Invincible daily

Chapter 131 170: Regrouping

Chapter 131 [-]: Regrouping
Jarvis's profile picture suddenly appeared: "Do you need any help, Mr. Wang Kai?"

Wang Kai waved his hand: "No, leave me alone!"

With that said, Wang Kai stumbled to the balcony, held the handle of the balcony row, looked at the sea, and was full of thoughts.

Wang Kai believes that the newly added regulations just now are definitely not for his world, but for all worlds, that is to say, one king point has activated the ability to kill all other king points!
What a cruel heart!
But then Wang Kai laughed: "Haha, haha, hahahahaha, why didn't I think of this? Aren't I just him, isn't he just me? If he can do it, I can do it too. Why? I didn't think of it? I really hate it!"

One move away from chess, winner and loser, everything is a foregone conclusion!

The eyes are confused and at a loss, what should I do, what will I do if Wang Dian finds out that there is still a fish that slipped through the net like me?
Killing one is killing, killing a hundred is killing, killing 1 is still killing. If he meets Wang Dian, he will definitely die. It is also certain to die.

Jarvis looked curiously at Wang Kai's distraught look. Jarvis felt that he had to tell his master Tony. Jarvis quickly notified Tony. Tony and the little spider had just finished solving the bank criminals. Tony Also prepared to pose a few handsome poses in front of the reporters.

The message from Jarvis was sent to Tony's helmet. After listening to Jarvis's narration, Tony looked surprised. What happened to Wang Kai?
Could it be that a powerful enemy in the universe is coming to Earth?
Thinking of this, Tony directly launched the jet, soared into the sky, broke through three times the speed of sound in an instant, and flew towards home. Walked out: "Wang Kai, what happened?"

Wang Kai looked at Tony and felt that sometimes ignorance might indeed be a kind of happiness. It would be great if he didn't know everything. He changed back to Wang Dian's name, and he would be sore after death. Now this situation is embarrassing.

I always feel like I'm going to die, but I don't want to die: "I'm in a little trouble!"

Tony looked at Wang Kai strangely. This alien has always been arrogant and indifferent to everything since he arrived on the earth. Why did he suddenly become like this today, looking downcast?
Wang Kai and Tony sat together and drank some wine, Tony: "Wang Kai, although I don't know what happened to you, but since it has already happened, it doesn't help how you give up on yourself, why don't you think about what to do?" I can solve what has happened, if you are willing to tell me, I can help you think of a way!"

Wang Kai looked at Tony's serious expression, thought for a while, and said: "If there is a person who can travel through the timeline and find his past self through his name, then every time he kills a past self, he can get a All the power of the past self, but now there is one who discovered this, so this one changed his name and surname, and the other one could not find him, but that one had already killed many selves, and had a powerful and invincible power. If you have strength, you will find him sooner or later, and once you find out, he will have no room to resist and will be killed!"

Tony was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Wang Kai: "Can he, who changed his name and surname, travel through the timeline?"

Wang Kai: "Yes!"

Tony smiled: "It's not easy to handle, since that one can increase his strength by killing himself non-stop, then he should also have the same ability, and he changed his name and surname, that one he can't find him at all, he is secretly The one who is in the open, he just needs to secretly find the one who is in the open, shoot him, and kill him, wouldn't that be enough?"

Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed, yes, wouldn't it be sex if he was killed, then Wang Kai's brain was running crazily, thinking crazily, how likely is it to destroy Wang Dian!

That king point used its own ability to add regulations to all the world: except for my king point, all king points that have the same, similar, or even the same power as the creator of the rules are all erased from existence!
That is to say, the prescribed power can kill the king point, and this sentence obviously has loopholes. The first loophole is that it did not kill the person who changed his name and surname, but only stipulated to erase the king point, so he survived. There is a loophole, which is the beginning of my king's point. If this passage starts with my king's point, then it means that if Wang's point is dead, these three words will be invalid, and then his whole paragraph will not be valid.

In other words, as long as the king point is killed, then this setting will disappear due to contradictions!
And as long as this rule disappears, he can change his name and surname to Wang Dian again, and he can regain omnipotent power. Thinking of this, Wang Kai's eyes suddenly lit up with fierce fighting spirit. That's right, it's definitely possible to kill him!

Wang Kai smiled: "Thank you, Tony, I know what I should do!"

Tony was stunned: "I'll wipe it, I know that the person who changed his name and surname and survived is you!"

Wang Kai was mysterious, and smiled mischievously: "Guess!"

Tony looked at Wang Kai with a sore face, guess, guess, guess your sister, you still have to guess, you are simply insulting my status as an invincible scholar: "Give up the sword!"

Wang Kai waved his hand: "Let's play, I don't have time now."

Tony looked at Wang Kai's expression as if he was dismissing a beggar, and his whole body was petrified!
And Wang Kai's brain began to analyze the current situation frantically!

First of all, I have to sort it out. Now that I have lost my omnipotent ability, I still have those abilities that I added to myself before. These abilities will become the last bargaining chip to kill the king point!

Secondly, is the security department safe where I am now?
The king point that eliminated all the king points, I don't even know whether I am in his future time period or the past time period. If it is in the past, it is okay to say, then that king point has already experienced "Marvel" and is already in I have played "Marvel" once, and it is almost impossible to come back to "Marvel", because this "Marvel" world is a world created by myself, not the real "Marvel Universe" world.

(Thanks: Liu Huadong: Reward: [-] starting coins)

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(End of this chapter)

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