Invincible daily

Chapter 85 109: Li Sansi

Chapter 85 [-]: Li Sansi

Qin Mo directly and quickly signed the dead pawn ticket, and then pressed his thumb in the red mud next to him. After pressing on the pawn ticket, after Qin Mo pressed it, a white light came from Qin Mo's body. A light flashed across his body, as if playing a game to upgrade a character, and Qin Mo clearly felt that his strength had increased by a section. Although it was a small section, it had indeed improved!

Qin Mo was completely shocked now, what happened to this pawnshop?

It can actually directly increase the combat power index of others!
This method is unheard of!

Seeing Qin Mo with a shocked and bewildered expression, the six-eared monkey waved his hand: "Let's go if you have nothing to do, don't block the door like a stone pillar!"

Qin Mo was not angry when he was ridiculed by the six-eared monkey. After all, someone else's combat power index is 18. Running him to death is like crushing an ant: "Excuse me!!"

After speaking, Qin Mo took Qin Wenhu and left the pawn shop. He wanted to go back urgently to see if this increase in strength was short-term or an illusion, but just after returning to the palace, he was told by the manager that Qin Zhan's coming-of-age ceremony had begun. , so Qin Mo only had to be extremely reluctant to attend Qin Zhan’s coming-of-age ceremony. Qin Zhan’s coming-of-age ceremony was really luxurious. The chief disciple, the powerful monsters, protoss, and demons gathered to offer treasures to him!
If you say you are not envious, you are simply fooling around!
Ghost guess TM probably don't believe it!

I'm so envious!

So jealous!

But who said that people have high talents!

There is a combat power index of over [-]. It is estimated that the body training is about to be completed. Once the body training is completed, the combat power index will quickly soar to [-]. Father will not let us get stuck in the physical training state. Imbuing your body with medicine or spiritual power will also forcibly open up all your tendons, so as long as you are about to mature, you can generally reach a combat index of [-] steadily.

But it's a pity, there are many children of the royal family, apart from myself, only the sixteenth brother Qin Zhan, the eldest brother Qin Long, the third brother Qin Yun, the sixth brother Qin Feng, and the twelfth brother Qin Lin, the mere six have practiced physical training The other princes either practice spells, or love poetry, singing and dancing, and some even indulge in wine and sex, but they all forget the very important point. Since ancient times, all the emperors of our Shang and Han Dynasties have been masters!
If they are not masters, they are not even qualified to accept the throne, so these individuals have long been far away from the sight of their father and ministers, because they have already resigned themselves to depravity. God Transformation Realm, has the same astonishing combat index of 10,000+ like the big emperor brother, I don't know if it's true!
However, it is really rare for the children of the royal family to practice magic. After all, our Shang and Han dynasties established the country with martial arts, and most of the collections in the National Academy are martial arts cheats. Obviously there are so many martial arts cheats, but the second emperor brother Instead of contacting each other, he practiced the law instead, and even joined the rumor sect. Didn't he know that his father hated these sects that occupy the top of the mountain?

But it doesn't matter, I'm 24 this year, and my combat power index has reached more than 1000 points. As long as I work hard and break through the internal training realm, the combat power index will naturally soar to more than [-] points. At that time, as long as I get my own city After a lot of painstaking practice, it is not impossible to reach the martial artist state like the big emperor and the third emperor brother.

Moreover, I just discovered a mysterious pawnshop that can increase the combat power index of a person. If this pawnshop can really help me increase the combat power index without any side effects, I will be a pawnshop no matter how many treasures it is!

Seeing that there was no one in the pawn shop, the six-eared monkey took out the ball and dangled it in front of Erha, then flicked it, and Erha flew out like a missile, then bit it, ran back in a hurry, and placed it on Liuha. Under the feet of the earmi monkeys, the tails kept wagging, and the dog and the monkey had a great time playing.

At this time, the men who were quite sunny, but who acted wretchedly, leaned against the wall and looked back, as if someone was chasing him, then went to the wall in front of the alley very quickly and leaned back. He poked his head and found no one, so he breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he clearly felt that someone was staring at him. When he turned his head, he saw Erha and the six-eared mihou looking at him like idiots. To himself, Erha looked at the six-eared monkey: "Is he mentally disabled?"

Mimic monkey: "Very likely!"

Erha: "Then we should stay away, I heard that brain damage is contagious!"

Six-eared Mi Monkey: "It makes sense, come in with me quickly, don't let him see us!"

The man had an embarrassing expression on his face, watching Erha and the six-eared mihou stepping back into the store step by step, as if he was afraid of attracting his attention: "Hey, let me tell you, can you not put your Express your inner voice, and I'm not brain-dead!"

The Erha and the Six-eared Mihou stuck their heads out from the store, Erha: "What should I do, he has noticed us, do you want to kill him?"

Six-eared monkey: "You go, I don't want to be infected and become a brain-dead?"

Erha: "Why did I go up?"

Mimic monkey: "Don't you know that your race is the representative of brain damage?"

Erha tilted his head: "Are you praising me?"

The six-eared monkey encouraged Erha with a very positive tone: "Yes, I am just praising you, go up! Use your rich experience of brain damage to kill him!"

Erha showed a silly and cute expression and looked at the six-eared monkey: "You still say you are not scolding me, do you really think I am stupid, I can tell, you say I am stupid!"

The six-eared monkey was taken aback for a moment: "Damn it! You actually heard it! Amazing, hey?"

The man next to him was completely confused. He looked up and saw that it was a pawn shop. Although the name was a bit weird, it was called "Pawn Shop No. [-]". Could there be No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-]?
However, seeing the pure golden fur of the six-eared micaque and the Erha who can speak with the body of an animal, compared with the two monsters, they both come from the demon world, so they clasped their fists together: "My next Li Sansi, dare I ask the two surnames?" name?"

The six-eared monkey and Erha turned their heads to look at Li Sansi: "Listen, my name is Sarutobi Hiruzen, and this Erha is called Hatake Kakashi. Although I don't know what these two names mean, but This was given to us by our master."

Li Sansi listened to these two names and changed his surname, but he didn't think too much about it: "Do you collect stolen goods here?"

Mimic monkey: "Stolen goods?"

Li Sansi said mysteriously: "It's something stolen!"

Erhaxi looked at the six-eared monkey: "Did the master say we won't accept it?"

The six-eared monkey looked at Erha: "Did the master say to accept it?"

 Starting from tomorrow, there will be two changes every day. TM, you don’t vote for me anyway, so I have to use time to accumulate recommendation votes, a little bit every day, and accumulate over time, otherwise the recommendation votes will not be enough, and they will hit the street after being put on the shelves.


(End of this chapter)

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