Water Margin

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
An ancient song:
Gang Xing flew out of the southeast corner, scattered and flowed around the sky.Huizong was a hero in the court, and his brothers gathered in Liangshanbo.Among them is a person named Yanqing, whose body is embroidered with flowers and glittering.The phoenix crushes the exquisite jade, and the peacock wears diagonally through the flowers.It's really amazing to be handsome, who can learn all kinds of romance.Jinti club wins the first prize, and Dongyue temple competes with each other.Successfully avoiding suspicion, with a clever mind and no mistakes.Everything in the world is comparable to theory, and the cicadas are aware of it before the golden wind moves.

Speaking of this poem, I only said Yan Qing, although he is the last of the 36 stars, he is really clever, smart, knowledgeable, and he is better than the 35.On the same day, Yanqing reported to Song Jiangdao: "Xiao Yi learned this sumo wrestling from Lu Yuanwai since he was a child. He has never met an opponent in the world. I am lucky to have this opportunity today. March 28 is approaching again. Xiao Yi doesn't want to bring someone with him. Go to the stage and fight with him anyway. If you lose and die, you will never complain; if you win, you will also add some honor to your brother. There must be a trouble today, but my brother will be rescued. "Song Jiang said: "My dear brother, I heard that the man is one foot long, looks like a diamond, and has about a thousand catties of strength. You are so thin and small, you always have the ability, how can you get close to him?" Yan Qing said: "I'm not afraid of him I'm afraid that he won't fall into the trap when he grows up. As the saying goes: "Sumo wrestlers are powerful, but powerless to fight wits." It was Yan Qing who dared to speak up, reacted to the situation, saw the situation, and lost to his stupid guy. Lu Junyi then said: "My little Yi has been a good sumo wrestler since elementary school. Tell him to go as he likes. At the end of the day, Lu will pick him up and come back." Song Jiang asked, "When will it be possible?" Yan Qing He replied: "Today is March 24th. I will bid farewell to my brother and go down the mountain the next day. I will spend a night on the road. On the 26th, I will rush to the temple. On the 27th, I will inquire there for a day. On the 28th, I will be able to fight with that guy." Nothing happened today.

The next day, Song Jiang Zhijiu and Yan Qing saw him off.When everyone looked at Yan Qing, they were dressed in a simple and simple way, with a embroidered coat wrapped in a embroidered jacket, pretending to be a Shandong merchant, with a string of drums in his waist and a high-shouldered grocery loader.Everyone laughed when they saw it.Song Jiangdao: "Since you are pretending to be a salesman, you can sing a Shandong salesman's tune and listen to all of us." Yan Qing twisted the string drum with one hand and played the board with the other. go.Everyone laughed again.After the wine was half drunk, Yan Qing resigned from the leaders and went down the mountain, crossed the golden beach, and took the road to Tai'an Prefecture.There are poems to prove it:
The brave Yan Qing was unstoppable, and there was a mechanism for falling on the spot.

Wanting to find an opponent to compare with, he drove up Mount Tai.

That night, when he was about to find a shop to rest, he heard someone behind him shouting, "Brother Yan Xiaoyi, wait for me!"Yan Qing said, "Why did you come here?" Li Kui said, "You accompanied me to Jingmen Town for two times. I saw that you came alone, and I was worried. You never told your brother that you stole down the mountain. I am here to help you." " Yan Qing said: "I don't need you here, you go back early." Li Kui became anxious and said: "You are really a hero! I came to help you out of kindness, but your words turned into malice! But I The bird is going!" Yan Qing thought for a while, fearing that his loyalty would be ruined, so he said to Li Kui: "I will not fight with you. The birthday of the Holy Emperor there is a gathering of people from four mountains and five mountains. I know you a lot. You follow I have three things, and I will go with you." Li Kui said: "Yide." Yan Qing said: "From now on on the road, I will go back and forth with you separately, and I will go to the inn with one foot and enter the door of the store. You don't want it. Come out, this is the first thing. The second thing, when you go to the inn on the temple, you just pretend to be sick, wrap the quilt around your head and face, pretend to be asleep, and don't make a sound. The third thing is that you went to the temple that day , Don’t make a fuss when you’re in the midst of a lot of people watching the competition. Brother, do you agree?” Li Kui said, “What’s the problem? It’s all up to you.” That night, the two inns had a rest.

