Invincible daily

Chapter 25 32: The streets are full of Iron Man

Chapter 25 [-]: The streets are full of Iron Man
Jin Bing has had a very bad life recently. 50.00% of the crimes in the United States are related to him, and these are also his own sources of income. However, New York, which is the main source of income, recently has three stunned youths. Before, only A Spider-Man, at most he would solve some useless chess pieces around him, but now it is different, this Iron Man Tony has repeatedly blocked the drug trade and arms trade organized by himself, and because of the appearance of Iron Man, Spider-Man Pyro and his assistant also discovered these businesses, making these deals in New York more and more difficult to do.

Jin Bing has been thinking, is there any way to kill all these bastards, and at the front end, a person came to him. This person has a big plan, and he fell in love with this plan the moment he saw it , and the launch date of this plan is today, Iron Man, Spiderman, Fireman, you can go to hell.

Watching the news, Wang Dian saw that India was being defeated by China. Wang Dian found that the direction of the Marvel Universe was getting more and more strange. It seemed that he had brought out Mandarins and Chinese superheroes that should not have existed. The reason is that China's strength is too strong, and except for the few superheroes owned by the United States, the super superheroes that should have existed in Marvel comics in other countries have not appeared, and at most they have a few ineffective The superpowers or Inhumans are not enough for China to fight.

It’s no wonder Mandarin then began to attack India ambitiously to test the attitudes of other countries, but Wang Dian turned around and thought about it, if these Chinese superheroes hadn’t been produced, and it was really done according to the movie Marvel Universe, then the United States With a large number of superheroes and Tony's mecha, maybe the United States will go the same way as the Mandarin and attack other countries sooner or later.

Thinking about it, suddenly the bracelet on Wang Dian's left hand ejected Tony's virtual avatar: "Wang Dian, I seem to be in big trouble!"

Wang Dian appeared next to Tony in an instant: "What's wrong?"

Tony pointed to a group of pseudo-Iron Man mechs that were crazily destroying in front of them. There were at least twenty of them. Each of them had two machine gun ports on their shoulders and they were firing wildly. Their feet sprayed energy and flew, and their hands kept shooting palm cannons. , the red and yellow colors and the same mech as Tony Mark's model, if it weren't for the machine gun on the shoulder, it would be really hard to distinguish!
The destructive power of this group of pseudo-Iron Man mechs is astonishing. In less than a few minutes, the street where Tony is located has been completely destroyed. The surrounding area is in a mess. The street is filled with gunpowder smoke. The damaged buildings around seem to have experienced a During a war, suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and there was another person who fell with the thunderbolt, and this person was Thor, the god of thunder.

Thor hammered down a fake Iron Man mech from the air, Thor's hammer smashed the cold fusion nuclear reactor in the center, Thor pulled out the hammer, and the fake steel could be seen in a burst of electric sparks The inside of the Hero-Mech is empty, there is no one, and it is controlled remotely!
Spider-Man shot spider silk and flew from the side street, leaning his hands and feet firmly against the wall: "Tony, what are you doing? Are you going to destroy New York City?"

Tony opened the mask and pointed at the group of fake Iron Man mechas: "Those are not made by me at all, okay? This is the only armor I have. You must know that this is made by Zhenjin, and it will not be damaged at all. Do you still need to make so many? Do I hurt when I'm idle??"

Pyro controls a cool red flying skateboard with flame patterns and flies from the city center: "Wow! So many Iron Man?"

Tony stood below and roared: "Those are not Iron Man, I am Iron Man, there is only one Iron Man!!!"

Thor, Pyro and Spider-Man all leaned over, Spider-Man: "Then what's the situation now?"

Tony: "Ghost knows what's going on, I also want to know where these things come from!"

Thor: "Since you didn't make it, and they are destroying the city, then they are enemies. As long as they are enemies, then destroy them soon, no matter where they come from!"

Pyro and Spider-Man looked at each other: "It makes sense!"

Tony put on his mask: "Then what are you waiting for, kill them!"

At this time, another mecha flew in the sky, colorful and equipped with large-scale firepower machine gun equipment. This is the war machine that Tony gave to his friend Roddy in the military. The war machine is in the armor and Tony Contacted: "What the hell is going on!"

Tony said irritably: "I don't know, but don't worry about what happened, it's the right thing to get rid of them first, otherwise it's not a problem to let them continue to destroy like this!"

Spiderman successfully trapped one with spider silk, and Thor went up with a hammer, but Thor's hammer exploded the head of the fake Iron Man mech, and there was no energy source to hit the chest, but just The moment Sol hit, the energy source in the center of the fake Iron Man mech suddenly emitted a burst of dazzling light, and then a violent explosion occurred, just like the power of a tank's cannon, instantly blasting Sol out , smashed into the ground fiercely, then smashed through the ground and smashed into the ground.

Tony took a look, and Jarvis made a quick analysis: "Sir, the energy source at the center of these armors seems to be a nuclear reactor!"

Tony said in shock: "Nuclear reactor? You are not mistaken, such a small nuclear reactor?"

Jarvis: "Yes sir, according to the information I searched, this is very likely to be the cold fusion nuclear reactor mentioned in the practical theory of cold fusion nuclear reactor published by your father, cold fusion If the nuclear reactor can be manufactured, its size can be reduced to such a tiny point, and the explosion just now contained obvious nuclear radiation, and its power is equivalent to an N[-] bomb. According to theory, it is enough to blow up an entire The entire street, but judging from the effect of the explosion just now, it is far from the estimated effect, and I suspect it is because the nuclear particles did not fully react with each other."

Tony got a headache when he heard it, and immediately, are these pseudo-Iron Man mechas or moving explosive packs?

Spider-Man, Burning Man, and War Machine were all taken aback by the explosion just now. What's going on now?
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(End of this chapter)

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