Invincible daily

Chapter 27 34: Mech Carrying Nuclear Bombs

Chapter 27 [-]: The Mech Carrying a Nuclear Bomb
Ivan said frantically on the screen: "I am Igor's son"

Tony and a group of friends below all showed a cute expression. This expression seemed to have three clear words on their heads. Who is that?

Ivan continued: "I want to avenge my father, Tony, your father Edward Stark is a selfish person, my father and your father studied the practical theory of cold fusion nuclear reactors, but in After this paper was published, your father shamelessly stole my father's achievements and attributed all the credit to him alone. He didn't even give my father a signature, so my father was disheartened I left the United States in a cold heart, and ended up in Africa in depression, while the members of your Stark family enjoy the glory and wealth here, I will destroy all of this!"

Tony directly contacted Jarvis, the operating system in the armor: "Jarvis, can you find this guy's hiding place through the information transmission of these advertising screens??"

After trying it, Jarvis replied: "Sorry sir, his computer's IP has been locked, and it will take 3 minutes to crack it by force, but if he starts the cracking by force, there will be a prompt on his computer, and he is likely to Directly disconnect the information transmission connection, once I do this, I will not be able to continue to lock his location, and if I do not crack it forcibly, it will take me 10 minutes to hack into his background!"

When Tony heard it, when you hacked in, others would have finished BBing. Suddenly, Tony thought of one thing, there is no one in these armors, and they are operated remotely, so as long as you hack into these remote operating systems, can you prevent them from unlocking? ?

Tony said quickly: "Jarvis, try to hack into the remote operating system of these armors!"

Jarvis immediately replied: "Okay sir, I have already connected to the remote operating system of these armors, and it is estimated that it will take 15 minutes to crack all the programs!"

Tony showed a painful expression: "Jarvis, for the first time, I think it's time to upgrade you, oh! My God! This guy is really rich, how many armors like this did he make?"

At least fifty mechas flew from all directions again. These mechas are the same as the previous mechas. Now the total number of armors has reached an astonishing more than 100. If this guy doesn't use these armors to attack, he can use them directly If these armors exploded, it would be enough to flatten the street!

And Ivan showed a playful smile and said: "Among the eighty mechas, I specially added some small toys for you, among which I placed small nuclear bombs in ten mechas, one is enough Blow up everything within 3000 meters, then Tony, I wish you luck, by the way, I forgot to tell you that these ten mechs are explosive, as long as they are attacked, they will explode!"

As all the advertising screens blurred, the eighty pseudo-Iron Man armors surrounding the crowd began to shoot wildly. Tony raised his hands to fire the palm cannon, but thinking of what this man named Ivan just said, there are ten Taiwan Armor has a small nuclear bomb and dare not attack casually.

Spider-Man Parker quickly fled from the spot with spider silk, Pyro-Man Harry sped up flame jets and left very quickly, the three people under him ignored the dense barrage of bullets like a storm, Roddy's war machine was Tony The Mark II machine manufactured was modified, but this machine's local tyrant buddy Tony has already covered him with vibrating gold. Although it is only five centimeters thick, it is enough to withstand bullets and shells.

Tony the Iron Man, Thor, Rody the War Machine, and the king point of the soy sauce, the four stood in place and let the machine guns shoot, the ground was soon covered with bullets, although Thor didn't know what kind of small What is a nuclear bomb, but from Ivan's introduction, he still knows what the hell it is. It can blow up everything within 3000 meters, which is equivalent to a one-shot energy cannon of the Destroyer armor.

War Machine Rody watched forty armors from the pseudo-Iron Man armor attacking them, and went after Spider-Man Parker and Fireman Harry respectively, and said anxiously: "Tony, you should think of a way! "

Tony was also very anxious: "I'm not omnipotent, let me think about it!"

Suddenly Tony thought of a way. Only ten of these armors were equipped with small nuclear bombs, so those armors that were not equipped with small nuclear bombs should be manufactured by assembly line engineering, and the weight error between each other should not be large. The armor weight of small nuclear bombs will be different from theirs. Thinking of this, Tony quickly said: "Jarvis, quickly analyze the weight of these armors, and then compare all the armor weight parameters to find out which weight exceeds An average of ten mechs!"

Jarvis quickly scanned all the armor parameters into the background, and Ivan laughed in his secret laboratory, controlling the armor to encircle Spider-Man Parker and Burning Harry as if he was controlling a game console to play games, because he There was an agreement with Jin Bin that Iron Man Tony, Burning Man Harry, and Spiderman Parker must be killed, otherwise they would not be able to get any resources from Jin Bin in the future.

When Jarvis was calculating quickly, Tony looked at Wang Dian next to him, who looked like a light amusement park, and Tony said to Wang Dian: "I said Wang Dian, what time is it now, can't you help me?" Please help me find Ivan?"

Wang Dian looked like I didn't want to go: "I'm not a superhero, my mission is to find infinity stones."

Tony squirted at Wang Dian: "Looking for your mother, I eat, drink, play, and sleep at my house every day, and you look a little bit like looking for the infinite gem, help me this time, I will help you find it together! "

But Tony was wrong. Wang Dian said that looking for infinite stones was just an excuse, and he never really wanted to look for them at all: "Recently my back hurts, my legs are cramped, my head is dizzy, and I feel dizzy. I must be too tired. I'm going back first! Come on! Do it, Dad!"

Tony raised a middle finger at Wang Dian. At this time, Nick suddenly sent a message to Tony: "Tony, hold them back, S.H.I.E.L.D. has found Ivan's hiding place, Black Widow, Captain America , Hawkeye has gone to catch him!"

 Recommendation tickets, if you don’t want them, you don’t have them at all, so you can only shamelessly ask for them!Ask for a recommendation ticket!How many recommendation tickets are thrown here!Without a recommendation ticket, the book is not even qualified to be noticed by the editor, so I am not in the mood to write it down!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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