Invincible daily

Chapter 99 128: Weapon Spectrum Ranking Contest

Chapter 99 [-]: Weapon Spectrum Ranking Contest

Wang Dian was stupefied, this little fish has learned so much, he has mastered the martial arts of the top ten villains, even the sword god Yan Nantian in "Little Yuer and Hua Wuque" Xiao Yu'er fooled all his skills, this little Yu'er really flew up, but at this time he was being acupunctured and sent to the government office.

And the person who caught Xiao Yuer was Tie Xinlan, whom Xiao Yuer called Little Pepper, an extremely heroic woman. This woman will become the pain of Xiao Yuer's life in the future. Because of the deep love, he entrusted her to her. Give my brother Hua Wuque, and Wang Dian generally defines such people as scum, since you can't be responsible for others, why are you flirting with her?
Others love you to death, but you give her away to others because of various concerns?

In fact, sometimes Wang Dian feels that after reading Gu Long's martial arts novels, he really doesn't understand what is the friendship between brothers, or it is difficult for modern people to understand that brothers in ancient times are easy, brothers in ancient times are like brothers, and women are like brothers. Clothes, you can easily entrust your beloved to your brother for the sake of your brother.

You have to change to the current concept, if you touch my woman, I will be fine if I don’t hack you to death, return brother, get out, break off friendship, don’t talk to me about your true love.

But in Gu Long's novels, there are really those brothers who easily let go of their wives. For example, Xiao Yuer let go of Tie Xinlan and entrusted him to Hua Wuque, for example, Li Xunhuan entrusted Lin Shiyin to Long Xiaoyun. It's Wang Dian, even if you don't have the ability, as long as the other party loves you, you will also love the other party. If you entrust your sister, even if you are living a miserable life, you will go on with her.

But there are such people in Gu Long's novels. Although Wang Dian really likes Gu Long's novels, and also likes people like Xiao Yuer and Li Xunhuan, he never agrees with their actions and defines them as scum !

When it comes to Li Xunhuan's novel "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword", which was originally a supporting role, but was eventually turned into the protagonist by popularity, and A Fei, the protagonist originally set by Gu Long, was turned into a supporting role in the novel, so I have to mention A Fei, and A Fei is also the same A tragic character, although there are many opportunities, but he is still too young. First, he was used by Long Xiaoyun, then by Lin Xian'er, and he was being used by various people to show off his IQ.

In the whole novel, the IQs of all the coquettish decent and villain characters are obviously much higher than that of A Fei, but it is still fortunate for A Fei to realize his enlightenment in the end. He is like a sharp sword that has not been polished, so The No.3 trader is decided to be you.

Trader No. 43: Name: A Fei: Race: Human Race: Status: Extreme Shadow Swordsman: Age: Twenty: Combat Power Index: [-]: Possesses cheats: "Quick Sword Art (self-created)", "Physical Exercise (Bad Street)" "" Shaolin Neigong (Bad Street)". : Possess treasures: None. : Requirement: Get yourself a sharp sword above C level.

This requirement can be said to be the simplest. Xiao Yuer's requirement is to protect her safety while being acupunctured. This task seems simple, but with Xiao Yuer's cleverness, it is possible to fool Qin Mo and make Qin Mo After making the rules of the small world clear, he can even chat with Qin Mo until it's time for him to do acupuncture.

But A Fei's needs are simple, and Qin Mo can do it. It's not very difficult to get a C-level sharp weapon as his prince. The difficulty lies in how he can persuade A Fei, or It is to ask A Fei to pawn something. After all, if there are valuable things in A Fei's whole body, I am afraid that there is only the combat power index, and the combat power index is the foundation of a person's strength. Go for a sword, after all, the sword is something outside of the body, and the strength is your own!
After choosing so many human races, let's get a monster race to play with, by the way, our monkey brother!
Trader No. 25: Name: None: Race: Yaozu (Lingming Stone Monkey): Status: Huaguo Mountain Monkey King: Age: One year old: Combat power index: [-]: Possess cheats: None: Possess rules: [ The law of heaven and earth: the eye of breaking the void (seeing through the true and false in the world, knowing the substance itself)]: Possessed treasure: "Colorful stone fragments": Need: Give yourself a famous name.

Hehe, this requirement is interesting. Give Monkey King a name. If you don’t take the name of Monkey King, the monkey will never be satisfied. Then once you sign the pawn contract, the monkey will play you to death. Qin Mo, you will die Do you choose this?
There is another trader who treats you as the one who was tricked by me yesterday, and made a super simple one for you!

Trader No. 45: Wansanqian: Race: Human Race: Status: The richest man in the Shang and Han Dynasties: Age: 15: Combat Power Index: [-]: Possesses cheat book: "Training Exercises (Bad Street)".: Possesses treasure: " Cornucopia".: Demand: Help yourself to prolong your life by more than ten years.

It may be difficult to prolong life in other worlds, but it is very simple in this world. There are many natural materials, earthly treasures, and miraculous medicines. Even the emperor needs a certain level of cultivation. He is a pure businessman. Although he is rich, it is very difficult to get those things that prolong his life. After all, if others don't sell them, what can you do with others.

After formulating the new five traders, Wang Dian came back to his senses, only a second passed, because Wang Dian wanted to eat the food made by Huang Rong, and Hong Qigong also wanted to eat, so Wang Dian and Hong Qigong became friends. Xiang De became the bodyguards of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and the two were going to Bailing City to participate in the triennial weapon spectrum ranking competition.

The weapon spectrum ranking competition is organized by Bai Xiaosheng of Bai Xiaotang, it is held every three years, and the new generation of strong men who evaluate the world's martial artist state, but those who are over thirty years old and whose realm exceeds the martial artist state are not allowed to participate, and The rise and fall of martial arts can be seen from the ranking of Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum ranking contest.

The four of them were not in a hurry. After all, there were still at least four months. The weapon spectrum ranking competition was usually held in July, when the autumn was clear. It was still the beginning of summer, and there was a lot of time.

At the same time, in the Tianxiahui, in the main hall, Xiongba sat on the chair in the center, his domineering aura was fully displayed, giving people an intuitive and powerful feeling.

And there were three people sitting and standing in front of him. Qin Shuang, who had a steady temperament, gave people a very reassuring feeling.

With an indifferent face, Bu Jingyun had an aloof and arrogant demeanor like a dead person.

And Nie Feng, who is personable and elegant like a gentleman.

Recommendation ticket, recommendation ticket, recommendation ticket, recommendation ticket, recommendation ticket, recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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