I got up at five o'clock the next day, paid back the rent, and went to the front to light the fire and have dinner.Yan Qing said: "Brother Li, you go half a mile first, and I'll come later." On that road, there was a constant flow of people burning incense, and many of them had the ability to talk about Ren Yuan. It's been three years this year.Yan Qing heard it in her heart.When applying for the plaque, when it was near the temple, all the people around stood still and looked up.Yanqing rested his burden, parted from the crowd, and looked forward. He saw two red pillars, which were similar to the plaques in the lanes. Ren Yuan." Two lines of small characters next to it said: "Punch the fierce tiger of Nanshan, kick the black dragon of Beihai." Yan Qing saw it, then pulled the shoulder pole and smashed the cards to pieces, without saying anything, picked up another pole and looked up at the temple .Everyone watching, there are many good things, Fei Bao Ren Yuan said that this year there will be a right split.

Let's say that Yanqing met Li Kui in front of him, so he came to find an inn to rest.It turns out that the temple is very lively, not counting the 120 businesses doing business, and there are [-] or [-] inns, which serve the incense officials all over the world.When it came to the Bodhisattva's holy festival, there was no place for people to settle down, and many inns were full.Yanqing and Li Kui had to rent an inn at the top of the city to settle down, rest their burdens, take a quilt, and teach Li Kui to sleep.The waiter from the shop came and asked: "Brother is a merchant from Shandong. He came to the temple to take advantage of it. I am afraid that he will not be able to pay for the house?" Yan Qing said in a village talk, "You are so underestimated! How much is a small house worth? It’s more expensive than a big house! There’s nowhere to go, I’ll pay you back as much as other people pay for the house.” The waiter said: “Don’t blame me, brother, it’s the most important day, so it’s best to explain clearly first.” Yan Qingdao: "I'm here to do business. It doesn't matter. I don't want to go there to rest? I don't want to bump into this relative in the village on the road and see that he is suffering from gas disease, so I have to ask you to rest in the shop. I will give you five copper coins first. , Yang Ji, you can arrange some tea and rice for me in the pot, and I will reward you as soon as I get up." The second brother took the copper coins and went to the door to arrange tea and rice, no problem.There are poems to prove it:
Li Kui used to be strong, and accompanied Yan Qing to the temple.

I'm afraid that there will be troubles on the way, so I will push the sick to bed.

Not long after, I could only hear the excitement outside the store.Twenty or thirty big men came into the store and asked the little brother: "Where does the good man who splits the cards rest in that room?" The waiter said: "I don't have it here." The group of people said: "They all say that they are in your store." Middle." The younger brother said: "There are only two rooms, one is empty, and the other is a Shandong peddler who helped a sick man to rent." The group of people said: "It is the peddler who will be right." Said: "Don't tell others to make fun of! That shopkeeper is a young man, what use is he doing!" The group said in unison: "You only lead us to take one." Here it is." When everyone came to see, they saw that the door was tightly closed; when they all went to open the window, they saw two people sleeping with their feet on the bed inside.Everyone couldn't stop thinking about it, and one of them said within a few minutes: "Since he dared to split the cards and wanted to be an opponent in the world, he is not Xiaoke. He is afraid that people will count him, so he must be pretending to be sick." Everyone said: "That's right. Everyone Don't guess, we'll see you when we arrive." Around dusk, more than [-] or [-] people from the store came to inquire, and the waiter's lip was cut.That night, I went to have dinner with the two of them, and saw Li Kui poking his head out of the quilt. The younger brother was surprised when he saw it, and shouted: "Aye! This is the grandpa who is fighting for friendship!" Yan Qing said: "Scrambling for friendship It's not him, he's sick. I'm here to fight for friendship." The younger brother said: "Don't hide it from me, I think Ren Yuan swallowed you." Yan Qing said: " Don't laugh at me, I have my own way to teach you to laugh, and I will reward you with more prizes when you come back." The second brother saw that the two of them had dinner, put away the dishes, and went to the kitchen to wash and scrape, thinking only Do not believe.

