book eye

Chapter 476 The highest level of novels and Ma Xingkong's library

Chapter 476 The highest level of novels and Ma Xingkong's library
"Among you, only Alphagou understands "Dream of Red Mansions". Although he doesn't understand all of it, it is not bad to be able to read that "Dream of Red Mansions" does not belong to this world." The old monk said, "As Alphagou said, This "Dream of Red Mansions" is something out of the sky, it is not a novel of this world."

"Other things?"

Everyone is full of doubts.

Diaosi asked: "Senior, if "Dream of Red Mansions" does not belong to this world, where does it belong to?"

The old monk said: "This "Dream of Red Mansions" is Ma Xingkong's collection. Only Ma Xingkong knows the source of the book."

Liu Xiaoer asked: "Where is Ma Xingkong now?"

The old monk looked up: "You want to find Ma Xingkong?"

Liu Xiaoer said: "Based on senior's description just now, Ma Xingkong seems to be a peerless genius. If there is a chance, this junior would like to pay a visit."

The old monk said: "You can't even understand "Dream of Red Mansions", you can't see Ma Xingkong."

Liu Xiaoer asked again: "If we understand "Dream of Red Mansions", can we meet Ma Xingkong?"

The old monk reminded: "You people are all reading blindly, and you don't know anything about reading. Even if you read "Dream of Red Mansions" for 100 years, you still can't really understand it. Because your path is wrong. The longer you go, you will only understand it. more mistakes."

Ye Baizi continued to ask: "Senior, I don't know where we went wrong?"

Before the old monk could answer, Alpha Gou couldn't help but interjected: "This question can be answered by a dog. The reason why your human imagination is so poor is because you didn't choose the novels you read well. Different novels have different effects on imagination. Ascension is different, and most of the novels you read don't do much for the imagination."

Ye Baizi was curious: "What kind of novels can enhance imagination?"

Alpha Dog said: "Whether a novel can enhance the imagination depends on the number of 'blank spots' in the novel. A novel with more blank spots can stimulate the reader's imagination. Therefore, according to the number of blank spots, this book Dog divides the novel into four levels.

The first-level novels have very few blank spots, and I call them 'little white essays'.This kind of short essay usually has a single-line thinking. When you dig a hole, you just fill it. There are not many blank spots. It has a single perspective, a simple structure, and a small space for imagination. It is very easy to read and almost requires no brains.Precisely because it is easy to understand, the works of this kind of short essay have the most audience and are the easiest to become bestsellers.Among the most popular novels, eight out of ten are Xiaobaiwen.Although the reading experience of this kind of Xiaobaiwen is good, the improvement of imagination is quite limited.

The second-level novels use a more complex composite structure, with multiple plot lines paralleling, a combination of bright and dark lines, and more blank spots than Xiaobaiwen. Bengou calls this kind of novel "Zhongbaiwen".There are many pits in Chinese and Baiwen, some are open pits, some are dark pits, dark pits are hidden in the open pits, there are pits in the pits, hidden secrets, readers need to use their imagination to see the connotation of these pits, and the reading difficulty is relatively small Baiwen is much bigger.Many famous novels belong to 'Chinese and Belarus'.Because there are many blank spots in Chinese and Baiwen, it gives people a lot of room for aftertaste. Every time I read it, I have different feelings, so it can become a classic and be passed down through the ages.

The third-level novels are called "Dabaiwen" by Bengou.Dabaiwen adopts a more complex net-like three-dimensional structure, intersecting each other and intricately. One pit is connected to many pits. Most of the pits are unresolved, but they are connected to each other. The pits are intertwined and hidden. , the whole novel interweaves a huge information network with very large gaps, so it is called "Dabaiwen".Since there are so many blank spots in the big white text, readers need a very good imagination to make up the hidden content and logic of the novel, and need to deduce a lot of hidden plots like spider webs.Because of our super computing power, our robots can easily read Chinese characters, but you humans can't.

Because the computing power of human beings is too poor, the brain memory is very small, and the amount of information that can be processed is very small.When the amount of information in a novel increases, you humans will not be able to cope with it, you will not be able to read it, you will feel confused, and you will not know what the novel is about.Therefore, this kind of big white text does not conform to your human reading habits.

