Invincible daily

Chapter 29 37: Birth of the Natural Department

Chapter 29 [-]: Birth of the Natural Department
Then, under the persuasion of the Black Widow, Captain America, Falcon, and the Hulk also joined in, adding an uninvited war machine to supervise Tony's excuse, and the last one who came in was Hawkeye, He was sent by Nick.

The Electric Man, who was supposed to be one of Spider-Man's villainous super criminals, has now become Harry's assistant. Stan, the CEO of Ke Industry, used the new energy produced by Tony to manufacture a super-powerful generator, and provided free electricity to New York civilians for one year, and guaranteed that after one year, the price would be lower than the market price by [-]% The price of ten is charged for electricity.

And 20.00% of Osborne Technology Co., Ltd.'s main profit projects come from the permanent electromagnetic coil power generation project, but this move by Stark Industries is not intended to be the bottom line of the junior Osborne Technology Co., Ltd., so Osborne Technology Co., Ltd. Ben Technology Co., Ltd. had to adjust the price of electricity to be the same as that of Stark Industries. Although this still lost a large number of customers, it still retained a large number of customers who use electricity for enterprises.

After all, the emergence of a new thing needs to be verified. These large companies and large enterprises will not soon use Stark’s power supply. After all, once there is a power outage, it will be painful. The palace is stable, and Harry had someone overhaul the permanent electromagnetic coil in advance to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Otherwise, if there is any error at this time, it will simply push the customer to the Stark Group.

However, during this inspection, an accident occurred. An inspector accidentally cut his own anti-electric suit, causing the ultra-high power of the permanent electromagnetic circle to instantly turn it into coke. In order not to lose customers, Harry The matter was concealed, but this person who should have died in the matter miraculously came back to life and turned into a state of pure electric ions.

Lost all the characteristics of being a human being, the whole body is composed of pure electric ions, which can be transformed into electro-optical movement, penetrate into any wire, and can become super strong by absorbing electricity, even reaching the level of Thor's power, but this The guy is a fan of Iron Man Tony, Spider-Man Parker, and Burning Harry, so he didn't make a lot of noise. After being persuaded by Spider-Man Parker and Burning Harry, he became Harry's assistant , Vice President of Osborn Technologies Ltd.

In the end, along with Harry the Burning Man, he joined the Avengers Alliance formed by Iron Man Tony. In fact, Electron’s ability is really similar to that of Thor Enel in One Piece, but he is elemental and can be manipulated. Control, and he is permanent elementalization, can't change human form, even if changed back to human form, the body is always in a blue glowing state, and there are countless beating electric lights in the body, losing the inner structure of the human body.

During the birth of the Electroman, the Sandman was also born, and the users of the Thunder Fruit and the Shasha Fruit appeared in Marvel. Before supporting Ivan, Jin had already started conspiring and summoned a large number of scientists Design a weapon called Decomposition Particles. The ideal state of the weapon is to instantly decompose any object and creature into the most primitive particle state. If Jin is really successful in his research, then Jin is really going to go to the sky , shoulder to shoulder with the sun!
But it's a pity that Jin Bin's experiment failed, and the experiment failed, but he got a product that is the sand man!

Sandman was originally a street gangster in New York, and his wife needed a lot of money for treatment because she was diagnosed with cancer, but Sandman didn't have that much money at all, so Sandman had to start robbing, and Sandman robbed The first person is the uncle of Spider-Man Parker, but the sandman did not shoot, but the people with his accomplices killed the uncle of Spider-Man Parker, and the sentence that Spider-Man's uncle said before his death, the more powerful , the greater the responsibility, the earlier the bitter Spider-Man.

After the money obtained from the robbery, the Sand Man paid the first payment, but it was far from enough to treat his wife. During this time, he undergrounded Emperor Gold and began to recruit a large number of volunteers for the experiment, and every volunteer could He got a lot of money, so the Sandman exchanged his life for 30 US dollars to pay for his wife's treatment.

However, due to the failure of the experiment, the destruction of the machine, and the explosion of the laboratory, the sand man has the super power of desertification by accident. Compared with the electric man, the super power of the sand man is more like a devil fruit of the natural department. Normally, he is in human form , has all the characteristics and inner qualities of a person, and once the super power is used, the whole body will turn into sand, and can control the sand to change into any shape, and control the surrounding sand to attack in a large area.

The Sandman, who was a blessing in disguise, received Jinbin's attention, and Jinbin offered him a high salary of 3000 million US dollars a year. The Sandman became Jinbin's number one thug, and his status was higher than that of the Rhinoceros, although the Rhinoceros was unhappy , but I have to admit that I can't do Sandman, Sandman's ability is too awesome, it ignores physical attacks, can control sand to bind you, and can attack from a long distance and in a large area, it is a pervert.

And because of the bullseye, Jin Bing went to the hand and society and never came back. He took the rhinoceros and sand people to the headquarters of the hand and society, and destroyed the headquarters of the hand and society, but the hand and society is a group of ninja organizations. In order to get revenge, these guys attacked Jin Bin 24 hours a day, and after every miss, they would quickly commit suicide, burning their whole bodies to ashes, without leaving any clues for Jin Bin.

After enduring a month of assassination, Jin Bing's heart was broken. In desperation, Jin Bing chose to surrender himself. He was imprisoned in the highest-level prison island in New York and sank into the sea. Because of Jin Bing's surrender, the two subordinates, the Sandman and the Rhinoceros, parted ways. The Sandman took the tens of millions that Jinbin rewarded him, went home to take care of his wife, and went to be an ordinary person in peace.

The Rhino tried in vain to control Jin Bing's criminal group and become the boss himself. Although Sk has super intelligence and the mind to control the overall situation, he has no corresponding strength, so he was attacked and killed by the Rhino, but because the Rhino made too much noise, the Avengers were dispatched to arrest him. , sent to his boss and locked up together.

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(End of this chapter)

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