The next day, Yan Qing and Li Kui had some breakfast, and said: "Brother, you fasten the door and sleep on your own." But Yan Qing followed the crowd and came to Daiyue Temple to see that he was indeed the best in the world.But see:
The temple lives in Daiyue, and the mountain town is Qiankun.As the supreme mountain, is the leader of the gods.On the top of the mountain, you can see the weak water and Penglai; if you climb the pines on the top, there are dense clouds and mist.The buildings are towering, and it is suspected that the golden crow is flying over; on the edge of the palace, I feel that the jade rabbit is walking.Carved beams and painted buildings, blue tiles and vermilion eaves.The bright phoenix leaves reflect the yellow yarn, and the embroidered curtain on the back of the turtle hangs a brocade belt.Looking at the sacred image from a distance, the nine crowns are crowned with shun eyes and Yao eyebrows;Nine Heavens Commander, Furong crown hides crimson gauze clothes; Bingling Shenggong, ocher yellow robe is called Lantian belt.On the left, the jade hairpin and pearl shoes came down.On the right is the gold medal with purple ribbon.The whole hall is majestic, escorted by three thousand golden armored generals; the two corridors are fierce and brave, and Qin Wang has one hundred thousand iron-clothed soldiers.Wuyue Tower is connected to the East Palace, and Ren'an Hall is connected to the North Tower.At the foot of Haoli Mountain, the magistrates are divided into 72 divisions; in the Bailu Temple, the earth gods are divided into 24 divisions.In charge of the fire pool, the iron-faced Taiwei is psychic every month; in charge of life and death, the five generals show their holiness every year.The imperial incense keeps on, and the gods fly horses to repay the alchemy; the sacrifices are in accordance with the time, and the old and young lookouts are blessed.The Jianing Palace is filled with auspicious clouds and mist, and the auspicious atmosphere of Zhengyang Gate is circling. All the people pay homage to Lord Bixia, and return to the Holy Emperor Ren from all directions.

At that time, Yanqing went out to visit the pavilion, paid homage four times, and asked the incense burner, "Where is this sumo teacher resting?" Then a good person said, "That big guest under the Ying'en Bridge." It's in the store. He teaches two or three hundred master apprentices." After hearing this, Yan Qing went to look under the Ying'en Bridge, and saw twenty or thirty sumo wrestlers sitting on the railings beside the bridge, with gold paved in front of them. The flag board, the splendid account, and the backrest.Yan Qing sneaked into the inn and saw Ren Yuan sitting on the heart of the pavilion.It really has the appearance of revealing the truth, the appearance of a diamond.Open your chest, showing the power of filial piety to fight the tiger; sitting on the side of the bed, you have the power to overlord the mountain.Watch apprentice sumo wrestling there.Within a few days, someone recognized that Yan Qing had played the card and secretly reported it to Ren Yuan.I saw Ren Yuan jumped up, flapped his arms, and said in his mouth: "The one who died this year, come to me to take his life." Yan Qing lowered her head and hurried out of the shop, laughing inside.Go back to his place in a hurry, arrange some wine and food, and have a meal with Li Kui. Li Kui said, "you sleep here, and I will be suffocated to death!" There is no need to say gossip.

Around the third watch, a group of drums and music were heard, and it was the incense officials in the temple and the holy emperor who were celebrating their birthdays.Around the fourth watch, Yanqing and Li Kui got up and asked the waiter for soup, washed his face, combed his head, took off his inner coat, tied his legs and stretched his knee pads firmly, tied up a plaque with cooked silk water to mend his face, and put on his clothes. He wore hemp shoes with multiple ears.Wearing an undershirt, the arms are tied around the waist.After the two of them had breakfast, they asked Xiaoer to order: "You and I will take care of the luggage in the room." All the incense burners said to Yan Qing, "Young man, you should decide for yourself, don't lose your life in vain." Yan Qing said: "When the villain is applauding, everyone can win some benefits from the villain." went first.Li Kui said: "It's good if I take these two axes." Yan Qing said: "I can't do this. If someone sees it, I missed a big deal." I fell down.