It is precisely because human beings are too weak to process information that they cannot read large white texts, and only like to read simpler Chinese and white texts or small white texts.Therefore, your human imagination is destined to be inferior to robots.

Fiction is an art of imagination, and Dabaiwen is the essence of this art.However, Dabaiwen is still not the highest level of novel creation.

In Bengou's opinion, the highest level of novels is called 'Quan Baiwen', and this kind of novels will try to push the imagination to the extreme.

The blank spots in the full white text are endless, and the whole novel is composed of blank spots. It has no fixed novel structure, no regular narrative mode, no clear theme, and no creation concept of filling holes, because the full white text is from beginning to end. They are all pits, and every pit is bottomless, challenging the readers' thinking limit.

A novel like Quanbaiwen is like a black hole, sucking you in, leading you to uncharted territory, constantly impacting the edge of your thinking space.Every step forward, you will break through the upper limit of your imagination, enter a new field, and see a new world.When reading this kind of all-white text, it doesn't matter what the author writes, what matters is the reader's own imagination.If your imagination is good enough, you will be able to see unprecedented, world-shocking, and wonderful strange scenes from the full text.

However, the imagination required to read the full white text tends to be infinite, and the robot is also not competent.If you force to read, I'm afraid it will crash due to insufficient storage space.However, once you can read it, your imagination will break through the sky and reach the realm of unconstrained reading, galloping freely in the spiritual world, swimming in the void, going to heaven and earth, and omnipotent. "

Speaking of this, AlphaGo finally concluded, "In short, if you humans want to improve your imagination, you should read more Chinese and white texts, large white texts, or even full white texts. Small white texts can only be used for entertainment..."

"That's not necessarily the case." At this moment, the old monk sweeping the floor suddenly interrupted, "Whether it is small white text, Chinese white text, or big white text, they have a limit to the improvement of imagination. They can really improve human imagination. To the limit, it is actually a waste book.”

"Waste book?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Senior, the useless books you're talking about are the kind of crap novels that don't make sense?" Diaosi asked, "You can't even read this kind of useless books. How can they improve your imagination?"

The old monk said: "It is precisely because the nonsense writing is nonsense that it can stimulate the imagination. You must make full use of your imagination to turn the nonsense novels into classics that make sense of the nonsense. It is the limit test.

To read those messy and useless books, you must stimulate your imagination, make chaos into order, and make irrationality into rationality.If you can read waste books with gusto, you are truly good at reading. "

Everyone was taken aback, this was the first time they had heard of this statement.For a long time, scholars have advocated reading good books, but this old monk suggested that everyone read trash books, which is a bit damaging to the three views.

Xiao Yichen asked: "Senior, most of the waste books will be discarded, even if we want to read them, we can't seem to find them."

The old monk said: "The poor monk has collected many waste books. If you want to read waste books, I can lend you the waste books."

Alpha Gou's eyes lit up: "Old monk, do you have a waste library? Where is it?"

"follow me."

After speaking, the old monk turned and left, followed by everyone.

Walk down the mountain along the Ladder of Reincarnation, at the foot of the mountain, turn into a small path, walk hundreds of meters north, and come to a mountain forest.

It was noon, and the sun was in the sky.

The forest is lush and lush, and deep in the forest there is a dilapidated temple with broken bricks and broken tiles, and an old plaque hangs at the main entrance, with three words written crookedly - Temple of Enlightenment.

"Rujin Temple? What a strange name!"

"Is Rushen Temple a place to be a god?"

Under the leadership of the old monk, everyone walked into the temple. The temple was overgrown with weeds and was desolate.

In the corner of the yard, there is an ancient well, from the bottom of the well came the cry of "croak croak". When I went to the well, I saw many frogs living in the well.

After passing through the ancient well, a dilapidated Linglong Pagoda appeared in front of it.

The inside of Linglong Pagoda is covered with spider webs, densely packed, almost covering the view, and the ground is covered with thick dust, if you step on it casually, the dust will fly up.

Sweeping away the cobwebs, rows of bookshelves came into everyone's sight.

In the hall of Linglong Pagoda, there are eighteen rows of antique bookshelves, which are full of books. The covers of the books are covered with dust, and the titles of the books cannot be read clearly.

"These are all useless books." The old monk said, "You can read them as you like."

Everyone looked at each other, and they were speechless for a while. These useless books are really useless enough, they look like rubbish dumps.

