Invincible daily

Chapter 80 103: 3 years later

Chapter 80 [-]: Three Years Later

But Wang Dian said: "Master Xiaochun, I have to emphasize one point, where did the ninja receive the mission? It was received from Konoha, and after Konoha got these missions, he needs to send people to investigate , Need to pay those informants to confirm the authenticity of the task, and finally even the completion of the task needs to be confirmed, and these aspects require money, although I don’t know where Konoha’s money for these people is now , but I still want to say, if it wasn’t for the existence of Konoha Village, they would go to those small ninja villages to pick up tasks. I dare say that many tasks are repeated, and many of them have already been completed, and there are even fake tasks. And Konoha's missions are all confirmed, so doesn't the confirmation process need to consume money?"

Xiaochun didn't say a word, and the ninjas present began to discuss with each other. Wang Dian continued: "Because the tax has always been collected by the daimyo, if you start to collect the tax now, you will soon have a conflict with the daimyo, so this is just Proposal [-] is one of the proposals for Konoha to obtain economic sovereignty. Our current houses in Konoha are almost all impermanently provided to those merchants and ninjas. I think this approach is completely undesirable. As far as Konoha’s buildings , there are low-rise houses everywhere, random construction everywhere, it looks very prosperous, but it is a bit chaotic, so I think we can expand the Konoha Village by two times on the existing basis, and move the front position to the left It is often made into a special place for shopping and selling goods, and it is leased to merchants by collecting rent. The right side can be made into a place dedicated to large-scale casinos, amusement parks, and other entertainment facilities, and sold to them with the right to use the land Those big businessmen get a lot of money, and then they can get out of the Konoha Bank proposed by Moonlight Galewind, because there are a lot of merchants coming in, they need to have the principal if they want to make money, and our Konoha Bank provides them with principal gold, thereby charging interest.”

Wang Dian talked about it endlessly. Wang Dian's personal Konoha development plan, from the initial explanation to the final three-year development plan and five-year development plan, can't be detailed in detail. For four days, many of them involved the rectification of the current department, so everyone couldn't help discussing it. A week later, Wang Dian became the fifth generation of Hokage.

Three years later, Wang Dian stood on the balcony of Hokage's office and looked at Muye Village, which was more than four times bigger than the original Muye Village. It should be called Muye City now. Right below the Naruto building is the ninja school on the left, the science school on the right, the normal ninja residence on the left, and the family ninja residence on the right. Exit, in front of the mainland, on the left is the huge trading market and trade market, and on the right is the famous entertainment city, which has all kinds of entertainment items, and Tsunade, who has developed and grown in Konoha, came back because of the casino.

Because the casino here has more and richer gambling than any other casino, and with the transformation of Wangdian, the prison was built 300 meters below the Hokage office. Mitomon Yan, but the current financial department is full of fat, but Mitomen Yan is a person who survived the Second Ninja War. This generation has pure faith and no idea of ​​corruption , I just want to grow Konoha.

The political department of Changshou Xiaochun has been cancelled, and she is now in charge of the task acceptance department. This department is headed by Changshou Xiaochun, assisted by Nara Shikahisa, and a large number of Nara family members are on duty, and all tasks are assigned. Those who protect the target, those who escort the goods, assassinate the target, etc. are classified into different categories, and according to the level and intensity of the task, it is mandatory to require a Zhongnin or Jonin to participate.

And as the tax was implemented a year ago, all ninjas had to pay [-]% of the task tax fee, and Wang Dian also proposed that if the apprentice was accepted, then the apprentice completed the task, and the task commission was deducted from the [-]% tax fee. In addition, they have to pay [-]% commission to their masters. This policy has led to a large number of ninja and zhongnin going to ninja schools to accept apprentices, and even many jnin and zhongnin will accept some orphans back when they are on missions. As long as you pass the examination of Konoha's household registration department, you can become a member of Konoha, and be the apprentice of these junin and zhongnin.

Konoha can now be said to be the unyielding overlord of the Kingdom of Fire. Even the daimyo's forced withdrawal of Konoha's economic support when taxes were first collected a year ago did not make any impression on Konoha. The financial income of the company is more than 50 times that of the original. Even now, as long as you become a ninja, even if you don't do the task, you will get a salary every month. Although the money is not much, it is not enough to squander, but it is enough to let you live comfortably!

Konoha has also become the target of other major ninja villages to emulate, but the daimyos of other countries have seen the tragedy of the daimyo of the land of fire, how could it be possible for ninja villages in other countries to develop, and various economic sanctions, as long as If there is any development trend like Konoha City, financial support will be stopped or greatly reduced. As a result, ninja villages in various countries can only watch Konoha City develop and grow with envy, and even the shadows of the four major ninja villages have discovered that if you follow Muye If Ye develops like this, it will only take three or four years at most, and the world may be unified by Muye City.

You must know that there are many civilians from the five countries who look to Konoha to run. This is what Wang Dian once mentioned in the development plan. As long as the population is large, there will naturally be more geniuses who can help Konoha develop. There are naturally many talents, and it can also weaken the strength of ninja villages in other countries. After all, the biggest source of ninjas is civilians.

Moreover, Konoha has the most complete ninja library. In the library, there are a large number of free C-level ninjutsu that can be provided to all ninjas for learning, and the latter B-level ninjutsu can be obtained by completing tasks, or you can develop new ones yourself. B-level ninjutsu can be exchanged, and multiple C-level ninjutsu can be developed to exchange for B-level ninjutsu, and the highest can be exchanged for S-level ninjutsu, which was very difficult to exchange in the past, because as long as new ninjutsu is created Jutsu is fine, no matter how powerful it is, so all kinds of weird and varied ninjutsu have been created. Wang Dian has to take a look and then take a part of it and transfer it to Koharu and Nara Shikuhisa to study whether it can be used for development.

(End of this chapter)

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