Those who burned incense that day were really shoulders folded.Dongyue Temple is so big that it will be full as soon as it floods.The roof beams are full of people watching.Facing the Jianing Hall, a mountain shed was tied up, and the shed was covered with gold and silver vessels, beautifully embroidered.There are five fine horses tied outside the door, all in saddles and bridles.Zhizhou banned people who burn incense. Seeing that the sumo wrestler was offering the holy spirit in those days, an old man was deployed with a bamboo stick to present the platform.Before I finished speaking, I saw people rushing in like a tide, but dozens of pairs of whistle sticks came over earlier.There are four embroidered flags in front.Ren was originally sitting on the sedan chair, and the heroic man with thirty or twenty pairs of arms in the front and back of the sedan chair, covering the front and embracing the back, came to the offering platform.Arrangement, please get off the sedan chair, and have a few warm greetings.Ren Yuandao: "I have been to Daiyue for two years, and I won the first prize. I took a lot of prizes for nothing. This year I will have to get rid of my shoulders." After finishing speaking, I saw a person with a bucket come up.Ren Yuan's disciples were all standing beside the dais, densely packed around them.Let's say that Ren Yuan had untied his arms, except for the scarf, he was wearing a Shu brocade jacket. He drank a sigh of relief, took two mouthfuls of divine water, and took off his brocade jacket. A hundred and one hundred thousand people cheered together. Look at that Ren Yuan When, Zensheng dress up?

The head is worn with a nest of red dice, and a crimson Luo Cui sleeve is tied around the waist.Three strings of belts are fastened with twelve jade butterfly teeth buttons, and there are several pairs of gold mandarin duck pleated shirts on the main waist.There are copper crotches and copper pads in the knee pads, and iron plates and iron rings inside the knee pads.Tie your wrists tightly and tie your shoes tightly.In the world, Optimus Prime builds the sea, and Yue Xia falls to the devil to kill the generals.

The arrangement said: "The teacher has not had any opponents in the temple for two years. This year is the third time. What words does the teacher have to secure all the incense officials in the world?" Ren Yuan said: "There are four hundred military prefectures and more than seven thousand county governments. It's a good thing that Xiangguan respects the Holy Emperor, and they all help to bring the benefits. Ren Yuan received it in vain for two years. This year, he resigned from the Holy Emperor and returned to his hometown. The sun and the moon, uniting the heaven and the earth, the southern man and the southern barbarian, and the northern Ji Youyan, would anyone dare to come out and compete with me for profit?"

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Qing grasped the shoulders and arms of the people on both sides, and shouted: "Yes, yes!" Flying straight from the backs of the people, he snatched it onto the offering platform.Everyone shouted in unison.The deployment then asked: "Man, what is your surname? Where is your name? Where are you from?" Yan Qing said: "I am a merchant from Zhang in Shandong, and I came here to compete with him." The deployment said: "Man, life is only in front of you, can you save it? Do you have a guarantor or not?" Yan Qing said: "I am a guarantor, who will pay for life when I die?" Deployment said: "Take off your arms and take a look." Yan Qing Qing took off her turban, combed her corners bare, took off her straw sandals, bare feet, squatted on the side of the altar, untied her legs and stretched her knee pads, jumped up, took off her shirt, put on airs, and then Seeing that the officials in the temple seemed to be stirring the sea and turning the river, they cheered repeatedly, and everyone was stunned.Ren Yuan looked at his embroidered fitness figure, and felt quite timid about him.