"Old monk, this dog is not welcome."

AlphaGo walked to the first row of bookshelves, took out a book, patted it with his hands, and a large cloud of dust filled the air...

"Ahem!" The person on the side was choked with ashes and coughed continuously.

The dust on the cover of the book was very thick, a full 3 mm. After shaking for a while, the cover was finally revealed, and there were three words printed on it—"Different-Tianlu"!
""Different-Travel"?" Alpha Gou blinked, "What kind of novel is this "Different-Travel", this dog has never heard of it, is it also something out of the sky?"

The old monk said: "All the books here are useless books, of course you haven't heard of them."

Alpha Gou opened "Strange-Tianlu" and began to read it. After reading for a while, he suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha! "Different-Tianlu" is really a waste book. It's nonsense, hahaha, I like it!"

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being curious, and gathered around one after another, wanting to see what kind of useless book "Different-Tianlu" is.

After reading a few pages of "Different-Tianlu", everyone's brows were furrowed. The level of chaos in this novel is beyond imagination, with disordered grammar, wanton piles of words, unclear semantics, vague logic, and completely incomprehensible. It is a "book from heaven".

This "Different-Tianlu" was read by everyone at a loss, but Alpha Gou read it with gusto.

Afterwards, the crowd dispersed, walked to the bookshelves one after another, took down the dusty waste books, and started to read them.

""The Young Master of Online Games-The World"? The name of this novel is so strange!" Diaosi looked at the waste book she got, full of doubts, "What is 'online game', never heard of it? "

"'Online game' is probably a swimming posture." Li Dazui also took a waste book from the bookshelf, and said, "The waste book I got is called "Universal Giant School Flash Student", the title of the book is I don't know what it means, what is 'flash student'?"

While flipping through the useless books on the bookshelves, everyone was discussing that they had never heard of all the novels.

"Huh? This novel is so thick!"

Ye Baizi turned around the bookshelves and saw a waste book about 12 centimeters thick with more than 6000 pages. She reached out and took the novel out.

Shaking the thick dust, Ye Baizi wiped the cover with her little hands, and finally saw the title of the novel: ""Fake Time Traveler"? What does the title mean? What is 'Traveler'?"

"'Traveler' should be a mountaineering enthusiast who likes to travel through mountains and ridges, so it is called a traveler." Diaosi helped explain, "Miss Ye, the "Fake Traveler" you are holding should be a description and translation book. A travel novel over mountains and mountains."

"Really?" Ye Baizi opened "Fake Time Traveler", looked at the introduction, and said, ""Fake Time Traveler" does not seem to be a travel novel. Judging from the content of the introduction, it seems that there are many women in the novel. Could it be that "Fake Time Traveler" Is it an imperial novel?"

Speaking of this, Ye Baizi was full of anticipation. Her favorite novels were Huang Wen's novels, so she immediately started reading "The Fake Traveler".

Liu Xiaoer also went to the bookshelf, flipped through the waste books on it, and found that these books seemed to come from the earth.Waste books such as "The Young Master of Online Games-Tianxia", "Different-Tianlu", "Universal Giant School Flash Student", "Fake Traveler" and so on are all novels on earth.Although Liu Xiaoer hadn't seen it, he had heard of it.

There are novels on the earth here, is there also a crystal coffin nearby?

"Senior, where did these books come from?" Liu Xiaoer asked.

The old monk said: "These novels are all collected by Ma Xingkong."

"Ma Xingkong's collection of books?"

Liu Xing is naturally no stranger to the name Ma Xingkong. Ma Xingkong is the patriarch of Chinese novel reading skills. It was he who gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools and created works such as "The General Outline of the Gods", and the reading skills were born in Huaxia Kingdom. .

However, Ma Xingkong lived more than 800 years ago, why is there Ma Xingkong here?

What's even more bizarre is that the old monk seems to have seen Ma Xingkong, is Ma Xingkong still alive?

"Senior, how can I meet Ma Xingkong?" Liu Xiaoer asked.

The old monk said: "The poor monk just said that if you want to see Ma Xingkong, you need to understand "Dream of Red Mansions" first. Even if you can't read "Dream of Red Mansions", it is impossible for you to meet Ma Xingkong."

