You may have some misunderstandings about the speed of light

Chapter 112 105. Comparable to ancient weapons?

Chapter 112 105. Comparable to ancient weapons?

What lies ahead is an indescribable spectacle.

The red-haired crew only had time to stare at the sky with wide-eyed disbelief.

Then it was covered by infinite light.

Three hundred piercing beams of light pierced through the sky in an instant.

The air was hot and distorted in an instant, and the scenery in front of him seemed to have changed completely at this moment.

No!It doesn't seem to have changed!

Instead, a huge change has actually taken place!

The beam of light carrying terrifying energy pierced through the sea surface in an instant and evaporated.

It blasted straight through the sea water below, and punched out a bottomless crater on the sea bed.

There was no time for the sea water to flow back, and a huge circular pit appeared in the middle of the sea. There was not a drop of sea water, all of which were directly evaporated by the beam of light.

The sea water not far away was boiling, heated to boiling point by the extremely high temperature of the beam of light.

"This is...the power to burn mountains and boil seas!" Aokiji looked serious as he perceived the scene below.

Although all three of their three generals are natural disasters in human form, Bai Ye and Sakaski can also achieve the magnificent scene of boiling the sea in front of them.

But how many masters of their level can there be?How much time does it take to train such a master?
As for Vegapunk's laser cannon, although its power consumption is terribly large, and although it still has some shortcomings, its power can reach this level of natural disasters.

Most importantly, as long as there are enough resources, this kind of natural disaster-grade weapon can be created.

This is possible with mass production!

And what about general-level talents?

No matter how much resources are invested, there may not be gains, and the payback period is too long.

Although general-level talents are more useful, but in terms of cost performance... the laser cannon is still more expensive.

"The power of technology..." Bai Ye sighed faintly.

This kind of thing can be researched from Bai Ye's sparkling fruit ability...

The title of Vegapunk, a genius scientist who has surpassed the world for 500 years, is really not covered...

"If the laser cannon is researched to the point of perfection..." Aokiji raised his head and looked at Bai Ye seriously, "I'm afraid it's not inferior to the so-called ancient weapons..."

Bai Ye nodded approvingly.

Coming from the earth, he understands the importance of technology too well. Although this is a world where personal force is terrifying to the strategic level, technology is still terrifying.

So he has been building a good relationship with Vegapunk, trying to get acquainted with the boss. (funny)

Technology will be indispensable in the future.


In the returning sea water, the half-destroyed Redforth emerged from the sea surface.

Even the pirate ship Redforth, which was made of some materials from Treasure Tree Adam, was damaged a lot under this level of attack.

The red-haired crew members lifted the hull and floated up from the sea together. Most of them suffered serious injuries.

"Fortunately, you have a quick reaction." Rakiru firmly grasped a piece of wood floating on the sea, showing a look of fear.

"If you hadn't blasted the boat down at the last moment, using the sea water above to offset part of the power of the beam of light..." Rakiru looked at Shanks and said.

Shanks didn't reply, but stared at the tragedy in front of him.

"The Redforth!" Shanks looked gloomy at the damaged love ship in front of him.

Part of the damage was caused by him kicking the ship himself down in order to save the crew by sinking the ship at that moment.

"Everyone report the loss!" Beckman yelled while lying on the boat, clutching the burnt part of his left arm.


"Although I'm injured, I can still move!"

"There were extensive burns on my body, but I survived."

"Secretary! Jesus sent him!"

A crew member surfaced with the seriously injured and unconscious Jesus cloth on his back.

"Alive, but..." the crew member faltered.

"But what's the matter?!" Beckman looked over eagerly.

"There are still vital signs, but they are already very weak."

"Damn it!" Shanks looked at the seriously injured and unconscious Jesus Bu with an ugly expression, and then looked at the miserable situation around him.

"Beckman." Shanks' murderous voice sounded, "Let's go."

"Hmm." Beckman nodded, smoothed his hair that was messed up by the sea water, and held the short gun that he had been holding tightly in his hand.

"You take care of each other's wounded." Beckman followed the captain Shanks and walked forward, looking back at the crew behind him.

"Rakiru, the three of us go together."

"Well, here we come." Rakiru's chubby figure couldn't stop him from being flexible, and he came out of the sea water a few times.

The three of them were full of fighting spirit, and locked on the sky with their knowledge and knowledge.

 I'm not in a good mood recently, and a bunch of online classes are annoying, so I'm sorry for the lack of updates.

(End of this chapter)

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