On the platform outside the gate of the hall, the prefect of Benzhou sat there to suppress, and there were seventy or eighty pairs of public officials in soap clothes in front and behind, and then someone came to call.Yan Qing went down to present the stage, and stood in front of her.When the eunuch saw his embroidered body, which looked like a jade pavilion covered with soft emeralds, he was overjoyed and asked, "man, where are you from? Why did you come here?" Yan Qing said, "the villain's surname is Zhang. Ranked first, a native of Laizhou, Shandong. I heard that Ren Yuan is a sumo wrestler in the world, so I came here to compete with him." Zhizhou said: "The horse in front is full of pommel horses, which is my prize. I will give it to Ren Yuan. Shan There should be objects on the shed, and I propose to share half with you. You can divide it between the two. I will praise you to be by my side." Yan Qing said: "Master, it doesn't matter if this thing is good, as long as you overturn him, teach me Everyone made fun of them and wanted to applaud." Zhizhou said: "He is a big man like a diamond, you can't get close to him!" Yanqing said: "Death without complaint." Come up to the stage again to confront Ren Yuanding.Deployment asked him to ask for the documents first, took out the sumo club slip from his arms, read it, and said to Yan Qing: "Can you save it? Don't plot against it." Yan Qing sneered: "He has all the preparations, I only have this one Shuikouer, what are you plotting against him?" Zhizhou called the deployment again and said, "It's a pity that such a man is a handsome young man! You go and share this with him." Immediately, the deployment went up to the stage and said to Yanqing "Man, you have to save your life and go back to your hometown. I'll split the fight with you." Yan Qing said, "You don't know what's going on! Do you know if I win or lose?" Everyone chimed in.I saw tens of thousands of incense officials separated, lined up like fish scales on both sides, and the corridors and roofs were also full, probably covering the pair of sumo wrestlers.At this time, Ren Yuan wished to throw Yan Qing over the sky and fall to his death.Deployment said: "Since the two of you want sumo wrestling, this year we will compete in this pair of offerings. Be careful and care about each other." There are only three people on the clean offering stage.At this time, Cebu is fully harvested and the sun is rising.Deployment took the bamboo batch, and after two orders, he shouted: "Look!"

In this sumo wrestling, one back and one back, the most important thing is to explain clearly.It's too late to say it, it's fast at that time, just like the stars shifting in the sky, it's too late.At that time, Yan Qing squatted on the right side together, and Ren Yuan originally set up a door on the left.Yan Qing didn't move.At the beginning, each had half on the stage, and the middle had a heart-to-heart relationship.Seeing that Yan Qing didn't move, Ren Yuan saw that he was forced to come to the right, but Yan Qing only looked at him from three sides.Ren Yuan thought to himself: "This man will come and count me down. You see, I don't need to do anything, I just kick this fellow to offer the platform." There are poems to prove it:
Among millions of people, they are stronger in art, and it is common to commit suicide and sacrifice their lives.

Try to see two tigers swallowing each other, there must be a wound in the middle.

Seeing that he was about to enter, Ren Yuan pretended to use his left foot as an opening.Yan Qing yelled: "Don't come!" Ren Yuan waited to run to him, but Yan Qing went to pass under Ren Yuan's left flank.Ren Yuanxing got up, turned around quickly and came to grab Yanqing again, but Yanqing made a false leap, and went under the right flank again.It is inconvenient for the big man to turn around, and his steps are messed up after changing three times.Yan Qing rushed in, twisted Ren Yuan with his right hand, inserted his left hand into Ren Yuan's crotch, pressed his shoulder blade against his chest, and lifted Ren Yuan straight up. At the edge of the stage, he shouted: "Get down!" Putting Ren Yuan's head on the bottom and feet on the top, he went straight down and offered the stage.This pounce is called dove-pigeon spin.Tens of thousands of incense officials watched and applauded in unison.

When Ren Yuan's apprentices saw that the beating had turned his master upside down, they tore down the mountain shed first, and looted the prizes indiscriminately. .I didn't want to offend the Tai Sui next to me, but Li Kui, the black whirlwind, saw it, opened his round strange eyes, erected his beard upside down, and saw nothing in front of him, so he cut off the fir tree like a green onion, and took two fir trees in his hand , straight to the future.Someone in Xiangguan knew Li Kui and said that he would be named.The public servants outside all entered the temple and shouted: "Xiujiao left Liangshanpo Black Whirlwind!" Hearing this, Zhizhou lost three souls from the top gate and seven souls from the bottom of his feet, so he threw himself into the back hall and left. up.People from all over the world flocked to surround the future, and the incense officials in the temple ran around separately.When Li Kui looked at Ren Yuan, he fell into a faint and fell to the edge of the offering table, with only a little breath in his mouth.Li Kui uncovered a stone slab and beat Ren Yuantou to pieces.The two came out of the temple.Bows and arrows shot indiscriminately from outside the door, Yan Qing and Li Kui had no choice but to climb up into the house and beat them indiscriminately.

