou to become a monk and a member: Gongsun Sheng.

Unwilling to bestow favors, Yu Lu resigned from the four generals:

There are two generals: Yan Qing and Li Jun.

There are two generals: Tong Wei and Tong Meng.

The old man stayed in the capital and took back the doctors. See the five generals in Beijing:
An Daoquan, Huangfuduan, Jin Dajian, Xiao Rang, Lehe.

See the 27 generals in the Hajj:

There are twelve members in the general: Song Jiang, Lu Junyi, Wu Yong, Guan Sheng, Hua Rong, Chai Jin, Li Ying, Hu Yanzhuo, Zhu Dian, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Ruan Xiaoqi.

Fifteen generals: Zhu Wu, Huang Xin, Sun Li, Fan Rui, Ling Zhen, Pei Xuan, Jiang Jing, Du Xing, Song Qing, Zou Run, Cai Qing, Yang Lin, Mu Chun, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao .

On September, the fifth year of Xuanhe, the pioneer envoy Song Jiang, the deputy pioneer minister Lu Junyi, and others hereby present the table

The emperor looked at the list and sighed, and said: "Qing and other 27 people went to the Xingyao. So far, [-] people have seen them, and four have resigned. It's really eight out of ten!" Those who have died in the affairs of the king will be awarded honorary titles by the main general and the partial general.The general was named Zhongwulang, and the partial general was named Yijielang.If there are descendants, they will be ordered to go to Beijing and inherit the official title by name.If there are no descendants, a temple will be erected, and sacrifices will be enjoyed there.Only Zhang Shun made great achievements in manifesting his spirit, and he was granted the title of General Jinhua.Lu Zhishen, a monk, made meritorious service in capturing Fang La, and died in a great temple. He was named Yiliezhao and Zen master.Wu Song made meritorious deeds against the enemy, and was injured and broke his arm. He was seen as a monk in Liuhe Temple.Of the two late female generals, Hu Sanniang was added as the wife of Huayang County, and Sun Erniang was added as the Lord of Jingde County.Seeing that during the pilgrimage, in addition to the other titles of the vanguard envoys, the ten generals are each awarded to the general of Wujie, and the states are controlled;In charge of the army and the people, the Provincial Court listens to the tune.One of the female generals, Mrs. Gu, was conferred the title of Lord of Dongyuan County.

Song Jiang, the vanguard envoy, was additionally granted the title of Doctor Wude, the appeasement envoy of Chuzhou and the general manager of the military and horse capital.

Lu Junyi, the deputy pioneer, was awarded a martial arts doctor, Luzhou appeasement envoy and deputy general manager of soldiers and horses.

Wu Yong, the military adviser, was awarded Wu Sheng as a military envoy.

Guan Sheng was awarded the title of Chief Military Officer of the Daming Mansion.

Hu Yanzhuo was awarded the commander of the imperial battalion soldiers and horses.

Huarong was granted the command of Yingtianfu's soldiers and horses.

Chai Jin was granted the command of the Hengyang Navy in Cangzhou.

Li Ying was granted the control of the capital of Yunzhou, Zhongshan Prefecture.

Zhu Dian was granted the control of the capital of Baoding Prefecture.

Dai Zong was granted the control of the capital of Dagon Prefecture.

Li Kui was granted the command of the capital of Zhenjiang Runzhou.

Ruan Xiaoqi was granted the command of the capital of the Gaitian Army.

According to the order of the emperor, each of them appointed his assistant to the official position, Xie En obeyed the order, and paid the reward.Fifteen generals, each with 300 taels of gold and silver, and five appearances in the color section.Ten generals will each be given 500 liang of gold and silver, and eight appearances and appearances in the color section.Pioneer envoys Song Jiang and Lu Junyi each gave 1000 taels of gold and silver, ten brocade sections, a set of imperial flower robes, and a famous horse.Song Jiang waited for Xie Enbi.It was also played: "The Oolong King of Muzhou appeared for the second time, protected the country and the people, rescued the generals, and won with all virtues."Yubi changed Muzhou to Yanzhou, and Shezhou to Huizhou. Because it was the place where Fangla rebelled, each had a reverse script.Qingxi County was changed to Chun'an County, and Bangyuan Cave was dug into Shandao.The royal commission paid money from the official treasury of Honzhou to build the Oolong Dawang Temple, and the imperial plaque was given.The monuments still exist.Jiangnan is Fangla's dilapidated place, and the people who were killed are generally exempted from corvée for three years.On that day, Song Jiang and others thanked each other.The emperor ordered a Taiping banquet to celebrate the meritorious officials.Hundreds of civil and military officials, nine officials and four ministers, all boarded the imperial banquet together.But see:
Peacocks are screened, and hibiscus are embroidered on the mattress.There is a banquet in the golden hall, and a banquet in front of the white jade steps.On the vermilion table, there are all kinds of delicacies; around the dragon and phoenix table, there are gold and silver utensils.In the glass bowl, offer bear's paw and camel's hoof.In the amber cup, pour the Jade Lake liquid.Coral plate with four seasons and different fruits, agate plate with phoenix marrow and dragon liver.The Department of Jiaofang staged new dramas, and the Academy arranged for dancers and singers.Guanglu Temple presents imperial wine, and the emperor opens his face; Honglu Temple registers for a banquet, and the officials and ministers cheer.The High Officials Department slaughters horses and taps cattle for feasts and meals; the Treasures and Shame Department pushes and packs fruits, which are delicious and new.Going back and forth to drink is nothing more than purple-clothed attendants; passing cups up and down are all servants in brocade clothes.Holding a banquet in Taiping shows that the emperor has lived up to his heroes; Desheng returns to the court, it is a general who serves the country with all his heart.The painting drums vibrated and the banquet was beautiful, and the teaching workshop congratulated Taiping songs.

