Invincible daily

Chapter 20 23: Loki

Chapter 20 [-]: Loki

The big man in the suit: "You don't understand, the manchurian in China has started to extend his hand to the United States recently. I have to gather some capable people, otherwise, it won't be long before my gold will become history!"

The rhinoceros doesn't know who the Mandarin is. He doesn't even know who the Mandarin is. He is just a mafia thug. The chemical medicine made him have a strong body, gained unparalleled strength, speed, physical strength, and durability, and then attached a layer of tough polymer to his skin to form a skin with strong defense, coupled with The horn of the rhino gave him the strength to single out tanks, making him the number one fighter under Jin Bing.

Jin didn't seem to explain too much: "Okay, you go out and call Bullseye, I have something to discuss with him!"

The rhinoceros nodded, and the huge man bent down before walking out, and then closed the door gently. A moment later, he was dressed in tights, with bullseyes with circles on his brows walking over: "What's wrong? The gangster king!"

Jin Bin: "Mandarin's tentacles have reached into our territory. Someone saw Qihuan in Chinatown yesterday!"

When Bullseye heard this, a serious expression appeared on his face. You must know that 50.00% of the criminal activities in the United States are related to Jin Bin, and if the Mandarin enters the United States, the income of himself and Jin Bin will shrink extremely. , and even the two of them may be killed by the Mandarin. In the eyes of people all over the world, the Mandarin is a legend, a person who may not exist at all, but as long as people with great power know that the Mandarin exists, he is The uncrowned king of China.

Here, after Wang Dian introduced the general situation of God’s Domain to Nick, Nick discovered that they were not so much gods as powerful aliens, but half an hour later, Hawkeye Patton came back with the muscular man Sol No matter how you look at it, he is similar to ordinary people on Earth, but he seems to be quite cooperative. He knew that when he was pressed down to the position of Thor's Hammer, he knocked down four agents and rushed into the Thor's Hammer. Looking at the hammer on the ground, Sol laughed very brightly, stretched out his right hand and spread five fingers: "Mjolnir come back!"

But an embarrassing thing happened, the hammer didn't move at all, Sol's hand was awkwardly placed in the air, and Thor looked at Thor's hammer in disbelief: "Why didn't Mjolnir respond to me?" ?”

Then Sol grabbed the hammer with one hand with his right hand, trying to lift it high, but with this move Sol discovered that the hammer, which was light as a goose feather before, was now as heavy as Mount Tai, and his right hand slipped out of the handle and could not shake it. The hammer fell to the ground instead, and Nick thought he had caught the wrong person: "It seems that he is not the person we are looking for! Barton, go and bring him out!"

But Wang Dian said: "No, he is Thor, the god of thunder. I can feel that his body has a strong density, which is tens of thousands of times that of your humans, but for some reason, his power seems to be sealed by a wave of magic. He smells like magic!"

Nick looked at Wang Dian: "Wang Dian, are you sure you are not talking nonsense? If you talk about Odin, Sol, etc., I can use aliens to explain it, but what is magic? Is it an alternative technology?"

Wang Dian turned his head and looked at Nick as if you were very smart: "Yes! Magic is an alternative technology. Don't say that there is no magic column on your earth. I have seen your global information network, such as vampires, zombies, and werewolves. , Witch, Ghost Rider, I've seen them all, don't say you haven't seen them? Do you want me to tell you what magic is? If you want to know, just say it directly, why are you so oblique, why don't you say it , how do you know if I will tell you or not?"

Nick smiled awkwardly. Indeed, there are many strange people on earth, most of which can be explained by science, but there are also many that science cannot explain at all, such as ghost riders, angels, demons, vampires and the like , They are real, if it is not magic, it is impossible to explain their existence, and Nick knows the magic from the mouth of Wang Dian, so it is like getting a little more information from the mouth of Wang Dian, but you don’t have to expose it like this Me, how embarrassing this is.

When talking with Nick at Wangdian, Sol grabbed the hammer with both hands and tried to pull it out, but everything was in vain. Sol, who had lost the hammer's approval and was sealed, had nothing to do with an ordinary earthling. The difference is that he wants to lift the [-]-million-ton Thor's Hammer with his little strength. Just kidding, Hulk may still have a little possibility.

After some struggles, Sol also recognized the fact that he had lost Thor's Hammer, lost his divine power, lost his strength, and he was just an ordinary earthling, and a look of a hero's end appeared in Thor On his face, he knelt in front of Thor's Hammer, as if he couldn't accept this display at all. The agents rushed in and dragged him out. He didn't make any resistance, as if he had given up on himself.

Wang Dian suddenly stared at Thor's Hammer, Loki walked in front of Thor's Hammer stealthily, grasped the handle of Thor's Hammer with a trace of expectation, and tried it, Loki gave up, Unable to lift it up, Loki, who was about to leave, suddenly found someone staring at him, turned around and saw Wang Dian smiling at him, Loki was taken aback, did this human see through my magic?
Loki disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared on the left side. He found that Wang Dian's eyes also turned along with his movement. Can this human being really see himself invisible?
Loki used the ability of teleportation to Wang Dian's soul and said: "Who are you, why can you see me?"

Wang Dian showed a playful smile: "I am a Namekian, and you are Loki, the son of the God King?"

Luo Ji heard Wang Dian say this: "You are the most mysterious Namek in the universe, no wonder you can see me, but this is a matter within our God's Domain, you can't control it so wide!"

Wang Dian: "I'm too lazy to care about it, but I have a sacred mission to come to Earth, as long as you don't remember my mission!"

Loki heard: "No problem!"

 Recommendation tickets, if you don’t want them, you don’t have them at all, so you can only shamelessly ask for them!Ask for a recommendation ticket!How many recommendation tickets are thrown here!Without a recommendation ticket, the book is not even qualified to be noticed by the editor, so I am not in the mood to write it down!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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