Not long after, I heard loud shouts in front of the temple gate, and someone came in.In the first place, the leader is Bai Fanyang felt lily, wearing a white satin jacket, with a cross-cut waist knife and a straight and simple knife. That man is Lu Junyi, the Beijing jade unicorn.Followed by Shi Jin, Mu Hong, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Xie Zhen, and Xie Bao, seven heroes led more than a thousand people to kill and open the temple gate to come in to support them.When Yan Qing and Li Kui saw them, they jumped down from the house and followed the team.Li Kui went to the inn to get a pair of axes and came to fight.When the officers and soldiers came to the mansion on the hour, those good men had already gone far away.The officers and soldiers knew that the people in Liangshanbo were too many to fight against, so they dared not come after them.

But Lu Junyi told Li Kui to pack up and go back.After walking for half a day, Li Kui disappeared on the road again.Lu Junyi laughed again and said: "It's just inviting disaster! People must follow him up the mountain. Mu Hong said: "I'll go look for him and go back to the village. Lu Junyi said: "It's the best." Not to mention that Lu Junyi led the crowd back to the mountain, but said that Li Kui held two axes and went as far as Shouzhang County. At noon that day, Li Kui came to the gate of the county government office and shouted: "Daddy Hei Xuanfeng is here in Liangshanpo!" "The people in the county were so scared that their hands and feet were numb and they couldn't move. It turns out that Shouzhang County is the closest to Liangshan Park. If you hear the words "Black Whirlwind Li Kui", the doctor will make a child cry at night. How can I come here in person today? Not afraid?
At that time, Li Kui went to sit on the magistrate's chair, and said in his mouth: "Two people come out to talk, and if they don't come, they will be set on fire!" Everyone in the room under the corridor discussed: "I have to go out and agree to a few, otherwise how can I have him go?" Within a few days, two officials came out of the hall and worshiped four times, knelt down and said, "the leader must have orders here." Li Kui said, "I won't disturb the people in your county, because I'm passing by here and playing around for a while." Please come out of your county magistrate, and I will meet him." The two went out, came out and replied: "The magistrate just saw the leader, opened the back door, and I don't know where he went." Li Kui didn't believe it, so he turned in I searched in the back hall, but I saw the clothes box with the Futou lying there.Li Kui unscrewed the lock, took out the Fu head, inserted the corner of the exhibition, and brought it with him in the future, put on the green robe official uniform, and tied the corner belt; then looked for court boots, changed hemp shoes, took Huai slips, and walked out of the front hall. He shouted: "Official officials and others, all come to see!" They had no choice but to go up and agree.Li Kui said: "Is it okay if I dress like this?" Everyone said: "It's very commensurate." Li Kui said: "You make Shi Zhihou all row with me and go. If you don't follow me, this county will be turned into a white land. " Everyone was afraid of him, so they had to gather some public officials, held their teeth and sticks and bones, beat the three-way drum, and sounded forward.Li Kui laughed out loud.He said again, "Two of you are here to complain." The official said: "The leader is sitting here, who dares to complain?" Li Kui said: "You know that people don't come to complain. You have two pretending to complain here." Come to sue. I don't want to hurt him, I just take it for a joke." The public officials and others discussed it for a while, and only two prisoners pretended to be fighting to sue.People outside the county gate let them watch.The two knelt in front of the hall, and the one said: "I'm sorry, my husband, he hit the villain." The other said: "I beat him because he scolded the villain." Said: "The villain eats and beats." He asked again: "Which one beat him?" The defendant said: "He scolded first, and the villain beat him." Li Kui said: "This one who beat someone He is a good man, let him go first. Why did he eat people and beat him who didn’t make any progress? Show everyone in front of the yamen with my shackle.” Li Kui stood up, tied up his green robe, put the Huai Jian in his waist, and pulled out a large Axe, looking straight at the plaintiff who was shackled, the order was in front of the county gate, and he just strode away without taking off his clothes and boots.The people watching in front of the county gate couldn't help laughing there.