The emperor held a banquet to celebrate Taiping. The imperial banquet was over, and all the generals thanked them.Song Jiang played again: "The subordinates of the ministers were recruited from Liangshanbo, and more than half of the soldiers died. There are still those who are willing to return home. I beg your majesty's holy grace and sympathy. Ten horses will be used in the two camps of Longmeng and Huwei, and the monthly salary and food will be supported. If you don’t want to, you will be given two hundred pieces of money and ten pieces of silk, and each will be ordered to return to your hometown to work for the people." Song Jiang played again: "My minister Born in Yuncheng County, since he was convicted of a crime, he has never dared to return to his hometown. He begged for forgiveness from the Holy Spirit, and returned to his hometown on a false basis. Hearing this, he was overjoyed, and gave him another [-] Guan as a fund for returning home.At the end of the banquet that day, Xie En had given up, and he resigned from the court.The next day, Zhongshu Province held a Taiping banquet and treated all the generals.On the third day, the Privy Council held another banquet to celebrate Taiping.Its Zhang Zhaojue, Liu Dudu, Tong Shumi, Cong and Geng's two staff officers, Wang and Zhao's two generals, and the imperial court's self-promotion to the heavy rank are not included in this story.Taiyi Academy asked for an imperial decree to execute Fang La in Caoshang Lingchi, Tokyo, and cut him to death for three days to show the public.There are poems to prove it:
Song Jiang rewarded the day of promotion, and Fang La was tortured and cut.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and we only strive to come early and late.

Besides, Song Jiangzuo invited the imperial decree to return to his hometown to visit his relatives.As a subordinate general, those who are willing to be soldiers, sign up to send out the two camps of Longmeng and Huwei, and they will be rewarded, and the horse army will be on guard.Those who are willing to serve the people, please ask for silver, and each of them will return to his hometown to serve the people as errands.The generals of the subordinates also please receive gifts, listen to the management of the army and the people, protect the borders as officials, and take orders from Guan, each of them will go to his post, and the country will be safe and the people.

Song Jiang's assignment is over, and he will leave the crowd for a while. He introduced his brother Song Qing, led an accompanying army of 200 people, and shouldered the rewards of royal belongings, luggage and clothing. He left Tokyo and looked forward to Shandong.Song Jiang and Song Qing returned home on horseback and returned to their hometown.After leaving the capital, Yu Lu has nothing to say.Since I came to Songjia Village, Yuncheng County, Shandong Province, the old people in the village, my father and relatives have all come to welcome me.Song Jiang returned to the village, unexpectedly Song Taigong was dead, but the coffin was still there.Song Jiang and Song Qing wept bitterly and mournfully.All the family and village guests came to pay respects to Song Jiang.The farm property, furniture and other things in the villa were kept in order by Song Taigong, just like in the old days.Song Jiang set up good deeds in the village, invited monks to order Taoism, built achievements, and recommended dead parents and clansmen.State and county bureaucrats visit him endlessly.When choosing a date, personally help the Taigong's coffin and bury it on the plateau.On that day, officials from the state, relatives, neighbors, elders, guests, friends and family members all came to attend the funeral.Song Jiang missed Xuannv Empress, and his wish was not paid. He gave [-] guan and ordered craftsmen and others to rebuild the temple of Nine Heavens Xuannv Empress.The two corridors, the mountain gate, the decoration of the holy statues, and the two verandahs with colored paintings are all complete.I didn't realize that I had been in the village for a long time, and I was really afraid that the emperor would be punished. In addition to filial piety, I did a dojo for a few days.The next day, relatives also held a feast to celebrate, in order to meet the old heart.No problem.Song Jiang handed over the villa to his second brother. Although Song and Qing received official titles, they only worked in farming in the village and worshiped their clan relatives with incense.Distribute the excess money and silk to benefit the people.Put away all the gossip.There are poems to prove it:
It is really a boast to return home, and Chengen returned to Jinghua again.

Dai Zong pointed out that he lost his way and broke his way, and his name retired all over the world.

Besides, Song Jiang lived in the village for several months, bid farewell to his hometown, and then returned to Tokyo to meet all the brothers.Everyone also moved their old and young family members back to Beijing to live, and some of them went to work.There are also husbands and brothers who died in the king's affairs, and the imperial court has awarded gifts of gold and silk, ordering them to return to their hometowns, and giving them special sympathy for their families.Since Song Jiang arrived in Tokyo, he dispersed the armed forces every day.All the generals who have died, their families, old and young, have been sent back to their hometowns, and they are all done.He went forward to listen to the order, bid farewell to the officials of the provincial court, and packed up to take up his post.I saw Dai Zong, the Taibao of Shenxing, who came to visit Song Jiang, and said something in a sitting room, which had different teachings: Song Gongming was born as a hero in Yuncheng County, and died as a land in Liaoerwa.Only the historical records of famous names have been taught for thousands of years, and the facts have been recorded in Danshu for millions of years.It is exactly: the majestic breeze produces temples, and the majestic portraits are in Lingyan.After all, what did Dai Zong say to Song Jiang, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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