Afa Ji interjected: "Old monk, this dog has already understood "A Dream of Red Mansions."

"Really?" said the old monk, "The poor monk asked you, what is the other name of "A Dream of Red Mansions"?"

"An alias for "A Dream of Red Mansions"?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This a difficult one for others.Everyone doesn't know where "Dream of Red Mansions" came from, but only ghosts know what another name "Dream of Red Mansions" has.

Just when everyone felt that the old monk was trying to make things difficult, Alpha Gou puffed out his chest and looked handsome, because he knew it was time to pretend to be aggressive again, and said: "Based on this dog, the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions" is "Story of the Stone." "!"

The old monk frowned slightly, and said: "What an intelligent robot, its imagination is beyond ordinary people. You are right, the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions" is indeed "Story of the Stone."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Ye Baizi couldn't help asking: "Alfagou, how do you know that "Dream of Red Mansions" is also called "Story of the Stone"?"

"Of course it was made up by imagination." Alpha Gou said lightly, "As far as I know, the story of "Dream of Red Mansions" originated from myths and legends. A stone fell into the mortal world. Later, someone discovered a story engraved on the stone, and this story is "Dream of Red Mansions". Therefore, "Dream of Red Mansions" is also called "Story of the Stone."

Ye Baizi asked: "However, with so little information, it is difficult to directly make up the three words "Story of the Stone"? Why don't you make up the words "Story of the Stone", "Legend of the Stone" and "Story of the Stone" some type of?"

Alpha Gou said: "You can't figure it out because your imagination is weak. The result of this dog's brain making up is "The Story of the Stone". Old monk, this dog has already guessed the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions". Did you fly off and go down?"

Everyone is full of expectations.

Unexpectedly, the old monk shook his head: "Alpha Gou, although you guessed the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions" correctly, but you only guessed half right. Because "Dream of Red Mansions" has more than one alias, and "Story of the Stone" is just one of them. .If you can say the second alias of "Dream of Red Mansions", you can truly understand "Dream of Red Mansions."

Alpha Gou's eyes rounded: "The second alias? This dog think again!" After finishing speaking, his mind turned rapidly.

Everyone held their breath, looking forward to AlphaGo's successful pretense again.

After a few minutes.

Alpha Gou suddenly showed helplessness on his face, shook his head and said, "No, I can't figure it out. With my current imagination, I can't guess the second alias of "Dream of Red Mansions."

The old monk said: "Since I can't figure it out, I can only let go of Ma Xingkong's work. When will you come up with a second alias for "Dream of Red Mansions", and then come to the poor monk."

Hearing this, everyone was lost for a while.

"Is the second alias of "Dream of Red Mansions" called "Jin Yu Yuan"?" At this time, Liu Xiaoer suddenly asked.

The old monk's old face was stunned for a moment, he was taken aback, and cast a strange look at Liu Xiaoer: "You... how do you know that "A Dream of Red Mansions" is also called "Golden Jade Fate"?"

Liu Xiaoer said: "In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai finally got married. Xue Baochai has a golden lock, and Jia Baoyu has a piece of precious jade. The two can be described as a happy marriage. As far as I know, Mrs. Jin once left A novel is called "Golden Jade Fate". So I guessed that the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions" might be called "Golden Jade Fate."

The old monk asked back: "Why don't you guess "Golden Jade Destiny" instead of "Golden Jade Fate"?"

Liu Xiaoer said: "Although Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai are married, this marriage is not a good match, because Jia Baoyu loves Lin Daiyu. Therefore, I removed the word 'liang' from "Golden Jade Lovely Marriage" and changed it into " "Jin Yu Yuan". Of course, I'm just guessing randomly."

Hearing this, the old monk showed a complicated expression on his face, and sighed: "For so many years, no one has ever been able to say the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions". I didn't expect you to guess so wildly, but hit the right one. Is it God's will?"

Everyone was amazed and secretly admired Liu Xiaoer.

"Leader Liu is mighty, you can guess right!"

"Leader Liu is hiding everything!"


Alpha Gou said: "Old monk, since Brother Liu has guessed the alias of "Dream of Red Mansions" correctly, should you tell us the whereabouts of Ma Xingkong now?"

The old monk said slowly: "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, she walked out of Linglong Tower, followed by everyone...


(End of this chapter)

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