I was walking east and west in front of Shouzhang County, when I suddenly heard the sound of reading in a school.Li Kui lifted the curtain and walked in.The gentleman was so scared that he jumped out of the window and left.All the students were crying, screaming, running and hiding.Li Kui laughed and went out, bumping into Mu Hong.Mu Hong shouted: "Everyone is worrying about you, but you are in the wind here! Go up the mountain quickly!" Let him drag him away there.Li Kui had to leave Shouzhang County and go straight to Liangshanbo.There are poems to prove it:
Gu Xianliang, the county magistrate of the herdsman, thought it was picky and had no claim.

It is unreasonable to blame Li Kui for killing, and the piano hall makes trouble in the book hall.

The two crossed the golden beach and came to the village.Everyone laughed when they saw Li Kui dressed up like this.Arriving at the Loyalty Hall, Song Jiang is celebrating with Yan Qing.I saw Li Kui put down his green gown, went to the double axe, swayed, and went to the front of the hall, clinging to the Huai bamboo slips, and came to worship Song Jiang.If you can't worship twice, you will break the green gown and stumble to the ground.Everyone laughed.Song Jiang scolded: "You are so bold! I didn't know it before. It's a damn sin to sneak down the mountain! But it caused troubles everywhere! I told all the brothers today that I will never forgive you!" Li Kui retreated repeatedly. .Since then, Liang Shanbo's men and horses have been safe, and nothing has happened. They teach martial arts in the cottage every day, practice their men and horses, and let those who can swim get on the boat to learn.Adding military weapons, robes, armor, guns and knives, bows and arrows, crossbows, and flags to each village is easy.

Let's say that Tai'an Prefecture will apply for Tokyo in the past.Into the Zouyuan, there were petitions from various states and counties received, all of which were rebellion and harassment by Song Jiang and others.The general secretary of the Daqing class started playing.It was the day when the Jingyang bell rang, and they all came to the waiting courtyard to serve the early court and play the emperor's face.At this time, Emperor Daojun did not visit the court for a month.In the early morning of that day, it was three quiet whips and the imperial palace, and the two classes of civil and military ranks with golden ranks.When the Holy Lord came to the court, all the officials paid homage, and the head official of the palace shouted: "If there is something to do, go to the class and play early, and if there is nothing to do, roll the curtain and go back to the court." The table texts are all thieves led by Song Jiang and other ministries. They openly went straight into Fuzhou, plundered warehouses, robbed warehouses, killed soldiers and civilians, and were greedy and disgusting. Wherever they went, no one could be enemy. If they were not arrested early I beg your majesty to learn from me." The emperor Naiyun said: "Last year last year, the bandits made trouble in the capital, and this year they went to harass everywhere, not to mention the nearby states and counties. I have sent troops to the Privy Council many times. So far There is no reply." Cui Jing, a doctor of imperial history, came out of the class and said: "I heard that a big flag was erected on Liangshan Po, and the words "walk the way for the sky" were written on it. Now that the Liao soldiers invaded the territory, the army and horses everywhere were unable to cover them. It would be very inconvenient if they wanted to launch an expedition. In the foolishness of my ministers, these desperadoes in the mountains are all guilty of official punishment. There is no way to escape, so they gathered in the mountains and forests It is immoral. If a Danzhao is sent down, Guanglu Temple will award Yujiuzhen ashamed, and send a minister to Liangshanpo, with kind words, to invite peace to come down. If this is the enemy of the Liao army, it will be both public and private. Fuqi Your Majesty Holy lesson." The Son of Heaven said: "Your words are very appropriate, and they are just what I want." So he sent the Taiwei Chen Zongshan in front of the palace as an envoy, and accompanied him to Qing Danzhao Yujiu to recruit people of all sizes from Liangshanpo.

It was the day when the morning was over, and Chen Taiwei received the imperial edict and went home to clean up.It is indisputable that Chen Taiwei held an edict to recruit security, and there were different teachings: thousands of gold and iron cavalry, densely covered the mountain tops; clusters of warships spread across the water.Mistakenly attacking evil spirits, offending the devil king.It's exactly: the fragrant mash is turned into a medicine for burning the body, and the Danzhao should be a letter of war.After all, how did Chen Taiwei go to recruit Song Jiang, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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